Smash Rookie
Whew! I feel like such a donkey now. I'm sorry for going hard on you, but you were doing quite a few punishable things. I hope at least I helped you realise some of them... But aside from that, I did geniunely have a good time fighting you. Your counterpicks were interesting, and I loved those doubles! I don't think I ever ditto'd a TL who didn't spam projectiles. I fear I may be turning slightly campy myself though.Sure, see ya there.
Butyeah. Lemme give you character and then general advice.
I can't speak much for marf or ike, but with TL don't go to hit with with an aerial upb unless you are certain it'll hit!! You were using a lot with ike, too, so just be careful. And umm... I can't think of anything else, I might be confusing you with ami's marf I fought prior. ><
So, 1. Try to cut the taunting a wee bit. Personally I don't mind if you want to celebrate a ko with one, once you don't get obnoxious about it.
2. You have a habit of repeating the same move twice. Exactly twice, if the first doesn't connect. Seeing this made it easy to know what you were going to use next which helped me try to thwart it.
3. Rolling. Stahp et.
4 You get slightly predictable too, I tested your reactions with things numerous times and then went with an option to
counter it. Especially against your counter lol, try not to throw it out so much. Try different attacks at times though, just make it a bit more interesting. Try to see what followups you do, and experiment with them. Like instead of fsmash could you dtilt/jab instead? It could be situational, but better to know it and not need it rather than not know and need. :D
5. You're good with ledgeguarding!

I hope you act upon this though ^, and hope to play you again soon. Ty for the games!
Oh dear. I hope you get well soon! I see that you are in a match, well you were when I last saw a bit ago, but if you're still up for a game afterwards put me on the waiting list.Been to four doctors in the past 24 hours, but I'm feeling a little better and I need a break.
Anybody want to play? Gonna be out all week.