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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
Nintendo did say they were impressed with the petition of over 20 something thousand signatures they recieved for Geno to be in Brawl a long time ago. His game is the most requested VC title right now. You can't deny he has a huge fan base. And a huge anti-fan base.
when did they say they were impressed with it?


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
1)Then what did Sakurai say? What he said can change everything. So why don't you have that? Those responces are so much more important than all the other dumb reasons.

Ask FAtman or pm him if he has the responses, but in most of them he jokes around but says kind things.
2) You really don't think that Bowser Jr. would be just like that do you? Heck, outside of that one time, he's never been the same. And if you really want to know who I think will make it in, then I'll tell you it's Paper Mario. Yes, he's another Mario, but he's still more important that Geno. Even having two versions of him would make more sense before Geno.

Dcotor Mario is another Mario or the same Mario? Sure PM gets a different moveset but its still Mario.

5) Well to be fair, it's easy enough by just telling who's popular and left. It's still no way to really come to any conclusions.

True but if those left were those left then who else not 3rd party would be left?

6) Rosalina is from SMG. And all those roles combined outdue Geno's supporting role (which he was stiffled by three others in the same supporting spot) The thing with supporting characters though, is if they didn't get their own game, then they can only be really judged by the amount of games they are in, at least in order to measure their importance. Geno's got one game where he has good exposure, then a unnamed cameo. There's no way that takes priority over all that someone like Birdo has done.

True but you can’t compare 1 character to another, that’s like comparing Bowser to Pichu.

7) Ugh...you don't get it. He's a third party character. You can't throw away money at third party characters. Maybe you can on first party characters, but even then, they were the stars. We don't have an obscure Konami or Sega character. We have characters everyone knows. Square will be the same if it is contacted. (Still, I don't see why people are saying he's interested)

We don’t know why Sakurai likes obscure he just does. Why don’t you get that Sakurai takes a interest in Geno? That’s right you’re a hater.

8) What is this, a lesson in hypocracy? Geno's cameo was worse then theres, and if you deem their apperance like that, then Geno's only had one game. And yes, Mario is the main character of those games, just like he was in SMRPG.

how is it hyporcracy? Anyways Geno was in M&L because AlphaDreams a new company back in 02’ had just gotten over the CD fued with Nintendo so Geno appearing was symbolic that they were done fighting and that’s y FF games are back on Nintendo consoles.

10) Wait, so you're saying there is more than what is shown on that thread? Now what in the name of Pie is that? So it's incomplete you're saying? Then why are you using it at all?

Because those people requested Geno because they remember SMRPG and the character that made the game memorable for them wasn’t a Mario related character but Geno, we use those responses to show that Geno isn’t only popular, but memorable among a few people. You could say all the BS you want about Geno but like them there are those WHO PLAYED AND BEAT SMRPG that remember the game for many reasons, Geno being 1.

How do you know that the obscure character is cheaper? How do you know it doesn't matter to Sakurai, since this is the sequle to the biggest game on the GCN? Sakurai also does not hate popular. You're scewing it to much. He just doesn't want everything to be to popular because its predictable. Now that could mean Geno could be inif he was first or second party, but you can't screw around with these third party deals. A less popular character that's already in is Wario for example, and he didn't show up, so I don't even know what you're talking about. (And Sonic wasn't on the "poll" apperently, so I have still don't get what you're talking about)

Oh right sorry I did mean to say he thinks popular is bland. WArio actually was higher on the poll in 01’ then Geno so Wario is popular then Geno. This is why we can’t use the poll and why I’m trying to convince people we can’t really use it but they continue to, me as well, call me a hypocrite. Anyways…who’s rental cost is higher? Snake, Sonic or Geno? Also I’m not thinking that he likes Geno im just saying hes interested in him.
Anyways what’s with you? How come you don’t want to see a wooden puppet in Brawl?


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
On a slightly more positive note, I found an interesting sig containing Geno on another site.

I know the maker, and he might be willing to make more Geno related ones if I ask. Any requests that I can take to him?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Heya Guys and Dolls, guess who's back with the facts? That's right, it's me, your good friend, Jimmy! Listen, if anyone is gong to sway anyone to believe that Geno has even any slight possibility of getting in Brawl some evidence is required.

1. Proof of Sakurai's supposed "intrest" in Geno
2. Proof of Square or Nintendo's attempts to exchange rights of Geno (Or any character, really!)
3. Proof that Geno's rights could even be gained by Nintendo, and if the've even tried.

If you can supply these facts than there is a possibility that Geno could get in Brawl, but without these facts then I'm afraid Geno has no chance whatsoever.

'Nuff said.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Heya Guys and Dolls, guess who's back with the facts? That's right, it's me, your good friend, Jimmy! Listen, if anyone is gong to sway anyone to believe that Geno has even any slight possibility of getting in Brawl some evidence is required.

1. Proof of Sakurai's supposed "intrest" in Geno
2. Proof of Square or Nintendo's attempts to exchange rights of Geno (Or any character, really!)
3. Proof that Geno's rights could even be gained by Nintendo, and if the've even tried.

If you can supply these facts than there is a possibility that Geno could get in Brawl, but without these facts then I'm afraid Geno has no chance whatsoever.

'Nuff said.
1. Sakurai's 5 journal entries.
2. Geno's Cameo in Superstar Saga
3. Geno's includance in Superstar Saga, and the credits.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Simply because you think he has no chance, doesn't mean he has no chance, there's evidence showing that Geno like everyone else has a chance.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
1. Sakurai's 5 journal entries.
2. Geno's Cameo in Superstar Saga
3. Geno's includance in Superstar Saga, and the credits.
1. Where are these supposed entries?
2. Geno's cameo is unrellated to the construction of Brawl, reaquisition of rights would be required
3. Once again, reaquisition of rights would be required for inclusion in Brawl.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
1. Where are these supposed entries?
2. Geno's cameo is unrellated to the construction of Brawl, reaquisition of rights would be required
3. Once again, reaquisition of rights would be required for inclusion in Brawl.
1. I got them, want to read them?

2. True. However AlphaDreams which is a part of SE is second party to nintendo and they easily used Geno in M&L so y not again?

3. I can't prove that but ask Serosfan and Fatmanonice about the whole legal thing


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
ASk fatman on details about these BBL

Can someone verify these results?

Actually, Geno was mentioned 5 times and I have all five mentions to prove it:

No.14 Nickname & HiGe The reflection contribution theme * concerning the character Most first the hammer っ it is with マリオシリーズ the thing. In case by your, that was スーパーマリオ RPG. Seeing CM, very borrowing to the friend of that time with interest...... certain, you have forgotten to return it seems the way that way...... Well it sets aside trivial thing, by your very you like that game. Even among them, the doll and the Gee no where game original character soul resides. In juvenile mind, it stayed in him with the reflection very. Because sale at that time it was the elementary school student, freely there was a time when you play. Because of that, being also it clears to be quick extremely, simply just a little lonesome separation where but......, it is not never sad meaning in the ending, waited. If the next work was, being to think, that certainly and it can meet to the Gee no, it does, but because... it is quick, time to pass already it became good age, (laughing certainly did not have this questionnaire, you did not remember either the thing of the Gee no, probably will be. While answering to the questionnaire, when perhaps it does and it can meet, that... just just you expecting a little, whether it is it is not, it increases,

1. This guy speaks fondly of Super Mario RPG, how he loved it as a kid, and even after 10 years, it's still his favorite game of all time. He then requests Geno, gives a brief description and explains why he'd like Geno in the game. He then basically says, and God love him for saying it, "Because you (referring to Sakurai) are such a nice guy, I'm sure Geno's already in the game and you're just not telling us."

No. 86 Nickname & beginning The reflection contribution theme * concerning the character Beginning! The っ which is the スマブラ new work it is and has been excited! ! The reflection to キャラ, with with the notion that where you say... from game and マリオ RPG which I love the Gee no...! ! Lines turning and skill and setting of Gee no. It is the chair coming which very is. First play time immature kindergarten child (!) Was, but now already it is the high school student. 10 years or more it passed to be even to, it is favorite the game which occasionally you have played. The む oak does, without understanding well, doing in feeling, hurting, but now you do with it is different at all, it is, don't you think?. Also from charm of the Gee no reached the point where it is understood... it is very delightful, is, * the no no to tell the truth it is the doll and/or, to tell the truth is the messenger of the star when, "the hay! "It is word っ ちゃ う cuteness, (laughing) and... little bit kana forcing ED. That, blue mantle again! Production, please persevere ^ ^ the っ which has been enjoyed!

2. This one isn't all the different from the one above. He talks about his long history with SMRPG and how "like an oak tree, my love for this game has grown more and more with each passing year." He then requests Geno and tells Sakurai what qualities he likes about Geno's character

No. 247 Nickname & sea cucumber Contribution theme & depending etc. You ask already truly. This thinking was designated as 10 letter compositions. "The request Gee no putting out! " Then favorite the beverage you write. Favorite beverage: アンバサ
*(He talks about wanting Geno for Brawl and his favorite beverage and thanks Sakurai)
No. 268 Nickname & マユミ The reflection contribution theme * concerning the character Today, beginning? This page you were already agitated instantaneously is discovered! ! No せ I do 1st being to love in the game which previous スマデラ did until now. That everyday did that. You think that both キャラ, stage, the movie and music it is splendid it is possible and is. Because スマデラ the friend who does was not around me, the younger brothers and sisters you do, or did increased with 1 person and, but you did not grow tired at all. The consideration which can be played pleasantly even with 1 person, is quantity in this game, ill-smelling it is being to be. I grow tired the game doing, mostly, immediately, it is. So as for this you do not grow tired at all. Being to think, that such game it makes rather it is difficult, it does, but Sakurai made that...! It is the fearful person in good sense, (laughing) キャラ is the 1st reflection in the ice climber. The ice climber being it has been popular being to have known, it does, but... never it is lovely so...! ! When ポポナナ パンッ has touched at the time of victory, it is dense lovely something! ! When and it tries using, it is strong something! ! ! When 1 person it is done, there is a weak point that the weak body, aerial side movement is slow, but the stop っ ちゃ feeling where that intense スマッシュ skill is decided it was good! ! Because, I アイクラ was subject. That it probably will win the fox of the younger brother with アイクラ, being desperate, コンボ skill inspects the bosom oak to be... almost it could not win after all, but (laughing) even then it is to abandon with it has persevered? アイクラ to pull me to here, because they are the sources whom it makes be packed, and that the form, voice would like to hear lovely even with スマブラ X, is. Efficiency of the previous ポポナナ individual completely was the same, but each one also っ て the fact that efficiency is different delicately is funny so? How thinking, it increases. The あ, by the way new キャラ desires the Gee no and the participation of マロ. Already, also 10 years pass, but CM or not yet even cannot forget the story or music. Because 2 are people and character and skill unique, when it can participate, you think that it can enjoy rather. The long sentence impoliteness it does. Then paying attention to the body...

4. For most of this entry, this guy goes on and on about why he loves the Ice Climbers and hopes that they return. Later, he requests Geno and Mallow for Brawl. He basically says "they are so unique that I'm sure many people would love to play as them."

No. 276 Nickname & マリオマスター Contribution theme * the music which is wanted inserting All everyone who has participated Sakurai, and to development. Very today. Will development how probably be? In we head, as for the music which is used in the game, as for those where it is necessary for the game it is the rice cake remaining overnight, but you think that they are one fine arts, it is! As for the game, スマブラ, the Nintendo Co. compilation into one book. In other words, there is no reason which even compilation into one book of the Nintendo Co. music can be said is? X of first generation, DX, and new work. By his is impressed hurting, it does with any スマブラ. Only main theme it can designate X yet as the ear, but it is this one tune, and others, you shivered, it is! Already, when development advances in earnest, you knew it is it is not, how it becomes, is. Well, rather thing please drive out with impression. By all means, all people, we request the kind of music which the impression tear it is possible! Privately it is BGM of the forest of ハナチャン "of マリオ RPG", if "carefulness it is in the mushroom of the forest," being to be delightful enormously, it does, but don't you think? but..., because that is the case that it is also the copyright of スクエニ, it is unreasonable; Well, if the Gee no participates, certainly! (Excessiveness The renewal here it devotes to one time closing and development so the shank. Everyone! The new world is enjoyed! Please persevere! -->

5. This guy's pretty long winded like the previous guy was. He talks about how much he loved the Brawl's main theme and can't wait to hear how the rest of game's music sounds. He's utterly blown away about how much potential Brawl has music wise sense so many people and franchises are going to be involved. He then requests the tune "Forest Maze" from SMRPG. He talks about why he loves the theme but he's a little considered about whether or not it'll make it since Square Enix owns it. After that, he then basically says, "since it wouldn't make much sense to just add the tune to the game, why not make Geno a playable character too?"

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
1. Where are these supposed entries?
2. Geno's cameo is unrellated to the construction of Brawl, reaquisition of rights would be required
3. Once again, reaquisition of rights would be required for inclusion in Brawl.
1. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=3247638
^Check the last post of this page.
2. Yes, and I'm sure it would kill Nintendo to go get his rights from Square. They just used Sonic and Snake without permission, no?
3. See number two.

I can only wonder why people such as yourself troll for kicks.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Hey guys, guess what I just dug up


Reliable source, Sakurai checked up on Geno, this PROVES he showed interest
Geno - Here’s an interesting one. A character that actually belongs to Square, but belongs in the Marioverse. What does Sakurai think? Well, actually, he’s intrigued. Geno is tied for second as well, and Sakurai has been noted as asking around for what the character is like. When he starts asking, it’s a good thing, btw. It means he’s bothering to learn who they are But Geno has been mentioned many-a-times, and Sakurai is listening to hard to each suggestion. And he’s yet to turn them down. That’s something, right?


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
2. Geno's cameo is unrellated to the construction of Brawl, reaquisition of rights would be required
3. Once again, reaquisition of rights would be required for inclusion in Brawl.
you asked for:

"2. Proof of Square or Nintendo's attempts to exchange rights of Geno (Or any character, really!)
3. Proof that Geno's rights could even be gained by Nintendo, and if the've even tried."

And the cameo supplies answers to both of those. Of course Nintendo would have to reacquire the rights, but that is just common sense. It doesn't hurt or improve Geno's chances to be in Brawl.

EDIT: That information on Sakurai looking into Geno is something else. If that is true it increases his chances considerably. How reliable is that information?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
1. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=3247638
^Check the last post of this page.
2. Yes, and I'm sure it would kill Nintendo to go get his rights from Square. They just used Sonic and Snake without permission, no?
3. See number two.

I can only wonder why people such as yourself troll for kicks.
Troll my friend, no, I am merely asking for proof in a group of people who would ordinairily assume Geno's "inclusion"

1. Alright, Sakurai's interesting, however this doesn't constitute as anything concrete.
2. No, but it would cost hem money that they could use on more profitable characters, and when they spoke to SEGA and Konami they announced it, so far nothing is heard from Nintendo or Square.
3.See Number two? But number two didn't hold any real information.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
just cause you think he has a chance doesn't mean that he has a chance.
Of course he has a chance...even Waluigi has a chance

moreover, Geno has a good chance

Geno - Here’s an interesting one. A character that actually belongs to Square, but belongs in the Marioverse. What does Sakurai think? Well, actually, he’s intrigued. Geno is tied for second as well, and Sakurai has been noted as asking around for what the character is like. When he starts asking, it’s a good thing, btw. It means he’s bothering to learn who they are But Geno has been mentioned many-a-times, and Sakurai is listening to hard to each suggestion. And he’s yet to turn them down. That’s something, right?
Sakurai is at least interested


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
you asked for:

"2. Proof of Square or Nintendo's attempts to exchange rights of Geno (Or any character, really!)
3. Proof that Geno's rights could even be gained by Nintendo, and if the've even tried."

And the cameo supplies answers to both of those. Of course Nintendo would have to reacquire the rights, but that is just common sense. It doesn't hurt or improve Geno's chances to be in Brawl.

EDIT: That information on Sakurai looking into Geno is something else. If that is true it increases his chances considerably. How reliable is that information?
My apologies if this is a double post.

Yes, the cameo doesn't help nor hinder his chances, thusly, it is irrelevant.

Well I still have seen no source of this information, so I will merely take it for face value and presume that this isn't falsified. Even if this is so, Sakurai's opinion on the character underranks interchanges of rights between companies, and this includes (supposed) 2nd Party characters.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
just cause you think he has a chance doesn't mean that he has a chance.
yes it does, of course he has a chance, Sakurai had him on his list and he was mentioned 5 times, more than anyone other than Dedede, guess what Dedede is confirmed. Just because your a hater doesnt mean he doesnt have a chance he has just as much chance as anyone if not more


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Of course he has a chance...even Waluigi has a chance

moreover, Geno has a good chance
I'm going to disagree with you on that, as Geno is not only unpopular, but also a waste of both time and money for Nintendo (or Square) to try and revive his populairity by placing him in Brawl rather than using a character that is already popular, so Geno's chances actually are fairly mediocre, if not slim.

Sakurai is at least interested
Supposedly, however I have seen no verification of this information, however I will, as I have said, imagine that it isn't fraudulent. So even if Sakurai is supposedly "interested" in Geno, he still has only slight say in intercompany deals, that luxury rests in the hands of Nintendo CEOs and Intercompany Relationists.

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Troll my friend, no, I am merely asking for proof in a group of people who would ordinairily assume Geno's "inclusion"

1. Alright, Sakurai's interesting, however this doesn't constitute as anything concrete.
2. No, but it would cost hem money that they could use on more profitable characters, and when they spoke to SEGA and Konami they announced it, so far nothing is heard from Nintendo or Square.
3.See Number two? But number two didn't hold any real information.
I don't automatically assume Geno's inclusion, and I hope no one else does, but Geno's chances are very high at this point, whether you like him or not. This is a support thread, am I right?

1. So far, it's all most everybody has to go by. It's proven good for the other characters, and hopefully it will for Geno too.
2. More profitable characters, like who? Geno's a top requested character, and by the looks of his legal situation, he'll be cheaper than any other "third party" character could ever hope to be.
3. Numbah two. Like you said, nothing's in concrete, but things are looking up for Geno.

Sorry about the time it takes me to reply; multitasking FTW.

EDIT: "It's proved good"?! ...Kill me now.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
A large, dark stormy castle with lots of bats.
My apologies if this is a double post.

Yes, the cameo doesn't help nor hinder his chances, thusly, it is irrelevant.

Well I still have seen no source of this information, so I will merely take it for face value and presume that this isn't falsified. Even if this is so, Sakurai's opinion on the character underranks interchanges of rights between companies, and this includes (supposed) 2nd Party characters.
The cameo proves that it may not be difficult at all to obtain the rights to Geno for this game.

We can bring up arguments, but at this point, we can't PROVE that he'll be in Brawl, and expecting us to be able to is just stupid.

If you don't think he'll make it, good for you. The thing is that we DO think he has a chance, and believe me, Pieman just got done saying EVERYTHING you just said, only much more thoroughly. If he can't convince us, neither can you.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I don't automatically assume Geno's inclusion, and I hope no one else does, but Geno's chances are very high at this point, whether you like him or not. This is support thread, am I right?

1. So far, it's all most everybody has to go by. It's proved good for the other characters, and hopefully it will for Geno too.
2. More profitable characters, like who? Geno's a top requested character, and by the looks of his legal situation, he'll be cheaper than any other "third party" character could ever hope to be.
3. Numbah two. Like you said, nothing's in concrete, but things are looking up for Geno.

Sorry about the time it takes me to reply; multitasking FTW.
1. I suppose due to our limited informative status that will do for information, however it still doesn't provide hard evidence.
2. More profitable characters like Wolf Link, Ridley, Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, Sora, Cloud, Black Mage etc. that will attract much, much more customers than some old retro character no one's ever heard of before.
3. Things really aren't looking too much up for Geno, or at least, not as up as other characters.

'Nuff said.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
1. I suppose due to our limited informative status that will do for information, however it still doesn't provide hard evidence.
2. More profitable characters like Wolf Link, Ridley, Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, Sora, Cloud, Black Mage etc. that will attract much, much more customers than some old retro character no one's ever heard of before.
3. Things really aren't looking too much up for Geno, or at least, not as up as other characters.

'Nuff said.
Ridley and Megaman, those are the only 2 I can see making more than Geno. Wolf Link is just another Link who was in...WOW 1 game. Bomberman I would like to see but I dont know if it would happen. Rayman I just cant see and Sora I believe would have conflict due to Disney.


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
2. More profitable characters like Wolf Link, Ridley, Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, Sora, Cloud, Black Mage etc. that will attract much, much more customers than some old retro character no one's ever heard of before.

is Sakurai actually looking to profit from what he adds?

let's see...

Game & Watch? Ice Climbers? .... Pit?

Geno is a thousand times more popular than any of these characters if they were never in Smash Bros...

so the whole "he won't profit" thing is kind of null if you ask me. this game is fanservice.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
The cameo proves that it may not be difficult at all to obtain the rights to Geno for this game.

We can bring up arguments, but at this point, we can't PROVE that he'll be in Brawl, and expecting us to be able to is just stupid.

If you don't think he'll make it, good for you. The thing is that we DO think he has a chance, and believe me, Pieman just got done saying EVERYTHING you just said, only much more thoroughly. If he can't convince us, neither can you.
I'm not asking for you to predict the future, merely tell me some actual facts as to why people think that Geno's so popular, I mean, He's not been in new games, he's not been in his own game, he's not all that popular, and is third party (or supposedly 2nd Party, still no real evidence on that)

Well, my persuit isn't to sway you into my way of thinking, just bringing in to some real facts into the mundane. If you don't have any real facts to back up the supposed "probability" of Geno, so that's why I say put up or shut up, because I'm through with people thinking Geno's more likely than he really is.

'Nuff said.

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
1. I suppose due to our limited informative status that will do for information, however it still doesn't provide hard evidence.
2. More profitable characters like Wolf Link, Ridley, Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, Sora, Cloud, Black Mage etc. that will attract much, much more customers than some old retro character no one's ever heard of before.
3. Things really aren't looking too much up for Geno, or at least, not as up as other characters.

'Nuff said.
1. It's not hard evidence, but you have to take the time and look at Dedede, Ike and Diddy. ....I smell similarities.
2. You mean characters that haven't been mentioned multiple times by Sakurai (or at all), characters that will cost big bucks to obtain, characters that have little or nothing at all to do with Nintendo's history? Ridley and Megaman are the only two that make sense, out of the ones you've listed. People are going to buy Brawl, whether Geno makes it in or not, and I hardly think they'll be persuaded by one character. "A retro character that no one's ever heard of before"... I think that can apply to gamers under the age of ten, or those that have not been associated with one of the greatest Mario games of the SNES era. Look at this thread, sir... there are many, many people here that know very well who Geno is.
3. ...You've been to GameFAQs a lot lately, haven't you?

...I find your lack of faith disturbing. :laugh:

D*mn, late again!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
A large, dark stormy castle with lots of bats.
1. I suppose due to our limited informative status that will do for information, however it still doesn't provide hard evidence.
2. More profitable characters like Wolf Link, Ridley, Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, Sora, Cloud, Black Mage etc. that will attract much, much more customers than some old retro character no one's ever heard of before.
3. Things really aren't looking too much up for Geno, or at least, not as up as other characters.

'Nuff said.
Sora has legal issues that make Geno's look easy to sort out. The only reason Cloud has a chance is because of a cameo in a handheld game and, unlike Snake or Sonic, is not significant to Nintendo's history at all.. Black Mage might make it, but it's unlikely, because he's a generic. If Falco comes back, Wolf's toast. And Wolf Link without Midna? LOL.

Ridley and Megaman are the only two on there that make sense. And if that's it, they can fit Geno in easily. Bomberman and rayman are possible, but a bit unlikely to get in over Megaman.

And believe it or not, it ain't all about the money. If it was, Snake and Sonic would have been forced into Melee and the Ice Climbers wouldn't have gotten in at all.

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
I don't see Wolf Link, Cel Shaded Link, NES Link, Lttp Link, Zora Link, or any other version of Link making it in. People think just because he looks different they need to include him.

I always pick Waluigi in all the Mario games that include him, but he doesn't have a chance in Brawl. I like him a lot, but no.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
2. More profitable characters like Wolf Link, Ridley, Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, Sora, Cloud, Black Mage etc. that will attract much, much more customers than some old retro character no one's ever heard of before.

is Sakurai actually looking to profit from what he adds?

let's see...

Game & Watch? Ice Climbers? .... Pit?

Geno is a thousand times more popular than any of these characters if they were never in Smash Bros...

so the whole "he won't profit" thing is kind of null if you ask me. this game is fanservice.
Actually, there was enough pack in Melee to be able to throw in a couple of retro characters from Nintendo's past (At no additional cost!)

Geno isn't a thousand times more popular, if anything he's less popular that those classic retro character because those characters, unlike Geno, have their own game! Geno was piggybacking on a Mario game that was made years ago and really hasn't seen any sort of action while the others have been resurrected with the VC and huge cult followings, however Geno on the other hand has been merely a pop culture faux pas who has only been kept alive by some people who desperately hope that Geno would get in on Brawl, when really, he has a very, very slim chance.

'Nuff said.

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
alright what was the probability of Pit before Brawl?
Actually ver high, for ME.

I predicted him to be in the next Smash BRos within a month of Melee's release. I never heard of his game or him until I saw his trophy. But after finding out a little bit, I figured he would make a good charcter and expected him to be included.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I don't see Wolf Link, Cel Shaded Link, NES Link, Lttp Link, Zora Link, or any other version of Link making it in. People think just because he looks different they need to include him.

I always pick Waluigi in all the Mario games that include him, but he doesn't have a chance in Brawl. I like him a lot, but no.
Young Link. Need I say more?

That, and WW Link or Cel Shaded Link, and especially Wolf Link have incredibly diffrent moves than Link (A wolf with a bow and arrow?) and are incredibly popular. Besides, don't you think that Zelda deserves another character?
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