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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
I never said falcon was bad, I just suck with the character but I think he's most fun. I've argued with Josh all the time that falcon is an amazing character you just don't know that I was taking a shot at my self. If I believed in **** like that I would just pick up Falco, I have no johns other than I ****ing blow at this game. So get ***** *****.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
I never said falcon was bad, I just suck with the character but I think he's most fun. I've argued with Josh all the time that falcon is an amazing character you just don't know that I was taking a shot at my self. If I believed in **** like that I would just pick up Falco, I have no johns other than I ****ing blow at this game. So get ***** *****.
But zach, you're better than I am. You don't suck.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I am very confident I will be on these next period if I play like I did last Saturday. It was so weird, I was calm and composed in tourney for a change.

Only people I know I definitively can't beat right now are Kevin, Adam, Yay, and Aasem.

I wish taking matches off counted: I lost both my money matches (Twitch and Stingers) on the last stock of B05's, the latter of which I SD'd at 0 one stock. :[ But I still lost, so oh well.

And I took a match off of Yay, but he SD'd last stock second match so it was kinda silly. Then he ***** me on FD third match. :[

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
I am very confident I will be on these next period if I play like I did last Saturday. It was so weird, I was calm and composed in tourney for a change.

Only people I know I definitively can't beat right now are Kevin, Adam, Yay, and Aasem.

I wish taking matches off counted: I lost both my money matches (Twitch and Stingers) on the last stock of B05's, the latter of which I SD'd at 0 one stock. :[ But I still lost, so oh well.

And I took a match off of Yay, but he SD'd last stock second match so it was kinda silly. Then he ***** me on FD third match. :[
I think you'd lose to Twitch, too.
and stingers
and Zach
Sneak too.
Jim aswell.
Maybe J-Flo
Just my opinion btw. :colorful:


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I think you'd lose to Twitch, too.
and stingers
and Zach
Sneak too.
Jim aswell.
Maybe J-Flo
Just my opinion btw. :colorful:
That list is pretty silly.

I said definitively. Meaning, in no way could I see myself actually winning a tournament set against them right now.

Twitch I barely lost my MM to and we generally go decently even in friendlies but whatever.

Stingers I barely lost my MM to and I SD'd last match and got chewed up by Dsmash as always.

Zach I played a lot of friendlies with the other night and I won a decent majority of them; most the matches I lost were either Falco dittos when we first started playing or random ones to Peach because I was playing Falco and just rushing him down. I don't think I dropped any matches to his Falcon though, maybe 2 or 3 to his Marth. He's definitely gotten better since before his tourney hiatus.

Sneak I won most of our Falco dittos in friendlies last tourney but they were pretty casual. Could go either way.

Jim I beat at Duke, but our matches could go either way.

David has a winning record against me but I haven't played him since the last Karnfest so I don't know. I've played Aasem and Alex a decent amount recently and I've been thinking about the match up a lot, so who knows.

Austin I've always barely lost to in tourney and normally go about even with in friendlies but we haven't played a serious set in a while. Could go either way.

JFlo I would probably lose to. I hate IC's and he's got Eggm training. I haven't played him yet though.

EDIT: I think I would probably still lose to Cam as well. I do alright against him in Friendlies but he's better at Falco dittos than I am, and he normally plays better/tries harder in tourney.

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
i wasn't kidding... i think another person that you DEFINITELY wouldn't win against in tournament is DJ....

and i don't think anyone in this state besides PP can beat my Puff on a good day.

if i got lucky i'd take a match.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
this is kind of late, but stingers, david did take a match off twitch at duke. he actually would have won probably but he really screwed up last stock and lost his advantage.

I could see myself beating anyone but pp and lozr and maybe yay. I could also see myself losing to like anyone on the pr and dj/theo/josh/etc

I feel like I need to focus more. when I'm focusing/playing well, I seem to be in control so much more vs everyone but the aforementioned players. but then I stop focusing and I'm never in control. ugh.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
i wasn't kidding... i think another person that you DEFINITELY wouldn't win against in tournament is DJ....

and i don't think anyone in this state besides PP can beat my Puff on a good day.

if i got lucky i'd take a match.
Why do you think that? I've beaten DJ in tourney before with Falcon but that was a good while ago. I've won almost all our friendlies we played recently, but we haven't played a tourney set/seriouslies in a while so who knows. I love fighting Sheik now though so I hope I'll get to play him soon.

And I'll MM your Puff vs my Fox the next time I see you, if you'll accept. I think 3 stocked Kevin's Puff at KSK's and he was like....."Never again." hahaha

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
god i hate johns so much....

karn, you not focusing may be why you lose, but that's exactly a part of your level of skill... and you can't tell me you're not just saying it as a means to have us (or some ******* noobz) on the boards be like "oh well then karn is probably amazing when he's focusing." that doesn't mean ****! your best is only what shows up. if you weren't trying to john (i.e. cover up weaknesses with an excuse to make yourself look like your not as bad as you really are either to yourself [if ur REALLY dumb] or to others [if ur ****ing 3]) then the last paragraph of your post wouldn't exist so there's nothing for you to say at this point.

chris, you playing ganondorf doesn't mean **** in this case cause no one in this state knows how to play against him anyway... except for yay and above, but that's irrelevant.

*goes back to brawl*


i'll just never understand any of this. why would you even reference the past like that? it means next to nothing esp in this game...

and yeah lol. pretty sure at least 90% of this state underrates the **** out of DJ. now that mike is gone, him and foxy are my two most scared match ups among the people who suck **** (everyone below top 4). i wish that f@ggot would just learn to play against Peach.
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