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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
You can't lightshield at all if you want the powershield to happen. There is a small inner ring in the hard shield. For physical attacks, the attack has to hit that inner ring within four frames of it coming out to powershield. For projectiles, it's 2 frames. For physical attacks, that's just as many frames as you have in brawl.
I just noticed this post.

It was very informative.

It also explains why I'm so terrible and PSing lasers and other projectiles. Who woulda thought that 2 frames would make that much of a difference?

Does the inner ring scale according to shield size or is it a consistent size across the boards?


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
In all seriousness, is Falco/Peach really that bad? It always seemed even to me.
Just think about the match ups.


Beats or goes even with Fox.
Beats or goes even with Marth.
Beats or goes even with Sheik.
***** Captain Falcon.
Loses to Jigglypuff.


Loses to Fox.
Goes even with Marth.
Loses or goes even with Sheik.
Goes even with Captain Falcon.
Goes even with Jiggs.

These are my opinion (obviously) but they seem to be pretty close to the community consensus nowadays. I REALLY think Peach beats Falco at least 55/45, if not 60/40, except on Yoshi's (50/50, because it's the only stage Falco can kill Peach at the even close to the same rate that Peach can ALWAYS kill Falco). Dsmash ***** Falco, her edgeguarding is amazing against him, she has several options out of his shield pressure, she can tech chase the **** out of him (watch Aasem fight Falco, she can cover his options SO well), she floats over lasers, and her chaingrab/Fthrow mix up is pretty beast as well.

So yes, I think it is.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Actually, I kinda agree with Josh on this. Then again, I don't think it's hopeless. Like 60-40, IMO
I don't think it's hopeless either. I think it's just barely worth playing if you have a decent Fox though (as almost all good Falco's do).

Why play a 60-40 match up (Puff vs Falco), when you can play a 60-40 or 55/45 (Fox vs Puff)?

Smith, where the **** are you getting these numbers? I'd love to hear your reasoning for this because I don't think I've heard anyone say Falco beats Jiggs in at least a year and a half.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
Just think about the match ups.


Beats or goes even with Fox.
Beats or goes even with Marth.
Beats or goes even with Sheik.
***** Captain Falcon.
Loses to Jigglypuff.


Loses to Fox.
Goes even with Marth.
Loses or goes even with Sheik.
Goes even with Captain Falcon.
Goes even with Jiggs.

These are my opinion (obviously) but they seem to be pretty close to the community consensus nowadays. I REALLY think Peach beats Falco at least 55/45, if not 60/40, except on Yoshi's (50/50, because it's the only stage Falco can kill Peach at the even close to the same rate that Peach can ALWAYS kill Falco). Dsmash ***** Falco, her edgeguarding is amazing against him, she has several options out of his shield pressure, she can tech chase the **** out of him (watch Aasem fight Falco, she can cover his options SO well), she floats over lasers, and her chaingrab/Fthrow mix up is pretty beast as well.

So yes, I think it is.

peach loses to marth



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I mean, that was always my initial thought.

However, after playing the match up a good bit from both sides and talking to General Steven about it, I kinda changed my mind. Marth SUPER sucks at killing Peach and her dash attack/turnips do wonders against Marth's spacing game. I saw Aasem like...3 or 4 stock Theo's Marth and then Theo actually took a match or two when he went Sheik.

*obligatory reference to M2K vs Armada matches*


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
I mean, that was always my initial thought.

However, after playing the match up a good bit from both sides and talking to General Steven about it, I kinda changed my mind. Marth SUPER sucks at killing Peach and her dash attack/turnips do wonders against Marth's spacing game. I saw Aasem like...3 or 4 stock Theo's Marth and then Theo actually took a match or two when he went Sheik.

*obligatory reference to M2K vs Armada matches*
aasems better than theo..

and the matchup is more player dependent than the character... in this one instance

i love playing against peach


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
aasems better than theo..

and the matchup is more player dependent than the character... in this one instance

i love playing against peach
Yay for missing the point.

Yes, Aasem is better than Theo but not by THAT much.

Theo's Marth is definitely his better character and yet he stopped even trying anyone other than Sheik against Aasem.

But yes, I agree it's more player dependent and therefore, I think it's more or less even. If Marth wins, it's not by much at all.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
*chuckles* I never have off days cuz I'm actually improving still. And cuz I use my mind and not just my hands.

and have you ever tried to ledgedash or shorthop perfect waveland with ganon?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
No..no no. Never. I definitely think it's 50:50, maybe 55:45 Falco. I'm leaning towards 55:45
Not sure if I can agree with that one, Smith. However, I enjoy talking about matchups that I know nothing about. Super Theory Bros is fun. So let's talk about it.

Falco has:
LAsers - stupid, dumb gay move.
DAil-a-combos - stupid, dumb gay string of move
Incredible pressure game
Really good kill power with his Dair, Bair, Fsmash, Dtilt and Shine

Fast-falling speed - really a double-edged sword. It seems like the only reason that his pressure game is as good as it is. But it also makes him susceptible to silly ****.

Really gimpable recovery

Honestly, those are the only negatives I can think of for Falco. He doesn't have many situations that he doesn't have an answer to.

a really good air game with her Aerials in addition to her air control and 5(?) jumps.
Hard to gimp
Rest - Stupid, dumb, gay move
ability to combo into Rest
Inability to be comboed in conventional ways

She's really, really light.
a terrible tech-roll
She's really vulnerable from below.

It seems to me more like Jigglypuff doesn't exactly outright crush Falco on anything, moreso that she nullifies what helps him crush other characters(ie: ability to weave through Lasers and resistance to Dial-a-combos) and can take hella advantage of the one disadvantage that he has(gimpable recovery).

But it feels like Falco can still play less RAGAFLAGA and a little slower and still take the matchup. Not to mention, if he somehow manages to ground her, he can take vicious advantage of her bad tech-roll and do silly things. I mean, while she's floating around trying to avoid your lasers, can't Falco just like Fulljump a Nair/Bair/Dair or something to hit her? Her aerials don't seem to come out fast enough to be able to react and stuff it.

I dunno though

[edit- and that was me just thinking of FD. I feel like a platform camping spacey would be Jiggz worst nightmare. Well, everyone's worst nightmare.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
*chuckles* I never have off days cuz I'm actually improving still. And cuz I use my mind and not just my hands.

and have you ever tried to ledgedash or shorthop perfect waveland with ganon?
I have much fewer off days than I use to but consistency is just part of improving.

And are you implying that I'm not improving? I guess you don't know about all the training I've been doing in the last few weeks with Austin, Bryan, Aasem, Cam and Alex as well as all the theory stuff with Kevin/Cam/Austin and reading I do?

And wow, that might be the dumbest thing I've seen you say. I guess that's why I've 4 stocked you with Falco, Fox, Falcon and Sheik in the past, and beaten you in Ganon dittos. Playing Falco beyond basic Laser/Dair approaches requires a lot of thinking, a lot of reaction and a lot of knowledge because Falco dies easier than any other character ESPECIALLY against Ganon (3 hits is death).

And yes, Ganon's tech skill is a joke compared to spacies stuff. How are you at shine turnaround waveland combos? Perfect shine pressure to shine grab stuff? Edgecancel combos? Shine OOS -> Aerials?

And then applying all of it split second and putting it all together? Yeah, must just be my hands.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
To be fair

Ganon still blows compared to Falco.

either way

Tech-skill arguments *rolls eyes and grabs popcorn*

hurrhurrhurrr Fair? Ganon? get it?
Ganon definitely blows compared to Falco; most of the cast does.

And I'm just responding to Chris' insult and overall this holier-than-thou attitude he's developed on the boards towards...everyone except Ryan.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I have much fewer off days than I use to but consistency is just part of improving.

And are you implying that I'm not improving? I guess you don't know about all the training I've been doing in the last few weeks with Austin, Bryan, Aasem, Cam and Alex as well as all the theory stuff with Kevin/Cam/Austin and reading I do?

And wow, that might be the dumbest thing I've seen you say. I guess that's why I've 4 stocked you with Falco, Fox, Falcon and Sheik in the past, and beaten you in Ganon dittos. Playing Falco beyond basic Laser/Dair approaches requires a lot of thinking, a lot of reaction and a lot of knowledge because Falco dies easier than any other character ESPECIALLY against Ganon (3 hits is death).

And yes, Ganon's tech skill is a joke compared to spacies stuff. How are you at shine turnaround waveland combos? Perfect shine pressure to shine grab stuff? Edgecancel combos? Shine OOS -> Aerials?

And then applying all of it split second and putting it all together? Yeah, must just be my hands.
you mad bro?

I've been playing this game for about a quarter of the tme you have. And yes, you've fourstocked me with 60-40 matchups and beat me with my own character back when I didn't even know this game required mental thought.

pat yourself on the back, josh. You the best there EVER was.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
Spacing is tech-skill, shut the **** up

<3 M@
and his dash-wavedash movement is sexy.. but easy

Marth tech skill stuff:
Hm, other than what was already mentioned, I'd say some important tech to learn:

1. quick uairs. this is vital. get a handicapped bowser to the top platform of yoshis and perform uairs. make sure they hit every time or you are going late.
2. utilt and uair transition. handicapped bowser again but on the lower platforms, but use different stages so you understand timings. test yourself on stadium, battlefield, yoshis, and dreamland (constant uairs here). alternate utilt and uair in various patterns to make it so that Bowser is basically always in hitstun.

3. shield drop aerial walls. run, shield drop, double jump, aerials (double fair, fair->uair etc). Generally work on shield drops. Shield dropped wavelands, shield drop->normal land->shffl (or EMPTY hop, amazing mindgame), etc.
4. Run-off fastfalls on platforms. Make sure you can run off a platform and fastfall 100% of the time. After you get that, mix in an aerial, a double jumped aerial, a waveland, or whatever you want. Never forget to do mixups after a normal land too; just land after a run-off and then try to do things (say, a shffl) immediately after landing lag.

5. tilt transition timings. Use tilts as transitions during your SHFFLs and ground attacks. SHFFL something and tilt as fast as you can. especially important for utilt.
6. dtilt IASA mastery. dtilt, hold for walk to trigger IASA, and then transition into whatever you want (wavedash, another dtilt, aerials, whatever).
7. learn to dash after everything. helps in the fox matchup. use and aerial? dash. ftilt? dash. land on a platform? dash.
8. dash cancelling with crouch. learn the extent of marths dashdance (its LONG) and when you have to crouch to cancel momentum. the use the crouch to do various mixups. dash up to the opponent, crouch, dash forward, pivot grab (grab them from behind). Lots of uses for this one; can help you become a lot faster.
9. wavelands on platforms. just practice various sized wavelands (not just super long and in place, every size) on all stages. Make sure you can make waveland loops; like, waveland on platform, run-off fastfall off, waveland backwards, jump, waveland back on platform. and then add aerials in there lol. watch some spaceballs samus vids to see how cool this can be...waveland platform approaches are legit; work them into your game.
10. ledge wavelands. waveland forward; waveland in place (RIGHT next to the ledge); waveland back (for bait), fastfall, jump, aerial; waveland back, double jump, land on low platform, etc.
11. ledge aerials. These are obvious but its important to make sure you get them out as fast as possible. make sure you can make the first hit of the ledgehop nair come out when you are parallel with the stage (don't be ON the stage by the time its out). get your uairs, dairs, and fairs off ledge fast too. be able to float back dair (so that you have to up-B) and survive; this is fantastic vs. Peach (a normal ledgehop dair doesn't reach sometimes). ledgehop dair firefoxing CPUs to get the timing right.
12. empty hop follow ups. empty hop in range of your fair (this is generally when you want to empty hop), fastfall, and follow with tomahawk grab, dash back pivot fsmash (if you are pro), waveland (very little utility), etc.
13. oos options. This is really hard to practice on your own but try your best. hold shield and use a shield option. maybe use a computer to hit you with something and dair it or something. this is best learned in matches. getting a friend to laser you so you can wd oos through laser pressure (shortened wavedashes) is vital. also approach with shield (like dash->shield or wd->shield) and quick oos option...great v. Puff (oos fair ***** after a bair). shield drop oos on platforms after hitstun is pretty cool if you can learn it.
14. quickness off wavedashes. wavedash forward, pivot, dair. things like that...make sure there is no stall time after your wavedash. be precise with that **** too...make enemy targets at weird distances and see if you can hit with the tipper dair every time.
15. as ppl said, practice chaingrabbing. use training mode's "escape" CPU setting to work on different DIs. lvl 4 CPUs also DI relatively OK. include odd chaingrabs (fthrow on falco early percent), chains on platforms (if they DI away from you on the edge of the platform, FF uair runoff and regrab -- TRUST ME on the this, like no marths do it), and if you have a friend, techchase follows. try not to pummel (ever), so you have greater % coverage in practice....also, pummeling at low % is a bad habit in general. dthrow dtilt traps (dthrow, dtilt, pivot grab when near the edge), edgeguard traps (dthrow, wd off, fair, up-b), etc. Make sure to follow up with an edgeguard offstage to finish all combos. don't get a habit of standing on stage and countering/fsmashing.
16. shield to stop momentum before aerials. Something I am trying to get used to. Basically shield right before you jump so you go straight up. Great for uair chains (a lot of times your momentum sends you past your opponent when you don't do this and therefore makes it really hard for follow up).
17. Pivot aerial walls. another thing that i have been trying to add. basically make standard marth aerial walls (double fair, fair dj double fair, autocancel nair, etc), dash back or forward quick, and remake wall. try different distances and make it fast. with shielding, the wall stays stand-still. should be great v. Puff.
18. pivot fsmashes. watch AustinRC vids if you don't think this is useful. Get the spacing to it down in various situations. Tipper it every time (remember, you really only want to do it on stationary targets; so after you bait a shield with an empty hop or a sidestep with dashdance, etc). work on pivots in general but this one is great.
19. uair routines on different stages. This one is a bit hard to explain but watch a lot of M2K vids when his opponent is on the top platform and its easier to understand. Basically work on floating between the two lower platforms to uair the top one and then dj to hit it again. Different methods are required for different stages, but make sure you can trap someone on the top platform as easily as you can on the lower platforms.
20. That crazy Taj movement ****. I have no idea how he does it so don't ask me. Its some reverse stickywalk moonwalk wavedash shenanigans that i don't even understand the hand movements for. it looks mad sexy tho.
21. Quick methods to grab the ledge. Get goooood at this. Very important. run, crouch, dd pivot, wavedash, fastfall, grab ledge, do ledgehop aerial is a good routine. you can do a similar routine with autocanceled nairs added in (M2K does this in the lolmaster friendlies somewhere). make sure you are good at grabbing the ledge crazy quick after aerials, grabs, etc. fthrow a sheik at mid percent and do the quick DD ledgegrab before she can jump to grab ledge...this is MAD good in matches. practice PCing too I guess (using Marths walk and then pivoting near ledge) but thats usually worse than just using bair as a turnaround or this DD FF method. If you are crazy good you can practice pivot runoff fastfalls off dashes but I can only do those 10% of the time; I don't think they are humanly possible tbh. They'd be beastly to continue platform combos if they were :/

I could go on I suppose but this is a ton of things to work on. I wrote this for myself as much as you...I need to work on this stuff too lol.

Besides, I ended on number 21. Which ya know, is Tim Duncan's number. :bee:
and the taj stuff
"Yeah, that's what it is. Wavedash back to moonwalk dash dance to wavedash back to forward dash to stagger it then a wavedash forward to quick dashdances again."

marth is almost technical

but only thing actually hard is neutral B stalling


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
Eh, I suppose. I honestly dislike tech-skill arguments. It's a ******** way to measure skill because all it says is "my character requires more button-presses than yours does so I'm better" or something like that.

It'd be a valid argument if this were Mario Party and not a fighting game.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
I dunno what it is about smashers that makes them put so much weight on execution.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm dumb but I'd rather watch Hugs, MAngo's MArio, Armada and Wobbles play than technical spaceys.

OH yeah, and the trash talk between Chris and Josh is too good.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
you mad bro?

I've been playing this game for about a quarter of the tme you have. And yes, you've fourstocked me with 60-40 matchups and beat me with my own character back when I didn't even know this game required mental thought.

pat yourself on the back, josh. You the best there EVER was.
What people don't seem to understand now is that NC wasn't hyper competitive and focused on player improvement 2 years ago. There was a time before I started where everybody was hyper focused on improving. Most of those players were getting out by the time Kevin surfaced. I was just starting that one Summer of Rocky Mount training, and then I was at ECU with only James/Pac! and occasionally Adam for a long time so I didn't improve much. Within the last year or so, a few people have gotten really serious so people get much better, much faster now, not to mention the metagame has changed TREMENDOUSLY.

The amount of improvement I've made in the last 6 months is roughly the same or greater than the 2 years prior to it. I also was wasting time on only Falcon, who is fun, but is just not played the way I want to play the game.

In regard to the 4 stocks: Yes, that's called playing Ganon. You accept that all his top tier match ups suck before you play him. I merely brought those up to prove that I'm very capable of thinking outside of tech skill. Also, I've never laser/needle camped you ever, which is part of the reason why those match ups are rated as such.

And yeah, I think I will pat myself on the back for being awake enough this morning to get all of my work done and put you in your place between wire pulls.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I've never heard someone john about not improving because...nobody else was improving. That's a new one. Good stuff for creativity bro.

and how do you want to play this game, josh? By simply pushing buttons fast enough to impose your will on anyone? If so, then yes, I guess you did initially choose the wrong main.

and to put me in my place? Lol. I'm the first to admit I'm not even good yet. You misread everything I post if you think that I think I'm good now, or ever have been. I don't need you or anyone else to "put me in my place". I know where I stand. Thanks tho.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I've never heard someone john about not improving because...nobody else was improving. That's a new one. Good stuff for creativity bro.

and how do you want to play this game, josh? By simply pushing buttons fast enough to impose your will on anyone? If so, then yes, I guess you did initially choose the wrong main.

and to put me in my place? Lol. I'm the first to admit I'm not even good yet. You misread everything I post if you think that I think I'm good now, or ever have been. I don't need you or anyone else to "put me in my place". I know where I stand. Thanks tho.
You are so quick to call johns on everything that I think it's you that doesn't actually think.

Consider this: What motivation is there to improve when no one else around you wants to practice or take the game seriously? I could only really practice tech skill then and I didn't have much in the way of actual guidance. There weren't many tournaments and NC definitely wasn't going OOS. How was I supposed to get much match up experience or keep up with the metagame when the company was disinterested? Like it or not, Kevin killed off most the old schoolers and lit the interest of a lot of new local players.

I like to play aggressively but creatively. I like speed and long combos, so I picked Falcon. Falcon turned out to be less about epic combos and more about dash dance camping and hoping for good tech reads while getting outprioritized by everyone.

And I didn't say anything about you being good or not. I'm talking about your attitude and your incessant need to pick fights with me on the boards.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
lol at saying that you can't have off days because you think. I'm pretty sure you can have off days due to tech skill or thinking. You know, your tech skill isn't always the only thing that is affected by lack of sleep/bad day/etc. Getting consistent in both thought AND techskill is important to becoming good.

Also, every character requires tech skill. Precision, imo, is harder to be consistent with than button pressing speed, and every single character in the game requires similar amounts of precision and timing. That being said, Fox is by far the most technical character in the game, if played optimally (although you can get away sometimes with not playing a technical fox). Falco is a gap behind fox, and then other characters come after that.

And also lol at talking about how long people have been playing. I sucked balls at this game for like five years. The main reason is because I didn't really care at all about being good at this game. My goal was to be good enough to keep up with my friends and understand stuff that goes on in awesome matches, which I accomplished. The only time I cared about being good back in the day was when I played mewtwo, but there are obvious hindrances in that. The primary reason I went to tournaments was for the social aspect; I didn't really care about getting good until about a year ago. The only thing that you should even really think about looking at is how long it took people to get good once they cared. And still, the only reason you should even look at that is for constructive purposes. Looking at player improvement history can help you learn what kind of obstacles you need to get over or give ideas for getting better. In terms of skill, the only thing that really matters is how good you are now.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
after wasting my money for a year to go to tournaments, I still can't fathom not trying to get better at this game while in the tournament scene. But I guess that's really a mindset thing that I'll never understand.

one thing that I lack is experience. A lot of it. I go to a lot of tournies that I can make, but karn, if you think your years of experience don't count for much, then I really misunderstand a lot about this game.

lol I'm not saying I don't have off days. But according to josh, my off days wouldn't matter cuz my character isn't technical enough, amirite?

and why is it that it seems that nobody tried to get better till I came in the scene?


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
after wasting my money for a year to go to tournaments, I still can't fathom not trying to get better at this game while in the tournament scene. But I guess that's really a mindset thing that I'll never understand.

one thing that I lack is experience. A lot of it. I go to a lot of tournies that I can make, but karn, if you think your years of experience don't count for much, then I really misunderstand a lot about this game.

lol I'm not saying I don't have off days. But according to josh, my off days wouldn't matter cuz my character isn't technical enough, amirite?

and why is it that it seems that nobody tried to get better till I came in the scene?
I was trying to get better somewhat but without different people to play, I kinda stagnated and lost interest for a good while. Again, tournaments weren't happening very often.

Experience only does as much good as your ability to learn from your experiences. If you play every top player in the country, but don't understand what's happening in the matches, you won't improve either way.

And please quote where I said that. Your technically off days just aren't as significant because Ganon isn't as technically intensive. Thanks for misquoting me again!

And it just seems that way to you because you came in right when everyone was starting to get competitive again. Didn't you get started mostly around the first Duke biweeklies?
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