Matheuw look at what Fatmanonice posted:
Well, at least there wasn't any huge arguements today. Anyways, there's something that's been on my mind all day. I've already talked about it in an earlier post and a little bit with Enigma but I'd like to here the thoughts of more Geno fans:
On Thursday, Saki Amamiya (the hero of Sin and Punishment) was revealed on the Dojo and, for Geno fans at least, this update could prove to be extremelly important. Why? Well, there's two reasons: (my main points are highlighted in red.)
1. Here's what Sakurai said during the update: "There were many requests from users for his inclusion, and he IS pretty cool, so I did what I could to include him." As most of us know, Saki did not appear in any of the 290 entries in the Toukeden (AKA Sakurai's Journal). We also know, thanks to Samurai Panda, that Sakurai said in one of his 29 comments that "Including only popular characters, doesn't excite me."
Why is this sigificant? This is significant because it provides further proof that the characters mentioned more then once were truely the characters that him and his staff were the most interested in (something that a decent amount of people still refute). If Saki had been as truely popular as Sakurai stated, why wasn't he one of the +100 characters that was mentioned at least once?
This continues to follow the trend that I mentioned in an earlier post that characters mentioned only once or not at all have been turned into trophies, stickers, AT's, and bosses. (Little Mac, the Advance Wars Infantry Men, the Hammer Bros, Slippy Toad, Petey Pirhanna and Dr. Wright were all mentioned once and I think you can deduct the rest like Lyn and Goroh.) As we've already seen, King Dedede (5 entries), Diddy Kong (4 entries), and Ike (4 entries) have been made into playable characters and Krystal (4 entries) was semi-confirmed two weeks ago when her voice actor "slipped" on her webpage. There are only two people left that had more then 3 mentions and haven't been confirmed yet, Ridley (4 entries) and Geno (5 entries).
This also ties into the 2001 Melee Poll results because Diddy placed third in the Rare category (with 15 votes, behind James Bond and Banjo/Kazooie respectively) and King Dedede (who was actually the fourth most requested character over all with 46 votes, behind Bowser, Peach, and Wario respectively.) was easily the most requested character in the Kirby category. As I said in an earlier post, Wario, Metaknight, and the Pokemon Trainer (refereed to as Red) were all the third most requested characters in their respective categories and most of their predesscors (except with the case with Metaknight) became playable or appeared on the field of battle in some form? Did Sakurai use the 2001 Melee Poll results as an early reference and express some of his wants for Brawl in his "journal" in 2006? Take what I said and you be the judge.
*Oh, before I forget, Dark Link also appeared in the Melee Poll and was ranked below everyone that became playable in the LoZ category. Six years later and now he's an ALT for Link. Samurai Goroh and a Metroid appeared as well and now their ATs.*
2. Saki is the star of Sin and Punishment. This game was a joint project between Nintendo and Treasure (a third party) in the year 2000. Because of this, he'd surely be copy righted under Treasure on the Dojo page, right? Surprizingly, no, that isn't the case. Instead of the company treasure, Saki is liscensed under an individual person: Shigesato Itoi. Who is Shigesato Itoi, you ask? He's actually the director and writer of all three Mother games and supposedly the creator of all the characters in Sin and Punishment. Shigesato Itoi has worked for Nintendo under APE Inc and HAL LABORATORIES in the past. How does this connect to Geno? I'll tell you...
This recent development shows that, in order to get a third party character, Nintendo doesn't nessecarily have to contact the specific third party in question in order to use them and this appears to be the case for joint project characters. For example, did you know that Dr. Wright is technically a third party character? Sim City was a joint project between Nintendo and Maxis. As I've mentioned in previous posts, Nintendo has the upper hand and more control in these situations when it comes to characters like this.
Currently, the two directors of Super Mario RPG, Yoshihiko Maekawa and Chihiro Fujioka, work for Nintendo under the second party company Alpha Dream (which they founded). They were also the directors of both Mario and Luigi games and, as many of us know, Geno appeared in the first game without Square Enix even being involved in the game's development. Are you following the logic trail I'm creating? In case you're not, here's the bottom line...
What happened in Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga could easily happen again in Brawl. It's more then obvious that one of the directors (most suspect Maekawa) played a significant role in obtaining Geno for the game and or else Square Enix would have been one of the companies created for the creation of the game. In a way, they did what Itoi was able to do with Saki in Brawl, they were able to bend the rules and prevented dragging Square Enix completely into the project. Why was Square Enix credited then? It's because it is technically still their character but, then again, explain to me why Saki Amamiya isn't liscensed under Treasure but rather, an individual person? Lightning can strike twice, my friends, and I wouldn't be at all suprized if it did.
Well, those are my thoughts for the day. Feel free to comment.