Ikaruga's that way tooWelcome to shmups in general.
LEvels 1-3 are like "yeah.... okay" and then 4 and on are like "nhfiaduofyhdsf98iojflksdjuhsdf8ihdslfiudsgh8ofnuigfawd7ufhdsukfhuiodgfderfe*****"
It happens in Touhou, Mushihimesama, Castle Shikigami(this was my introduction to bullet hell games actually) and probably every other shmup ever. I think it's more obvious with bullet hell games though because danmaku are stupid.
[my introduction to bullet hell games]
Cave games are ridiculously fun, but I'm kinda addicted to Bullethell games in general
The entire time I was playing Touhou I was thinking this:
