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The Official Illinois / Wisconsin Brawl Power Rankings Thread! *NEW UPDATE (1-22-12)*

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
If you didn't troll, spam and post ecchi continuiously when people asked you to stop it wouldn't be a problem.

Well goodbye Dajayman, I'll still miss you even if you acted off on the forums.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
The casinos don't "make money off your ignorance."

They make money because every single game they offer has a house advantage meaning they'll always win in the long run.

You're not gonna profit off of slot machines just because you minimize your losses by leaving when you lose $5. You're just going to lose $5 a lot lol.

Edit: @ Jared

A lot of people like you offline. Me included. You're a really cool guy and you're always a funny guy to have on a car ride.

However you're annoying as hell online. Seriously all you do is spam random bull**** and talk about ecchi. How can you expect people to like you.

Hopefully you still go to smashfests and stuff. Also hopefully you stay banned unless you stop spamming and trolling 24/7


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Jared, you're only unwanted because you act like a ****** all of the time. We all know you're not like that IRL (at least when you're being chill and you aren't randomly hyped about something).

100% real talk post here... your constant attempts at trolling seem like a call for attention to me. From what I can tell, you're unemployed, you still live with your folks, and you spend the whole day sitting around on your iPhone or whatever posting useless ****. I'm not gonna pretend to know anything else about your personal life, but considering how you spend your day, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't have too many friends outside of the smash community. I may be wrong though.

I'm not saying this to insult you or be mean or anything. What I'm saying is that I (as well as most other people I've talked with) personally like you. You do a lot of annoying stuff, sometimes to the point of being almost unbearable, but you're a completely enjoyable person when you're not trying to get attention. I mean it.

You've spent a lot of time with us over the past few years so I find it hard to believe that you're leaving the smash community just because you got banned (an obvious result of ignoring countless infractions, which I'm sure you realized). If you're willing to stop trolling to get attention, then you're welcome back as far as I'm concerned. Well, not to smashboards obviously lol, but that's not my fault. Just know that you're not unwanted... it's your trolling and attention-seeking that's unwanted.

If you're really done with the Smash community, then good luck. Find a job, go back to school, and don't become a hobo. And don't find another site to troll, because you'll end up wasting another year or two of your life until you get banned again.



Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Sure Barnes, lets team!

Awesome. 1st place here we go!
Arty, are you being serious?

Ok, I'll give the benefit of the doubt. Allow me to explain!

Casino games are rigged to take your money obviously. BUT, they do have it set to certain intervals so you win sometimes. Even if it's a few bucks, it sparks the idea of, "Hey! I won! I wonder if I can make MORE!" and blow your money through it.

So here comes the idea: what if you can minimize your losses to almost nothing while still giving a chance at luck that you strike big? You'd practically be robbing the casinos!

Here's the plan I was told about by my friend's brother who does this. And he sometimes walks away with $300-$400 a week. Though there are days he walks with nothing. It's to be expected, it's a casino for crying out loud.

1. Head to a casino with $5. That five will be what you use for gambling. We'll call it your "gambling money". Go ahead and choose whatever you want at that point, but be careful to not blow it all on one game.
2. If you lose all of your $5, WALK AWAY. The casinos make money off your ignorance by thinking "what if it's the next one?" It's also how some desperate people start losing all their money in their accounts and even dipping into what was suppose to be for the mortgage or their kids. Do not be one of those people, be the smart one and accept defeat. Return another day.
3. If you win anything less than $5, add that amount to your gambling money.(Optional: Unless you top out the $5, then take out enough so you have $5 of gambling money. Then pocket whatever you have remaining as your profit.) Keep going.
4. If you win anything more than $5, take $5 out of that set of winnings and pocket the rest. What you pocketed will be what you walk home with. The five you took out? Add that to your gambling money and keep going.
5. This needs to be repeated. It MUST be repeated. Seriously, MUST.
WALK AWAY WHEN YOU LOSE YOUR GAMBLING MONEY. Do NOT pull anything else out to use like your winnings, personal cash, anything from your account, etc. And for the love of anything you believe in, DON'T borrow money!

Any questions?
Sothe I'm not sure what casino games you are talking about, but every game where the player doesn't have choice, the odds are always in casino's favor. For instance, on slots, depending on how high the slot stakes are, there will be a %payback. Logically, the higher the stakes the machines are, the higher the payback. So a nickel slot could have 75%, quarter slots are 80%, 1$ slots are 90, 5$ slots are 92%, etc. What that means, is that the casino has the machines rigged to where for every "play" put into the machine, the casino gives back the percentage of what was put in. It is always a net gain for the casino, even if there are certain cases where people win and walk out.

I am never going to a casino for any game like that. I will only play things that are player vs player and have a rake, or where my personal skill determines winnings more than anything else. I.E. Texas, Omaha, Blackjack. Not to mention I didn't learn how to play well in those kinds of games for nothing lol.
I already talked to Red Ryu about this... we need to petition a mod to reset his post count to 9,999.

I need some support for this to work though.
I would sign LOL!


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
It already got reset to 1. Hopefully he screenshotted himself with over 10k posts or else...alllllllllllll gone


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2008
Vernon Hills, Illinois
Maybe you live next to a casino, Sothe, but if I went to a casino with only $5 in my pocket.... I would spend more time driving there than actually gambling lol. It's not worth it, especially when you take gas into account.

as for Dajayman, what DLA said. You know I <3 you, but you really had this Smashboards ban coming lol.
you can still come to stuff


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2008
Aurora, Illinois
About the casino:
Ok, I didn't think a lot of it out guys. Nor did I explain myself too well.
If you're too far away from one, then obviously don't go. Or if you do, bring lots of cash to your own whim.
Reason I said $5 was because for those who have jobs or confident means of making cash, we can replenish our losses. If any of you really want to, by all means go with more money. Have a good time.

I did not know about the percentages. Though it makes sense. I was speaking of an in general, but that must've been a mistake. Still, why not take a stab at lady luck?
I remain at the stance of 'please walk away before you dip into your account/winnings/etc' though haha

(Please allow me to have holes in this post, I got woken up by my dad at 5 in the morning because he doesn't know technology. I'm running on mercury and BP's oil from Red Lobster last night. That's it.)

Pretty much what DLA said...


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Sothe, put that money in a mega millions ticket each month instead. The chances of winning are pretty horribly small, but it keeps you open to becoming a millionaire, instead of winning maybe $50 at a casino (but losing it in the long run).

Spend like $2 each month. Statistically, you'll lose money in the long run. But being lucky and becoming a millionaire would rock lol. Spending $24 a year isn't bad at all if you can afford it.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
they are both bad

difference is you have fun at the casino and sit home disappointed every day with a lotto ticket


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2007
Waukesha, WI
Jared, you KNOW I love you, so don't give me that "I'm unwanted blah blah blah" crap. This is retribution for the **** you've pulled online. You might find it fun and what not, but it's just annoying to the rest of the site. Considering you've gotten away with so much crap, you should've expected this much earlier.

Drop the Smashboards crap and just do the Smash. I'd be sad if you quit outright, since there are many of us that really do enjoy being around you, just don't repeat what happened here =/


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
Now all we need to do is get rid of all the anime avatars and my mission will be complete


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
he just doesn't understand ,Tom....

Edit: also i'd like to point towards the IL plans for Good **** Stratford thread. Everyone who is interested in going should make sure everyone knows in that thread for rides and stuff. Also special shoutout to Red ryu and jordan to update us in that thread.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2008
Aurora, Illinois
Sothe, put that money in a mega millions ticket each month instead. The chances of winning are pretty horribly small, but it keeps you open to becoming a millionaire, instead of winning maybe $50 at a casino (but losing it in the long run).

Spend like $2 each month. Statistically, you'll lose money in the long run. But being lucky and becoming a millionaire would rock lol. Spending $24 a year isn't bad at all if you can afford it.
It's not satisfying knowing I have a very small chance to become a millionaire. In fact, I'm not out to become a millionaire. I just like to play against the odds for a chance at some cash. Lady luck, baby :cool:

I am going to buy a scratch card every week or two now. I don't know what suddenly got me going on this kick to try it all, but dang it I'm going for it!


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
he just doesn't understand ,Tom....

Edit: also i'd like to point towards the IL plans for Good **** Stratford thread. Everyone who is interested in going should make sure everyone knows in that thread for rides and stuff. Also special shoutout to Red ryu and jordan to update us in that thread.
I posted in the thread that Meneil and I need a ride, but I'll post here too. Is there any room in the carpools for 2 people, please?


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
This will be the only account I'll ever create. It'd be a ***** to make a ton of troll account anyways.

I decided I'll be dippin' from the smash community. Clearly I am unwanted so I shall take my leave. I had fun times and I got to my goal of 10k+ posts (even if you do get them taken away, lol). I just wanted to say goodbye, have good lives and enjoy your eternal peace. Just because I'm dead here doesn't mean I won't continue to live my immortal life.

And with that I take my leave. Peace.
;_; but smash64!


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
I posted in the thread that Meneil and I need a ride, but I'll post here too. Is there any room in the carpools for 2 people, please?
I posted in the GSS thread but I will post it here as well. All the info is in the Brawl/Melee IL Plans for GSS. Currently we have 19-20 interested and the possibility between 20-23 spaces available. That is under the condition that Red Ryu can get his minivan(the extra 3 spots) Otherwise we will have 4 packed cars. If Norm becomes a hero and gets his van then we will all be saaaaaved!!!!

Norm did you ask if you could borrow the minivan yet? My hero??? I will smash64 with you forever!!! ^_^


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Arlington Heights, IL
oh, right...that'd be good to know xD. March 24th is the tentative date. Looking for a couple of people...I don't have much stuff. But there's pizza and pop and shenanigans in it for after all is said and done!

And ook come live with me already! :bee:


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2008
Vernon Hills, Illinois
Pizza? Pop? Shenanigans?

I am there.

And you know as soon as I get a job I'm gonna show up to your door and be like "sup, I live here now."
but right now I only have enough money for food.

Unless you don't mind housing a bum who can't pay rent, it will have to wait.
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