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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings - February 11th, 2010

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Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
lol no it's not that bad. i don't think it's worse than 60:40.

it's just kinda gay. you have to always be perfectly spaced... Sheik can CC **** and just be a really huge ***. she can just punish the balls off Marth for the gayest things. needless to say, a noob Marth can get ****ed up by a Sheik that uses real basic tactics. but this doesn't mean that Marth can't also **** the **** out of a Sheik with one u-tilt, i kinda feel like when playing the match-up there are just way more opportunities for Sheik to take advantage of, and she has an easier time doing it in the process. grabs are much gayer for Sheik, too. Sheik's edge-guarding on Marth is also pretty baller.

imo, Marth/Falco is either even or in Marth's favor. especially with this neutral stage list. don't say that to Yay though. ("i'll **** any marth that isn't m2k"; YA WATCH ME QUOTE U *****)


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
i guess marth falco can be in marths favor if the falco ****s up and gets grabbed and proceeds to get ***** by the chainthrow

or if the falco goes off the stage which for marth should be auto-gimp

but onstage in a "fair" fight falco *****, too many lazars


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
marth sheik is like 65-35 until u get to about full metal's level. then it's 60-40. then like 55-45 at m2k level


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
i can assure you that title doesn't mean much and is only applicable under certain conditions


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
haha, that realization.

cam, yay can't even beat pp's marth let alone make that comment lol


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
marth sheik is like 65-35 until u get to about full metal's level. then it's 60-40. then like 55-45 at m2k level
I actually agree with this.

And in regards to Cam's comment...

Falcon/Sheik and Falcon/Falco are like 65/35 AT BEST

Starting to think Falco may be more like 70/30 at PP's level. Scar thinks so anyway.

Also, in regards to that video that Snap posted...

It proves absolutely nothing. You have one of (if not the best) Falcon's vs a mediocre Fox main's Marth. And if you were talking about the commentary, eh, they didn't really explain much. Yes Falcon can do a lot out of grabs but a lot of the time it's hard to even get near Marth if they just camp. Also, it's SO easy for Marth to get grabs/dtilt Falcon off and then edgeguard.

This match settled the Falcon/Marth ratio to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaU826KDOOU


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
reason marth falcon isnt as bad as falco falcon is obviously the lasers but... and theres a point coming
thats the reason its the same

falco's lasers reduce falcon mobility, which is the same as marths sword, where one good marth jab ruined your approach and has you sittin still for the split second

if marth doesnt play keepaway, and falcon gets a grab, he should be able to do some serious **** ****

marth out of a grab is lackluster V falcon i think


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC

Marth's sword, no matter how gay and annoying, is nowhere near as effective at completely ****ing Falcon's movement/entire game as Falco's lasers.
yea but what im saying is the reason marth v falcon isnt totally in falcons favor is because marths sword to an extent can limit the falcon mobility, dash dance u want all on the other side, but within marth's range i think if you dont stun the falcon during his approach, its guaranteed its coming


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
i think marth's reliance on using a sword is two sided. he controls space using disjoint, but he also has terrible mobility in the air and his method of spacing is either nair/fair or dash dance.

the dash dance is good and at least as good as falcons. but he doesn't get much from a grab like falcon so advantage falcon.

now, in the air, falcon can take advantage of marth's floatiness in two ways. 1, falcon is much better at reacting to marth and getting in his face where marth is weak. 2nd, the floatiness means easy combos with nair/uair.

so advantage falcon

the only advantages marth has is reach and gimp. one is hard to do bc of falcon's advantage on stage and the other is really applicable on smaller stages but meh on normal ones.

so idk, i still think it's mostly even, but definitely in falcon's favor by a smidge for most levels of play


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
i think marth's reliance on using a sword is two sided. he controls space using disjoint, but he also has terrible mobility in the air and his method of spacing is either nair/fair or dash dance.

the dash dance is good and at least as good as falcons. but he doesn't get much from a grab like falcon so advantage falcon.

now, in the air, falcon can take advantage of marth's floatiness in two ways. 1, falcon is much better at reacting to marth and getting in his face where marth is weak. 2nd, the floatiness means easy combos with nair/uair.

so advantage falcon

the only advantages marth has is reach and gimp. one is hard to do bc of falcon's advantage on stage and the other is really applicable on smaller stages but meh on normal ones.

so idk, i still think it's mostly even, but definitely in falcon's favor by a smidge for most levels of play
i like to pulsewalk alot for some mobility, plus its sexy, and is a faux moonwalk for marth, pulsewalk into a dash away is almost like a charlie.....

also DJ, my friend lance wants to beat you because your a shiek main... idk why, but u got him interested in playing his sheik again finally... he's been playing M2

edit- also the pulsewalk is easy peasy to just immediate fsmash out of, cause your wavedashing most of the time


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
101 posts already, Den?

Good lord you're already on PP's tail for top post per day count.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Which is why I called him Den.

Epic reverse mind games.

not really, god****it, WHO ARE YOU!?!

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
i guess marth falco can be in marths favor if the falco ****s up and gets grabbed and proceeds to get ***** by the chainthrow

or if the falco goes off the stage which for marth should be auto-gimp

but onstage in a "fair" fight falco *****, too many lazars

Falco doesn't have to screw up. Marth can force his way in.

See, dealing with lasers is a problem for lots of inexperienced players, but you know what, lots of good players have found ways at dealing with them that may or may not involve powershielding. Marth powershields super well and can use a pwoershield approach to grab to ****. Defensively, he can DD into powershield by the edge and gimp. He could also just jump on a platform. Falco can't laser as well, and if he approaches then he gets hit probably.

Marth tends to combo Falco harder than vice-versa, but that gap is sorta closing I guess.

Oh, and I left out how Marth manipulates his aerial mobility to screw with Falco, or his awesome OOS game that makes approaching Marth super difficult for Falco. Yeah, that makes life tough as well.

Edit: LMFAO @ Falco/Falcon 70/30. Intense disapproval. 60/40 feels much better. I might even say 55/45 just because they both kill each other off of one hit now at top level(and playstyle differences make things hard to figure out for Falcos to lock Falcons down), but no one would go for that.
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