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The Official Kentucky Brawl Power Rankings: PR is officially up

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Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Kassandra at least we have people to cover for each other. You're obviously so bad that no one is willing to do the same for you. DAMN GIRL THAT TAKES SKILL....or lack thereof in your case.

Nah man I'm just busy as piss. I was half ready to flake out this weekend and not come. Infact it would make my life ALOOOOTTTTT easier if I didn't have to go to SiiS but after all the hype I have to. I have about 3 hours of homework a night, a thermodynamics 2 exam on monday, AND a career fair (looking for a big boy job for the summer) on tuesday I gotta prep for, top it all off with the fact that I have a new girl friend who I'm trying to go to King's Island with the SAME DAY as pools. This is gonna be a hectic week.

On the off chance I don't come at the last minute at least I'm thoroughly johned for. I plan on being there tho.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Poor MI, all of their bad players have no choice but back each other up and meat ride each other...because they're all so horrible and that's all they have. Awww... Such a sad...sad thing...:(
I said his mk was free... I know in KY that may be meat riding, but in MI we don't see being free the same way.

But if it will make you happy, Kass. You're as free as can be. =D


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Judo has my back! Ha!
Thanks for believing in me Infern....what a great friend you are.... lmao xD

Gio, you're really quitting? Well I'm sorry but I don't blame you, because there are smashers in MI who are nobodies who are rude and disrespectful to everyone they come into contact with. I wouldn't want to deal with them either. People getting along and enjoying each other's company is the only reason Brawl has lasted as long as it has. Some players just try to mess it up for everyone, but you shouldn't let those few get to you, because chances are they have a sad miserable life with nothing left to do but attempt to try and bring everyone down to their level, because misery enjoys company.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I can't actually tell if Judo was defending you or if he quoted the wrong post. :bee:

Also Infern just wants to be entertained...as always. lol I'm going to legitimately miss him when he moves to that giant hot *** piece of land down south they call Texas.

Also Kass, you may be the last person who should reasonably speak about how misery loves company. Lmao.



Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Also Kass, you may be the last person who should reasonably speak about how misery loves company. Lmao.

Oh really? Elaborate? When have I ever bothered anyone with personal issues. Unless someone ****ing badgers me about something going on in my life, then yes, I'll explain it to them.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I'm not referring to personal issues baby girl.

Let me just stop that thought train here.

Let's have "Man Talk" for one second. It seems you have difficulty discerning my trolling as well as other peoples'. I really haven't been serious in the entire duration of this KY vs MI event. However, I noticed throughout this episode that you take troll posts more seriously than needed. I'm sure you'll deny that but even if its the internet, it's not difficult to distinguish when you've taken something seriously based on how you post, the duration of your post, and other factors. This is why Roller trolled you and wouldn't stop. I'm not justifying what he did at all but I'm saying "Chill, it's all good". I just notice how you take passive aggressive shots while conveniently using the veil of the forum to hide the serious connotation of posts.

It's just Smash. Everything is going to be alright. ;)



Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I'm not referring to personal issues baby girl.

Let me just stop that thought train here.

Let's have "Man Talk" for one second. It seems you have difficulty discerning my trolling as well as other peoples'. I really haven't been serious in the entire duration of this KY vs MI event. However, I noticed throughout this episode that you take troll posts more seriously than needed. I'm sure you'll deny that but even if its the internet, it's not difficult to distinguish when you've taken something seriously based on how you post, the duration of your post, and other factors. This is why Roller trolled you and wouldn't stop. I'm not justifying what he did at all but I'm saying "Chill, it's all good". I just notice how you take passive aggressive shots while conveniently using the veil of the forum to hide the serious connotation of posts.

It's just Smash. Everything is going to be alright. ;)

Okay, here's my "WoMAN talk". A bit of trolling is okay every now and then, but it gets annoying. The reason I got so "trolled" by Roller's posts is because it was slightly related to something personal to me, and that's the only reason why it bothered me. I'm okay with my friends trolling me, and saying disrespectful things because I know them, and I know they actually enjoy me as a person and that they're just teasing me. :) People that I don't know, who randomly disrespect me, I just find annoying, so I will turn into a bish to them. ^_^

haha, kay? <3


Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2010
Okay, here's my "WoMAN talk". A bit of trolling is okay every now and then, but it gets annoying. The reason I got so "trolled" by Roller's posts is because it was slightly related to something personal to me, and that's the only reason why it bothered me. I'm okay with my friends trolling me, and saying disrespectful things because I know them, and I know they actually enjoy me as a person and that they're just teasing me. :) People that I don't know, who randomly disrespect me, I just find annoying, so I will turn into a bish to them. ^_^

haha, kay? <3
IMO best option is to troll the **** out of roller. Won't be easy but... There are ways :cool:

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Okay, here's my "WoMAN talk". A bit of trolling is okay every now and then, but it gets annoying. The reason I got so "trolled" by Roller's posts is because it was slightly related to something personal to me, and that's the only reason why it bothered me. I'm okay with my friends trolling me, and saying disrespectful things because I know them, and I know they actually enjoy me as a person and that they're just teasing me. :) People that I don't know, who randomly disrespect me, I just find annoying, so I will turn into a bish to them. ^_^

haha, kay? <3
See here is where I find your argument asinine:

What Roller said to you has NOTHING to do with myself, nor the rest of my state. For whatever reason, you like to lump all of us in one category which normally would not bother me. However when you take little shots like that, and I believe you're serious:

You're getting called out. Every time.

But let's touch on this Roller topic and get this out of the way now.

Now no one is justifying what Roller did. But its not as if before he know your reasoning for why you were in a less than social mood at that time. I will agree that trolling you after the fact was wrong however I do believe he had some points. I won't delve into those however as this is irrelevant from my overall point of posting.

Michigan has nothing against you nor Kentucky. I like most of you. You seem to have this thing against us because we troll incessantly and we're rarely serious. That's fine but if you're going to act disrespectful towards us as a whole because of that/one negative experience with Roller than that's childish and I won't stand for it. If I ever wanted to insult you, I'll just do it. I hate conflict however I have no problem laying down the law when its needed. So I'm asking you to chill a bit. There has been no transgressions made that require these kid games. We're too old for that.

So I'm going to leave this alone now. If you have anything else to say about this topic and "hurt feellings let your Metaknight say to me in a MM.



Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Lmao. Okay fine, I won't lump all of MI in that. Also you're taking this a bit too seriously yourself. Haha.
I don't want to talk about what was said earlier, because it's annoying. I'm putting people I want nothing to do with on ignore, so problem solved ya dig? I have been picking on MI a bit, yeah so what, it's not like you don't do the same to MY state. I don't hate all of MI because of one person. I don't hate you. (In fact I really enjoy the company of Mikey, Lain, and PzO) You and KB are playful and fun or whatever, and I'm not insulting either of you personally. Trust me, you'd know if I went there, because then I'd go serious ***** mode. The problem is taken care of, no need to bring this up. I am acting like an adult, because I kindly asked the person who was bothering me to stop and apologize.

I've noticed this problem happens a lot in this community because people don't know when to stop trolling someone and sit back and treat someone like a human being. :/

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
The only way I know how to articulate my serious thoughts online (rarely happens) is into giant essays that melt eyes. I type a mile a minute lol.

But yes problem solved, see you at SIIS6 ;)

So in other news Kentucky is still free and the only reason this state is even known is because Forward Air carries all of you with his big Yoshi muscles.



ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Nah, you're free entertainment is done I'm afraid.

For the conclusion, stay tuned at School Is In Session 6: Live this weekend!


Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
Kass you don't want to rumble with me, I know far too much about you that everything you just said will blow up in front of you.

/GodKai dip


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I don't know what you all are talking about, but Kassandra is amazing! Get @ her level! Beat Michigan for me at SiiS, Kassandra? :'D!

Da bess :metaknight:!

Also, we still need to wifi :'(! AIM me if you get a chance tonight? :D

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