So i feel like i should post here from time to time to keep myself honest.
So i have still been doing my push ups and they r going well, so not much to say here
The weather finally became nice enough that i have been able to start running, right now my stamina is terrible, but i have only been able to run 3 times atm so i will hold off on worrying about my stamina for now
It looks like pull ups r off the table atm, if i got a bar and set it up in a doorway and something went wrong like parts of my house breaking i would be in ****, so even if its unlikely anything would happen i am not taking chances.
I have started doing crunches instead, just started with them and so far things r going well.
Lastly i have been thinking about doing squats. My major issue is i am worried about my knees. I am already running which worries me a little and i drive around all day which kinda strains my knees as well. So i am asking if u guys think its worth doing squats? And should i be worried about hurting my knees? (I dont have a history of bad knees but i have had some pain in one of my knees in the past but nothing major)