The anti Geno argument that I hate the most is the "there is a more deserving Square Enix character than Geno". Its sheer ignorance.. I guess that a lot of people that don't stop and think that this is an exclusive Nintendo fighter (well Melee and Smash 64 were) and that not every third party character people are pushing for will make it in. Sure, they're a nice addition to the franchise but its annoying to come here and see "Crono for Brawl" or something similar.. or my favorite "Dragon Quest characters are equally deserving as Geno" - _ -. I mean, if its going to be a Square Enix character to fight in a Nintendo fighter then its gotta be Square Enix's Nintendo/Mario character: Geno. Dragon Quest is nice and all but unfortunately it was never developed FOR a Mario game.. ok moving on.. so I haven't really played Final Fantasy IV but I was thought that Culex was a Final Fantasy character and after a bit of research, I guess not..
Before Sonic was announced I was a huge supporter of his inclusion simply because it was the logical thing to assume. Sonic was already "set" in my eyes, I mean all the rumors and press conferences and the Sega related material (NiGHTS composer.. it was interesting to see that.. but nonetheless it was a semi decent idea.. different argument though, not getting into it) but I guess that some people are always looking for a HUGE, well thought out argument FOR the character. It can't just be "simple things" like a composer for example. I hate to rant but I'll be brief.. I don't get it why people come to the Geno thread to discuss their disgust or hatred for him. Ok, so Geno could NOT be in this game, I understand that much, but why all the selfishness? Why can't we, the Geno fans, get the one character that we grew up with (most of us I'm assuming) and that we love? The haters comer here and basically yell at us, who have extremely to no control over his inclusion and yet they make it our fault that we like a character. I've been wondering, is the mindset like "Geno can be in IF AND ONLY IF my list of characters get in" or is it more along the lines of "Geno isn't cool. Period."? It isn't asking a lot for Geno, I mean he's basically dead to Square Enix and he is most certainly logical with all the attention and hype he's had with Sakurai's formal and official suggestion submissions.
I don't know guys, we can only hope for the best. Tomorrow is supposed a big day, especially with all the rather.. I don't want to say "lame" updates but they certainly haven't been "great".. ok.. "good" (*cough* wide screen support) but it can go one of two ways.. either its going to be a HUGE update, certainly the suspense has been properly built, or maybe it will be a mediocre update just like any other day. I'm hoping that Sakurai can give us a special treat or an update to apologize for the push back (yes, the Feb. 10 push back). So hopefully its Geno tomorrow, I have this feeling it might be a newcomer, but we won't know until the time comes.
** EDIT: one last part I wanted to cover, I absolutely love it when people come here and say "I don't THINK Geno will be in Brawl because....." and the argument is finished with an opinion... pathetic .. oh and that isn't aimed at anyone, just kind of irritated in a way when people don't express their intelligence and argue with opinions.. considering there is more fact backing Geno.. and an opinion will never, EVER be greater than a fact..
Geno for Brawl!