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The Myth of the Elitist Competitives

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Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I'm not saying you are elitist. I'm saying that SOUND elitist. Everything that means "i'm better than you, go die" is VERY elitist, and a lot of competitive players and competitive scrubs do that argument often, even if they don't want to. Is natural. (Even for me, it occurs when talking about pokemon, but at least i don't say go die, but I say them how they have to make their teams etc.)
Who ever says go die, except for Dylan Tnga? And he doesn't even visit the boards anymore.

If you're going to make false accusations, at least TRY to back them up with proof.

The right thing, that newbieflamers exist in pokemon, and i have suffered from them too. but ****, that's NOT a casual if you are teaching how can you play better. That's a idiot.
You'd be surprised how hard it is NOT to flame some of the people around here. Mookie, Yuna, or anyone who's been here for any great length of time can attest to that.

I hope mi post is clarified enough so i don't have to put a flame shield. Basically: Try to not sound elitist. If a casual plays with you, play the game the casual way, for fairness. Then, try to teach them the competitive mode to play. If them flame, they are scrubs. Before of that, they aren't. If they say they prefer to play the casual mode, they are casual.
Why would you purposefully handicap yourself when playing against a casual? They're going to have the same exact reaction when you end up ****** them in the next match, only they'll be more startled.

Play how you normally play. It's better to teach them with actions than to try and explain it to them.

PD: it would help me if someone pointed my grammar errors. Thanks ^^
Sorry, too many of them.

Edit: In my videogames association we do some mini-tourneys. Almost all the people like smash, so there is a lot of people every time. We do competitive and casual tourneys, and both competitive and casual players do quite well in both tourneys (yet, competitive usually gets better places than casuals)
It's basically a fact that most competitives will do better than casuals. Look it up.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
There was nothing elitist about that, smashboards has been filled with scrubs since brawl was announced, its a simple truth. Its been filled with noobs to, more so with noobs that never got into melee because they hated competitive smashers and they express it (ScRuBs!!!)

All that from a Analyst of poor ol' merfy? It only sounded elitist to you because you wanted material to attack the other side with. I'm sorry it turned out that way but if you only see post like that the way you want for you own benefits anyone that looks at you logically will unquestionably see what you are doing.
I'm not the only one who has seen that elitist.

I don't want to attack, if the people don't think they are superior because they are competitive. For example MookiehRah isn't being elitist. More so, i have agreed with them all over the thread, as opposite as other people.

Only, i'm the middle, and i'm going to attack whoever is wrong. There is not a bad thing in protect the defendless right?

It would be easier for me to say what a lot of people think: casuals are worse than competitive. Yeah, it can be the ****ing truth, but is a sooo unfair truth than I¡m forced to defend the casuals. Mostly because, the whole point of this is:

A competitive player will be better than the casual player in competitive way.

A competitive player will usually be better than the casual player in a casual way.

yeah, I see too a lot of noobing noobish question that drives me mad sometimes, but the arguments are there for a reason. Teach the noob to become either a casual or competitive.

And... any elitist from either side is a idiot, like whoever said before.

I'm going to say something, you are right that you are attacked by the noobs, and you are right that you want your efforts recompensated, and you are right that is unfair. You are right in all. BUT that also means the elitist thing. Is the problem, competitive playing has a bit of elitism in it and i sayed it putting an example of pokemon (where i'm wayyyy better than melee).

For clarifing, I agree with the competitive players has said in all. I agree that the game has more depth with ATs and that's why we have to search them for all. I agree with ALL. The problem is... I also agree with the other side, the casual. That's the problem of being neutral.

So if someone thinks i'm attacking competitive players, you are very wrong. Only, that when i post i try to see the thing from other angle than competitive, and that's why most of the people think i'm a scrub, idiot, casual or sheikah's potatoes...

Really, is more dificult for me, because i really want the brawl to be as quicker as melee, and with all that combos and things, but when i see it from another perspective, it gets too unfair and lost all the point of the game. Or that's what i think, is better and worse, arg i'm confused.

Who ever says go die, except for Dylan Tnga? And he doesn't even visit the boards anymore.

If you're going to make false accusations, at least TRY to back them up with proof.

Someone said it earlier, so i just copied it xD. But yuna didn't back up them with proof also. It just sayed: you are the most epicc scrub on the internet because of a single thread from wavedashing.

You'd be surprised how hard it is NOT to flame some of the people around here. Mookie, Yuna, or anyone who's been here for any great length of time can attest to that.

Well, but the same goes for casuals and neutrals. There is a lot of trolls in these boards. Hopefully, there aren't as many as Gamefaqs :p

Why would you purposefully handicap yourself when playing against a casual? They're going to have the same exact reaction when you end up ****** them in the next match, only they'll be more startled.

Play how you normally play. It's better to teach them with actions than to try and explain it to them.

Well yeah, but when they refuse to play like it, it gets boring to win every time and then get flamed because: you're a camper, you ledgethievered, you whatever. Yeah they are scrubs, but you know, i don't know a lot of people to play with, so i have fun how i can, challenguing mysef in a casual way. **** this one sentence is a huge contradiction.

Sorry, too many of them.

/starts again to study english lessons *sigh*

It's basically a fact that most competitives will do better than casuals. Look it up.

Yeah, is true. But that doesn't make 100% of casual player worse than competitives in the casual way... and also. The truth is, it seem too unfair, but there is no point in discuss this, is a truth.


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
I just read the every single post and I am confused as Joseph was when Mary told him she was pregnant.
what are you fighting about? the subject as became lost among the 300 useless posts..

I think this really become "an urban legend" because some people are jerks and some are babies.

I can only recall about 6 logical posts out of the almost 450. I can;t even really recal half of what was said because of all the spam.

who cares anyway? how old are we?

and since everyone is throwing out their blind sided opinion, heres mine *covers eyes to type*

people of this board look at the color of peoples names, and the number of posts to judge them. yes, i do agree, people that just registered on the board will tend to ask ignorant questions and not even search for a search tool, but no one here can say they value someones opinion that they don't know when they have 12 posts and have the title of n00b under their name. and board is becoming the majority of this people.

where are people getting the ideas that "good" (oh, I'm sorry elitist? competitive? pro? respected? what are we calling them?) are stereotypically jerks? If any asks me to play, talk, or anything of the sort, I'm down for it. I want to be involved in the smash community and play with others. Now I'm not saying i'm at a competitive level, but most of the people i have talked to are pretty much the same way.

I talked to korean dj, a kid whose in college, a professional, and busy as hell, and said hed be down to play with me whenever he gets a chance. he wasn;t rude to me at all, at first he was like, wtf is this kid doing trying to talk to me, but i;m sure a lot of people at that level get random Pms or Ims like i did to him.

how do we even define competitive anyway? what the hell are all of these random names? why can't we just be smashers? why the **** is everyone tyring to define themselves?

if all your trying to do here is make a name yourself, name techniques after yourself, or not use the search tool then your in the wrong place.

now i dont even know what the hell im talking about because this thread is getting me so angry.

cant we all really just stfu?


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
Brawl + netplay, bringer of noobs =D, brawl is obviously going to bring a lot of newbies and a lot of new people in the community who could own or be cool as hell. And netplay will obviously bring a whole new aura of johns and maybe competitiveness? (but I doubt it, don't think people love frame lag and lag in general)

Although 64 is a different story, maybe brawl netplay will be good to practise but not for tourneys.

Anyway all this elite and competitive talk, its generally based on personality and attitude towards the game and competitive gaming. Whereas you get some total pricks who just john 24/7, some people who have never attended anything, some people who have attended but don't like what they see/john (this also includes" omg why are items off?"). I don't generally have a problem with the whole item thing because its obvious some casual and other gamers would enjoy just playing with items, when we was in France at ESA2 they was playing brawl with items and smashballs on in the side room but no one complained because it was fun aside the melee tournies and we all know there is no "pro" to brawl yet.

Obviously aside that you get us competitive gamers, we follow official rules, how to treat others and newcomers (but not everyone is nice!).

Honestly all these people who hide and trashtalk the competitive community (+ SWF apparently being like NFL players wtf?) are really pitiful, we show no disrespect to them. To my knowledge i've hardly seen competitive gamers treat casual gamers like ****, or people who aren't obviously better (at least I know this is for Europe who are generally great people)


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
Honestly all these people who hide and trashtalk the competitive community are really pitiful, we show no disrespect to them. To my knowledge i've hardly seen competitive gamers treat casual gamers like ****, or people who aren't obviously better (at least I know this is for Europe who are generally great people)
Don't look at spain please... I'm relieved that europe isn't like spain.

For memphischain, i'm going to stfu because you are the one who has posted the best post in the entire thread. Thank you :)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
I don't think it's an issue of whether Smashers are always elitist, but more like the first impression that people get of Smashers is that they are elitist.

I'm sure that in starting some debates with n00bs saying that wavedashing and l-canceling are "tourneyf__" techniques, I have made myself an elitist in their minds because I seem to be scorning their style of play. I've been doing this often because I post YouTube videos, and the two most popular videos for debate are How to Play: Basics, Tricks, and Info and Isai (Falcon) vs. Ken (Marth) 4. I know I'm not elitist - I back my claims with reasoning and I'm always willing to answer any questions related to Smash (and I'm sure to point them to more reliable sources, as I'm nowhere near the level of regular tourney-goers). However, if that's their first impression, I could understand that a lengthy post countering the statement "items should be used in competitive play" could be deemed as elitist, even though that is faulty logic.

I state this because this I actually saw this happen to my friend. At MLG Chicago 2006, my friend (now known as halfdemon) played his very first preliminary round match with Azen. Yes, THE Azen Zagonite. My first up-close look at a professional Smasher was less-than-friendly; Azen must have been in a bad mood or something that day, because after he 3-stocked my friend consecutively (both times he died were suicides), he just walked up and left - he didn't say anything, shake hands with my friend, or even look at him in the eye for that matter. I swear that this is true - you could PM halfdemon and ask him yourself.

However, I know that not all Smashers are elitist - I had the honor of playing KishSquared in my pool, and he was a cool guy. Even after accidentally making him suicide (I asked if you could up+B from a crouch, and testing it as Fox, he up+B'd but didn't input anything, so he went off the stage and died), he was cool about it and was a good sportsman. My other friend (DD151) actually got to play Darkrain in his pool - even though he got 4- and 3-stocked, Darkrain was respectful and said "good game" while shaking hands.

My point is, the people starting the rumors of a good portion of the Smash community being elitist are probably people who are basing their opinion on only one impression, without getting know more of the community.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
The solution to this problem is Draconian Moderation.

The mods should give points to anyone who presents an illogical argument concerning how other people choose to play the game. If you tell anyone that their style of play is wrong or criticize them for playing the way they do, you should get some f***ing points. That's how I see it.
The problem would be solved in a week.
Can't say I agree with that completely because there would be a biased opinion of what is logical and illogical based on the moderator (no offense, every moderator is either competitive or casual since you all play Smash Bros.) However, I don't believe anybody should criticize anybodies style of play period, because there is absolutely no argument whatsoever that gives anybody any reason to tell someone they should play any other way. (unless your style of play includes hanging your opponents mother with the controller wire [hanging an opponents mother is also a valid reason to flame someone, "never-flamers". nobody's gonna call you elitist for that])


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Sliq 10char

But really, this is the lamest thing in the Smash world to argue about.
Oh, forgot about Sliq. Yeah, he is a d0uche.

But that's beside the point. The point is that stereotyping both groups--competitives and casuals--is the root of this problem. You take a few extremists from each group (like Tnga, 5150, and Sliq), and you end up getting a warped view of that group based on just a few examples.

Not all competitives are elitist pricks. Not all casuals are scrubs who ***** and moan about competitives. You just have to differentiate between the extremists of each group, and then we can all coexist.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
This topic is reaching the point of no return... now it just feels like everyone going around in circles.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
Oh, forgot about Sliq. Yeah, he is a d0uche.

But that's beside the point. The point is that stereotyping both groups--competitives and casuals--is the root of this problem. You take a few extremists from each group (like Tnga, 5150, and Sliq), and you end up getting a warped view of that group based on just a few examples.

Not all competitives are elitist pricks. Not all casuals are scrubs who ***** and moan about competitives. You just have to differentiate between the extremists of each group, and then we can all coexist.

Dont forget to add that hes also a racist.I had numberous of PMs from him(on his other accounts)calling me Nigg@rs and the like because I had a different opinion on what he stated.I reported it to a few mods but they seemed not to care(chick a chick it Slim Shady..enuff said).If they dont,I wont.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007

I believe this article's about elitism as well. Unfortunately, it is somewhat misleading.
I like it.

I don't mind trash talk in some video games though, I find it kind of funny. When someone calls me a ******* for killing them, laughing ensues. Might throw out the noob bomb sometimes too. Although, maybe it's because deep down, I'm making fun of people who use words like noob and pwned, because frankly I find that classic netspeak and people who use it are hilarious.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
For as much criticism as I got for that post, it's true. Everything I said in regards to how most casual people play the game is true. There is no reason for casual players to play beyond that scope because they are merely playing against friends. As much as you hate me for being blunt about it, it's just the pure and honest truth of the matter.

Competitive players can adapt to situations better than casual players.

In comparison to competitive players, casual players are not good.

Most casual players run on set patterns and behaviors.

Good observation can exploit said patterns and behaviors.

Knowledge of Brawl and it's characters give competitive players even more of an advantage.

Using incredibly good yet easy strategies that come off as being unethical by many casual players is a good way to decimate a tournament on launch day.

I've already apologized for coming off as an *** in that post. Quite honestly I even said that this was advice that extended to everyone, casual and competitive alike. When one crosses over from running patterns to observing and adapting they will take their game to the next level. That was the point of that post and the posts after talking about using other psychological tricks to your advantage.

For those barking elitist at me: How is that elitist? Since when did I say that you were playing the game wrong? When did I say I was a better person because I was a better player? Why are you even offended that I say that casual players are not good by competitive standards?

I suppose a college professor is also elitist if he says that his first level classes of students don't really know much about the subject. Same goes for professional sports analogies of the same boat. At what point does knowledge on a subject that extends beyond the layman inherently become elitist? When someone is offended? That seems to be the case, at least for those that don't even know what the word elitist means.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2008
Competitive players can adapt to situations better than casual players.

In comparison to competitive players, casual players are not good.

Most casual players run on set patterns and behaviors.

Good observation can exploit said patterns and behaviors.

Knowledge of Brawl and it's characters give competitive players even more of an advantage.

Using incredibly good yet easy strategies that come off as being unethical by many casual players is a good way to decimate a tournament on launch day.
Most women also can't comprehend the complexity of government to vote too.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
Oh, wow.

I never really paid attention when that was posted on /v/, but WOW...
WOW x 3

And worlds of warcraft included.

THAT'S is more elitist than all the spanish pros toghether. Well, i know lots of people who just don't afraid from pro game and are elitist casuals so... more wrong you can't be.

And Is mookiehrah a mod even? I think the SWF staff lost their minds ...

And then you want ME to not attack you. Really, you can have all the reason in the world, and you have. But llokind down at them because of that... is a ****.

Sick, you better have to madure a bit like someother that have posted in this thread.


Go die

/Dlantngamode off

I'm not saying that the things you are saying aren't true. But what i'm saying is you are a ****ing elitist jerk, and that's the topic of this thread.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Or is it people are really this clueless?
People have egos, especially about games. Everyone thinks they are good at smash, and in some cases they are right. There is a division in skill amongst casual players, but there are clear gaps between casual players and competitive players. Again, this should be obvious, as the competitive players constantly go to tournaments, keep up with the metagame, and practice consistently.
THAT'S is more elitist than all the spanish pros toghether. Well, i know lots of people who just don't afraid from pro game and are elitist casuals so... more wrong you can't be.
Explain to me how that is elitist. Seriously. If anything, it would be arrogance, not elitism, and really it's not even that. The fact is casual players can't hold a candle to competitive players. If you observe them, figure out their patterns, and exploit them, you will not only best them, you will generally destroy them.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
People have egos, especially about games. Everyone thinks they are good at smash, and in some cases they are right. There is a division in skill amongst casual players, but there are clear gaps between casual players and competitive players. Again, this should be obvious, as the competitive players constantly go to tournaments, keep up with the metagame, and practice consistently.

Explain to me how that is elitist. Seriously. If anything, it would be arrogance, not elitist, and really it's not even that. The fact is casual players can't hold a candle to competitive players. If you observe them, figure out their patterns, and exploit them, you will not only best them, you will generally destroy them.
A fact, who is a elitist by themselves.

Saying that we are better than you because of this this and this IS elitist. Even if it is a fact.

And you know, i really HATE elitist jerks who thinks they are the pros and gods of something.

Casuals can't bet the best people to train with. But they are by far, better personas than the likes of you.

And one thing, in the pokemon community, I rarely saw someone laughing or thinking than the casuals would be afraid oor they would be **** in front of pokemon pros. Really, we don't. Better said, we try to help people that we even don't know.

Another fact is, in pokemon often a newbie beat a pro with a all wonderful and new strategy. It's not that hard.

Let's see:

Elitist is when someone look down at other because x reasons.

So you are elitist.

Are you right? yes, you are right. You are OFTEN better than the casuals. But that means you aren't elitist? no.

Elitist= Troll. Someone who likes to be over the others, like a troll. They just want attention.

That's why all the point is standing.

I really REALLY hope that some casual beats the *** off some competitive elitist jerk. I will be happy then :)

/goes off from the most elitist post.

I'm grad that these "scrubs" finally came to the boards. Not more elitist bull**** around here :)


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2008
Actually, I'm bored, so I'll illiterate a bit.

I don't care about tourney***s or casual***s, it's hilarious to troll either group. I was just pointing out the minor humour in MookieRah, a mod, making vast over generalizations about the majority of the Smash community.

It's a shame too, that post about analyzing your opponent could've been good advice, ah, well.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
A fact, who is a elitist by themselves.

Saying that we are better than you because of this this and this IS elitist. Even if it is a fact.

And you know, i really HATE elitist jerks who thinks they are the pros and gods of something.

Casuals can't bet the best people to train with. But they are by far, better personas than the likes of you.
Not everyone has to be modest... he's allowed to think he's a great smash player...
Anybody has the right to take Mookie's advice seriously if they want to; practice away from home, I mean.

I think there have been better examples of elitism voiced already earlier in the thread.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
Not everyone has to be modest... he's allowed to think he's a great smash player...
Anybody has the right to take Mookie's advice seriously if they want to; practice away from home, I mean.

I think there have been better examples of elitism voiced already earlier in the thread.
The topic of the thread is elitism

Yeah, not everyone has to be modest... but we are talking about elitism, not casual vs competitives.

And this time, we won the point. There are too many elitist jerks, even in the mods, around the board. A conduct that should be penalized, because is like insulting someone.

Yeah, you haven't have to be modest. But it you aren't modest, you are or normal or elitist. So deal with it.

The real point of this... is hypocresism (or whatever it's sayed in english)

Aren't there too many elitist... WHEN YOU ARE ONE OF THEM?

C'mon, .... and the worst point is this -> IS A MOD, MOD, THE ONE WHO IS ELITIST.

I'm going to bed. You can think yourselves as king, but you will be looked by all the "casuals/scrubs/people who don't think like you" as ****. Bye


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
I'm jumping into the fray which is probably a really stupid idea but whatever...

And Is mookiehrah a mod even? I think the SWF staff lost their minds ...
Well, that should be a clue for you.

The thing about a lot of you guys is you aren't even really in a position to argue. All competitive players began as casuals. We've experienced the game from your end and know what it's like to be in your shoes. I used to think I was godly at this game when I had never even heard of L-canceling. Then I faced someone who knew some techs, but wasn't even that good, and got wrecked. You guys have only experienced casual. You only know of your perspective of Smash. You don't know what it's like to play Smash at a high level so when we try to logically deduce why casual players can't hold up to pros you don't really understand since you haven't experienced it for yourselves.

Have I came off as elitist? Maybe so, but I think that any form of revealing the truth to you guys will be taken as elitist, so I don't really care.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
I'm grad that these "scrubs" finally came to the boards. Not more elitist bull**** around here :)
Glad to see you are as neutral as you say you are. Really, you are not. You never were. I admit, I tend to side with the competitive side really, both due to the overabudance of casual players acting like scrubs (and alot of them are ignorant) and the fact that I am to competitive. But this is way too far.

By your definition, if any NBA basketball said tehy could beat any high school team in basketball he is eltist. Come on, get serious now. You can't honestly expect that some random casual can be a one year tourney veteran. This is rediculous. I don't hear you defending Gimpy and other competitive players when that one person called them n00bs with NOT EVEN PROOF TO BACK IT UP. He told them they were horrible. I didn't see you around to call them elitist. Stop being so biased.

Usually, I can see why people are biased, but this is just so rediculous it is not even sorry. I am sorry that your Spainish pros (who probably aren't great either) insulted. You can't just attack someone everytime someone says a fact that is in relation to something negative to the casuals. It is just rediculous.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Saying that we are better than you because of this this and this IS elitist. Even if it is a fact.
No, it's not. I'm saying competitive players are better than casual players. That is all. I don't think I am above them as a human being. I don't think I deserve special privileges because of it. I also help anyone who asks advice in smash, and have helped tons of casual players in my career.
I was just pointing out the minor humour in MookieRah, a mod, making vast over generalizations about the majority of the Smash community.
Have you bothered reading the rest of my posts? Have you viewed them in context of my entire message and/or how they were presented in the thread? Have you even a clue of anything else about me BUT that one post?

For starters, most competitive players don't even play pro-actively like I was getting at in that post. For most people that way of thinking about gaming is not intuitive. It took me 2 years to finally realize that. For others it came naturally. Some figure it out much much faster than that, and some never really grasp it. For those who do realize it, it's somewhat born from necessity when pitted against people in a competitive atmosphere. They have to think differently to one up their opponent. They have to adjust accordingly, or be defeated by a superior strategy.

In the world of casual play, this kind of heated atmosphere rarely occurs, and when it does it usually isn't remotely the same level of pressure you are under in competitive play. Most of the time you play for the pure enjoyment of it, or simply to best your friends. Yeah, there is competition amongst casual play, but it is rarely that serious. Only a very select handful of people develop these kinds of observational skills in this kind of atmosphere. They do exist, but they are so few and far between. I have yet to run into one myself, but I know they exist because pretty much all of the earliest competitive champs have been these kinds of people.
It's a shame too, that post about analyzing your opponent could've been good advice, ah, well.
It still is good advice.
Not everyone has to be modest... he's allowed to think he's a great smash player...
By competitive melee standards I'm not so hot anymore. The metagame passed me by whenever my crew disbanded. I've played on and off since then and I do pretty well, but nothing special. I'm not a great smasher, even in my prime I was just pretty good, but you don't have to be a great smasher to beat players who aren't a part of the competitive circuit. This is a fact that casual players don't want to accept. It's not even being arrogant... to be honest it should be quite obvious.

If you don't play this game rigorously, search for the best competition, and play under serious pressure, you won't be able to compete against players who do. It's that simple.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2008
Have you bothered reading the rest of my posts? Have you viewed them in context of my entire message and/or how they were presented in the thread? Have you even a clue of anything else about me BUT that one post?
I didn't say anything outside of that one post.

You can call it all you want, but it's still all over-generalizations.

A hockey player in the NHL can predict what others are going to do, that doesn't mean you must be at the pro level to be able to do so. One of the key things you're taught when you play hockey, as soon as you can grasp the concept of, is to predict your opponents actions. As goes with any sport, and pretty much anything that can have any degree of competition.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
You can call it all you want, but it's still all over-generalizations.
So is saying that professional athletes are better at sports than those who are not, but you don't see people claiming that is wrong and or an elitist concept.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2006
Spokane, WA
Another fact is, in pokemon often a newbie beat a pro with a all wonderful and new strategy. It's not that hard.
Are you sure you know what you're talking about? Most of the "newbies" at my school just think that hyper beam is the best attack or a nice "finisher." Even "wonderful strategy" isn't enough to defeat lots of thinking that has built the advanced metagame (I haven't been reading up on the thread but you don't seem to know much about Pokemon's metgame). And chances are the strategy is some gimmick set like curse on Spiritomb or something.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2008
So is saying that professional athletes are better at sports than those who are not, but you don't see people claiming that is wrong and or an elitist concept.
I never once said what you said was wrong, your "facts" as to why were mass generalizations about casual players. I don't even care about the politics of Smash, I'm simply finding amusement in a mod behaving in such a way.

I couldn't care less if a casual*** can beat a tourney***. Nor have I ever implied I did.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2007
Homewood, IL
Competitive is always > Casual

Competitive players have a will to win, and to get better and better. Casuals don't have as much of a drive. Some play for fun, and some to win, but without tourney exp. you can't get better because of the environment.

The Smash Community is very helpful, ask anyone good at the game and they will be sure to help you. So if you want to get better go to tourneys and ask for help.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I don't really see why it's amusing, especially seeing that you yourself don't really contest it or claim to care. I also don't understand why feeling that people who actively train and compete are better than those that don't has any negative connotation on being a mod. Anyways, I'm glad you are entertained by it.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2008
Most forums I've seen, mods usually don't outright call out a huge chunk of the population.

Perhaps I am quick to judge the mod team here after the "You Probably Suck at Smash" topic. In any case, I did enjoy this time we spent together.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Most forums I've seen, mods usually don't outright call out a huge chunk of the population.
Yeah, I can understand that. Although this problem, which is somewhat prevalent in all competitive communities, is even more of an issue with smash due to the wide range of age groups the game attracts. Because this site is open to everyone and doesn't base itself on pure one way or the other, these kinds of situations come up.

I do wish that I could go back and reword that post, as I can definitely see how it is offensive. I have even apologized for it openly. I just got caught up in the moment and sorta stumbled a bit. I'm human ya know.
In any case, I did enjoy this time we spent together.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
This crossed my mind at work earlier after an incident earlier today.

Elitist does exist, but the mix-up meaning display by some here is not elitism to the extent some of you declare. Earlier today, I was just working (I work at Wal-Mart here in the Elec. Dept.) when I had some high school kid come up to me and ask for Army of Two. So I got it for him and he asked me if it was any good. I told him I didn't own a 360 but I heard it was suppose to be good from what I heard. He then inquired to what systems I have, due to college expenses I only own my Wii and DS... he started laughing at me and said this to me:

" Are you ****ing serious? Get a REAL game system. Get off the kiddie crap" He took his game and walked off.

I'm dead serious about this... tell me does this really sound like most of those posting that are being accused... I don't see it. You see elitist regardless of whether they're competitive or non-competitive forget one major point, the reason we play videogames:


Regardless of how we play, we play games because their entertaining and we enjoy them. The problem is Elitism turns games or rulesets into something more then a game, they make it some kind of holy grail that is pure and absolute. Please gag me. The ways people play and the games people play aren't always the same, in the manner, Fun is definted differently.

Me, I don't particularly like the idea of competing in a tournment, not because I don't like the ruleset or the normal blame game reasons you see here. I'm just not a heavily competitive person in general and places with alot of people tend to make me uncomfortable and I tend to get really edgy :laugh:. I don't have the proper mindset to enjoy a tournment scene as it stands as of right now.

Now does that mean I dislike the Tournment players themselves or tell them how to play? No, that's riduclious, even my scuffles here with the competitive have been more over attitude or words then rulesets. I can disagree with a perspective, however telling someone their absolutely wrong is ridculious and even as a 'casual' in descirption here, I don't like seeing it anymore from the loud-mouths around here anymore then the competitive do.

I even have some desire to play some of the competitives around here when Brawl comes out online more then likely. Not because I think I can win, I'm pretty aware I can't, I'd be fooling myself otherwise. But I enjoy just playing the game with different people then necessarily having to win.

What I don't understand is why most people even care if another perspective exists. Most people I know who like the game don't care about the tournment scene and have no reason to bash it. This mindset that I'm right and you have no right to say it's wrong is fairly far-fetched to me anyway.
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