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*** The New General Smashbros.com Thread *** (Read This First)


Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2007
It's kinda stupid that Sakurai only really put newcomer's taunts, and not the veteran's. Everyone wants to see their favorite Melee starter's taunts first, right?
Umm he posted Link and Mario's taunts.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2007
Your closet
Handicaps - Oh great. More noob friendliness. I hope we actually experience a small fragment of something called a "challenge" in Brawl. >.<


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York

Be kind to beginners! If all you do in brawls is beat up people who don’t know left from right, they’ll never understand the rules of the game, right?

So until now, I’ve always made sure to include handicaps in each game in the series.

But, I began to think that there isn’t much thrill in just making yourself weaker, so I changed the system.

First, find the Handicap option on the Rules screen.

Then you’ll see something new.

Click-click-click! Ratchet up the handicap.

You start with your initial damage meter boosted!

Even when you reappear.

The strength of each character doesn’t change, so then you can show your skills to your opponent!

Also, you can use this not only for handicapping, but also for starting all players at the same damage—it’ll give you matches with a slightly different feel.

Now, I’ve also kept the auto-handicap feature. This gradually increases the starting damage for the winner of the match.

Choose the Auto setting from the same option.​

...Come on Sakurai, did this really need it's own update??

He's either running out of things to update (doubtful), or he's trying to build some kind of suspense up to the end of the week to update something spectacular, which is really lame. At this point, i dont think anything he reveals at the end of the week (except Geno) will save it from being the WORST WEEK EVER.



Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
In bragging land. HE'S IN!
a double triple update of the newcomers ridley and geno and vivian can salvage this week.
or a free demo that includes most the characters on the dojo available on wii ware for free..... OH DEAR LORD WE ARE ********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how did we not see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????

Kraid Guy

Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2007
I am a minion of Ridley and live on the Space Pira
i'm hardcore player, but a noob friendly game could always be nice. i have a 4 year old brother who wants to "play as the farting guy". so this could be a great way to teach him.
LOL farting guy. My little sister calls Link Peter Pan. ROFL

Yeh, Sakurai is giving himself more time for something big. And if it takes up tommorow too, that means that it's gonna be massive. Or he hates us.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Hey, i just realized, we still have Item switch. Nice, not that i was worried abou t it goin anywhere though :p


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Meta Knight: Special Moves

I introduced some of Meta Knight’s special moves in a previous post titled "Four Special Move Types".

But, since he has so many peculiar moves, I wanted to explain them again.

<Standard Special Move: Mach Tornado>

Suck them up!

Your inertia carries you left and right. Tap the button to rise up off the ground a bit.

<Side Special Move: Drill Rush>


You spin like a drill, plowing into people. You can also change your direction slightly.

Push your enemies up into the air!

Of course, you can push them down, too.

<Up Special Move: Shuttle Loop>

Rise up while launching your sword up...

You can also flutter through the air and glide.

This is a move you use to glide. It’s kind of like Kirby’s wing ability.

<Down Special Move: Dimensional Cape>

The familiar move from the trailer.

He wraps himself in his cape, disappears, and reappears with this move.

Tilt the stick to move the position where he’ll reappear!

If you’re pressing the attack button, you’ll unleash a surprise attack as you reappear!

Use the Dimensional Cape as a precursor to an attack. If you just can’t get the opportunity, then forget about attacking.​

Well i wasn't expecting anything this time thanks to the previous updates, but still, if this this aint stalling good updates, i dont know what is. One thing is for sure, i wont be expecting anything tomorrow either, but d*mnit Sakurai, you better give us SOMETHING we want by next week.

There was also music posted (nice change), but it was kinda....weird, deffinetly not one of my favorites, but it's certainly interesting.



Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
My GOD 2morrows update better be worth it sakurai, I mean even IGN makes fun of how u posted the moveset TWICE already... tmorrow megaman... or ridley


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
My GOD 2morrows update better be worth it sakurai, I mean even IGN makes fun of how u posted the moveset TWICE already... tmorrow megaman... or ridley
Actually, it's been rumored that Megaman gonna be released monday due to some Capcom anniversary. So if ya want Megaman, ya better hope tomorrow's update is crappy once again.

I dont think it'll happen. Besides, it's Miyamoto's birthday tomorrow, Sakurai revealed the SSE for us on his birthday, so why not for Miyamoto's. Is there gonna be a surprise? and if so, what??

Kraid Guy

Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2007
I am a minion of Ridley and live on the Space Pira
My GOD 2morrows update better be worth it sakurai, I mean even IGN makes fun of how u posted the moveset TWICE already... tmorrow megaman... or ridley
It IS NOT THAT BAD!!!! It's all your **** faults because you keep loking at the ****ing Brawl videos! Shut up and stop complaining. Oh, and Ridley would be nice.:laugh:

Christ people here love to ***** and moan.

Expect to see things we've already seen before.
Yes they do. And you guys stop watching the vids, will you? That's the reason why they complain so much!


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Actually, i change my mind about the music, it's actually pretty good, possibly one of the better ones on the Dojo.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York

Even among Smash players, there are some people who just aren’t that good at action games. With that in mind, I’ve been thinking about how I can convey the fun of Smash to newcomers. I’ve been thinking about this type of thing since long before I joined this industry.

So, for this game, I’ve prepared a new kind of mode. It’s called Spectator, and you’ll find it in the With Anyone menu. If I had to describe it in a word, it’s "watching!"

You can enjoy watching matches between other people!

This mode is a service where Nintendo uses Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to send the data for games played between other people to every Smash household.

Match selection is handled automatically, and absolutely no names of any players can be seen. It feels like there’s a continuous broadcast of matches on your television! Even if you don’t play, you can enjoy the battles of other characters!

And at the beginning of each match, you can even bet coins on the character you think will win.

I’ll bet some coins. I’ve got a winner!

Glean what hints you can from the stages and combatants and try to deduce the winner.

Of course, if your pick wins, your coin count will increase! And the more players in a match, the higher the payout. There may even be extra prizes.

Even if you lose, you can get some stickers.

Just to make sure there’s no mistaking that just watching a match can be fun, we’ll be passing out stickers left and right.

For those of you who want to cooperate with our data collection for Spectator mode, set Allow Spectators to Yes in your Wi-Fi Options. This will result in your play data occasionally being sent to Nintendo.

This setting is in your Wi-Fi Options.

The content that is broadcast is the same for everyone spectating (if your connection timing is the same), so it should be fun to have people in different environments watch and cheer the same match.

To be shocked by impressive play, or to bust a gut laughing at some accident will be quite fun! Perhaps you can use it as reference for your own matches.

Hopefully this mode is something that even people who aren’t good at games can enjoy.

Well....i think this update, although not spectacular, is enough to save this week from being a waste. It's quite an interesting update, i'd love to use this feature every now and then and bet on players. I love seeing the stickers and coins being used for online use, but we still dont know what the value of the coins are, which is really my only gripe with this update.

Anyways, here's to a better week next week hopefully.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2006
Antioch, CA
i don't think this is a bad update. After 8 hours of playing smash and you lost some feeling in your thumbs or other body parts. you can just watch some random matches while you rest your fingers and get some stickers and coins while doing it.


Smash Rookie
Aug 4, 2007
A very nice update. ^_^

I remember suggesting something like this months ago. Great to see this idea come to light in SSBB. It should be great to watch online matches, unlike watching CPU matches. ^_^


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2007
This entire week was boring updates. I was sure we would have a charcter update LAST week, because until now we've never had more than 2 weeks without a character. But there wasn't. I thought, okay, so there will surely be one next week. But no. And it was Miyamoto's birthday of all things! When can the Dojo get back to exciting updates....


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Ice Climbers: Final Smash


The Ice Climbers’ Final Smash is Iceberg!

Calling it Iceberg is a bit problematic. I mean, it’s not like...

Ahh! I guess Iceberg IS about all you can call this!

When you get the Smash Ball and do your move...

The duo does a high-five, and...


It happens even in the big city, just like this...

Ice doesn’t just make the available ledges smaller and more slippery, but it also damages your opponents!

But, of course, the Ice Climbers can handle it no problem. They look as cool and refreshed as ever.

Sometimes, you can even freeze opponents.
Now that’s just cold!

Good! original stuff, i likes.

And a pretty original Final Smash i must say, so it's a nice change of pace from other FS's.

Although who didn't expect the Ice Climber's FS to involve.....Ice?

I really dont have much to say on this one.



Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
In your mind!
...really... A fine update, I was picturing DDDs to be similar...his is likly he either gets possesed my Zero/Zero2 and begins firing at everyone, or a giant hammer is consistenly hitting the stage and every character...


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Training Mode

If you brawl for a long time, there is one thing you will definitely start to think: "What can I do that will help me be able to win?"

For that, I’ve implemented a training mode to help you get to know the characters.

At first glance, nothing about this screen seems unusual.

Bothersome displays are hidden at first. The settings screen appears when you pause the game.

Oh! There it is!

You can produce lots of items.

You can put in three computer opponents, and jack their damage meters way up.

And you can see how much damage different combos do.

You can even put it in slow motion.
(But...you can’t tell that from a screen shot.)

You need to know the moves, whether you’re trying to hit with them or avoid them—this is especially true of Final Smashes.

This mode is particularly helpful with that.​

Nothing new here, moving on...

Smart Bomb

This familiar item is from the Star Fox series. Those who have played those games can imagine how this bomb explodes.

Throw the Smart Bomb, Fox!

Don’t get caught in the explosion, Fox!

Hurry, Fox! Run!

This fearsome item practically covers entire stages in a massive, engulfing explosion. It’s best to try to use it in a spot that leaves few places for enemies to flee. Or something like that.

It does seem that they occasionally fail to explode. You might throw it, only to watch it not detonate. In those cases, you’ll want to be careful, because you never know when it might go off.

Speaking of duds, certain Pokémon that explode also sometimes fail to detonate.


Nothing new here either unless you havent seen the E 4 All vids.

Im not gonna complain, but i have nothing to say about these other than what is Sakurai hiding from us?

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