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The NW Thread Next Fest 9th September !!!! BACK IN BUSINESS !!!


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
As for Edwin and Pro not being there its a nice NO JOHHHNNNNSSSS sonerino.

Honestly i dont remember anyone taking it seriously, a few peeps here and there but everyone knew peeps werent there so it wasnt taken too seriously at all. be fun as hell though if we got fun attendance.


confirm a date with the venue and post it on the boards and let peeps know that unless you get so many confirmed/booked in an alloted time youll pull your deposit. i know id be 100% confirmed and 100% there. no johns i havent missed a tourney, dont intend to start now


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Yes you do shut up lol, and no ganon in low tier lol. Though your tier list does allow regular mario too. And mario is ****ing amazing.

Tbh though Joe we will win anyways being the greatest 2 smashers on the face of the earth.

Edit: M2K eat your heart out :p


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2007
I would set up a Tournament but the reason people will not turn up is because of housing. I was thinking of looking for cheap hostels for people but they probably wouldn't pay.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
id pay i know that, hostels are mad cheap, and if you go in groups there much cheaper

they can be around 30 quid a room, and depending on the hostel, a room can fit up to 9 peeps. sooo 3.50 sounds pretty reasonable imo. please look into any hostels in the area as it would be a great help for me. Basically if i think the tourney as a chance, you get my personally nagging on peeps to book. its good times and effective times.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
I'm sure i'd be willing to pay or just sort a lift down on the day. I just think the major problem would be that we'd have to pay for venue as well. But thats not really a problem really if they are as cheap as Joe has said. Only thing i'd worry is what a hostel in Liverpool is like lol.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Crew johns
• You guys got lucky with the lineup
• Too bad we **** you guys in everything else < South
• We were missing some people < South

Johns are so legit.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Joe when can i get my wii back, and have you spoke to Ste since his bday? If you haven't then....lol. :D

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Self johns
• I wasn't trying - P.Pro
• I let you win
• My fingers hurt
• My hands are sweaty / greasy
• My eyes hurt
• I don't have my glasses - Aiko
• I'm tired - J03
• I've been drinking / toking
• I'm hungry
• I'm out of practice
• I don't care
• I don't own this game
• I have a life
• I'll win next time
• I kept killing myself
• I would win if I didn't SD so much
• I'll whoop your *** at another game
• I just started learning how to play
• I'm just playing for fun
• I don't money match
• I need my name tag on
• I was the wrong color
• I hate this controller slot
• I need music while I play
• I was just sandbagging
• I know I'm better than you

Foe johns
• You suck - Charles
• You need high-tier characters win
• You have to counter-pick me to win
• You play this game way too much
• You play cheap
• You hack / cheat / glitch
• You're already warmed up
• You play with better people
• You take this too seriously

Insult johns
• **** you, you ****** ****er
• Your mother
• My ***** > yours
• at least I have a girlfriend

Generic johns
• Interesting
• Wow..
• Hmmm
• :sigh: - me

Demographic johns
• Can you stay out this late on a school night, kid?
• Aren't you a little too old to play games?
• Wow you're asian what chance did I have..
• Black people are inherently good at this ****!
• Spanish FTW apparently..
• Wow I got beat by a girl.

Hardware johns
• The television is laggy
• My controller is malfunctioning - J03, Me
• I just got this controller
• This isn't my controller
• My controller is really old
• I'm not used to this version of smash
• It's not my gamecube / memory card

Gameplay johns
• I hate this starting position
• The level gayed me
• The game glitched
• The camera sucks on this level
• Pause messed me up
• Vibration is throwing me off
• WTF just happened
• How did you hit me?
• How did I miss you? - J03
• Pitch a tent, camper
• Spam some more
• You only have one move
• There's nothing I can do! - me
• Stop running from me
• Chainthrowing is gay
• That's so broken
• Wow that took no skill
• You're so predictable!
• I wish my character would do what I wanted
• Whatever this isn't my main
• Items are ********
• C-stick is cheap
• How did I miss the ledge?
• Where was my midair?!
• ****it I saw that coming - Zeppo
• I so teched that
• This game is so stupid
• * L R A Start * - Me
• * hits controller, ganks plug * - Me

Level johns
• Cloud denied me
• Cloud saved you
• Claptrap wrecked me
• The barrel sucks
• Moving levels are stupid
• Wind ****ed up my recovery
• ... Poké Floats?!

Anomaly johns
• Phantom hit..
• Get luckier with misfire / judgement hammer / turnip pull plz
• Woah, random spike / invisible ceiling glitch
• I fell through the level..

Environment johns
• Temperature is uncomfortable
• Lighting is poor
• Smell / noise is distracting
• TV is too small
• Poor angle of the TV
• This seat sucks
• Volume is too low
• DooDah is here

Tournament johns
• If I had gone I would've won - Edwin
• Pools / brackets are rigged
• Seeding sucked
• Facility is small / crappy
• Not enough TVs
• Poor venue
• House take is too much
• Pot is too small
• Entry fee is too small
• Entry fee is too large
• Too far away - Londoners (minus Charles Frostbyte)
• Home region advantage :'(
• Taking too long
• I play worse at tournaments
• I was too nervous
• I got pulled over for having TVs in the back of my car..

Tournament Organizer johns
• We're having a door fee in addition to our take of the pot
• We expected more people - Aiko, me, AmcD
• Not enough cubes/tvs
• People are slowing us down
• The AC isn't working
• No outside food
• Stop yelling
• Noucles punched a hole in my wall
• Bawls? Cost $2.00

Team johns
• My partner sucked
• Too chaotic
• They targeted me
• Partner jacked my stock
• Friendly fire blows
• Wow this level lags

FFA johns
• I lost track of where I was
• Omg team some more noobies
• I can't edge guard!
• I'm sorry I lost because I actually had balls and faught

Crew johns
• You guys got lucky with the lineup - V.A
• Too bad we **** you guys in everything else - V.A
• We were missing some people - V.A

Forum johns
• You're lucky you live far from me
• I would wreck you IRL
• You post like a 2 year old
• You aren't funny
• Learn some grammar - P.Pro
• You don't know what you're talking about
• I have more posts than you
• I have more rep than you
• My sign-up date is older
• Use the search bar

Meta johns
• No johns - Reacher

thats the johns I've heard before on this list :laugh:

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
no, truth .

Out of all of them

I play worse at tournaments < Vanity Angel
I was too nervous < Vanity Angel
lool True.

• You guys got lucky with the lineup
• Too bad we **** you guys in everything else < South
• We were missing some people < South

Johns are so legit.
True. I think they even know they will lose if we ever have our full squad agaisnt them.

• I wasn't trying - P.Pro
• Too far away - Londoners (minus Charles Frostbyte)
• Learn some grammar - P.Pro
lol My one is not really a john because I beat you and then I said I werent trying and you got all moany and mad about it on msn loool, its more cocky then johning. What are you talking about with the Learn Some Grammar bit, if anything thats a guranteed Chrisboi position lol. So what we dont wanna travel to your gay area lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Happy bday for the 11th btw Carlton. And as for 18th i have no idea man, think your trippin tbh.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
ffs, im failing badly on the birthday front, how could i forget yours is one day before stes >_<.

hope you had a good one lad, many apologies on my amazing phail =(.

will for some reason yours is the only birthday i remember xD.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
For some reason? It's like 2 weeks after yours idiot we even had that joint 18th.

Eidt: notice how i managed to use the word joint in there xD


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
For some reason? It's like 2 weeks after yours idiot we even had that 18th joint.

Eidt: notice how i managed to use the word joint in there xD

Also happy "late" bday to the one and only BB. Also I mad wanna play, my pads been a bit dry lately. I'm on holiday between 19th and 26th though.


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2006
Loughborough, England
El Chucko Diablo return!!

Many thanks to all well wishers *bow* Much appreciation going round here.

When is the next NW meet-up anyway? Anyone have something happening soon? I need to see you all again.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
As for a meet up my parents are going away quite soon for a week i'm thinking i could have you guys over for a few days then :)


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Erm not completely sure on date think its week after this one coming. And they go away on a monday so next friday and saturday will be before it so no problem. Will get date as soon as.

Edit: what festival you going to?


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
screw aiko, he's a c*ck

btw, i heard chuck norris roundhouse kicked aiko into 1st place at the next melee tournament


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
I'm gunning for you Ant mate after that humiliation at TKI haha. Hope you don't mind 2nd place too much.
Alan if you need any help either beforehand or on the day you only need to ask :)
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