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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
I always thought Dr. Mario was well-received. heh.
I mained the doctor. I can understand why people don't like clones but Paper Mario AS THE NEW MARIO?!?! Im going to gamefaqs and tell them that he's still Mario, doctor suit or 2D


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
If I could find GenoStrike >_>

I haven't seen him on for quite some time. Unless I just get unlucky and don't run into him for some odd reason lol.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
If I could find GenoStrike >_>

I haven't seen him on for quite some time. Unless I just get unlucky and don't run into him for some odd reason lol.
Im making the topic just be at the smash boards and wait for about 5 min.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007

Are they trying to raise their post count or something? I never got the point of posting that


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Yeah, but I don't take Gamefaqs seriously. I have 517 Karma so they can have fun taking that down to zero 3 Karma Points at a time.

Until the Pros drive them out that board sucks. And somebody has to defend Geno on their as well. I'm just giving a helping hand to Enigma and GenoStrike.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Sweet GenoStirke is there!

Quick question are the posters there immature or do they tend to say what ever is popular?


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
And I thank, LemonKing, GenoStrike and GenoSall for the help! =D

Guess what Spoony, they're just immature thinks whats ever popular to say followers.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
And I thank, LemonKing, GenoStrike and GenoSall for the help! =D

Guess what Spoony, they're just immature thinks whats ever popular to say followers.
Maybe you should post a thread with ALL the reason we've come up with...

Like the giant paragraphs about him and everything

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
I can see Paper Mario getting into Brawl... as an item. C'mon guys, think about it! He could roll up into a tube and you could beat people with him! ...Yeeeaaaaah... keep Paper Mario out of our Brawl, Sakurai. For the sake of good gaming...

P.S: DynamiteSpoony, excellent job in your "Analysis" thread. Your points are impeccably true...

To hell with GameFAQs... I don't want a bunch of 7-year-olds giving their opinion on Geno just for the sake of raising their post count.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Maybe you should post a thread with ALL the reason we've come up with...

Like the giant paragraphs about him and everything
Yeah but need someone who can start topics to do it. Cause im on Parole XD whatever ill just come back

So...Dont get the logic of another mario

Anyways anything anyone wants to add to the Wiki?

Also form now on im ignoring haters to see how stupid their posts get.


Smash Master
Oct 12, 2007
Over the skies of Emeria.
Geno =/= Sora for MANY reasons...

Geno = Square/ Nintendo

Sora = Square/ Disney
When I made the post, I didnt mean to say Sora was =to Geno. While Sora already has a move set and combos and stuff, Geno just fits better. Besides, with Sora will come...
Disney chars.
exactly, having those four mentions from Sakurai himself really boosts his chances
Agreed. If Sakurai-san name drops, it's important.
To be fair he didnt even know Geno when he said/posted that, he assumed that he was first party.
Of course he does, but I am sure that he knew what characters would be in before he actually created the Big Plot behind SSE. He would probably be looking for characters that could easily fit into the SSE atmosphere and help make the storyline interesting.

I will never give up defending the fact that Geno would be one of the better characters to put in SSE. It's just his character's personality is so amazing since most of the time he is serious, but he is known to crack jokes and show emotion.

Geno could easily fit into the bigger picture.
I back LemonKing fully on this. Why not have him in something like a storyline update, available through WiiWare or something, like an expansion? Nintendo storys never really end anyway.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I never said people would have problems coming up with a Geno moveset. What I did say was Bomberman's moveset possibilities are greater. To answer your question, yes I haved played SMRPG and yes I did use Geno.

How so? A vast majority of Bomberman's attacks are based on just that, bombs. Link has bombs, Samus has bombs, there are several kinds of bomb items that have various effects... Do you see where I'm going with this? Outside of that, he'd basically be doomed using generic punchs and kicks.

Well I have barely seen Geno's name come up in a recent game, but then popularity and # of games doesn't matter much to Sakurai, but if Sakurai is going to have a character represent a series, chances are he'll be going for one that doesn't play second fiddle. Geno is second fiddle. One of several in SMRPG. Is he the most liked? Maybe. Does he have a moveset? Absolutely. Is he the clear candidate to represent SMRPG? No!

And why wouldn't he be? He's the only original Mario RPG character besides Fawful to play a role in more then one game. Also, in SMRPG, Geno was the only character who's story truly went through the entire game and was intertwined with the plot. Mario's name may have been on the box but it was basically his story.

Count Bleck & Dimentio on the other hand are not only major characters, but they are recognizable.

The Ice Climbers, Mr. Game and Watch, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Ike, and Pit say hello...

Waluigi possibly even more recognizable than the aforementioned duo thanks to the spin off sports games and the Mario party series. Loved Waluigi's Island in Mario Party 3. I think that would make an adequate stage for him. Assuming hes in...which is far more likely than Geno getting in.

Please excuse me while I laugh... Walugi has yet to even appear in a canon game despite being around for almost ten years now and you're trying to tell me he's significant?

Would you also like me to compare the unique qualities between Geno and Waluigi? Geno is a possessed wooden doll with a sage like personality and the artillary of a small army. Waluigi is a mash up of Wario and Luigi. Let's see here, we're comparing a character that was basically the backbone of a critically acclaimed game and a character that has been a filler in countless spinoff games... See a difference? I certainly do. Don't even get me started on the impact SMRPG had on the Mario franchise...

Let's talk about Sakurai's journal while we're at it. Geno was mentioned 5 times and was tied with King Dedede for being the most mentioned character in Sakurai's journal. Walugi was mentioned once despite being in almost 20 games since the year 2000. Geno hasn't been playable for almost 12 and was mentioned more then heavy hitters like Ridley, Krystal, Diddy Kong, and even Megaman. Face it, Waluigi is less significant then Daisy and she ended up as an ALT. To add even more weight, if Goroh and Lyn were made into AT's, what chances do you think Walugi has? "But, Fatmanonice, that must mean Geno's chances are just as low, nyah ha ha!" Wrong... Unlike Waluigi, he has Sakurai's and the developers interest, he's part of the most requested VC title in Japan and North America, and he's incredibly unique as a character.

Yup, and precisely why Geno's chances just got smaller.

Because Luigi, a character that's been 100% guarentee since the game was announced, is getting in? Huh... Also, with strong evidence that Dr. Mario has gotten the boot, it could be said that there is an open spot in the Mario roster and all the required seats have already been filled. Guess who's in that seat when it comes to international fan demand and the developers interest? "What about Toad?" Peach's standard special attack. "Daisy?" An ALT. "Waluigi?" Already explained? "Bowser Jr, Wart, Birdo, *insert Mario villian here*?" Not all the major franchises even have villian reps yet. (Seriously, do you want to argue that Bowser Jr should get in before Ridley, King K. Rool, or Black Shadow?) Also, Sakurai has made it obvious that many characters like this will be made into bosses or ATs, case in point, Petey Pirhanna. "Paper Mario?" It's Mario in Paper form... Regardless, Sakurai doesn't appear to have any interest in him. "Paper Mario's partners?" Their chances are completely dependent on Paper Mario's. So with this all said, Geno really doesn't have any competition when it comes to Mario characters.

Simon Belmont and Megaman still don't dwarf the first party competition Geno's looking at right now. Also, Bomberman > Simon Belmont in popularity. Don't kid yourself.

Geno's not first party though and is basically in the same category as Vaati. Still, if you want to argue the third party card, let's take a look at how that wall has basically been torn down:

Slippy's Trophy is in his Star Fox Assualt Form, a game developed by Namco.

Samurai Goroh and Dr. Stewart are in their F-Zero GX forms, a game developed by Sega.

Mario Party items were shown in the sticker update, a series developed by Hudson.

There are a ton of references to DK Jungle Beat and Donkey Konga, games developed by Namco.

The hero of Sin and Punishment is an AT, a game developed by Treasure

Need I go on? If you're still not satisfied, you should read my explanition of Geno's legal situation (I'm sure there's a link to it in this thread) and how he's not the same as other third party characters.

There are also plenty of other choices that Sakurai could make besides Geno. See? I can use speculation as a filler argument too.

Speculation based on solid informaion mind you. Out of the more then 200 characters mentioned in Sakurai's journal, Geno was one of the 21 that were mentioned more then once and Geno was tied with King Dedede as the most mentioned. King Dedede (5 entires), Diddy Kong (4 entires), and Ike (4 entries) have already been confirmed and Krystal (4 entries) has been semiconfirmed because of a slip from her voice actor. So what do we have here:

1. Geno (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars) (5 entries)
2. King Dedede (Kirby franchise) (5 entries)
3. Krystal (Star Fox franchise) (4 entries)
4. Ridley (Metroid franchise) (4 entries)
5. Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) (4 entries)
6. Claus (Mother 3) (4 entries)
7. Diddy Kong (DK franchise) (4 entries)
8. Takamaru (The Mystery of Murasume's Castle) (3 entries)
9. Tom Nook (Animal Crossing franchise) (3 entries)
10. Captain Olimar (Pikmin franchise) (3 entries)
11. Megaman (2 entries)
12. Black Shadow (F-Zero franchise) (2 entries)
13. Deimru/Deimelle (Tomato Adventure) (2 entries)
14. Jeff (Mother 2/ Earthbound) (2 entries)
15. Ray 01 (Custom Robo franchise) (2 entries)
16. King K. Rool (DK franchise) (2 entries)
17. Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fight) (2 entries)
18. Professor Kawashima (Brain Age) (2 entries)
19. Sigurd (Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu) (2 entries)
20. Diddy and Dixie Kong as a team (DK franchise) (2 entries)
21. Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight) (2 entries)

I want you to take a good hard look at this list and try to tell me that most of the remaining people don't have a better of decent chance of being playable. With the Melee Poll, Sakurai added the most popular choices in all but 2 of the franchise categories so what makes you so sure he won't do that again?

By the way, here's a link to the 2001 Melee Poll results in case you're curious.


That is a lot harder to beat than Geno (Xtra Lawl). Bowser Jr. says hi. Geno's competition is still tougher and Luigi being a given doesn't help his case.

Seriously, what about Bowser Jr? He's hardly an independent character as it is because he needs his "daddy" whenever he appears much like how Walugi needs Wario to be around. As Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga made obvious, Geno isn't bound by such shackles and could easily function without other Mario characters. Don't you see? That's the trend that all playable characters have shown thus far, they can all stand on their own merits and strengths and don't depend entirelly on other people. Sure, they have their connections with other characters but it's not like their purpose is completely lost if they aren't around which is exactly the case with Bowser Jr.

You can't pass your own unsubstantiated opinion off as a legitimate point. How does showing previous interest in a character a guarantee that a character will be added? Do you even know if Sakurai is interested in Bomberman? I don't but a big fanbase, many good games, and many possiblities tell me he didn't need fans to remind him of his presence. :chuckle:

And yet Bomberman wasn't even mentioned once in his journal and Sakurai hasn't mentioned him in interviews.

Sakurai obviously felt comfortable adding 2 ancient characters (G&W and Ice Climbers), so I don't think he lost too much sleep over delaying Lucas (whom if he really cared about would have replace Ness then and there) and Sonic (who's demand only became apparent after the infamous EGM April fool's joke). Nice try, but time constraints tell us one thing and one thing alone: you don't know who is going to be in until things are officially confirmed.

I don't know what the other person was arguing here so I'm going to let this be.

I never mentioned Bomberman games as of late. I spoke of the Snes ones and if you want to talk about past Nintendo systems ill throw in the 64 ones as well. Bomberman's resume is still way stronger with or without the duds. Megaman doing better than bomberman at the moment? Well, lets see, all of Megaman's main games were on the NES, gameboy, & Snes with one game going to the PSX. They were good, but then, they were during the same time Bomberman's snes/64 stuff came out. Castlevania doing better is also not the result of Simon Belmont. Last I checked, he was still stuck in Super Castlevania for the Snes so that pretty much debunks your wild claim of Simon being stiff competition based on the strength of current Castlevania success. If anything, that makes a claim for the guys who were actually in these recent successful Castelvania games.

I find it hilarious how you completely overlook the GBA and DS Megaman games...

Second most important character in the game was Geno? Good lord. Does Smithy ring a bell, you know, the main antagonist?

You don't even see Smithy until the very end of the game and his actual involvement in the story is minimal at best. You basically have all his minions fighting for him. I can tell you that Bowser isn't usually like that. Neither is Ridley or Ganon.

If you mean second most important protagonist, you're still wrong as ever. Geno's role was as large as Mallow's. He told Mario about the seven stars, but that kind of info isn't exactly helpful when Mario is on a quest to beat the villains anyway. Mario found Mack for the first star minus Geno's help and the way Smithy's goons were blabbering off, it would only be a matter of time until he discovered the truth. Where there was trouble there was a star and where theres trouble theres Mario.

What you don't understand is what everyone's main missions basically were:

Mario- rescue Peach
Mallow-find his parents
Bowser-get back his castle
Peach-reunite with Mario
Geno-repair the Star Road

With that said, everyone except Geno achieves their main mission by the end of the game. Heck, Mario's the first one to achieve his. Also, after Mario finds the Star Piece, they visit Frogfucious, and he tells Mallow the truth about his past. From there, they continue on not to "beat the baddies" but to FIND MALLOW'S PARENTS AND PEACH. It's not until they meet Geno that the story really opens up and the Mario crew realizes they've got something big on their hands.

Well what about the next SMRPG that followed Superstar?

o_0? Nintendo used Geno as a cameo during Superstar which would indicate an end to the bad blood. So why didn't Nintendo give Geno a heftier role in the next SMRPG? They had ample time to do it....

Square Enix wasn't involved obviously. It's not like Nintendo can use him without their permission. You also talk as if characters can just be thrown into canon games without a second thought. Geno: "Oh, hi Mario! I'm in this game without the Star Road being involved or anything. I hope you don't mind my intrusion." You mean like that? The characters have to fit the context of the story and, with your reasoning, Nintendo obviously hated Tingle because he didn't appear in Twilight Princess. A game like Smash Bros doesn't really have a context so this is far from being a problem. If it were in context, none of the characters would be together in the first place because they all live in different realities.

Did Geno cost too much for a DS apperance or does Nintendo really not care about Geno? Take your pick, either way its a bad omen for Geno fans when a company is only willing to invest in a character to a certain extent & would rather avoid including the character altogether because of it.

See above. Also, just because Crono from Chrono Trigger has yet to appear in another Square Enix game does that mean Square Enix hates him too? There are literally thousands of cases I could use your flawed logic in and that's what makes it flawed in the first place.

Its obvious you are a biased fanboy who isn't willing to accept the possibility that Geno's chances are not all they are cracked up to be.
And it's obvious that you downplay Geno's chances because you're scared to death that he'll get in over someone you want when, considering the circumstances surrounding Geno, he's not even in the same race.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Do the gamefaqs people realize the outside opinion of the quality of them?


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Who knows but I got another way around it.

Another thread we post! Argument why he be in should he!


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
How so? A vast majority of Bomberman's attacks are based on just that, bombs. Link has bombs, Samus has bombs, there are several kinds of bomb items that have various effects... Do you see where I'm going with this? Outside of that, he'd basically be doomed using generic punchs and kicks.
Methinks someone hasn't played many Bomberman titles. And to dismiss the many different explosives the B-Man has utilized throughout his career as simply "bombs" only shows ignorance on your part in this matter.

And yet Bomberman wasn't even mentioned once in his journal and Sakurai hasn't mentioned him in interviews.
Pokemon Trainer and Sonic say "Hi."

I find it hilarious how you completely overlook the GBA and DS Megaman games...
Considering that, with the exception of the MegaMan Zero series, those titles are some of the WORST MegaMan titles ever, it's actually preferable that they be ignored...


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Tonight may be the night, people - if we don't get a newcomer tonight, it'll be the longest gap between newcomers yet. Let's keep our fingers crossed.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
"I find it hilarious how you completely overlook the GBA and DS Megaman games..."

Battle... network megaman? Hahahahaha. Those are the worst megaman games in history.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
Oooh you guys just make me wanna stay up til 3..

Ah but I will not. Maybe I should give someone my cell phone number so you can wake me if it happens..

Ah.. but I will not.

I be crossin' my toes ta night!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Methinks someone hasn't played many Bomberman titles. And to dismiss the many different explosives the B-Man has utilized throughout his career as simply "bombs" only shows ignorance on your part in this matter.

Not really. I've played all the Bomberman games on the SNES, N64 and Wario Blast on GB so I'm more familar with what he does then you think. With that said, unless Bomberman was made completely different in Bomberman Jetters then my point remains valid.

Pokemon Trainer and Sonic say "Hi."

And the Melee Poll results and characters Sakurai has mentioned in interviews says "hi" back.

Characters Sakurai has mentioned in interviews:

1. Lip (Panel de Pon)
2. Lolo (Adventures of Lolo/ Kirby franchise)
3. Muddy Mole (Mole Mania)
4. the Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fight)
5. Sonic
6. Little Mac (Punch Out franchise)
7. Lucas (Mother 3)
8. Sigurd (Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu)

The 2001 Offical Melee poll results

Pokemon category:
1. Mewtwo (35)
2. Mew (24)
3. Red (18)
4. Misc. Pokemon (12)
5. Lugia (11)
6. Meowth (8)
7. Raichu (7)
8. Marill (5)
9. Bulbasaur (5)
10. Togepi (5)

Considering that, with the exception of the MegaMan Zero series, those titles are some of the WORST MegaMan titles ever, it's actually preferable that they be ignored...

Kind of like Sonic's 3D titles? I think you understand my point...
All my responses are above.
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