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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
I had another one of my "Geno is in Brawl" dreams last night. This one didn't so much confirm him as an update in itself, but...for some reason he was specifically mentioned in a different update. As though I was reading one that came out after he had already been announced. No pictures of him though...kinda strange.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
I didn't say the moves aren't original but a lot of characters can get a unique moveset I don't doubt that he's unique

Edit: and you can also put arguments up on your wiki site why geno should be in brawl
Ok. Good idea.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I didn't say the moves aren't original but a lot of characters can get a unique moveset I don't doubt that he's unique

Edit: and you can also put arguments up on your wiki site why geno should be in brawl
You can also read a rant i wrote arguing for Geno's inclusion on the front page of this thread


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
If only we could email that page to Sakurai directly

Snakz: Couple of spelling errors but its good =D


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
That wiki page is looking really good. ^^

Anything I can do to help? I don't have a wiki account though. *sweatdrop*
You do, its your username here and your pw here, i learned how to use wiki in just 2 days so just play around, but don't save it! I g2g to school now, so later everyone =D

Also Oshiro you could add profiles of others if you want


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
Did I post in this thread already?

Crappity crap, I forgot.

Well, regardless:

If Ice Climbers, a moderately cool (Pair of) character(s) who have appeared in ONE GAME, then Geno, a really freakin' sweet character who has appreared in two games, has a definite chance.


No, seriously, give me Geno or give me Death from Castlevania.


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2003
New Jersey
ya know what I've noticed in other threads lately? Its that people are afraid to mention Geno's name now...because when they do...the enforcers come in and sets things straight (the enforcers of course would be us, the geno alliance...lol).

I was just reading a third party nominee thread, and all I see is half of the people saying they want Geno in, then our crew saying that Geno isn't third party, then them again saying Geno is not third party...but they still want him in...lol.

Idk... I just found it humorous.

Either way I'm still heavily anxious for Geno's inclusion, and I would definately like to see Star Hill or the Forest Maze as his level.


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
If Ice Climbers, a moderately cool (Pair of) character(s) who have appeared in ONE GAME, then Geno, a really freakin' sweet character who has appreared in two games, has a definite chance.
Not only that, he appeared in a game that turned out to be an absolute classic, and that ranks consistently high in "best game ever" polls. (ex: it got #30 @ IGN and 26 on Gfaqs).

I think that that is part of the reason Geno is popular; he has really come to be the icon of Super Mario RPG. This game is important to a lot of people (evidenced by the polls above). For me personally it was the first RPG I ever played and the first game in which I got attached to the characters. Not to mention that I can still play it today and have a blast. It's just that good

Despite this it hasn't gotten a true sequel at all. In fact, it's been treated as if it never existed by the game developers. Which is a real shame considering it's popularity and "classic" standing.

So yea, I think that is part of the reason so many want Geno in Brawl. He represents a forgotten game (forgotten by developers, not us :) ) that many think very highly of, some even considering it part of their childhood.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Not only that, he appeared in a game that turned out to be an absolute classic, and that ranks consistently high in "best game ever" polls. (ex: it got #30 @ IGN and 26 on Gfaqs).
That's a good bit of info. Even more fuel for our collective fire.

I think that that is part of the reason Geno is popular; he has really come to be the icon of Super Mario RPG. This game is important to a lot of people (evidenced by the polls above). For me personally it was the first RPG I ever played and the first game in which I got attached to the characters. Not to mention that I can still play it today and have a blast. It's just that good.
I completely and utterly agree. Not only was Super Mario RPG one of my favorite games back then, but it still is now. It's a great game, and very few games age as well as it does (Only Legend of Zelda and other Mario games come to mind).

Despite this it hasn't gotten a true sequel at all. In fact, it's been treated as if it never existed by the game developers. Which is a real shame considering it's popularity and "classic" standing.
The reason for this is that Super Mario RPG came out just before Square cut their ties with Nintendo. There isn't much point to putting Geno (or Mallow, Booster, etc.) into a game that doesn't even remotely involve the Mario universe.

Now, their ties have been reestablished. Geno could once again see the light of day.

So yea, I think that is part of the reason so many want Geno in Brawl. He represents a forgotten game (forgotten by developers, not us :) ) that many think very highly of, some even considering it part of their childhood.
Exactly. Geno is basically the characterized version of "I got a huge bowl of my favorite dessert, but someone took it away from me after I could only take one bite."


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Western Kentucky
No clue how I would go about doing this, but I'm anxious to join the Geno Alliance. I've no clue how to type those symbols, but you get the picture.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Oh Enigma, i hope you dont mind, but i edited a bit of your arguments section on the Alliance wiki page, see if you like what i did

@Yojimbo, most of us just copy and paste :p


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2007
North East Area
Geno is an absolute must have in brawl, hes not my favorite character from SMRPG but as SSBB needs a character that both from the mario world and square world in its most perfect combination. The 2 only options would be mallow or geno and mallow is who I like more but IDC who makes it GENO For the win haha cant wait to use Geno Whirl 999 damage!


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2003
New Jersey
lol that would be funny if Geno Whirl was Geno's final smash, and it automatically set everyone on the stage's damage meter to 999%, scept Geno of course. It wouldn't kill anyone, just set everyone's damage to 999%.

As for Mallow, he was a fun character to play, but due to the fact that he was a crybaby...and couldnt jump whatsoever for a "tadpole" (for people who havent played it I'm not gonna spoil it lol), he didn't get the cult following that Geno has. Simply put, Geno is one bad-a$$ motha f***** :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I just had an idea, when Brawl comes out, we could make a vague sorta 3D remake of SMRPG (most likely excluding poor Mallow). take Geno and Mario (though i suppose you could even do it with Melee with just Mario and Peach or Bowser, though it wouldn't be as true, and no more characters since it'd be 3v1) and just do a turn-based fighting system against other characters.

You can use a turn to go grab an item that appears and another turn to use it, though limitedly (you wouldn't be able to use all three charged shots from the super scope in one turn). As for moves that miss, you'd only be able to do side-step dogdes, but then again if you use it all the time, nobody would hit each other, so im not quite sure how you'd implement misses by dodging besides just plain missing your target.

What do you guys think? obviously i'd play Geno normally, but if your feeling in a RPG mood, you could play this "mode" instead


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2003
New Jersey
I just had an idea, when Brawl comes out, we could make a vague sorta 3D remake of SMRPG (most likely excluding poor Mallow). take Geno and Mario (though i suppose you could even do it with Melee with just Mario and Peach or Bowser, though it wouldn't be as true, and no more characters since it'd be 3v1) and just do a turn-based fighting system against other characters.

You can use a turn to go grab an item that appears and another turn to use it, though limitedly (you wouldn't be able to use all three charged shots from the super scope in one turn). As for moves that miss, you'd only be able to do side-step dogdes, but then again if you use it all the time, nobody would hit each other, so im not quite sure how you'd implement misses by dodging besides just plain missing your target.

What do you guys think? obviously i'd play Geno normally, but if your feeling in a RPG mood, you could play this "mode" instead
Interesting and fun idea, I'm game for it.

It would kind of remind me of FF tactics in a sense though, and I'd be curious how final smashes would work in that system. All in all though I'd be game to try it.

Burning Soul

Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2006
*Insert witty place here*
ya know what I've noticed in other threads lately? Its that people are afraid to mention Geno's name now...because when they do...the enforcers come in and sets things straight (the enforcers of course would be us, the geno alliance...lol).

I was just reading a third party nominee thread, and all I see is half of the people saying they want Geno in, then our crew saying that Geno isn't third party, then them again saying Geno is not third party...but they still want him in...lol.

Idk... I just found it humorous.

Either way I'm still heavily anxious for Geno's inclusion, and I would definately like to see Star Hill or the Forest Maze as his level.
I've noticed that as well.

People are too scared to post their arguments against Geno here so they do it in other threads. I always tell them to come here, and they never do =P


Smash Rookie
Oct 16, 2007
This is a rather noobish question but... are Sakurai's poll and the # of mentions in Sakurai's journal the same thing? I keep seeing the same basic list, but on some lists Geno has 5 mentions, and on others he has 4. If someone could explain this to me it would be much appreciated.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Sakurai's poll is right here, dude. Sticky'd.

Also, does it matter whether it's 4 or 5? Either way, Geno's INSANELY high up there.

EDIT: And, no ****? It's called the Geno Alliance here too? That's what my group at GF was called! XD


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
Someone probably made a miscalculation, on one side or the other. Like I said, does it really matter? Either way, Geno's either at the very top, or extremely close to it (with characters who are already in).


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2003
New Jersey
I was just thinking about SMRPG as a whole and I realized something... I've done everything imaginable in that game except do 30 of those ****ed jumps in a row... lol. I know u get an item at 30 jumps and an even better one at 100 jumps, but how is it even possible. The most I've gotten was like 25 jumps, and even that was a fluke.

The funny thing is, when it comes to other things in that game, such as where all of the hidden treasure chests are... I pretty much have it down to when I play the game and go through it, I get each one without even thinking about it. Same with all of the item locations, and the "guess which hand game" is always fun to win 100 times in a row.

lol and now that I think about it, we should have some sort of "Play through smrpg in this fashion" contest. Like make it where you gotta face certain bosses at certain levels, and use certain characters. Something with limits, but not too too extreme (play the whole game with no accessories, weapons and armor is a little too much... hell I'd like to see it as possible though). Idk, all I know is I'm definately looking for an excuse to play it again lol.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
You know people, we should add this to the list of reasons for Geno
#201-210: Sakurai says in response to an email asking only for well-known characters (like Mario, Link, etc.) to appear in SSBB, "Asking only for popular characters to appear in Smash...doesn't get me excited"
When they try to argue against Geno's popularity outside internet


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant, Aarle Rixtel
Correct me if I'm wrong but the iceclimbers are the main characters of their game and Geno isn't well at least he has to share it a lot with mallow and mario and princess toadstool and what was exactly his role in the second game of him? oh and the iceclimbers were also in ssbm so that makes also two games:p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the iceclimbers are the main characters of their game and Geno isn't well at least he has to share it a lot with mallow and mario and princess toadstool and what was exactly his role in the second game of him? oh and the iceclimbers were also in ssbm so that makes also two games:p
Strange post, since the beginning of it went against Geno and the latter was for. But you do bring up a good point: the amount of games in which are character takes part in has no effect on inclusion when it comes to SSBB. The Ice Climbers and any retro game is a good example of that. I'm sure there's another past SSB character that I'm forgetting about..


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
Hey, not to derail the thread, but is there any way for me to join the ♥♪!? alliance?

Deleted member

Hey, not to derail the thread, but is there any way for me to join the ♥♪!? alliance?
Sure, it is easy. Just run around and scream your *** off about how much you want him to be in Brawl.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant, Aarle Rixtel
Strange post, since the beginning of it went against Geno and the latter was for. But you do bring up a good point: the amount of games in which are character takes part in has no effect on inclusion when it comes to SSBB. The Ice Climbers and any retro game is a good example of that. I'm sure there's another past SSB character that I'm forgetting about..
I'm against Geno's conclusion but I wouldn't mind if he was in. I'm sorry for my strange posts but I'm not very good at English and I only read some info about geno so my knowledge about him isn't very good either


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
Hmm...Just a few questions...

What do you know about Geno/ Mario RPG, etc?
First off, about Mario RPG:
It was the first RPG style game to use Mario, and was one of the best games ever for the SNES (rivaling giants like Chrono Trigger and FFVI). It used a revolutionary (at the time) pseudo 3d-graphics thing by making everything isometric. All attacks and moves used "action commands" which would improve the move depending on when you pressed or how long you held a button. It was the first game to have Bowser as a playable character, and was the origin of the characters Mallow, and, of course, Geno.
Its story was that a tyrant from another dimension, Smithy, had broken the Star Road (and Bowser's Castle) with the evil living sword, Exor. The star road had been shattered into seven rainbow-colored stars, and it became Mario's mission to save Peach, retrieve the Stars, defeat Smithy, and repair the Star Road, all while meeting strange and humorous characters, such as the Power Axem Rangers, and the rest of Smithy's weapon-like minions. (as well as struggling with a bout of Silent Protragonist Syndrome)

Geno is actually a star-being from the Star Road who "serves... a higher authority", and is tasked with the retrieval of the Seven Stars. He meets Mario in the Forest Maze, tracking down Smithy's minion, Bowyer. He inhabits a little girl's scarecrow doll, and as his real name ( ♥♪!?) is hard to pronounce, he takes on the doll's name, Geno. Geno is a fairly awesome character in battle, using his powers to manipulate the doll's body into various weapons, all of them some form of ordinance or otherworldly power. One of his most infamous moves is the Geno Whirl, which if timed right will deal an instant 9999 damage to any non-boss enemy (As well as clones of Yardrovitch and, most famously, Exor). He is an extremely cool character due mainly to his cool design, awesome moves, bad*** personality (those are just asterisks), and incredibly cool background.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2007
I'm troubled by something - near the end of SMRPG, Bowser threatens Geno, that he'll 'rip his stuffing out'.

Any chance that we've been wrong all along about Geno's composition, and he ISN'T made of wood?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'm troubled by something - near the end of SMRPG, Bowser threatens Geno, that he'll 'rip his stuffing out'.

Any chance that we've been wrong all along about Geno's composition, and he ISN'T made of wood?
Nah, I think it's just a joke on how Geno is a "doll"...Geno is definetly just made of wood

BTW I think Enlong should be admitted, Snakz, what do you think?
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