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The -NEW- Florida 2011 Brawl Power Rankings! Updated 5/10/11!

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Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Payout is 25 cents for everything, including pr money matches. No entry fees. My roommate will sponsor the money for wins for the pr matches out of tourney for 25 cents if you beat me or if i win.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Maybe this will help. Take....Winter GameFest in california for example. It was a tournament with a door and/or entry fee, but the entry fee wasnt placed towards payouts at all. payouts were a guaranteed pot that in no way was related to the actual attendance of the tournament. it could've been 50 entrants and guaranteed pots would have been the same.

Essentially you only paid to enter the building that has the tourney, but your entry fee might as well be 0 as it isnt going towards the pot at all. You paid money for the ability to enter the tourney and it has a set payout even if your personal fee went towards renting the place and not paying the smashers, an arguing point you yourself brought up in an earlier post. Now you sit there and tell me why this tournament wouldnt count for any PRs?


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Payout is 25 cents for everything, including pr money matches. No entry fees. My roommate will sponsor the money for wins for the pr matches out of tourney for 25 cents if you beat me or if i win.
if people go to your joke fake tourney and 1 person believes its legit and should count even if its for a sponsored quarter it should count. Payout + 1 smasher thinking it should count for rankings = it should count for rankings. Very simple equation. All the small payout does is cut down attendance for the amount of opportunities said one smasher has in order to gain ranking points

You remember that drunken tourney you had while back in your actual house? The one that I won? It had a payout, people paid money, but it didnt count cause everyone believed it shouldnt for rankings (even myself as i was pretty much the only non-drinker there). If i wanted to be **** back then and say it should count towards PRs, then its you scrubs faults for drinking at the tourney. The difference here is that literally EVERYONE agreed to it, unlike otronicon where 5/41 agreed to it


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
@gdx- There is an entry fee, it counts. No matter what.

@dfear- No. You are entering free tourneys with the chance at beating prs for free. And if you win, and only winning the tourney do you get 25 cents.

Im hosting these tourneys no matter what from now on no matter what. Free matches with guaranteed quarter payouts. Everyone in CFL get at me for PR mm's that are free.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
i actually agreed with you that tourney has to have a payout to count. but otronicon definitely had payouts, even if they were interdependent of the actual number of entrants paying money into a pot

if you have a completely free tournament with no payouts then it shouldnt count. if you have a completely free tournament with payouts it should count. if you have an entry fee tourney with no payouts...then it shouldnt count but what you doing with entry fees lol?


imma just say it now and say monetary payouts cause i dont even wanna waste time reading said post that will be similar to the above inb4


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Like i said:

Free tourneys with 25 cent payouts whenever someone comes to my place. There is a payout for incentive to win and people to enter. Prepare to get wins CFL. Prepare.

And btw, im just proving a point. The point being an entry fee is needed for tourney results to matter.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Like i said:

Free tourneys with 25 cent payouts whenever someone comes to my place. There is a payout for incentive to win and people to enter. Prepare to get wins CFL. Prepare.

And btw, im just proving a point. The point being an entry fee is needed for tourney results to matter.
well, at least its summarized to one sentence now, which i can now give you MY point:

The point being a payout is needed for tourney results to matter, not an entry fee. A sponsored prize tourney thats free to enter should still count because there are incentives of payout


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
What im trying to say is that there needs to be a standard for tourneys to count for PR's that we need to come up with. If a tourney follows those standard then no matter what that tourney counts. We currently do not have that and at the moment we have a huge dispute over this, which is causing unrest between players.

And you know what, if the only thing that matters are the payouts, then i have wins over hrnut. I also have wins over 2DJeff and solo and eveyone else in CFL. The monetary value being food. Get at me. Ive played Hrnut for a piece of a live saver thing before and won.

All i have to lose is PR points. No money to be lost. Wow. What an awesome thought. Im sure all of SFl would agree with this thought. No money on the line? No problem!!!! As long as there is at least some form of money to be won after.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
I believe that for a tourney to count there needs to be the following:

1) an entry fee
2) a payout
3) consent of every player(if they dont consent then the TO has the right to not let them in) for their matches to count
4) a standard for tourney rules(Ex- no banning of certain rules)


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
and you bring up the argument of im only doing this to hurt your chances of being ranked or things like that...if you think that, then i could just as easily reverse it and state youre only thinking like that because you lost to ryo instead of winning.

I can honestly say that if you had beaten ryo and you were the one arguing what he is, id still be on the same side of the fence. I can also say that ryo would still think it counts, because hes not going to travel 2 hours for a tourney that wouldnt count for rankings. but can you honestly say that? I dont think you can. You've just pulled some BS logic out of your *** to hide/try to bulk up your actual reasoning. Im going with complete logic here, no favorites, no biased. Youre logic is rooted in the fact of benefiting yourself more than the most fair reasoning.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
gallax, the only matches that count towards the PR are tournament matches and PR matches. PR matches need to be done at a tournament for the amount of the entry fee of the tournament, and need to be witnessed by a PR panelist at a tournament. This is all in the first post of the thread.

We're counting your loss against Ryo. Sorry.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Im hosting Pr matches for free at my free tourneys from now on then. Dont like it? Get over it. Everyone who wins a PR match or tourney gets the sponsored money of 25 cents.

Think people wont come? Well then remember that its free and whenever theres a fest im gonna be there and host the tourney. At least 2 a week guaranteed.

Even if i beat ryo i wouldnt give a ****. It didnt count.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I believe that for a tourney to count there needs to be the following:

1) an entry fee
2) a payout
3) consent of every player(if they dont consent then the TO has the right to not let them in) for their matches to count
4) a standard for tourney rules(Ex- no banning of certain rules)
1.) no, completely unimportant. the only purpose of an entry fee is generally to feed the payout. If theres a payout but no fee, if anything that brings more players
2.) Agreed
3.) COMPLETE BS. So youre saying that any given tourney if a player outright tells the TO all his matches today shouldnt count cause he isnt feeling well, and he gains entry to the tourney, then if he loses/****s up they wouldnt count? LOL if thats the case even I'd still be on the PRs
4.) agree to a certain extent. As long as the different rules arent anything too insane. Players still agreed to the rules even if they are alittle different. Should your tourney not count cause you had port town aero drive as a legal counterpick? Thats definitely not standard in florida or any national for that matter


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Im hosting Pr matches for free at my free tourneys from now on then. Dont like it? Get over it. Everyone who wins a PR match or tourney gets the sponsored money of 25 cents.

Think people wont come? Well then remember that its free and whenever theres a fest im gonna be there and host the tourney. At least 2 a week guaranteed.

Even if i beat ryo i wouldnt give a ****. It didnt count.
get on the PR and give away your PR wins at your free tourneys with sponsored payouts then. Probably wouldn't have stayed on for more than 1 ranking season anyway :troll:


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Thats ok. When everyone in CFL has a PR win and then when Hrnut gives Pr wins away with the same thing to me and everyone else then when we go beat others like halberd who would then get in on it because its a bogus system and then we would give him wins and then mampam and then everyone in CFL and tampa has wins then when we beat some of SFL then lets see how effed up everything gets.

YOu see where this could go? Im trying to prevent this in all honesty.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
3) If a player doesnt agree that his matches count for the PR's he isnt allowed into the tourney.

Hows that for you?
let the player in the tourney. let them sandbag in tourney and waste their saturday. If they want to sandbag and risk losing ranking points for no logical reason then let them. If he doesnt want them to count he shouldnt be trying to enter the tourney anyway. if anything, the TO should gladly take his entry fee (if any) and use it to fill the pot for the people trying


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
the only ppl that played serious was GDX mero and Ryo and solo (just with the set with GDX) but mero and solo did the 10 character strike the only time mero didnt do it was against Ryo because ryo wasnt trying to do that when everyone else agreed
Gallax played lucario and i beileve solo and hrnut did stupid matches in the tourney such as olimar vs ddd on luigis mansion lol
and those rules the posted on the boards where not real because my oppenets CP me to Hyrule temple, Pokemon Dimond/pearl stage thing. 75m hannen bow, wario ware, and even super mario bros


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Im hosting Pr matches for free at my free tourneys from now on then. Dont like it? Get over it. Everyone who wins a PR match or tourney gets the sponsored money of 25 cents.t
There's nothing stopping you from doing this. (Except, of course, for the fact that a PR panelist needs to witness a PR match)

I mean, if you wanted to, you could set up legitimate PR matches with people at tourneys, "lose" the $10 to them by sandbagging, and then have them pay you back the $10 in secret after the tournament.

The whole concept of PR matches relies on a certain level of trust that members of the community won't try to exploit them in order to make the PRs inaccurate. I guess we assume that current PR members won't deliberately try to sabotage the PRs... but you're saying that trust is misplaced?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
But therse the thing masky, its a free PR match!!! I only sponsor the 25 cents to win. Theres not 10$ entry fee for anything.

Actually we should stop hosting tourneys with entry fees from now on. Why would anyone pay the money to enter when theyres a chance they wont win it? Im sure most people wont pay if they could choose to while still having chances to win against PR's.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Thats ok. When everyone in CFL has a PR win and then when Hrnut gives Pr wins away with the same thing to me and everyone else then when we go beat others like halberd who would then get in on it because its a bogus system and then we would give him wins and then mampam and then everyone in CFL and tampa has wins then when we beat some of SFL then lets see how effed up everything gets.

YOu see where this could go? Im trying to prevent this in all honesty.
if nick doesnt want to give PR wins away in a tourney, then you know what he can do? Not enter, or not lose

You are essentially robbing people who want to get ranked the opportunity by not counting a tourney with payouts but with players who have possible PR points. You as a TO could refuse to let these people into your tourneys, but then youre hurting the newcomers more that care about getting ranked along with the essential donation by the PR points player who doesnt feel like trying

Ive definitely entered tourneys before to where i honestly did not care if i won or loss before the tourney started. If i went 0-2 i wouldnt have even been mad. But you know what? I entered the tourney knowing that, and anyone who beat me deserves ranking points from me if i had them. Its my fault for entering the tourney and its my fault for losing matches once entering.

If you want to host free tourneys with sponsored $5 pots or something then go ahead. I dont think you realize that the more losses you have as a PR member, the less and less weight each of those wins hold that the people have against you. It doesnt matter if the entire UCF campus beats you in PR ranking points match cause then the points gained from you dont matter at all, like the BCS college football ranking system. You have to have a good record yourself for your losses to have any impact


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
the only ppl that played serious was GDX mero and Ryo and solo (just with the set with GDX)
Gallax played lucario and i beileve solo and hrnut did stupid matches in the tourney such as olimar vs ddd on luigis mansion lol
and those rules the posted on the boards where not real because my oppenets CP me to Hyrule temple, Pokemon Dimond/pearl stage thing. 75m hannen bow, wario ware, and even super mario bros
Only jeff heres sees my logic. Hrnut and everyone else who came sees it too actually. Besides gdx and ryo(saying this because i must or else they come up and say I DONT SEE IT)


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
But therse the thing masky, its a free PR match!!! I only sponsor the 25 cents to win. Theres not 10$ entry fee for anything.

Actually we should stop hosting tourneys with entry fees from now on. Why would anyone pay the money to enter when theyres a chance they wont win it? Im sure most people wont pay if they could choose to while still having chances to win against PR's.
Are you sober? ROFL


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
i should be a panelist. cause apparently people not currently a panelist...



Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Actually, no im not. Does that affect your mind? It shouldnt because the logic is still there.

You guys do not realize the precedents that you will be setting by allowing no-entry fee tourneys to be allowed for PR's. I could literally host tourneys in CFL that are entry fee-less and has a small guaranteed payout(25 cents for example) and have them count from now on. This could be the trend from now on for every single tourney. I would not go to any more tourneys that had a fee to enter unless i was guaranteed to win my money back because the incentives are horrible when compared to my free entry tourneys. Good luck getting people to enter now.


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
And by everyone jeff means all of apopka.
Also all of apopka went
how about this ryo and gallax should play a set to decide it no money involved just points.
If your down for this gallax
and if the this is effecting the choice of PR spot you should put it like this

10.Gallax/ryo(needs to play a set for determination)


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Unless if I misunderstand something, the tournament did have an entry fee.

You paid some kind of fee to Otronicon in order to enter the venue, correct?

Well, where do you think the money came from in order to finance the prizes for the tournament?

The prizes came from the money you paid to enter the venue/tournament.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Actually, no im not. Does that affect your mind? It shouldnt because the logic is still there.

You guys do not realize the precedents that you will be setting by allowing no-entry fee tourneys to be allowed for PR's. I could literally host tourneys in CFL that are entry fee-less and has a small guaranteed payout(25 cents for example) and have them count from now on. This could be the trend from now on for every single tourney. I would not go to any more tourneys that had a fee to enter unless i was guaranteed to win my money back because the incentives are horrible when compared to my free entry tourneys. Good luck getting people to enter now.
like i said earlier, the more people that beat you for pr points, not only will you not be ranked again, but even the wins those hundreds of people have on you wont matter. If you are ranked, and EVERONE beats you, then guess what? The wins against you aren't going to matter nearly as much as a win against someone who doesnt lose to everyone. Trust me, i know from personal experience

Lets say in the next 4 months you have a tourney every week....lets say throughout the 4 months you manage to lose to literally 50 different smashers at least once. The people who have a win against you? unless they do something else they arent getting ranked either cause a win against you is pretty much as free as putting on your clothes. meanwhile, someone gets a win off of seibrik and seibrik only loses...5-6 different smashers. That one person will have waaaaaaaaaaaay more weight to get on than any of the 50 scrubs you lost to


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Tbh i dont give a **** anymore. I only get hate from the Pr's and from the panelists so if the choice is between me an ryo for the pr's, put him on. It obviously matters more to him to have matches count from a tourney that wasnt agreed to count, count. I dont ever get any recognition for anything i do anyways.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
I didnt pay a cent to enter the singles event.
Because you sneaked in or something? We can't really account for that, you were SUPPOSED to pay some kind of fee in order to enter the venue and participate in the tournament.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Rundown of Otronicon

Here is the rundown for Otronicon tournament for those of which who were not there:

In order to enter the brawl tournament at this technological convention, you had to obviously buy a pass to the convention itself, which was $17

The payouts were sponsored payouts. Firstand second prize were visa gift cards (good as cash) 3rd place was play n trade gift card. This held true for melee and brawl singles + doubles. the amounts of the visa gift cards could have possibly been based on the amount of entrants, which was 41, but point being there were payouts to top 3

You could not enter the tourney without avoiding paying the entry fee for the convention itself. Some people were snuck in with the premise that they wouldnt have to pay the 17 if they brought a setup. That was a very small group. The other 35+ entrants had to pay to enter the convention

Tournament was ran by neil, of Gigabits fame. hes run brawl tourneys before. He ran it with standard regular rules. nothing funny at all.

Some of the people who didnt pay anything for bringing a setup were kicked out because, suprise, they didnt actually buy a convention pass! I bought one so i was fine.

I distinctly remember giving neil $5 for entry to singles. So either it was free but these guys somehow avoided paying even the $5 entry, or i personally got jipped and neil owes me $5
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