Wrong. Everyone but ryo, and now you it seems, agreed for it not to count that actually won an "important" match. Not just one person. Stop exaggerating by saying onyl 1 person agreed. It was literally all of us, sace you and ryo it seems who are trying to take advantage simply because you dont like me and ryo wants to gain an advantage now.
Ummm u mentioned Mero earlier & u only named about 8 ppl
I believe that for a tourney to count there needs to be the following:
1) an entry fee
2) a payout
3) consent of every player(if they dont consent then the TO has the right to not let them in) for their matches to count
4) a standard for tourney rules(Ex- no banning of certain rules)
1. There was an entry fee cuz WE ALL KNOW GDX PAID 4 IT
2. There was a pre-known PAYOUT lol
3. Wait what? Thats completely UP 2 the TO
4. Every1 knows the rules b4 they enter a tourney... its your own fault if u still enter knowing the rules
Gallax stop being difficult... Ur merely saying the SAME THINGS OVER AND OVER AGAIN with different usage of your words.
Ur switching up your story... cuz earlier u said that every1 agreed to it... next thing you know GDX says that he doesn't agree...
Mind you that you were also tryina see if RYO said it counted to validate whether it should or not count and then GDX who didnt even PLAY YOU claimed that it should count
AND THEN YOU bring up a ridiculous point about money and food being INCENTIVES 4 PR and Tourneys to count. When in fact, IF a tourney had the prize of a $2 bill I believe it should STILL COUNT as long as the people playing in the tourney have the INCENTIVE to play their best.
STOP trying to weasel their way out of this nonsense... Dude just tell Masky and Snipa the results and get t over with... Next PR just do better! Just like me! I've been getting 2-9th at almost all the tourneys that I've been 2 since the PR started but I haven't gone 2 a tourney with a single darned PR player so I need 2 travel. Learn ur flaws and find out what you can do better.
Your constantly changing your story...
Your jus saying the same ish...
Your being illogical...
Your being as difficult as a female that REALLY doesn't wanna give up the ***** right now...
So seriously... Give up them goodies cuz you know 1 way or the other your gonna give em up anyways
becuz everything your doing isnt helping out you us or any1 else
just focus on become a better person 4 next time around... unless u plan on quitting this game.
& can someone tell me info on NLL???