You know, I'm just going to end this here. This debate is seriously bumming me out. No one's responded yet, but I don't care. I just re-read this page and the amount of people who disagree with universal health care is beyond my level of comprehension and tolerance.
Considering you live with universal Heatlh Care, how can you possibly call us idiots for not wanting your type of Heatlh Care? You don't live here, you don't know how it works. If you lived in the US, perhaps you'd be a little more credible in saying that it's better.
You cannot go about life living through these slippery slopes.
Against gay marriage because you think people are going to marry horses? Because people are going to marry their best friend to get tax benefits?
I've never even heard that reason used as a position against gay marriage.
Pro-guns because you think people are going to rob you?
No, because gun control is nothing but harmful to honest people. Guns aren't hard to get, or heck, to MAKE even. If there's gun control and someone wants to get a gun, they're going to get one. Honest people who do not break the law will be the ones without guns and will not have a way of defending themselves because guns are illegal and they don't break the law. Gun control solves nothing, it causes more problems.
Against socialized health care because you think people are going to get a free ride?
Yes, because there are people who are going to get a free ride. That's not a slippery slope, that's a fact. Right now there are people getting free rides. Perhaps Canada doesn't have as much of an issue with illegal immigration (which it probably doesn't), but have you noticed the number of illegal immigrants already getting in-state tuition for college when they don't live there, illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes, but will still get Social Security in the US?
The same thing will happen with Health Care. We'll pay more taxes, and in addition to the tax dollars already going to illegal immigrants who pay no taxes, we'll be giving them Health Care, too. Health Care is not free as you mentioned in your previous post; as Crimson King pointed out, the extra taxes you pay are paying for Health Care. Just because you're not paying it when you go in doesn't mean it's free. I am
not paying for some illegal immigrant to get free Health Care, when I worked hard to earn my money.
Simply put - money isn't everything. Don't be so god**** selfish.
I'm done. Rant off, nitpick me away. I won't respond.
I don't care, honestly, if you're not going to respond. But do us a favor and leave the Debate Hall unless you're willing to DEBATE and not flip out because people have opinions different from you. Get a blog or something and write your opinions somewhere else if you don't want people to offer their opinions to counter yours. This is the Debate Hall, for debating. It's great that you have an opinon, and although I disagree, I'm not going to call you selfish and storm off.