I can't comment on Prime 2 (having not played it - don't much like the idea of the weaponry in it), but I thoroughly enjoyed Prime 1 (felt quite true to the series, especially as the first transition from 2-D to 3-D).
Would you still like to the see the series still in first person form though if another company took Metroid under their wing?
I can understand a little where your coming from I think. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I can understand a little why you feel the series is going downhill in comparison to the style of the 2-D metroids. But it seems like most people would beg to differ, based on reviews and the general consensus I
seem to see, that going 3-D only immerses you more in the game experience.
Based on what I have seen I think Prime 3 looks awesome, but I don't know how I feel in regards to all these sub-par n00b bounty hunters showing up
Anyway on-topic: Ridley's tail is simply fascinating huh ^_^ wow, look at it go!