characteristics for a sheik main:
-hedgehog-like decision making
-still uses windows media player (with a library that's at least 35% painfully esoteric)
-powerful glutes
-an ungodly ability to withstand (what for most humans would be) extreme boredom
-strong homosexual tendencies that are either (1) suppressed beyond awareness and therefore expressed in a way that sustains this ignorance (resulting in seemingly asexual behavior) or (2) embraced, which can result in confronting Trevor with the idea that having your fudge pushed in by his no-limbs door-shutter is something that entices you
: deciding to main sheik (unlike deciding to main any other character in melee) precedes these characteristics, not vice-versa. do yourself a favor (shoutouts to dj)...
ps: *door-opener if you're as talented as me