DeLoRtEd1 -
You seem to be more interested in the words I am saying rather than the points I am making. You are basically quote mining me.
I have not once used a slippery slope argument. I never said "Allow UHC and next thing you know we will be given food rations by the government!" No.
I just said that socialism does not work whether it is full socialistic government or just individual policies.
And seriously, I never said, nor implied that the US was the
only country where you can get rich. I never 'acted' that way either. And after the first time you brought it up I even said it. So wherever you are getting this idea, it is not from me.
Tell me Kur, how do you feel about the right. Are they gods compared to the left.
Of course not. But their policies do have a better track record of working without infringing on our freedoms. Mostly because their policies reduce the amount the government has to do and as a result, the amount of taxes needed from me for them to do it.
Is the right more "free" than the left?
Absolutely. In America right now there are far left judges on the supreme court making rulings outside of their job description. The left is telling me that I can not use regular light bulbs after 2012. The left is telling me that I can't drive a large SUV. The left is telling me that (if I owned an oil company) I can't drill for oil and actually reduce the gas prices. The left is telling me I can't have a bon fire on the beach in Washington or Northern California. The left is telling me that I can't have my thermostat set below 78 degrees. The left is telling me that I can not develop MY OWN LAND because there MIGHT be a bird (rare to that specific region) or something living there, even though there are millions of the things on the other side of a mountain. The left wants to tell me that I can't choose what health care I want and that they are going to forcefully take my money and make me use their health care. The left wants to tell me I can't drive my ATV except for on marked trails. The left wants to tell me I don't have the right to own a gun. The left wants to tell me I can't go hunting or fishing. The left wants to tell me I can't eat red meat. The left wants to tell me that it is ok to murder an unborn child.
There are many more losses of freedom but I assume you are tired of reading them by now. But yes, the right is far more free than the left.
Does the right make U.S.A. the best country on Earth. How.
No. The principles of the right make this the best country on earth. The US became the most powerful and (in my opinion) best country on earth while acting on the founding principles of the constitution. The constitution could never be mistaken for a leftist idea.
The right gives you less freedoms than the left. Patriot Act, secret courts, illegal wiretaps, caring about your library card records.
Patriot act
"The Act was passed by wide margins in both houses of Congress and was supported by members of both the Republican and
Democratic parties." - Wikipedia
The Patriot Act was accused of lessening our civil liberties because it allowed the indefinite detention of immigrants if they were suspected of terrorism related acts. Any and all searches and wire taps performed had to strictly be on the premise that the person was actively involved in a terrorist plot. Basically the whole thing reads like that.
The Patriot Act may not be the greatest thing in the world but the only losses of freedom were to those suspected in terrorist activities and NOT to the general public at all. There are much more losses of freedom in the lefts idiotic global warming policies.
secret courts
Honestly do not know what this means.
Illegal Wiretaps
Can't be illegal if the government says it is not. And these wire taps are used
INCOMING calls from
KNOWN TERRORIST NUMBERS outside the United States. The only way the average person would be the victim of a government wire tap is if they were getting calls from known terrorists.
Library Card Records
Again, this only applies to suspected terrorists. Even if you were to check out 100 books about making bombs and the benefits of islam over christianity, the government would never know a thing about it because they don't give a crap about what you are reading. They only use the information when tracking a person already KNOWN to be a terrorist.
How can those examples be considered more "free" than the left's ideas.
Because not one of these examples ever denied me from doing anything. Not one of these examples was used on anybody other than known terrorists. They are simply intelligence collecting tools.
Bush and the conservative congress signed/passed all of these laws into effect. The wiretaps and some of the Patriot Act are in violation of your 4th amendment freedoms. Is that free enough for you?
Bush is not conservative. He is a moderate Republican in practice, even if he claims to be conservative. And as I have previously pointed out, those acts and policies were passed by both republicans and democrats in the congress. I have also pointed out that the wire taps were not a violation of my rights. They were listening in on calls from outside the US. They are not protected by the constitution.
This seems like a good time to interject something here. Not all republicans are conservative and not all democrats are liberal. Bush is a moderate, McCain is more liberal than anything else, and that guy who just died, host of a morning show I think, was a conservative democrat.
I am a US citizen first, a conservative second, and I am probably better aligned with some third party than I am with republicans, but third party candidates are never elected here so for that reason alone I am republican. Actually if I had it my way I would abolish the party system and the electoral college voting process as well. But that is for another debate.
And what about public education.
It sucks. It continually turns out sub par results and does not seem to care to try to give children the desire to learn. My own brother graduated from public high school with a 3.0 GPA and NOT knowing how to spell his own middle name. He can barely read. I learned more about how science works doing my own research on the internet than I did in 12 years of public education. It is fact that public school and even home school students continually out perform public school students on test scores.
If we suddenly destroyed all traces of free, public, education and replaced it with private, would the country be less "socialist?"
A great majority of private schools are religious in nature, usually a sect of Christianity. So, many, if not all schools would be a place to be brainwashed by "teachers" about said religion and not learn any theories that dispute the teachings of the teacher. How is that less socialist than public schools, where free thought is encouraged and creates difference in students.
That is the beauty of free market. If you don't like how you are being serviced, you go to the competitor. Socialist public school basically forces you into one option. Sure, you can always opt out and send your child to a private school, but the government will not cut public school funding from your taxes if you do.
And don't act like all private schools are religious. If public school was abolished then a lot more private schools would spring up and many of them would be purely secular.
Don't forget about the cost. If there was no free education, parents would have to pay to send their kids to school. Do you know how many families to struggle to make end's meet? Add a ludicrous tuition fee to taxes, food, gas, etc, and there would be more poverty in the country.
Are you really saying this? Parents are already paying for their kids to go to school. It is called taxes. Abolish public schools and you can also abolish the portion of taxes out of parents checks that pay for them, freeing up money for private school. And don't act like all private schooling is so expensive because it isn't. And without public schools to hog all the students, the private schools will have to be able to compete with each other, resulting in lower tuition and better performance. Free market works.
Free thought verses religious schools where they brainwash the kids. Tuition verses free education. Not to mention, all of the kids that don't belong to said religion (Which most private schools are in nature) would be pretty mad.
Nothing here I haven't already addressed. Except that public schools have an incredible amount of brainwashing going on. Global warming is taught as fact even though there is real evidence to contradict it. Students are taught almost exclusively liberal propaganda, and it results in students growing up to be less than they could be and content to settle for 'good enough' because if they fail the government will always take care of them with welfare, and food stamps, and UHC anyway.
And there is a serious lapse in logic if you think something funded by the government is 'free' to the people. It is only 'free' if it is given to people who do not pay taxes.
I would rather not spend another 100 years in Iraq, so... Obama.
It's not that I hate McCain, but I don't think I've agreed with him on a single platform yet. Obama, on the other hand, has a pretty solid platform with ideas that sound pretty good to me. My main concern for the future is the environment, and his plan to reduce emissions sounds like the best plan to me.
Of course, these are just my opinions, which don't really matter in the long run, seeing as I'm not 18.
The 100 years in Iraq is a total media quote mine used in an attempt to trick you into believing their biased opinions.
McCain never said he would spend the next 100 years in Iraq. He said he would stay there for 100 years
IF HE HAD TO. Honestly, we won't have to.
If the liberals would just shut up and let the US do its job, we could be pulling out in as little as 2 or 3 years.
Of course a timeline to pull out is a horrible idea, because things never go as planned and all the enemy has to do is pull back a bit and wait the timeline out. We need to finish the job and then leave. With the liberals pressure and annoying habit of messing things up, it could take us maybe twice as long to finish up there, so maybe 6 years.
Definitely not 100 years. Anybody who believes that needs to take a step back and really look at things with a little more of an open mind.