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The -NEW- Florida 2011 Brawl Power Rankings! Updated 5/10/11!

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Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
The tournament did have some kind of fee to enter then :p

Just because you didn't pay through a technicality doesn't mean it was a free tournament.

For instance at Ryo's Birthday Tournament, Ryo entered for free because it was his birthday tournament and it was held at his house. And that tournament obviously counts.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol mike obviously you care more because unlike ryo, youve been arguing about this for awhile now.

I personally dont care what two smashers are in this situation. It could be flipped and you beat ryo. Point is im on the side of what actually makes logical sense, not caring which person actually comes out on top.

if you would have beat ryo id be acting the same way. i still dont think you could honestly say youd be acting the same though...


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
I dont care anymore. I really dont. If ryo's win counts against me that much at a tourney where no one took it seriously by any means and ive got everyone BUT gdx backing me up including another pr member as well as the person who and and it keeps me off the PR's then what the **** ever. Im done with this ****. Do whatever the **** you want masky.

ANd you dont know a god damn thing about me gdx. I obiously baet people at this thing and refuse to say who it was. It was a joke tourney. You saying i would act differently just shows how much of ******* you are to me. They wouldnt count. I wouldnt count it. They are bogus. I would count 0 results from this thing, like am am right now. Its principle.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
We are just trying to be fair. Sorry if any feelings are hurt.

I don't know how any of this will impact the final PRs by the way.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
I know its not anything you are doing masky, im really not upset at you. Im upset that people in general are taking advantage of everyone at this otronicon thing. It frustrates me so much.

Im also upset that gdx is arguing against me simply because he took it seriously and refused to agree with us even though he knew of the agreement and is now using that against us.


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
The tournament did have some kind of fee to enter then :p

Just because you didn't pay through a technicality doesn't mean it was a free tournament.

For instance at Ryo's Birthday Tournament, Ryo entered for free because it was his birthday tournament and it was held at his house. And that tournament obviously counts.
he did? thats bull**** like no lie


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I dont care anymore. I really dont. If ryo's win counts against me that much at a tourney where no one took it seriously by any means and ive got everyone BUT gdx backing me up including another pr member as well as the person who and and it keeps me off the PR's then what the **** ever. Im done with this ****. Do whatever the **** you want masky.

ANd you dont know a god damn thing about me gdx. I obiously baet people at this thing and refuse to say who it was. It was a joke tourney. You saying i would act differently just shows how much of ******* you are to me. They wouldnt count. I wouldnt count it. They are bogus.
me ryo and mero took it seriously. if you guys didnt want to because of you not liking the LCD tvs then dats yo fault. should've just not entered or not lost

might as well say that holy smash didnt count cause smashers decided to not take it seriously and get drunk. Doesnt matter that there were payouts or that they had to pay money to have the ability to enter the tourney. Im pretty sure the other SFL players traveled the 4 hours just to play a non-important tourney. Im sure polt came from his winter break just to essentially do nothing to help himself get better

lol get over yourself. I may be worse at this game than i used to be, but I dont think ive ever been so adamant about taking a loss than you are. If someone beat me in tourney then they beat me. Whatever demons or issues that may have caused me to not play at my best is none of their concern. its mine for willingly putting myself in the situation to lose. If i wanted i could have easily not entered the tourney. I wasnt put at gunpoint to enter. With my willingness to enter i agreed to pay any consequences to my rankings for any losses that i may have suffered. Its a tournament with payouts, not a smashfest.

Please lose to everyone in orlando at least 3x each so not only will you not be ranked but the people that beat you wont matter either cause the wins against you are as free as the samples in Publix. Then you'll be completely pointless in the discussions next time..kinda like you are now :awesome:


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Actually that is kinda ridiculous that he entered for free. I want this discussed more in depth with what constituted a legit tourney for future discrepencies.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Not really, as far as I know it's common for people to enter their own tournaments for free...


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
he did? thats bull**** like no lie
i got no problem with it really lol. it WAS his birthday, and he hosted it at his house. Someone probably should've paid for his entry though. or have it taken out of the door fee

i never entered any of my KUB tourneys for free, for the record, but i personally wouldnt really have a problem with it as long as the money was replaced in the pot somehow

now if his money wasnt replaced in the pot then someone is owed his entry fee (out of those who won money)


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
me ryo and mero took it seriously. if you guys didnt want to because of you not liking the LCD tvs then dats yo fault. should've just not entered or not lost

might as well say that holy smash didnt count cause smashers decided to not take it seriously and get drunk. Doesnt matter that there were payouts or that they had to pay money to have the ability to enter the tourney. Im pretty sure the other SFL players traveled the 4 hours just to play a non-important tourney. Im sure polt came from his winter break just to essentially do nothing to help himself get better

lol get over yourself. I may be worse at this game than i used to be, but I dont think ive ever been so adamant about taking a loss than you are. If someone beat me in tourney then they beat me. Whatever demons or issues that may have caused me to not play at my best is none of their concern. its mine for willingly putting myself in the situation to lose. If i wanted i could have easily not entered the tourney. I wasnt put at gunpoint to enter. With my willingness to enter i agreed to pay any consequences to my rankings for any losses that i may have suffered. Its a tournament with payouts, not a smashfest.

Please lose to everyone in orlando at least 3x each so not only will you not be ranked but the people that beat you wont matter either cause the wins against you are as free as the samples in Publix. Then you'll be completely pointless in the discussions next time..kinda like you are now :awesome:
Haha, wow. This was almost as funny as your are successful in life. O wait, you work at a place where you make phone calls all day...

You made this happen gdx.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Haha, wow. This was almost as funny as your are successful in life. O wait, you work at a place where you make phone calls all day...

You made this happen gdx.
Gallax this is getting out of hand and way too personal, let's not do this alright?


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
Thats you GDX i probably wouldnt have shown up if he didnt have his way payed by some one. using our door fee money to enter a event to get more money is stealing


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Gdx started this by saying how pointless i am in this entire conversation. Hes completely showing disrespect and im showing him how it feels to be on the receiving end. Im tired of this from gdx.

Im done. Like i said, its in ur hands masky. I trust you to make the right choice.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Thats you GDX i probably wouldnt have shown up if he didnt have his way payed by some one. using our door fee money to enter a event to get more money is stealing
like i said as long as the pot money was replaced then i wouldnt care honestly. Either if his friend paid for him, or if he had to take 10 from the door fee of like 100+ while using the rest for electricity/food/etc.

I mean, he bought us food at the tourney so thats even less reason to be mad. but i guess thats just me.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Why would we allow him to be a panelists? If anything we should let all of CFL decide. You guys are ridiculous. I dont agree with gdx nor does all of apopka, as well as at leas 5 other CFL smashers yet hes gonna be a panelist? **** sounds rigged. He doesnt even like the PRs or even support them. No way in in hell would i be fine with him being on the PR panel. If someone from CFL should be on the PR panel it should be gindler or solo, someone who is truly unbiased. Gdx is mad biased. And im not saying this out of hate, he truly is biased against the PRs and against people. Hes even said himself how much he hates the PR's and doesnt want them!!!!


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Gdx started this by saying how pointless i am in this entire conversation. Hes completely showing disrespect and im showing him how it feels to be on the receiving end. Im tired of this from gdx.

Im done. Like i said, its in ur hands masky. I trust you to make the right choice.
lol troll a smashers' logic in a videogame argument, they direspect your actual life. i like how that balances out :awesome:

i mustve got him good if hes questioning my job, even though I make not only more than him, but pretty much any other smasher in the state in their jobs that I know of. redhalberd works in a call center and loves it...im sure he'll love to see you trash his life decision too!

You wanna attack my weight too? or my height? or my old car? might as well brah, cause thats all you got on me. You attack with your weak logic and when you are beat all you can do is attack the persons character/characteristics. Its standard in argument metagame. Its the true sign that I won and you have lost.

Hear that smashboards? your boy, Keith "GDX" Kelly aka gamedragonx aka black logic #2 aka mikeslayer2000 aka get styled on son has hereby won this argument over super smash brothers brawl power ranking points. I stand victorious, basking in my glorious victory. I will be around to do victory laps and high fives within a few hours. I will also post every hours on the hour starting at Noon reminding everyone about how this day was one

4/6 of every year will be declared as "Win Logical Argument Online" day. We will have cards celebrating, giving smart gifts such as chess boards and rubic cubes, and tickets to free physics and chemistry lectures. I will have a mini parade the weekend before this glorious day every year, and I have inked a deal with Cartoon Network for my own cartoon based on this war, but using cartoon monkeys instead of people. Expect random gifs and pictures from this cartoon by the end of 2012 when production goes underway

Thank you all


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Why would we allow him to be a panelists? If anything we should let all of CFL decide. You guys are ridiculous. I dont agree with gdx nor does all of apopka, as well as at leas 5 other CFL smashers yet hes gonna be a panelist? **** sounds rigged. He doesnt even like the PRs or even support them. No way in in hell would i be fine with him being on the PR panel. If someone from CFL should be on the PR panel it should be gindler or solo, someone who is truly unbiased. Gdx is mad biased. And im not saying this out of hate, he truly is biased against the PRs and against people. Hes even said himself how much he hates the PR's and doesnt want them!!!!

ive said plenty of times that PRs are a necessary evil. They are necessary to build something for people to shoot towards, but they are almost always impossible to get exactly right because there are so many factors some opionion is bound to reach in there for somebody. If florida didnt have PRs that would be honestly terrible

Im definitely not biased. if i were biased, id be arguing for you in this scenario cause youre CFL and ryo isnt. but im on the side of logic LOL

I even argued against split PRs and said it should stay one whole PRs for the state. I also argued against hrblack for having tourneys with the CG rules for certain chars cause it was logically dumb. if i were biased id agree with nick 100% of the time about anything he said ever cause hes probably one of my closest friends from the smash community


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
if he bought the food then all is forgiven :D
that pizza was pretty legit too...gotta try it again next time im in gainesville

speaking of pizza, aaron has showed me that mushrooms and cheddar pretty much make any pizza 20x better. we should have a pizza theme PR one day too :laugh:

Edit: whoever is 10th has to be pizza hut since thats the worst pizza ever. yea i said it


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
i told you im done with this ****. Its over. Im done. This is stupid. Im tired of all the hate directed my way from keith. Im tired of PR's. Im tired of people talking when they're ignorant of the situation. Im just plain tired. I hate everything about people with PR's. Not people, but people +PR's.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
i told you im done with this ****. Its over. Im done. This is stupid. Im tired of all the hate directed my way from keith. Im tired of PR's. Im tired of people talking when they're ignorant of the situation. Im just plain tired. I hate everything about people with PR's. Not people, but people +PR's.
hmm...thats where youre confused, my child

all of my arguing ive just had with you through words for the past...2 hours? It doesnt matter if it was about you

it couldve been randomikeguy beating scorpdurp. my argument would be the exact same. It doesnt matter who it happened to. What matter is the most logical decision to go about it.

I keep telling you that if you had beaten ryo instead i would be the same. If you werent involved i would be the same. If it were seibrik vs hrblack or mvd vs ryo or shaky vs riddle or ally vs m2k it wouldnt matter because MY ARGUMENT WOULD BE THE SAME. it is not fueled by whos involved, but the situation itself. The best example is that I could only benefit from this tourney not counting because I lost to ryo and mero. But it should count cause it was legit tourney. Even when it benefits me, im arguing on the side that makes the most sense. The fact that you think its all about you kinda scares me

so for you to think that im doing this only because i "hate" you, in invalid logic. im doing this because the logic behind the entire thing is false, and you just happen to be saying it. if someone else was saying it, these same words would be directed at them.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Wrong. Everyone but ryo, and now you it seems, agreed for it not to count that actually won an "important" match. Not just one person. Stop exaggerating by saying onyl 1 person agreed. It was literally all of us, sace you and ryo it seems who are trying to take advantage simply because you dont like me and ryo wants to gain an advantage now.
Ummm u mentioned Mero earlier & u only named about 8 ppl

I believe that for a tourney to count there needs to be the following:

1) an entry fee
2) a payout
3) consent of every player(if they dont consent then the TO has the right to not let them in) for their matches to count
4) a standard for tourney rules(Ex- no banning of certain rules)
1. There was an entry fee cuz WE ALL KNOW GDX PAID 4 IT
2. There was a pre-known PAYOUT lol
3. Wait what? Thats completely UP 2 the TO
4. Every1 knows the rules b4 they enter a tourney... its your own fault if u still enter knowing the rules


Gallax stop being difficult... Ur merely saying the SAME THINGS OVER AND OVER AGAIN with different usage of your words.

Ur switching up your story... cuz earlier u said that every1 agreed to it... next thing you know GDX says that he doesn't agree...

Mind you that you were also tryina see if RYO said it counted to validate whether it should or not count and then GDX who didnt even PLAY YOU claimed that it should count

AND THEN YOU bring up a ridiculous point about money and food being INCENTIVES 4 PR and Tourneys to count. When in fact, IF a tourney had the prize of a $2 bill I believe it should STILL COUNT as long as the people playing in the tourney have the INCENTIVE to play their best.

STOP trying to weasel their way out of this nonsense... Dude just tell Masky and Snipa the results and get t over with... Next PR just do better! Just like me! I've been getting 2-9th at almost all the tourneys that I've been 2 since the PR started but I haven't gone 2 a tourney with a single darned PR player so I need 2 travel. Learn ur flaws and find out what you can do better.

Your constantly changing your story...
Your jus saying the same ish...
Your being illogical...
Your being as difficult as a female that REALLY doesn't wanna give up the ***** right now...

So seriously... Give up them goodies cuz you know 1 way or the other your gonna give em up anyways


becuz everything your doing isnt helping out you us or any1 else

just focus on become a better person 4 next time around... unless u plan on quitting this game.


& can someone tell me info on NLL???


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
Bawal i thought he said its done? dont jump in if its over stop trying to start stuff im 100% sure your not in it or had not part in otronicon


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Bawal lol!!!

didnt finish reading

And he personally insulted GDX... Whom I would remove someones skull 4 :-)

On top of that I want him to understand that he will have another opportunity next season... If he is not on the PR that just means he has 10 heads to hunt instead of 9...


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
Bawal lol!!!

didnt finish reading

And he personally insulted GDX... Whom I would remove someones skull 4 :-)

On top of that I want him to understand that he will have another opportunity next season... If he is not on the PR that just means he has 10 heads to hunt instead of 9...
like i said, its done and he dosnt want to continue so stop trying to pick it back up.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
I just SAID i posted that b4 I finished reading everything...

and I SAID that I wanted him to understand something so I left my post the way it was...

Did I continue to talk about it? No... SMH


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
I think people are not posting NLL results yet becuase it counts for the next PR season. Somebody just keep track of the thread and post everything later.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Tampa Play and Trade tournaments have no entry fee. There are gift card Payouts. They still count for the PR. I've definitely had PR sets with Mampam/Ed count for or against me on various PRs.

Conversation over. The precedent has been set.
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