5 , Fatmanonice says he has proof on it as well <_< He has a huge pinned topic at nsider2 on the journal

What's the >_> face for? I've posted them multiple times and now, just to spite you, I'm going to post them again:
*these were translated using Babelfish so that people could read them in their original context*
No.14 Nickname & HiGe The reflection contribution theme * concerning the character Most first the hammer っ it is with マリオシリーズ the thing. In case by your, that was スーパーマリオ RPG. Seeing CM, very borrowing to the friend of that time with interest...... certain, you have forgotten to return it seems the way that way...... Well it sets aside trivial thing, by your very you like that game. Even among them, the doll and the Gee no where game original character soul resides. In juvenile mind, it stayed in him with the reflection very. Because sale at that time it was the elementary school student, freely there was a time when you play. Because of that, being also it clears to be quick extremely, simply just a little lonesome separation where but......, it is not never sad meaning in the ending, waited. If the next work was, being to think, that certainly and it can meet to the Gee no, it does, but because... it is quick, time to pass already it became good age, (laughing certainly did not have this questionnaire, you did not remember either the thing of the Gee no, probably will be. While answering to the questionnaire, when perhaps it does and it can meet, that... just just you expecting a little, whether it is it is not, it increases,
No. 86 Nickname & beginning The reflection contribution theme * concerning the character Beginning! The っ which is the スマブラ new work it is and has been excited! ! The reflection to キャラ, with with the notion that where you say... from game and マリオ RPG which I love the Gee no...! ! Lines turning and skill and setting of Gee no. It is the chair coming which very is. First play time immature kindergarten child (!) Was, but now already it is the high school student. 10 years or more it passed to be even to, it is favorite the game which occasionally you have played. The む oak does, without understanding well, doing in feeling, hurting, but now you do with it is different at all, it is, don't you think?. Also from charm of the Gee no reached the point where it is understood... it is very delightful, is, * the no no to tell the truth it is the doll and/or, to tell the truth is the messenger of the star when, "the hay! "It is word っ ちゃ う cuteness, (laughing) and... little bit kana forcing ED. That, blue mantle again! Production, please persevere ^ ^ the っ which has been enjoyed!
No. 247 Nickname & sea cucumber Contribution theme & depending etc. You ask already truly. This thinking was designated as 10 letter compositions. "The request Gee no putting out! " Then favorite the beverage you write. Favorite beverage: アンバサ
No. 268 Nickname & マユミ The reflection contribution theme * concerning the character Today, beginning? This page you were already agitated instantaneously is discovered! ! No せ I do 1st being to love in the game which previous スマデラ did until now. That everyday did that. You think that both キャラ, stage, the movie and music it is splendid it is possible and is. Because スマデラ the friend who does was not around me, the younger brothers and sisters you do, or did increased with 1 person and, but you did not grow tired at all. The consideration which can be played pleasantly even with 1 person, is quantity in this game, ill-smelling it is being to be. I grow tired the game doing, mostly, immediately, it is. So as for this you do not grow tired at all. Being to think, that such game it makes rather it is difficult, it does, but Sakurai made that...! It is the fearful person in good sense, (laughing) キャラ is the 1st reflection in the ice climber. The ice climber being it has been popular being to have known, it does, but... never it is lovely so...! ! When ポポナナ パンッ has touched at the time of victory, it is dense lovely something! ! When and it tries using, it is strong something! ! ! When 1 person it is done, there is a weak point that the weak body, aerial side movement is slow, but the stop っ ちゃ feeling where that intense スマッシュ skill is decided it was good! ! Because, I アイクラ was subject. That it probably will win the fox of the younger brother with アイクラ, being desperate, コンボ skill inspects the bosom oak to be... almost it could not win after all, but (laughing) even then it is to abandon with it has persevered? アイクラ to pull me to here, because they are the sources whom it makes be packed, and that the form, voice would like to hear lovely even with スマブラ X, is. Efficiency of the previous ポポナナ individual completely was the same, but each one also っ て the fact that efficiency is different delicately is funny so? How thinking, it increases. The あ, by the way new キャラ desires the Gee no and the participation of マロ. Already, also 10 years pass, but CM or not yet even cannot forget the story or music. Because 2 are people and character and skill unique, when it can participate, you think that it can enjoy rather. The long sentence impoliteness it does. Then paying attention to the body...
No. 276 Nickname & マリオマスター Contribution theme * the music which is wanted inserting All everyone who has participated Sakurai, and to development. Very today. Will development how probably be? In we head, as for the music which is used in the game, as for those where it is necessary for the game it is the rice cake remaining overnight, but you think that they are one fine arts, it is! As for the game, スマブラ, the Nintendo Co. compilation into one book. In other words, there is no reason which even compilation into one book of the Nintendo Co. music can be said is? X of first generation, DX, and new work. By his is impressed hurting, it does with any スマブラ. Only main theme it can designate X yet as the ear, but it is this one tune, and others, you shivered, it is! Already, when development advances in earnest, you knew it is it is not, how it becomes, is. Well, rather thing please drive out with impression. By all means, all people, we request the kind of music which the impression tear it is possible! Privately it is BGM of the forest of ハナチャン "of マリオ RPG", if "carefulness it is in the mushroom of the forest," being to be delightful enormously, it does, but don't you think? but..., because that is the case that it is also the copyright of スクエニ, it is unreasonable; Well, if the Gee no participates, certainly! (Excessiveness The renewal here it devotes to one time closing and development so the shank. Everyone! The new world is enjoyed! Please persevere!