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The New Match-up Chart

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
I agree, the other one was full of bs, however, Link gets super pwned by many characters, but he should be AT LEAST mid tier
Well if he struggles to beat most of the characters, while other can, why would he be placed higher?


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Since individual matchups are weighted according to matchup importance, then yes, I do think that they do entirely determine a character's ranking.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
Just a side-note...this game has a lot of 0-deaths...are we to take a single good hit as a potential death? That is the plausible capacity of a single good hit in this game. Some characters would undoubtedly have limitations placed upon them (eg. Samus, DK on some stages) in this case.

Character ranking shouldn't be completely based on matchups...there are other things you need to consider, such as approach options, vulnerability to combos and their ability to counter their worst matchups.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009

Yoshi > Samus to Yoshi = Samus

I did some number crunching and organizing to make everything a lot more visually pleasing. Hopefully everyone likes it better. Something I noticed along doing that is that one of Link's Match-Ups was 1 point higher on only one side of the chart (lol), so I changed it and it actually made him drop a rank (it was with Yoshi if I remember correctly). More importantly though, I made the differences used for comparing the data before and after the importance of each match-up is considered.

Also, I was tinkering with the chart layout itself. Would this look prettier?


Pikachu >> Ness to Pikachu > Ness
Luigi = Ness to Luigi ? Ness
Jigglypuff = Yoshi to Jigglypuff ? Yoshi
Falcon > Ness to Falcon = Ness
Pikachu > Luigi to Pikachu >> Luigi

New chart style; yes or no?

Just a side-note...this game has a lot of 0-deaths...are we to take a single good hit as a potential death? That is the plausible capacity of a single good hit in this game. Some characters would undoubtedly have limitations placed upon them (eg. Samus, DK on some stages) in this case.

Character ranking shouldn't be completely based on matchups...there are other things you need to consider, such as approach options, vulnerability to combos and their ability to counter their worst matchups.
This is poorly thought out. A character's ranking is entirely based on how it plays against other characters. Since approach, vulnerability and countering is applied on the match-ups themselves, where are you, outside of match-ups considering these? A character's approach is part of what affects a match-up, and match-ups affect the ranking.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
I agree that what I said was poorly worded...

What I wanted to say was: the better the character, the better the matchups...I'm trying to say that it's not the other way around, and that a character's ability to counter comparatively bad matchups (eg. Pika vs Fox or Falcon is a bad matchup compared to Pika vs Link) is also there. Having several good matchups does not necessarily mean that the character is good. Samus's physical properties give her resistance to several characters, and she can outprioritise some of them too. However, these characters can still beat Samus without too much hassle. Matchups are very difficult to debate in a game where 0-deaths are theoretically applied as much as possible.

There was no real dispute, I agree that matchups count, but I don't agree that they make up the entirety of an argument for a tier list or similar ranking.

I'd like to get this clear...who would have the advantage in a matchup like this...a character who has trouble approaching but can get a good KO from one hit, or a character who has trouble comboing, but can approach with ease?


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
Hmm. Whats the exact point of the Chart in the end? Just to tell people who not to use against who?

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Hmm. Whats the exact point of the Chart in the end? Just to tell people who not to use against who?
I don't know what you're referring to. Both charts are the same, except the second one is in the correct order (based on the data in the two data charts below it). The other one in my post a few up is just to show a numbered version to see if people like it better than just the coloured circles.

I think its used to make a huge thread.

Naw, if the Back room idea falls through we may use this as a template
I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, since you have been in the whole thread. =P
But so long as the match-ups are correct, it gives the actual rankings and value of each character.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Well another thing I can do is take the new values, and re-run each character's new worth over and over until the results remain constant.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN

fthrow -> giant punch
dair -> usmash
just about any **** tent combo

all kill at stupidly low percents. DK also has much, much more range and priority against jiggly.

Jiggly can gimp DK easily with backthrow and dair to edgegaurd, but that's about it.
Umm. so? How about how heavy DK is and ho easy he is to be gimped and comboed.

DK doesn't stand a chance vs. Jiggs.

Dair > Utilt > Utilt > Utilt > Rest

'nough said.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
I don't know what you're referring to. Both charts are the same, except the second one is in the correct order (based on the data in the two data charts below it). The other one in my post a few up is just to show a numbered version to see if people like it better than just the coloured circles.
That's not really answering my question. I thought it was fun at first, because it would just be a friendl;y discussion, and the list just being for show. But its more of a serious thing with credibility and all that. I'm saying whats the point in the end, especially when not everyone agrees with everything on the final list, myself personally, I'm sure I don't agree with like half of the final match-ups. If I were to make the list myself without other people's input, most of the match-ups would just be even, while all the advantages/disadvantages would be more specific.
And it's not going to stop people from using certain characters against another. Say if someone's favorite or main was Link, Ness, or Luigi, it's not going to stop them from using them against Pikachu, just because some people think they're no match for him. Stages also play a big factor in determining it. You're probably going to have to make a "chart" for every Stage.

Umm. so? How about how heavy DK is and ho easy he is to be gimped and comboed.

DK doesn't stand a chance vs. Jiggs.

Dair > Utilt > Utilt > Utilt > Rest

'nough said.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2007
Umm. so? How about how heavy DK is and ho easy he is to be gimped and comboed.

DK doesn't stand a chance vs. Jiggs.

Dair > Utilt > Utilt > Utilt > Rest

'nough said.
yeah I changed my mind after fighting Fireblaster's DK while I was Jiggs.

It's even.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
Umm. so? How about how heavy DK is and ho easy he is to be gimped and comboed.

DK doesn't stand a chance vs. Jiggs.

Dair > Utilt > Utilt > Utilt > Rest

'nough said.
This combo usually doesnt work if you have good DI. And yes he does stand a chance, i would say its even and if not, a little in favour of DK

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Well another thing I can do is take the new values, and re-run each character's new worth over and over until the results remain constant.
I can do that for you. There is a formula to get the exact values (or more like a method). It doesn't take that long, but you have to understand the math involved to be able to do it.

Once the chart is 'good enough' (i.e. what we plan on ending with), I'll do that to it, and we'll have our final values.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
That's not really answering my question. I thought it was fun at first, because it would just be a friendl;y discussion, and the list just being for show. But its more of a serious thing with credibility and all that. I'm saying whats the point in the end, especially when not everyone agrees with everything on the final list, myself personally, I'm sure I don't agree with like half of the final match-ups. If I were to make the list myself without other people's input, most of the match-ups would just be even, while all the advantages/disadvantages would be more specific.
And it's not going to stop people from using certain characters against another. Say if someone's favorite or main was Link, Ness, or Luigi, it's not going to stop them from using them against Pikachu, just because some people think they're no match for him. Stages also play a big factor in determining it. You're probably going to have to make a "chart" for every Stage.

Well as many other players said, that your opinions are poorly thought-out, or just plain wrong, so I think agreement on your opinions being false for the most part is a pretty good consensus.

Also, I don't know where you're getting the idea of this to stop people from playing other characters. It's been known for ages that Pikachu destroys everyone, and yet you don't see Pikachu mains everywhere. I personally use Falcon almost entirely, and I'm sure that Brawl players don't believe in using Meta-Knight 24/7 simply because he's better than everyone else. I have no idea where you got that thought from out of this topic.

I can do that for you. There is a formula to get the exact values (or more like a method). It doesn't take that long, but you have to understand the math involved to be able to do it.

Once the chart is 'good enough' (i.e. what we plan on ending with), I'll do that to it, and we'll have our final values.
I'm pretty sure I can just use the fixed values and repeat the process I've been doing to get the original fixed values. If not though, your help is appreciated. =)

There's a couple things I want to do after the chart is finalized (or at least in general consensus). Firstly, I'd like to apply what the end results are to form some new tier list, since before this, both the tier list and the match-up chart have been debated about to no end, despite nobody doing anything about either. Finishing up that never-ending argument would be nice. Along the way I'd also like to make the data and charts as user-friendly as possible, so there won't be any twits making dozens of topics about the chart.

Some Agreement:

DK > Jigglypuff to DK = Jigglypuff
Pikachu > Luigi to Pikachu >> Luigi
Pikachu >> Ness to Pikachu > Ness


Luigi = Ness to Luigi ? Ness
Jigglypuff = Yoshi to Jigglypuff ? Yoshi
New chart layout?
Numbers on the circles or not?

So are we going to go with DK = Jigglypuff. I've used both characters moderately, and I still think DK has an advantage at least. Me and Fireblaster tested the Fthrow -> Giant Punch combo and at what percentages it works at. DK is a huge target and makes excellent Rest bait, so if Jigglypuff combos DK, the size of him makes it even easier to string into a Rest. I would say DK > Jigglypuff, but again, I've only used both briefly.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Posing my stuff in Bold

DK > Jigglypuff to DK = Jigglypuff
I still think this is DK>Jigglypuff

Pikachu > Luigi to Pikachu >> Luigi
I think its a single >, Luigi up b combos kill pikachu rather early. I don't think this matchup is that bad to merit a double plus

Pikachu >> Ness to Pikachu > Ness,
Ness has good enough combos and DJC work to make this matchup only a >. It isn't as bad as say, Pikachu vs Samus


Luigi = Ness to Luigi ? Ness
Its an interesting matchup. Luigi has the floatiness to escape combos, Ness has the approach, and ness has the priority. I think this matchup is most likely even.

Jigglypuff = Yoshi to Jigglypuff ? Yoshi: This is a weird matchup. I am not really sure exactly what it is. I was never clear since I either easily win or easily lose. I think it is probably even though.

New chart layout?

Numbers on the circles or not?

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Numbers on Circle...

I don't like the 5-4-3-2-1 numbers on the circle. I think everyone understands blue/green is good and red/orange is bad. If we were to put numbers, I would say put 50/50, 75/25 etc. ... but that's not what we're discussing. I say keep it to colour only.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
Well as many other players said, that your opinions are poorly thought-out, or just plain wrong, so I think agreement on your opinions being false for the most part is a pretty good consensus.

Also, I don't know where you're getting the idea of this to stop people from playing other characters. It's been known for ages that Pikachu destroys everyone, and yet you don't see Pikachu mains everywhere. I personally use Falcon almost entirely, and I'm sure that Brawl players don't believe in using Meta-Knight 24/7 simply because he's better than everyone else. I have no idea where you got that thought from out of this topic.
What does that have to do with anything? I asked what was the exact point of the match-up chart in the end... Is it to inform people about who not to use against who? I then added detail.

Numbers on Circle...

I don't like the 5-4-3-2-1 numbers on the circle. I think everyone understands blue/green is good and red/orange is bad. If we were to put numbers, I would say put 50/50, 75/25 etc. ... but that's not what we're discussing. I say keep it to colour only.
Yes I prefer the colors ^^

Deleted member

What does that have to do with anything? I asked what was the exact point of the match-up chart in the end... Is it to inform people about who not to use against who? I then added detail.

Yes I prefer the colors ^^
The chart simply shows what the matchup is like at a "decent" level, I'm not going to say highest because this chart isn't made by people who are superstars of 64. Some of these matchups are most likely different if they were played by people around Isai level.

The chart isn't telling you not to use a character against some other character. It's just showing how "hard" or easy it's supposed to be when both players don't suck balls.


t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Thanks Blue Yoshi, I went and fixed that. Also, I'll scrap the number idea; thanks again for the the opinions.


Pikachu >> Ness to Pikachu > Ness

Some Agreement:

DK > Jigglypuff to DK = Jigglypuff
Pikachu > Luigi to Pikachu >> Luigi


Luigi = Ness?
Jigglypuff = Yoshi?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2003
Bellevue, WA
When did people agree that Pika > Ness? As I explained a few pages back it's one of the worst matchups in the game. Others agreed with me. It should definitely be Pika >> Ness.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2004
Huntsville, AL
So are we going to go with DK = Jigglypuff. I've used both characters moderately, and I still think DK has an advantage at least. Me and Fireblaster tested the Fthrow -> Giant Punch combo and at what percentages it works at. DK is a huge target and makes excellent Rest bait, so if Jigglypuff combos DK, the size of him makes it even easier to string into a Rest. I would say DK > Jigglypuff, but again, I've only used both briefly.
I'm reasonably sure Jiggly can always break out of DK's fthrow at low percent before he has time to jump and cargo fthrow Jiggs. Yeah, the midair fthrow to giant punch will combo (starting from 0% or close), but only if Jiggly allows it to happen by not breaking out quickly enough.

And if you want the opinion of an old tired Jigglypuff, I much prefer DK = Jiggs instead of DK > Jiggs. The rest of the Jiggs matchups seem right to me.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2007
For jiggly, the only things that should be fixed (IMO) are:

Luigi >> Jiggly
DK = Jiggly

And it should be perfect.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
I really don't think Luigi >> Jiggly. Jiggly's superior aerial mobility really shines vs. Luigi's lack thereof. Luigi's ability to up-B combo Jiggly earlier than other characters is double-edged, as Jiggly also more quickly reaches that annoying hard-to-kill percentage.

Pikachu >> Luigi

Not too sure about the others but I still think Yoshi vs. Samus is close to even.
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