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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
how do u approach marth with jiggz? out of every char in the game i cant seem to get that MU down. Everytime he swings his sword., it hits me, even if im on the otherside of the course. I thought snakes tilts were bad, how can y'all stand marth?


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2009
Fuquay-Varina, NC
You're welcome.
Marth- By far Jigglypuff’s hardest matchup. Marth out ranges you, and can be quite difficult to combo in many situations. Pretty much either do not use Jigglypuff, or hope to mindgame in an UpAir at a low percent, and then combo him up to about sixty. Washdashing is probably one the most important advanced tactics in this matchup, because it can mean the difference between a tipper, and a regular Fsmash. Crouch Cancel is also your friend, because it’ll help you live probably an extra 30% and give you some nice rests. Wait for him to try and grab you (because they always do), and then either SH rest him, or WaveDash  Rest. You r@pe his recovery, just don’t get spiked. Most Marths have a tendency to Fair when they are near the stage, so wait it out one second longer than you think you should, and then attack! Don’t get greedy. Use Fairs instead of Bairs when comboing off the stage, but really only when he’s going off the stage. Bair is nice, but only (for comboing off the stage) around 40-60 because you can hit him around 3 times when you space/place them correctly. Uairs combo really quite nicely around 0-45 but past that rely more on your conventional WoP. Whenever you manage to Mindgame in a grab either Dthrow (if he’s around 0-30) and follow it up with an Uair if you can.. otherwise just follow his DI, and do what you can. Bthrow, and Fthrow during the other situations… never Uthrow a Marth. Quite useless. That’s pretty much it.. space, and combo using Uairs first and then Fairs. Good Luck.
MaNg0 said:
Freaking Marth
Mango Percentage 50-50
Actual Percentage 80-20 Marth

Marth and his dumb sword can be quite dumb!Be REALLY patient in this match or u will get owned somtimes.Shielding is essintial in this match

Positives In Matchup
Jiggly Can Combo HARD once she hits
Marth cant really kill besides the dumb tipper
Up Air ***** MARTH
Negatives In Match-
Marth CAN kill u with a tipper
OutRanges Jiggly By MILES AND MILES
Can Combo Puff Pretty decent
Grab leads to fsmash most of the time
Jigglys Nair Is useless in this match {depends on what kind of marth ur playing}

My summary for this matchup is..Shielding is your best frienD!!!This match is all about spacing! U gotta like run to them shield but space it.. then fair out of shield..Not much really to say about this match... BEtter Spacing and PATIENCE Wins ..


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I see. So for example, if I beat #10 once, but lose to no-names like 3 times, it would invalidate the PR win?
well I'd mm you to give you a chance, but by the time were at the same tourney again I won't be pr'd.

but as a ganon main, I find interest in finding, and devastating all link mains.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
wait... so playing patient and spacing is the key to jiggz V marth? lol brawl for the win, i got this now.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i'd much rather play jiggs against marth then peach or marth ditto...(and I do...)its all about making them whiff and then punishing


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
Louisburg, NC
well I'd mm you to give you a chance, but by the time were at the same tourney again I won't be pr'd.

but as a ganon main, I find interest in finding, and devastating all link mains.
That's quite manly of you. I accept your challenge, regardless of whether it is a mm or not (I want a piece of you, too, Ace).

I main Zelda as well. I promise to entertain. :)


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
i'd much rather play jiggs against marth then peach or marth ditto...(and I do...)its all about making them whiff and then punishing
yep that's a nice way to sum it up lol.

i like to think of this match up as brawl-esque. i really find it unfun for that reason... if you just fly in you're gonna get *****.

i mean look how stupid the first 20 seconds of this match is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNCPGgZ_3ak

yeah but as for it being really bad for puff... i don't agree that much. i think vs fox is much, much gayer. marth can't kill jiggz like fox can, and ****ing up marth is much safer and easier than fox. vs fox you gotta like, out speed him almost, which is just ridiculous... with marth you can really sneak him a hit that is very likely to lead to the end of his stock.

it can be pretty simple to gimp marth with jiggz sometimes as well since his recovery is so vertical.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
lol snap ur so pathetic about this marth bs.

how many have you played? 2? in NC??? lmaooooo.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
lol snap ur so pathetic about this marth bs.

how many have you played? 2? in NC??? lmaooooo.
ive played everyone who plays marth in SC and NC with the exception of mott.

and i also second marth and my marth is pretty gosh dern good man.

I know how little thought is put into the characters actions.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
yo and if i'm on these by the time they're updated...

my gamertag is 702.

the only reason cam is in my account name is so that people can call me by some form of my name in person, instead of some numbers.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
Snap, i don't think you've played Theo.

and just cause you don't think when you use marth, doesn't mean others dont lololol.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
you dunno about my patented drop zone counter to spike on spacies :embarrass


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
Louisburg, NC
Next time I make a drive inland I'll pm you for your digits and come play with you. The first year and a half I played smash was with one other person, a Link main. I think only slasher has met him. I love that matchup.
Cool, I'll look forward to it, and I'll get plenty of Ganon practice from Mitsurugi.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
Lmfao random IB post too good.

I got your back man. <3
i got your back having IB's back man.

<3 pp's back.

in mildly related news, marth is simple on the surface, and significantly more complicated in depth.

sort of like ganon, except ganon doesn't get complicated so he can ****, ganon gets complicated so you can maybe possibly keep up and survive :ohwell:
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