Well if no one offers to drive then no one goes to OoS tournaments. Simple as that. It IS an option, but it's a really ****ty option.
I have a hard time believing that just because someone has a car, it makes them want to go OoS more than anyone else. In fact I'd bet that it makes no difference whatsoever. Passengers want to go OoS just as much as drivers.
It's just that passengers don't actually have to admit how much they want to go, because once they do admit it, then the "I'm going with you just so you have someone to split gas with" argument doesn't work anymore. Which means they (should be) obligated to split wear and tear costs as well.
Most drivers in the Smash community don't charge for wear and tear because either
A. they have no idea how much wear and tear is actually costing them, or
B. they know that the lazy, cheap-*** smashers will complain and be less likely to go OoS if they have to pay more money.
The only way for this to stop is if smashers stop going OoS if they don't have enough money to help with wear and tear. Simple as that.
If you're too poor to go OoS then that's fine, no one blames you.
It's the people who claim that they have enough money to pay for gas but NOT enough to pay for wear and tear... these guys are the ones who are really ****ing the drivers over, because they're the ones who make the drivers feel guilty for charging money that is rightfully theirs.
Either you have enough money to go OoS or you don't. If the little extra wear and tear money is the deciding factor for you to go OoS or not, then here's a protip: stay home, you don't have enough money to go OoS.
(BTW I wouldn't charge you guys for 23 cents per mile. If I'm taking a parent's car then I'd do 6 cents per mile (what they charge me), and if it's my own car, I'd probably charge an extra 50% of whatever you give me in gas for wear and tear. So if you give me $20 in gas I'd ask for another $10)
edit: had to leak this salt onto AIB lol...