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The North/West Pennsylvania Thread! HSV 3 October 27th!


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I agree with the 15 year old..... every time somebody says anything for mms counting, Chibo's just gonna throw out another "what if" lol.

Y'all know my position on this. It's up to the rest of y'all what the rule should be.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
Cheebs stop trying to mess things up midseason.. You and MIB are the only two ppl against it imo for two very different reasons.. He doesn't have money to MM ppl and you lost to Mav.

Each individual on the panel should propose their own solution and then the panel as a whole should vote on the best (make amendments, etc...) much like congress. If there was an easy way to do this, then we wouldn't have had to wait so long for health care reform. I'm assuming that the panel isn't under a dictatorship so stop trying to drag out the problem so thoroughly until ppl get tired of discussing it, which is what it looks like you're doing. So just make a proposal, submit it to the rest of the panel to read and allow them to make amendments. That way, ppl would have a chance to submit a counter-proposal and vote on that one.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Why are yall arguing. Mms should count. Anyone that says different is dumb. No they shouldnt be higher then tourney. But to not count at all is dumb. Not a single person here is getting top 3 at any major tournament so wth are yall arguing about. Bracket ***** happen and when it does you do bad in tourney knowing your better then your placing. This is where mm come in. As far as people lying about result just make it that inner crew mm don't count unless its needed to decide between 2 people. Yall are arguing for nothing

Also mm should count.more then needless pools. Major tournaments? Yea. Pools in a 20-30 man tourney? Hell no. No one cares what place they get in pools. Chibo just try to get wins out of it

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Why are yall arguing. Mms should count. Anyone that says different is dumb. No they shouldnt be higher then tourney. But to not count at all is dumb. Not a single person here is getting top 3 at any major tournament so wth are yall arguing about. Bracket ***** happen and when it does you do bad in tourney knowing your better then your placing. This is where mm come in. As far as people lying about result just make it that inner crew mm don't count unless its needed to decide between 2 people. Yall are arguing for nothing

Also mm should count.more then needless pools. Major tournaments? Yea. Pools in a 20-30 man tourney? Hell no. No one cares what place they get in pools. Chibo just try to get wins out of it
Ugh, saying that to whoever thinks MM's shouldn't count is dumb is also dumb, theres 2 different opinions.

Pools also help seeding wise, you want m2k first round? Okay, don't try in pools, thats cool with me ;]


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Even if someone good sandbags in pools they prolly won't get last seed though.

@Chibo: if the panel is willing to say analyzing sets and situations will resolve the problems that are rare in happening then I guess it can be given a shot.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
Chibo, you say ties don't happen. Why did we have Smurf and Squall play a set to determine who gets 4th spot two seasons ago? Why did we have Vex an AndyG share 1st place?

Also, an important thing to remember about pools: The only issue isn't people sandbagging in pools because they don't care about seeding, it's about people throwing sets to let crewmates/friends get out of pools. I've seen this done on numerous occasions, so even if it's a big pool where only a few people get out, the issue of not playing 100% still stands. Not saying they shouldn't count, just throwing it out there.

Deleted member

I'd LOVE to play m2k in the first round. rivalry of friends, a good hard challenge, can't be sloppy. everything you could ever ask for first round? yes please.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Cheebs stop trying to mess things up midseason.. You and MIB are the only two ppl against it imo for two very different reasons.. He doesn't have money to MM ppl and you lost to Mav.

You make it sound like I'm bad.

.....you do realize your next right?

But in all seriousness, I think that's a little extreme thinking fury. 1 mm loss shouldnt affect him too much.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
You make it sound like I'm bad.

.....you do realize your next right?

But in all seriousness, I think that's a little extreme thinking fury. 1 dropped mm shouldnt affect him too much. .
I was impressed with how much better Mav got at MLG, and I wouldn't consider him a bad loss, also considering the matchup Chibo had to play, its understandable.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
I was inactive because I wasn't in this state mib. I was active in Florida.

Thats where I was last season; in orlando working for Disney(Internship)

I made it to a decent amount of tourneys actually, several smashfests, and lots of 3-4 people practices with hbox, kyon, hiroi, and actionb(local florida guy).

I didnt make it to south florida at all, but they came up to orlando for a couple tourneys.

I was impressed with how much better Mav got at MLG, and I wouldn't consider him a bad loss, also considering the matchup Chibo had to play, its understandable.
thanks, just wish I did better in brackets at columbus. My goal going in was to tie or pass my orlando placing of 49th, but that didn't exactly work out, due to several reasons X_X


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
why dont he suck ev telll me who he beat evan tell me. So biased all u do is listen to vex and chibo, i think you should sell them ur brain cause whatever they think u go along with it.
Which is why I'm constantly calling Chibo out on the pools thing. Which is why I disagree with ALOT of what vex says. Hell me and vex just disagreed not even 5 posts ago. Only reason you think I'm always on their side is cause your the one constantly arguing with them and most of the time your wrong. I'm not on anyone side. If I think Chibo is wrong ill tell him if u think vex is wrong ill tell him if I think your wrong ill tell you

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I was impressed with how much better Mav got at MLG, and I wouldn't consider him a bad loss, also considering the matchup Chibo had to play, its understandable.

I mean yea it's a loss its w/e. I knew someone would eventually call me out on it lol, but ask anyone in our van to MLG, I was talking about MMs and being somewhat behind them not counting on the ride there. I'm fine with them counting, I'm just playing a lot of devil's advocate and asking a lot of questions regardless of our choice.

Even though Mav beat me in a MM, I accept just about any MM, except from like DDDs lol cause that matchup makes me pull my hair out. Any other bad matchup though? idc I'll do it. Falco is hard as balls for ROB, and I lost to Keitaro the day prior lol. If I was smart I would only MM DKs ICs and Diddys but I don't :p

But even still, at least with the 2 tourneys I've been with Mav since he got better I outplaced him both times and at the first one beat one of the people who beat him :p


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
Also y'know another point to bring up is that, what if I never get to go up against a good player I know I can beat? How am I supposed to prove to anyone that I can beat Shadow if I never face him in tourney? Oh yea!! I can MM him!! Oh wait.. It's not gonna count for anything... I guess I just have to wait until I eventually get him in tourney, hopefulllllllly sometime this season.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
go to more tourneys
Makes no sense.

Lets say i go to Apex and i want to MM some of the midwest players that i never will have a chance to play against other then Apex. If i beat players from there you saying they mean very little?.

Therre is no question Tournament Matches counts the most out of anything. But MM's are still legit games on seeing who is better then who. There is not a single person on this planet that if they lose a 5$ or above MM can honestly say (Well if this was a tournament match i would of won.) That makes no **** sense what so ever.

I always tell myself im going to eventually beat Keitaro. The past 2 times i played him in tournament the 1st time i took him to game 3 last hit and the 2nd time i took him to last hit both rounds. Now lets say next tounament i dont meet him in bracket but i beat him in a 5$ mm. You saying thats not going to count?

It should go like this

Tournament Matches
Large Scale Pools
Low scale pools


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I don't think Fury's win over a player with my skill should be negated just because it was an MM. I bet the money, I bet the rankings win, tried my best, and lost. I tried just as hard as I would have if it was tournament.

I hope you guys keep MMs as valid.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I try as hard in MMs as I do in tourney as well (which is partially why I think if they count I don't see why they shouldnt count the same) but evidentally people dont try as much which doesnt make sense to me -_-

Why can't people just try the same in pools bracket and MM? Why do people have the need to not try? Go play friendlies you scrubs.

but @inui, what about the debacle where you beat him but it all of a sudden doesnt count? you claimed that you didn't know it didn't count, and iv yet to hear frmo a panelist that monitored both MMs and knew that first counted and 2nd didnt


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Chibo, stop being ********. I already stated, multiple times, that Fury and I did in fact agree the second MM wouldn't count for rankings, and then at 3am that night I came home and opened my text file and just added every serious set I did without thinking about such things because I was very tired. Then I just copied and pasted it here without fixing it.

Fury losing to me and me getting another win on him would make almost no difference for either of us, so it doesn't matter much anyways.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Point is: everything's figured out now. Just like the people who lied about mms last season were figured out.

Making it into a big deal to prove your point is only dragging this out even further...... -_-


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
it wasn't that you just put it in your text file, it's the fact that you said yourself you didn't remember agreeing to not take it seriously lol



serious or not has nothing to do with it counting for rankings

he said it wouldn't count for rankings, not that he wouldn't care and just not play seriously at all



Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2008
Dtilt locking u across the stage
^ lol well that's good, but it doesn't matter for him that he beat you in a mm right? His win over you in that mm is not enough to get him ranked even though you are second in PA right? Bc it was a MM and not tourney, you didn't care as much right? You would have won if it was tourney right?

Basically doing that MM and MAV winning doesn't help him at all if mm's barely mean anything in rankings. Your loss barely means anything for two reasons: 1.) It was a MM. and 2.) Wins are greater than losses.

So if someone has enough money, they could potentially mm M2K a hundred times till they get one win. And that one win would do what for them? What about how many times they lost to him?

I see both sides of this argument, and i'm on neither side at this point, bc both sides have valid points. It's just that if losses don't mean much, then why not MM people who are ranked top 3 in their respective states just to get wins. If they lose, no big deal, wins > losses. But if they win, they just beat a top PR'd player... in a mm. Now they have their money, and an insignificant push towards being considered for PRs.
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