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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Ok, just did the math:

Counting this week, we have 11 weeks until the JAPANESE release of Brawl, which if we dont find out everything we want before hand, we'll find out soon after the japan release date.

So that's 77 days until the japanese release date, minus today's update, 76 days

Or if you want consider the NA release instead, we've got 89 days, making it 13 weeks.

So minus the number of weekends, which is 22 days worth of non updates and 54 of update days up to the Japan date. For the NA date, it's 64 update days and 26 non update days.

If Sakurai sticks with the average character every 2 weeks (which is very easily subject to change when we get closer to the release of Brawl.) we would get at least 6 characters before release...that's not very promising...

BUT, it is most likely that Sakurai will increase the frequency of character updates before release. I mean, if we stuck with a character every 2 weeks until release, we'd have 28 characters revealed on the Dojo...that's barely above the Melee roster. There's no way that there's that few characters in Brawl, especially if they had to delay it, there's no possible way.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
would you guys be satisfied if Geno would be an AT? (no im not trolling) Im just wondering.. doesn't Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Bowser sum up all of the Mario series together?

Then that should mean everything is represented so there shouldn't be anymore. I don't mind Geno being in Brawl, I really want Sakurai to update him in any way (character/AT/whatever) so all these annoying Geno wars end.
Hell no. We answered this question of your yesterday, why bring it up again? GTFO if youre only going to be repeating yourself about what we have already discussed yesterday.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
Ok, just did the math:

Counting this week, we have 11 weeks until the JAPANESE release of Brawl, which if we dont find out everything we want before hand, we'll find out soon after the japan release date.

So that's 77 days until the japanese release date, minus today's update, 76 days

Or if you want consider the NA release instead, we've got 89 days, making it 13 weeks.

So minus the number of weekends, which is 22 days worth of non updates and 54 of update days up to the Japan date. For the NA date, it's 64 update days and 26 non update days.

If Sakurai sticks with the average character every 2 weeks (which is very easily subject to change when we get closer to the release of Brawl.) we would get at least 6 characters before release...that's not very promising...

BUT, it is most likely that Sakurai will increase the frequency of character updates before release. I mean, if we stuck with a character every 2 weeks until release, we'd have 28 characters revealed on the Dojo...that's barely above the Melee roster. There's no way that there's that few characters in Brawl, especially if they had to delay it, there's no possible way.
I really hope you are right.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
no you didn't you answered why Mallow should not be in, not this.
Your asking the Geno thread if we'd be satisfied with Geno as an AT, what do you think our answer will be??

And why would we possibly argue why Geno shouldn't be in?


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
:( I know, but if anything would happen and he'd be an AT how would you feel? In other words, a better question.

If your favorite character/most wanted character got in Brawl as an AT how would you feel?

I know answers are pretty obvious but there's some people who say that at least their character got in some way.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
would you guys be satisfied if Geno would be an AT? (no im not trolling) Im just wondering.. doesn't Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Bowser sum up all of the Mario series together?

Then that should mean everything is represented so there shouldn't be anymore. I don't mind Geno being in Brawl, I really want Sakurai to update him in any way (character/AT/whatever) so all these annoying Geno wars end.
Lulz...So The Mario series having 100 games being an important icon to nintendo , Had 5 reps in melee (We need someone to fill in doctor mario's hole :(.) And is the number one best selling video game selling series EVER With loads of good games from mario deserves ONLY FOUR REPS ? My god you have to be kidding me...6 At most , 5 At least.
To begin with on AT'S I'll try to quote fatmanonice here
"And since the mario series already has 2 AT'S (The lakitu and The Hammer bros.) And with 19 AT'S Already + 7 Ones with icons that have yet to get an AT I Doubt that mario will get 2 3-D AT'S" And even with that i doubt that Sakurai would go to Square enix and get a highly requested character and make him an AT :ohwell:.
So now that we got that part with i Personally think we should get Geno and one newcomer that most-people-in-general now about , We get Paper mario OR Bowser jr AND We get geno , Simple and whatnot ? If your going to question Mario's number of Reps BTW It's worthy enough for 5-6 and to fill in one newcomer that has the "Most-people-in-general" Now about and Geno helping the cause for SMRPG2 And SMRPG'S VC Release i see no point into making Geno or Paper mario or so into AT's , My idea is simple and whatnot ? We want him as a playable character...If you don't then just please leave.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
:( I know, but if anything would happen and he'd be an AT how would you feel? In other words, a better question.

If your favorite character/most wanted character got in Brawl as an AT how would you feel?

I know answers are pretty obvious but there's some people who say that at least their character got in some way.
How the hell does anyone feel, especially the more supported threads...

Pissed off, disappointed, upset, etc...

Geno WILL NOT be an AT if he is in, that's just stupid to go through all that trouble to get him to make him a stupid AT...


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
yeah I agree, thats like asking for steak and getting a hamburger. I dont see why they would go to SE and ask for Geno, and then only putting him in as an AT. Sakurai's smart, he knows what people want, I think that he will be able to pull through and get Geno for this game. He got Sonic, and that must have been a lot harder than getting Geno


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
Ok, just did the math:

Counting this week, we have 11 weeks until the JAPANESE release of Brawl, which if we dont find out everything we want before hand, we'll find out soon after the japan release date.

So that's 77 days until the japanese release date, minus today's update, 76 days

Or if you want consider the NA release instead, we've got 89 days, making it 13 weeks.

So minus the number of weekends, which is 22 days worth of non updates and 54 of update days up to the Japan date. For the NA date, it's 64 update days and 26 non update days.

If Sakurai sticks with the average character every 2 weeks (which is very easily subject to change when we get closer to the release of Brawl.) we would get at least 6 characters before release...that's not very promising...

BUT, it is most likely that Sakurai will increase the frequency of character updates before release. I mean, if we stuck with a character every 2 weeks until release, we'd have 28 characters revealed on the Dojo...that's barely above the Melee roster. There's no way that there's that few characters in Brawl, especially if they had to delay it, there's no possible way.
Are you assuming that he releases all of the secret characters before launch? Just wondering, because I've heard people say that, but I haven't seen any reasoning for it. If he is releasing all of them that would be pretty cool.

I hope that Geno is revealed on the site though. It would be so much more fun than having him revealed by word of mouth after the game is released. (the latter would be really nerve wracking as well.)


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
yeah I agree, thats like asking for steak and getting a hamburger. I dont see why they would go to SE and ask for Geno, and then only putting him in as an AT. Sakurai's smart, he knows what people want, I think that he will be able to pull through and get Geno for this game. He got Sonic, and that must have been a lot harder than getting Geno
well that's true :chuckle:

Oh god I really want to see a Geno update ASAP, I may not be a fan of his but I anticipate to see his update ridden off.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
That person is basically saying that because one character with barely a fallowing from the same game as a character with a massive fallowing doesn't make it as a PC, the character with a massive fallowing and all that his fans have done to try and in Geno-awareness and bringing him to Sakurai's attention should be flat out rejected because the people with the small fallowing don't get there way...so neither so anyone else


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
How the hell does anyone feel, especially the more supported threads...

Pissed off, disappointed, upset, etc...

Geno WILL NOT be an AT if he is in, that's just stupid to go through all that trouble to get him to make him a stupid AT...
I Would feel so ANGRY And pissed off if claus turned into an AT :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Oh and Psychoincarnate , Fatmanonice (The one who has the journal results that have 5.) Said that he has proof that Geno had 5 journal entries and that he did , He said he was missing a couple of people that the other list had or so :p. Oh and psycho mind if i use that "Geno alliance" Banner for my sig ? The one i have isn't as good D: I'm wondering if i can (Yes i'm part of the alliance.) Or do i need to join it for a certain time, Thanks.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
If Geno get's in...would you rather.

A.)See his update?
B.)him be a super secret character?

I go for A.) because I want to see who was right, his fans or his haters.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
:( I know, but if anything would happen and he'd be an AT how would you feel? In other words, a better question.

If your favorite character/most wanted character got in Brawl as an AT how would you feel?

I know answers are pretty obvious but there's some people who say that at least their character got in some way.
how would you feel if your favourite/most wanted character was turned into an AT, it's probably similar to the same way we would react


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I would feel sad ^_^ but at the same time my favorite character has no chance to be a character....but if one of my faves that has a chance was rejected I would feel disappointed and possibly reject the game.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I Would feel so ANGRY And pissed off if claus turned into an AT :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Oh and Psychoincarnate , Fatmanonice (The one who has the journal results that have 5.) Said that he has proof that Geno had 5 journal entries and that he did , He said he was missing a couple of people that the other list had or so :p. Oh and psycho mind if i use that "Geno alliance" Banner for my sig ? The one i have isn't as good D: I'm wondering if i can (Yes i'm part of the alliance.) Or do i need to join it for a certain time, Thanks.
Seriously? I thought it was better...I kinda rushed this one and I've never made bar sigs before. I was making an animated sig thing for the Geno Alliance but I don't know when I can finish that


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
If Geno get's in...would you rather.

A.)See his update?
B.)him be a super secret character?

I go for A.) because I want to see who was right, his fans or his haters.
Defiantly A. It would be really nerve wracking waiting for word of his inclusion to come over from Japan.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
If Geno get's in...would you rather.

A.)See his update?
B.)him be a super secret character?

I go for A.) because I want to see who was right, his fans or his haters.
good question. I think A) because I'd want to know, but I'd want him to be the last person I unlocked because I would get so anticipated by it and I'd feel amazing once I got him


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Seriously? I thought it was better...I kinda rushed this one and I've never made bar sigs before. I was making an animated sig thing for the Geno Alliance but I don't know when I can finish that
Yeah i like your's :p , Anyhow you should try the animated geno alliance sig , I Think you can do it :chuckle:! So i can use yours :p ? (My name for the Geno alliance is on there On Smashwiki or w/e :p.) As you see i also have your claus sig :O , As to the 5 geno mentions yes...And claus has 4 in there , Maybe when fatmanonice comes on he can show all of us or so :O.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Are you assuming that he releases all of the secret characters before launch? Just wondering, because I've heard people say that, but I haven't seen any reasoning for it. If he is releasing all of them that would be pretty cool.

I hope that Geno is revealed on the site though. It would be so much more fun than having him revealed by word of mouth after the game is released. (the latter would be really nerve wracking as well.)
Yes, that's assuming he reveals the whole roster before launch.

But he could have very well have changed his mind about that too and decided only to reveal the 3rd party secret characters.

But if that's the case, than i would predict we've gotten for the most part, all the characters were ever gonna see before launch, except maybe Megaman and a few veterans. That would make the Dojo updates a lot more dull, and i dont know if Sakurai has enough content to make 64 upates left without revealing some other characters.

New characters give us a potential 3 updates per character, the profile itself, special moves and FS. It would provide Sakurai with a little more interesting content to give us while we wait.

Remember, although Sakurai doesn't want to reveal all the characters at once (and he shouldn't), he doesn't want people to lose interest completely too early either, so he has to give us more characters eventually.

Although i believe he'll have a few select characters left out of the Dojo to keep suspense to the game when it's released.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
how many characters do you guys think there will be? I really hope 50 or more but possibly 45 at most :(


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
If Geno get's in...would you rather.

A.)See his update?
B.)him be a super secret character?

I go for A.) because I want to see who was right, his fans or his haters.
He deffinetly would not be a super secret character, if anyone was gonna get that honor, it was Sonic, but seeing as how we know his fate, i think that honor has been passed on to Megaman.

Geno, as much as i love him and as big as his fan-base is, he just not that well known to have that honor. He's known throughout the Smashboards and a few other forums discussing Smash thanks to us. But to those who dont go on forums, which is overwhelmingly huge compared to us that do, they dont know. So why should Geno get that privilage if majority of the people looking foward to Brawl have never even heard of him.

In short, it seems like and obvious question :p


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Yes, that's assuming he reveals the whole roster before launch.

But he could have very well have changed his mind about that too and decided only to reveal the 3rd party secret characters.

But if that's the case, than i would predict we've gotten for the most part, all the characters were ever gonna see before launch, except maybe Megaman and a few veterans. That would make the Dojo updates a lot more dull, and i dont know if Sakurai has enough content to make 64 upates left without revealing some other characters.

New characters give us a potential 3 updates per character, the profile itself, special moves and FS. It would provide Sakurai with a little more interesting content to give us while we wait.

Remember, although Sakurai doesn't want to reveal all the characters at once (and he shouldn't), he doesn't want people to lose interest completely too early either, so he has to give us more characters eventually.

Although i believe he'll have a few select characters left out of the Dojo to keep suspense to the game when it's released.
I've had my theory on At least 8 more characters being on the DOJO With 25-27 Starters and 15+ Unlockables.
Anyhow the theory on 8 more is simple , Sakurai reveals 2 this month , 3 Before release , And 3 in december , As opposed to after the game is released i'd suspect that he would keep updating it (Likewise to what he said in his journal about updating them afterwards.) And he spoiled the game on the melee site (Like i cared.) I Doubt he will spoil as much but he will most likely have most/All newcomers And veterans in on there.
So who should be revealed on release ? (I Think geno will be an unlockable but still.) I've had my theory of 27 unlockable characters and Megaman sonic and snake being unlockables so if we get Megaman this leaves 7 Slots open until release.
One is likely to go to krystal , Then Captain olmair (Likely.) , Captain falcon , AC Rep (If there even is one.) And this leaves 3-1 Slots left for the "Starting" Roster :p , Sakurai might still tend on showing unlockables like Claus and Geno As he has already done with a certain Penguin (COUGH DEDEDE COUGH.) And with him or meta being likely as an unlockable this leaves a lot of questions open still on the starting roster :dizzy:.

I Just noticed...There are a lot of stages (17 ATM , And the mario kart one O:.) I Wonder what others there will be O:.

And sukapon for final unlockable , Sonic or megaman having that would be bad for teh advertising >.<.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
One thing's for sure, there's absolutely no excuse for Brawl having less than 30 characters...especially if it gets delayed. No excuse. None.
I totally agree, with this delay I think there should be at least 45 more. Snakz do you know how long this game has been in production?


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2007
Lombard, IL
the thing that boggles me, and it isn't even that boggling, is that if Geno is in it then he's already IN. and they're playing as him and testing him and stuff right now.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
42 Nintendo chaarcters (since 26 * 2 = 42) + 3 3rd parties....seems logical
Makes sence but 2 things
1.Brawl can easily have 1 Or 2 Moar third party's Since it got delayed and whatnot and sakurai said he might let that limit go up.
2.Since when did 26 X 2 = 42 ? I Thought it was 52 , 21 X 2 = 42 ;D.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
lol how embarrasing! of course ^_^ 26 * 2= 52. hey that seems even better, but I think there will be about 42-50 charcters. idk.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I totally agree, with this delay I think there should be at least 45 more. Snakz do you know how long this game has been in production?
I don't know for sure, but i have worked on games before (albeit much smaller ones :p) and i'd guess they've been working on a game like this since...probably early 2005.

I don't think the delay was to add more characters, but what i do think is that they got around to adding more characters a little while before they decided to delay it to work on those characters and balance out the rest of the game. I think after Thankgiving, the game will be practically finished and the rest of the work will go into debugging and fixing glitches.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
lol how embarrasing! of course ^_^ 26 * 2= 52. hey that seems even better, but I think there will be about 42-50 charcters. idk.
I'm thinking something along the lines of 40-46 for some reason o_o SUKAPON 4 LAST UNLOCKABLE LULZ. He seems better for that then a Third party or geno <_< , New topic:If geno is an unlockable (Considering he's in and not a starter lulz.) How would you unlock him ? Event match or so ? Any idea's.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
I don't know for sure, but i have worked on games before (albeit much smaller ones :p) and i'd guess they've been working on a game like this since...probably early 2005.

I don't think the delay was to add more characters, but what i do think is that they got around to adding more characters a little while before they decided to delay it to work on those characters and balance out the rest of the game. I think after Thankgiving, the game will be practically finished and the rest of the work will go into debugging and fixing glitches.
yeah I think the delay might have been to find all the glitches. It's not that they'd be adding characters, but they wouldnt be taking out characters so in a sense we'd still get more characters


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
if Geno is unlockable I'd say he should come out in Mario's adventure mode and then he's unlocked. Something to do with Mario since Mario is the one who meets him.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I think there should also be supportive characters, not necessarily AT's but roles, like Palutena. Maybe Mallow and Mario find Geno and so on.
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