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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings - February 11th, 2010

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Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
well, according to the prs, bc stingers beat me, he is higher than me. but i beat cam, but since i lost to stingers, im lower than him. and since cam beat neither me nor stingers, he's above us. also, since foxy lost to me and cam, he is also higher than theo. and since theo has lost to only karn, he is lower than foxy.

ya following the logic of foxy prs here?


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
the real question is:

why is DJ ranked but not me?


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
well, According To The Prs, Bc Stingers Beat Me, He Is Higher Than Me. But I Beat Cam, But Since I Lost To Stingers, Im Lower Than Him. And Since Cam Beat Neither Me Nor Stingers, He's Above Us. Also, Since Foxy Lost To Me And Cam, He Is Also Higher Than Theo. And Since Theo Has Lost To Only Karn, He Is Lower Than Foxy.

Ya Following The Logic Of Foxy Prs Here?


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
well, According To The Prs, Bc Stingers Beat Me, He Is Higher Than Me. But I Beat Cam, But Since I Lost To Stingers, Im Lower Than Him. And Since Cam Beat Neither Me Nor Stingers, He's Above Us. Also, Since Foxy Lost To Me And Cam, He Is Also Higher Than Theo. And Since Theo Has Lost To Only Karn, He Is Lower Than Foxy.

Ya Following The Logic Of Foxy Prs Here?


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
honestly though, that's just ****e in my opinion. no offense to Foxy or Karn, or any of the rest of the panel, but i feel like we need a change in who's on the panel. or at least a vote. i mean these people are the graders of NC, they help show who reps us the hardest.

let's vote. i'm not ****ing around either.

i mean seriously... very mediocre accuracy for something based off objective reality.

or was it ;)


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
Nobody will ever be happy with these until they do them themselves...

We do it just about the most non-biased way possible.

edit: lol


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
If anyone really thinks there are OMGSERIOUS problems with the prs right now, point them out to me in detail with a solid explanation of why you think it's flawed.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
If anyone really thinks there are OMGSERIOUS problems with the prs right now, point them out to me in detail with a solid explanation of why you think it's flawed.
Okay. first things first. If no one else is going to say it, i guess i will. ****.

Theos character portraits are messed up.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
no... last time i was talking about how g@y PP is in relation to that inherent skill isn't reflected by the PRs.

which i know is stupid and irrelevant and that winning is what matters. trust me when i say that i actually troll myself at times. it's an issue i'm working on.

this time (and also a little bit of last time) i'm talking about how the panel hasn't even done its job of conveying who should be higher based on wins with the current list. i mean... it makes absolutely no ****ing sense. tbh, i feel like the people on the panel very much are biased or at least confused or something. if Stingers comes in and randomly beats DJ, who has beaten me and Foxy, and if i've lost to Theo, Karn, and DJ, but have beaten Foxy, and Theo has lost to only Karn (AND HAS EVEN BEATEN HIM) then how the **** is Theo below Foxy and how am i still 8th??????

all i'm saying is, i respect all of you as smashers, i just think the people should have the right to vote on who they think should be on the panel.

and tbh it'll probably just turn out to be the same people anyway, i simply believe we should have the right to choose. i think that's especially in order after PP's departure, y'know?


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
that could also work, but a panel is more convenient. as long as its members are trustworthy.

my current and completely nonbiased point here is that the panel should change: 1. because PP is gone, so we should ALL choose who should be on the panel (even though i don't understand how he had the right to just choose to begin with, but w/e i can think of reasons) and 2. i don't think they did a good job with this last one at all, which only reinforces the validity of point 1.

please say i if you agree that a vote is in order for a new panel. just to see if we even have enough support for a panelist campaign to begin with...


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
no... last time i was talking about how g@y PP is in relation to that inherent skill isn't reflected by the PRs.

which i know is stupid and irrelevant and that winning is what matters. trust me when i say that i actually troll myself at times. it's an issue i'm working on.

this time (and also a little bit of last time) i'm talking about how the panel hasn't even do its job of conveying who should be higher based on wins with the current list. i mean... it makes absolutely no ****ing sense. tbh, i feel like the people on the panel very much are biased or at least confused or something. if Stingers comes in and randomly beats DJ, who has beaten me and Foxy, and if i've lost to Theo, Karn, and DJ, but have beaten Foxy, and Theo has lost to only Karn (AND HAS EVEN BEATEN HIM) then how the **** is Theo below Foxy and how am i still 8th??????

all i'm saying is, i respect all of you as smashers, i just think the people should have the right to vote on who they think should be on the panel.

and tbh it'll probably just turn out to be the same people anyway, i simply believe we should have the right to choose. i think that's especially in order after PP's departure, y'know?
DJ beat Foxy a while ago, past the update before the one there now, so that basically becomes somewhat irrelevant once the other update was made. You lost to players lower than you, but since you beat Foxy, you didn't go up or down. Theo's record (of what mattered) was 1-1 with Karn and 1-0 with you, so that put him above you. DJ didn't have any significant wins the entire period other than against you, but your record was more impressive than his.

^ This is all gathered from chat transcripts with Foxy

And dude, about voting on a panel, who are you to do that? The panel isn't supposed to be made up of people who just got a popular vote. That's not how it works.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
DJ beat Foxy at the same tournament that i did. so your first sentence is balls.

this doesn't explain Theo being lower than Foxy.

this doesn't explain Stingers, who only beat DJ, being higher than him, when DJ beat me and Foxy.

LOL ohhh i see so you guys don't even know the tournament results.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
Ok, give me the name of the tournament that it happened at. And are you 100% sure that DJ beat Foxy?

About Foxy's placement, he mainly described that to me. I'll post that part of the chat transcript in a second.

If Stingers only beat DJ, then why does his spot need explanation? The only person he is above is DJ. Are you saying he doesn't deserve that spot?

Also, you need to realize that we often have to work with memory and things we heard from other people about tournament results versus actual bracket images. Do you expect the rankings to be absolutely perfect when most TOs don't even save or distribute brackets from their tournaments?


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
anyway all this aside, i believe that we should vote anyway. you guys being bad at your jobs is secondary to that.


i'm pretty **** sure that i beat Foxy and then DJ took him out in losers of the same tourney, the last Smash Stacks we were at. i remember seeing his chink face when he told me, just before we made the ****tiest coffee of all time.

Stingers spot doesn't make sense only because you guys didn't know that ^^^

and yo, *****, i don't want a panel that works off ****in memory. that's not what you're there for. if you're on the panel you should make the effort after tournaments to compile information. this is a part of the reason that i want a vote.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
Ha, well, that's Foxy's fault for not telling me. I don't think he mentioned anything to me about losing to DJ. All he said was he lost to you. And I didn't go to that tournament.

Chill out. We don't completely work off memory. I'm saying that in certain situations we have no choice because we don't have the bracket from the TO. There are a lot of holes in data, too...

edit: so yeah, about Foxy and Theo's placement. I just looked over the transcript I have of our conversation about the prs. He didn't mention losing to DJ, lol... he basically johned about losing to Cam and implied that his record was good enough for him to keep his spot.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*waits for Foxy to come in with one of those signature Foxy juxtaposing posts like "i vote for cam for the panel"*

ohhh ya because the bracket is the only way to find out who people lost to. that's not much of a defense. lol like a defense for laziness.

and lol at your first paragraph... i'll assume he just forgot (>_>)

EDIT: at any rate, i have to leave for now, i'll come back later and see what people think about this.

i hope people decide to vote for this. you want it democratic Twitch? then call for a vote, so we can vote on this... after we vote on voting for the panel. votes.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
The panel always has a reason for putting people in a particular spot. The problem that I see(occasionally), is that the logic is different for each scenario. Similar logic needs to be used for ranking people. Sometimes if you apply the panel's reasoning for putting someone above another to their reasoning with a similar scenario the logic used will TOTALLY contradict their decision... it's pseudo-bias..


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
yeah Dorsey, that's true, but this wasn't even one of those times...

i wonder what Kevin thinks about all this *'hmm' face*... *tries to summon*

*accidently takes a *****




Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
@cam-yeah i know. just said pretty much my only gripe with the panel since panel reform was mentioned.

I don't pay attention to in-state tournament results as much as before so i'm talking more so about past stuff.


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
cullowhee, nc western carolina university
i really don't care one way or the other. i was simply pitching an idea and seeing where you guys went with it. i was really waiting for you guys to say no because once i thought about it, making it democratic is a terrible idea. what if not everyone is on at the same time? extremely possible. also, like you said, what if some people are biased? can change votes dramatically.

edit: i'm a slow typer. :(


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina
I'll see if Foxy is open to the idea of seeing if there's another candidate for the panel. I might have one or two people in mind. But whether someone gets voted for or not doesn't necessarily make a difference...


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
you don't seem to understand.

you people shouldn't have power that isn't given to you by the masses. that's not democracy that's like... divine right or some ****.

but God left the building son, so it's about time we destroy the current panel and make a brand ****ing new one. ONE THAT'S CREATED BY THE WILL OF THE SMASHERS OF NC.

THAT'S what i'm saying.



Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2010
North Carolina

so now you're in charge of changing the prs completely?

democracy like you're describing CAN be a good idea, but it may just as much not be

edit: and the reality of it is, these prs are here, and PP put Foxy in chage. If he and the rest of the panel don't agree with letting a new group overtake the prs, then what's going to happen? There are going to be two pr threads - the "real" one and the "democratic" one? Please..
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