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*** The New General Smashbros.com Thread *** (Read This First)


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
"Holy crap! Diddy, that guy just stole 50 dollars worth of bananas from us! Again!"

What's up with everyone loving bananas so much that they steal them from other people?
Apparently to piss of monkeys and gorillas everywhere

We really need a character update this week, i know we got Sonic, but that was almost 2 weeks ago now, it feels like it's been forever, please give us a character tomorrow Sakurai!!


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
STADIUM: Target Smash!

A target-breaking mode has appeared in every game in the Smash series. It’s a mode that challenges you to break ten targets within a given time limit—basically, a game for those who salivate at the thought of speed runs.

Break the targets!

It’s outdoors now, giving it a refreshing visual appearance. This time, there are five different maps of varying difficulty—challenges you can take on with your favorite character.

Each of the five maps is distinctive.

Some levels have items as well, so you may be able to use them to cut your time even more.

Use all of your character’s skills to beat your own personal records!

This is the pause screen.

If you fail, you can pause the game and try again. You can also confirm the overall layout by pausing.

There is another announcement I’d like make simultaneously...

This time, you can view replays. What this means is, the game records what you did in brawls or in Target Smash and lets you review it.

You can record about three minutes worth of replay data.

And it’s even possible to send replays of your most amazing times to Wii Friends! If you compete against each other, things will surely heat up.

Fire it off!

It feels great to use all of your knowledge and techniques to shave off a hundredth of a second. But you don’t have to do that to enjoy these features, so I hope you’ll give it a try regardless.​

Wow, i mean i coulda guessed we were getting back target test for sure, but i wouldn't have guessed in a million years that we'd be able to record our matches!! Sure it's only three minutes of footage but still! i hope there's some hard drive addition in the future for the Wii

Anyways, i like the changes on the target test, but i cant tell if Sakurai meant there'd be 5 stages for each character, or if there's 5 stages all together of varying difficulty



Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Why is this thread really here if theres the update posts to talk about?

Anyways, cool. Always wanted replays.
Cause Scav made it and there's virtually no spam, so pretty much anyone can be heard without getting drowned out by spam


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
Sorry for double post.

King Dedede/Newcomer

The self-proclaimed king of Dream Land formally joins the brawl! Mechanizing his wooden mallet, he delivers a mighty, earth-shaking blow!

He joins as a member of the heavyweight class alongside Bowser and Donkey Kong. Can he defeat Kirby?!



Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Congrats DDD fans, though was this really a suprise? i guess the only thing you guys had to worry about was Sakurai's modesty.

Is it just me, or does hie look really weird in the profile picture? almost like a photoshop

BTW i gotta say DDD is the cutest villan ive ever seen, haha


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
I have never heard of this guy till now. It's a pretty cool update.

You gotta love the hammer.

Kraid Guy

Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2007
I am a minion of Ridley and live on the Space Pira
I have never heard of this guy till now. It's a pretty cool update.

You gotta love the hammer.
I'm sorry, but are you serious? K DDD is the best Kirby villain, like, EVER!!! And he kinda looks like Santa in his red coat. Only Santa's not a penguin and doesn't bust people's heads open with hammers. And this also means that Kirby's side b, or hammer, is disconfirmed.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
King Dedede: Special Moves

<Up Special Move: Super Dedede Jump>

Look! That’s a serious jump!

And he lands HARD!

King Dedede’s great jump is his specialty! But he doesn’t have much freedom while jumping, and his vulnerability when he lands is pretty significant.

That said, if things look bad, just tap down on the Control Stick.

You can flip over and cancel it in midair.

However, if you try to cancel just before landing, you’ll make a fool of yourself, and you’ll be vulnerable for even longer, so watch out.

<Side Special Move: Waddle Dee Toss>

Just toss them out there.

He pulls out Waddle Dees from who knows where and throws them. The Waddle Dees then waddle around afterward.

Occasionally a Waddle Doo appears...

And Gordo, too.

<Down Special Move: Jet Hammer>

This time, King Dedede’s hammer is actually mechanized. The head’s rotation is powered by a motor.

And it can do this.

Whoa! What is this?!?

If you hold down the Control Stick and the special-move button simultaneously, you can charge up his hammer. And you can unleash it in one blow!

The power of the jet multiplies the destructive force!

You can even walk around with it charged up, but you can’t save the charge by pressing the shield button. Also, if you charge it up too much, it will increase your own damage, so be careful.

Awesome. Just great. Expected, but great nonetheless. Well, the moves were unexpected, anyway. I wonder what Dedede's B move is..​


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Im kinda surprised Sakurai decided to give us DDD's moveset so early, he rarely gives us anyone moveset right after they've been revealed (if at all), especially seeing as how he's so modest about his characters

Maybe he just wanted to get him outta the way for a bit XD


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
In bragging land. HE'S IN!
in 2 weeks we are going to get the last newcomer on the site till the game comes out. next week is going to have a plain old character moves/final smash update. maybe meta knight's FS. just watch.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
I'm sorry, but are you serious? K DDD is the best Kirby villain, like, EVER!!! And he kinda looks like Santa in his red coat. Only Santa's not a penguin and doesn't bust people's heads open with hammers. And this also means that Kirby's side b, or hammer, is disconfirmed.
Well, I never really got into Kirby games for some reason.

The update is pretty cool.


Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2007
He has some intresting moves.

You can create your own stages this time?! No way. REALLY?! With a feature like that, won’t I be able to play this game forever?!

Apparently it’s true...!!!

Those who enjoy a little effort may be able to enjoy this stage builder for the rest of their lives.

First, start from the initialize setting.

You start by choosing the size of the stage, the background pattern, and the music that will play. Oops! Sorry. For music, you’ll only be able to choose from the songs you have available.

This is the edit screen!

Basically, you choose parts from the palette on the side and place them in the field.

The controls vary by controller, but each one can do the following:

Flip parts left to right
Enlarge or shrink parts
Zoom in or out on the screen
Swap palettes
...Among other things.

Just place terrain however you like. Chuckity-chuckity-CHUCK!

Then try it out!

Modify it and try it... Repeat as necessary. Make your own ideal stage!

Mmm... That’s amazing.

And you can save a name and a comment for the stage.

You can change the music on the save screen. Choose something that matches the mood of your stage.

And I’m happy that this is compatible with SD cards. You don’t have to worry about size, so make as many stages as you like.

Also, if you’ve finished registering someone as both a Wii Friend and a Smash friend, you’ll be able to send custom stages to each other.

Now, for those who hate putting effort into such things, we’ve also prepared something you can enjoy as well.

"Submit" ...?

That’s right! You can use your Wi-Fi connection to send stages you’ve made to Nintendo! (However, you can’t submit repeatedly. Maybe just once per day?)

And a stage selected from the entire daily collection will be sent from Nintendo to your Wii. A stage made by someone else will come to you over the Internet once per day!

DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! That’s the shocking truth. This means you’ll be able to experience a new stage every day—the flavor of the day, if you will. However, the plan is for that stage to vanish once one day has passed. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

You can submit in both the Snapshots mode and the Stage Builder mode, allowing everyone to enjoy the creations of others. The fun of sharing is one of the ways that I wanted to take advantage of Wi-Fi for something other than pure battling.

Today’s stage has lots of traps...

This is our ideal current plan. We still don’t know the exact service period. And future tuning may result in changes to the spec.

But for now, please look forward to it!
Great update, I can't wait to give stage making a shot


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Wow, i am a shame to this thread :p, i apologize, and thanks for doin the update Mike, appreciate it

and another wow to this update, holy sh*t, i was not expecting this, along with the replay feature, in a million years. I will never doubt kirbykid's suggestions for Brawl ever again :p


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York

This is the classic single-player mode—hence the name, Classic.

In this mode, you try to clear each stage as you go.

Choose your favorite character and a difficulty level, then start the match!

Fight whoever appears!

The world you fight in is pretty much determined based on stage number. Stage 1 is based on The Legend of Zelda. Stage 3 is based on Pokémon. And each time, the characters are chosen randomly.

You’ll also find the status of enemies and rules of the match vary slightly to include things like Giant matches, Metal matches, and Team battles.

Heart icons indicate your allies.

You cleared the stage!

So... You just keep playing until you reach the end. Easy to understand, right?

Huh? You’re wondering what the coins on the Stage Clear screen are for? Um, you think they’re there to make it look more lively?

No, no. You earn and save these up little by little as you play. And supposedly you can use them somewhere. But no—you don’t use them to shop.​

Well im not surprised that this mode is making a return seeing how Sakurai is putting everything he's got into this game

The only that seems interesting is the what coins will be used for, if they were just used for trophies, i think he would've told us that. No i think these coin have a bigger purpose this time. Shopping for alt. costumes anyone?



Smash Ace
Oct 23, 2007
and thanks for doin the update Mike, appreciate it
No problem bro.

I wonder what the coins will be used for, aside from a trophy vending machine and being used to pay for continues.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
The Summit

The summit? The summit of what? If you must know, I suppose it’s the summit of Icicle Mountain. And I guess there are vegetables there after all.

In other words, it’s an Ice Climber stage.

At first glance, it appears to be a normal glacial peak. But after you fight for a while...

A pop! A crack! It’s breaking?!

Th-the terrain is sliding downhill!

It’s finally arrived at the sea. And with a splash, too!

Hmm. Talk about hectic. And rumor has it, you can’t get careless once you’ve reached the sea.

The polar bear is pushing the iceberg deeper!

A fish leaps out of the water!

I feel like I’ve seen that fish before somewhere... Where could it have been?​

Well it's nice to see what this stage is all about now since we saw a tiny snippet of it on the fall conference video

I like how he added the pumpkin in the first screenshot, just in time for Halloween, it sure seems like it was put there on purpose



Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
It's a good stage. I think this stage is better than the Ice Climber stage on Melee.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
In bragging land. HE'S IN!
thats the balloon fighter fish. he mentioned that it looked farmiliar. sakurai likes retro(ice climbers, mr. game and watch) balloon fighter was supposed to be in melee( i think) do you see where im going with this?
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