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The Myth of the Elitist Competitives

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Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
But I'll just say, that as someone who's a very harsh, mean guy in real life, I know what it takes to hurt people's feelings. The amount of people not being mean isn't what matters to most people. It's the few people who are being mean. Let's say I make someone cry (which I've done several times, as I say, I'm not a nice person) are they looking around and saying, "Well there's 20 people around here who aren't being mean to me, I guess I just won't be upset about this one?"

Even a minority can reflect badly upon a community. Instead of challenging them for whining maybe another approach is preferable.
Yes, but then they'd be wrong for doing it and stupid to boot.

I've tried the soft approach before. I make a thread about the so called "glitches" in Melee. I believe the thread was pretty neutral and not even that sarcastic. What happened? The same inane **** that happened here. From there on out, I stopped caring about "Be nice and they'll listen more".

Example below:
Turning a blind eye will do that.
If it happens so much, then care to quote me one post of it happening?


#1 Super Grimer!
Aug 24, 2004
I don't see it much either. I really think the people that competitive players call "scrubs", and the casual players call "elitists" are one in the same. The people who mock those that play casually are the same people who think they're amazing but are mediocre at best.

Why don't the casual players and the competitive players stop fighting each other and if anything attempt to weed out the real problem? The trolls.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2006
Netherlands, NB
I think that people just don't understand each other over the internet...I can't remember any good smash player saying ''You play the game wrong''...What I HAVE heard is (seemingly) casual players telling players who type ''wavedash'' in their sentences that they are tourneyidiots (yeah Yuna I remember your first post ;)..) and discriminate their ''kind''...
What I DO remember is ''elite'' players telling casuals how they play, and how they like to play (competitively, no items, tourney rules, advanced techniques) and almost all responses are direct flames to all tourney/competitive players...
It's just a different point of view, casuals lack more information and knowledge of the game, so they aren't on the same level as competitive players, which results in immature discussions most of the times...

It's like I go read a book (let's say the Bible) and start a discussion with someone who HASN'T read the book, it wouldn't work, because the other person lacks the knowledge to discuss the book...

It also has to do with anonymoussy (is that a word?) over the internet, and you all know what I'm talking about, you can't tell me that you haven't taken advantage of your anonymoussy once and just flamed a guy/girl or fooled someone over the internet...It's very easy, because they don't know where you live, so this opens up a whole new world for people who need to let go of a few frustrations or just want to take people for a loop...

My point: I think it's just all about lack of information, people who don't come to these boards but DO watch some vids on Youtube form an opinion that's not fully thought through, and it's not specifically THEIR fault, they just lack the information to discuss at the same level as we do, I've had the same problem untill I came to these boards and saw some intelligent discussions, I was especially astounded when I saw an article about mindgames, it opened up ''a new world'' for me, and now I have the information to actually discuss things in a good way.

When people lack information we don't just call them dumb or n00b, we kindly post a link of SWF and tell them to just click through some topics, see how they like it...
So IMO we (the people of Smashboards) should advertise for Smashboards, post a link in a video you put on Youtube, when you see a Youtube video and read some comments with the words ''Tourney-idiots'' or ''Casual-pansies''(??), just send them to SWF, tell your friends who play Smash about it.......OR go crazy and start dealing out folders on the street dressed as Wario Man (and YES, eat garlic, lots of it, chicks dig garlic...).......

I know that people are going to say that there is much more to it, but I think what I just posted should solve a lot of problems (if people start thinking about/doing this) and will make people think twice before accusing someone, because no one is really guilty here...except the trolls, but they aren't people, at least they can't be counted as people...more like vomit...or puberty-hormones...


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
I see two main reasons why this myth continues:

1) trolls
2) some competitive players actually taking to casuals in a rude manner no matter how wrong they are , that attitude is often misinterpreted by casuals who see it as "elitism"
when a competitive says to a casual "you suck , I can beat you"
the casual actually hears "you suck I can beat you because you dont use cheap tactics like me"


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
PLEASE close this thread.
Threads like these are are creating a stereotype and are helping the creatation the definition of what the differences are in smash players. This isn't helping the community, I see what you were trying to do Yuna but this is only making things worse.

Maybe this should be thrown into the debate room.


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
PA - Philly - North East
yuna ... ill post this again since you seemed to ignore it last time /laff

my only real beefs are :

1) Smashballs in tourney play (and samurai panda now agrees with me)
2) Wavedashing isnt needed in brawl, and it can still be a plenty competitive game.
3) Casuals vs Competive is a terrible comparision, as they have no relation to each other. Casual vs Hardcore would work. Competitive vs Friendlies would work. There can be NO scale when you compare the word casual and the word competitive. NO SCALE!!! because they dont relate.

Thats all I've ever argued. Yet for some reason .. i always meet opposition, and that is for my 4th arugment

4) The old members, and quite a few of the newer members, are unable to let melee go. They are trying too hard to infuse their melee habits into the brand new game that is brawl, and brawl is being degraded due to it.

Thats it.

tell me what exactly is so stupid about those cases? care to share an example where i said something stupid? Something that has no validity?

Or are you just spouting nonsense with a pack of idiotic sheep bahing at your every whimper cause your name is blue? <----this one


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
yuna ... ill post this again since you seemed to ignore it last time /laff
And why should I have replied to it? I've already relied to you saying the same stuff over and over again and that post said nothing new.

1) Smashballs in tourney play (and samurai panda now agrees with me)
2) Wavedashing isnt needed in brawl, and it can still be a plenty competitive game.
3) Casuals vs Competive is a terrible comparision, as they have no relation to each other. Casual vs Hardcore would work. Competitive vs Friendlies would work. There can be NO scale when you compare the word casual and the word competitive. NO SCALE!!! because they dont relate.
1) SamuraiPanda says that Smash Balls have more depth than some seem to think and should be explored more. She doesn't say, however, that Smash Balls should be in tournaments. And even if she agreed with you, she's only one out of many. The majority of the many agree with me.
2) Nobody said the lack of wavedashing makes Brawl a bad game. The lack of options does. You're just twisting what we say or taking the words of trolls/Scrubs and using them as if the Competitive players said them.
3) You're using the wrong definition of Competitive (and Hardcore for that matter). You've been using the wrong definition for weeks, despite me, MookieRah and others telling you the right definition. Why do you think you are fit to dictate the lingo of the competitive gaming world when you're not even a part of it?

Thats all I've ever argued. Yet for some reason .. i always meet opposition, and that is for my 4th arugment
Because you're almost always wrong.

4) The old members, and quite a few of the newer members, are unable to let melee go. They are trying too hard to infuse their melee habits into the brand new game that is brawl, and brawl is being degraded due to it.
It's not that we're unable to let Melee go just because. It's that Brawl is a pretty boring game ATM. I'm still trying to figure it out to make it a better game, though. And I'd gladly have it turn out to be better. It just isn't ATM.

We don't infuse our habits into Brawl. You keep saying this but where's the proof? I've had to shoot down this inane argument over and over again (a lot of the time coming from you) with you ignoring me. We're trying to figure the new game out. We just don't like what we've found so far (at least not more than we like Melee).

tell me what exactly is so stupid about those cases? care to share an example where i said something stupid? Something that has no validity?
Anything involving Final Smashes for one thing. You ignored all counter-arguments, as well. Your reply to "Marth's FS can be comboed into" is almost always "I don't believe that Marth's FS can't be avoided" as if that's a valid counter-argument.

Just look at the things you listed above. I've shot you down in discussions about all of them repeatedly. Your response? Ignoring my posts (out of lack of counter-arguments perhaps?), changing the subject, telling me I'm wrong just because or just flaming me.

At least when I flame, I also counter-argue to show that I've got a reason to flame.

Or are you just spouting nonsense with a pack of idiotic sheep bahing at your every whimper cause your name is blue? <----this one
Funny, where's your response to my challenges to you? You claim to be "great" at a lot of fighting games. Then answer my questions. If you're even a half-***** player at any of them, you'll at least know the answer to the 3rd one right away.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv

Read this.

Oh and Mookie and Yuna get Labeled elitists here? Oh my.

Elitism is when a person thinks someone else is worse than they are, just cause they think everyone else is just worse and they're the best or something. Elitists look down on other people. I don't see mookie looking down on people, neither Yuna. What mookie says about being better player is not elitism, it's cold hard fact that has been proven countless times. Most competitive players are better than casual players, get over it. But that's only cause they've dedicated themselves to the game, hard working people should be better at something than someone who doesn't work hard to better themselves. Also, saying someone is better than someone else doesn't make that person bad. Kinda like Cort is better than Edrees, but that doesn't make edrees a bad player.

But yea, maybe Mookie shouldn't be spouting about being better than most of you in forums where every competitive person gets labeled "elitist" as soon as they open their mouth, but that's what you get when you get into pointless debates with mookierah about how competitives should play the game etc. It really gets annoying when someone says things like "you play the game wrong, play with items and have real fun" and then someone comes to explain how competitive rules are good for competitive game and then they go like "ooommggg you elitist tourney***"

I do not think I'm a better person than someone else, that's just idiotic and discriminating and neither do the other competitive players (or casuals or somewhere along the lines). Being a better player than most is always subjective, but I am free to say I'm better than lots of players due to the facts that I'm on the top 10 of my country's power ranking and I can manage (aka does not get completely owned) even against one of the best players in this world (cj, masashi, amsah) and everyone else in europe regardless of the player at hand, so I have lots to back me up. There are of course, always better players than you, but these people here seem to think that when a player is amazing (pc chris, m2k etc.), they're automatically elitists cause they're better than you? Most likely they're better than you, but if they say that out loud = they're elitists? Yea, really dumb isn't it.

Last night it was still on page 31, so yea...

Edit: Oh yoshi fan... *twitches*

Because most competitives happen to be better players than you, we are automatically looking down on you? Yea right... I usually try to help my fellow smashers, whether casual or competitive or even scrubs and idiots or those who have never even touched a controller. You've totally misunderstood us it seems. You've also misunderstood the meaning of elitist if you think stating a fact is being elitists. If I had a car that's brand new and every little gizmo on it, it's better than someone's old car that'll break down any second. Only that these car owners would acknowledge that fact too and not spout the better car owned an elitist.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
PLEASE close this thread.
Threads like these are are creating a stereotype and are helping the creatation the definition of what the differences are in smash players. This isn't helping the community, I see what you were trying to do Yuna but this is only making things worse.

Maybe this should be thrown into the debate room.
I agree with this.

if you haven't realized, we just fell in a fool circle (or something like that). All the argument goes like a circle:

Casual worse than competitive-> elitism -> fact -> Casual worse than competitive

Yeah, is cold fact, but you know, you are looking down to them. Is a ELITIST fact. That just proves ALL the point that almost the entire community is elitist. And you goes on saying that we're wrong.

EDIT (clears post)

I have just realized the problem


Pro are very arrogant, and competitive, that's for sure. That is misunderstood with elitism (anyway, arogance is a bad thing).

Then, why do not be a bit more modest? That would solve the problem.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I agree with this.

if you haven't realized, we just fell in a fool circle (or something like that). All the argument goes like a circle:

Casual worse than competitive-> elitism -> fact -> Casual worse than competitive

Yeah, is cold fact, but you know, you are looking down to them. Is a ELITIST fact. That just proves ALL the point that almost the entire community is elitist. And you goes on saying that we're wrong.

Please, Is it so hard to accept defeat? We fell in a fool circle because of this thing.

And Yuna, i think you must not mod anymore. You have a close mind that it provoques a lot of arguements in the boards because of you. If you can't be more mature, then you bettter leave the job to anyone better prepared. (And of course, you are the most elitist of all, it seems like something not competitive-related is **** for you...)

I'm sorry a bit for the things vs casuals elitist (but even they have a point, the game isn't played like we do. Only we play for a challengue with a particular rules, not for a challengue with Smash rules (with a lot of lucky factor and others)) but that doesn't justify all the elitism.

P.d. one thing: when one explain how it is competitive played ISN'T elitism. These casuals are just idiots. When someone says I'm better than you, deal with it IS elitism.

But it also aply for the other side, when a casual tryes to explain how the casuals play isn't casual elitism. They are just explaining.

I think, the prolem is madure and modesty. If we decreased our egos only a bit, these things weren't ocurring.

And also, is elitism when someone looks down another style of play. Saying a style of play to another people isn't elitism. Saying a style of play to other people and makin them play it like the only mode to play the game and if they don't do that are scrubs or wtf... THAT is elitism. (And that's why i say yuna is the most elitist around here)

I think we have to lock this thread

And for the challengue:

We have the power 3 (dnlatnga, sliq and the other one)
And Mookieh

I just beat the challengue for second time.

Better than try to fool us, Yuna, why don't try to change yourself? I think it would be better.

See Mookieh's post. That's one example.
"I'm better than X person at this game" = Elitism

Really? Sorry, yoshi fan. We're not elitists because you're twisting the meaning of the word "elitist". And I never actually say "I'm better than you!" or "Competitive players will always win over Casual players!" either.

I have explained in detail why the majority of Competitive players will win against Casual ones, adding that there's nothing wrong in losing, especially not when you don't dedicate that much time to becoming really, really good at a game.

You seem to ignore such posts in order to perpetuate your lies about what me, MookieRah and others have said, or to just support your "arguments".

You making things up does not make it so, especially not if you can't back up your lies.

Quote MookieRahs post and bold the parts that are elitist.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
"I'm better than X person at this game" = Elitism

Really? Sorry, yoshi fan. We're not elitists because you're twisting the meaning of the word "elitist". And I never actually say "I'm better than you!" or "Competitive players will always win over Casual players!" either.

I have explained in detail why the majority of Competitive players will win against Casual ones, adding that there's nothing wrong in losing, especially not when you don't dedicate that much time to becoming really, really good at a game.

You seem to ignore such posts in order to perpetuate your lies about what me, MookieRah and others have said, or to just support your "arguments".

You making things up does not make it so, especially not if you can't back up your lies.
It's not like twisting. Is what the casuals, scrubs, and I (because i think i don't know where i'm placed) feel when you say that.

Isn't EXACTLY elitism. Instead, it looks like and people misunderstood. This plus the arrogance = Bob-omb.

Do you see the problem?

@ Samochan, maybe i did misunderstood you. Yeah, the pros here in spain are ****ing elitist that think of them as gods. I would be pleased if i can meet with the people in this discussion in person. That's where you can see, in a smash match, if someone is elitist or not.

I'm sure that a lot of people are willing to help and all that, but the arrogance and the facts makes the competitives players look elitist (not be elitist). And when arrogance, egos and all that... is a bad thing.

I can't explain myself well because of my limited english aknowledge, but what i was trying o say is that the problem is in the arrogance. That is misunderstood in elitism.

Or so i think.

Edit: Is also arrogance what makes this circle go aroung, like the money and the world.

Competitive better than casuals (true) -> Fact (arrogant) -> Elitism (misunderstood) -> Competi... (and so it goes)

Yuna i can't bold the parts where mookieh is elitist: there aren't any. I can bold the parts where we see his arrogance.

(And so, true newbie casuals are going to lose whatever you see it. There exist some "competitive" casuals: that's are the ones i was referring to)


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
yoshi_fan, you make sence AND read my posts. this could be a first!

Hes completely right, the circle has happened a couple of times, we can't have the same 4 people agrue over the same thing, I think all of the points have been thrown out there. Does anyone have anything else to say thats different that the other 500 posts?

As far as this lame argument goes, we'll just say that Yuna wins, because he has 4800 posts, his peach avatar kinda looks like a weird parrot, he multiquotes, and his name is blue. He plays by competitive rules, too, and he also isnt a scrub like everyone else here. (He's important, and makes life changing threads)

So can we close the thread now?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 8, 2006
Da' Boro
Christ Yuna, you have been arguing with fr0st2k for weeks now. He has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. He has openly admitted he has never played brawl; yet, he can form more valid opinions about gameplay than the people who have. You have put forth all of you arguments with 1st hand evidence more times than I can count and he in turn says you are wrong with absolutely NO valid evidence or counter aside from his personal opinion about a game he has never played.

At this point it is clear that frost has never gone to a tournament, played brawl, or ever been a competent melee player. Just add him to your ignore list, it will make your swf experience that much better. When Sunday comes around, offer him a wifi match with smashballs on so he can truly understand how easy it is to evade marth's FS -_-, he strikes me as someone who truly believes that with the loss of a few AT anyone who was good at melee is somehow automatically trash at brawl.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
It's not like twisting. Is what the casuals, scrubs, and I (because i think i don't know where i'm placed) feel when you say that.

Isn't EXACTLY elitism. Instead, it looks like and people misunderstood. This plus the arrogance = Bob-omb.
If you're just misunderstanding me, why are you also accusing me of the thing you're supposedly misunderstandingme of?

@ Samochan, maybe i did misunderstood you. Yeah, the pros here in spain are ****ing elitist that think of them as gods. I would be pleased if i can meet with the people in this discussion in person. That's where you can see, in a smash match, if someone is elitist or not.
Can you name one besides K-12? You've accused a big group of people based on only K-12's behaviour.

I'm sure that a lot of people are willing to help and all that, but the arrogance and the facts makes the competitives players look elitist (not be elitist). And when arrogance, egos and all that... is a bad thing.
There is no arrogance. It's cold hard fact. And we don't even mention it unless it's called for, like when someone says "I can beat all competitive players if they don't wavedash!" or something.

It's just that Casual players seem to think it to be an insult if someone says "I will beat you". Competitive players know that there'll always be someone better and have learned that, yes, there are people who will beat them.

I can't explain myself well because of my limited english aknowledge, but what i was trying o say is that the problem is in the arrogance. That is misunderstood in elitism.
Pero si me entiendes mal y sabes que no soy un elitista, porqué también me acusa de ser un elitista?


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
Its funny, makes smash look like a secret society....then again.....maybe it is
Every community has a hierarchy, and this community is having an issue and where to draw the line between elitist and something, i can't even tell anymore. the argument has lost a topic.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Saying that you're better than someone else =/= Elitism.

Rubbing that fact into someone else's face with malicious intent = Elitist.

(And I was kinda ticked at MookieRah's post a few pages back. Honestly, how's a casual player like me going into his first tournement supposed to feel when he's basically raillying the troops and shooting us down? Yes, they're better than me, but a little support, or at least the lack of "CRUSH THEM" would be nice...)



Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
Answer in spanish this time, sorry Un_n

If you're just misunderstanding me, why are you also accusing me of the thing you're supposedly misunderstandingme of?

Eso es por lo que he editado. Te he malentendido y por eso me he dado cuenta del problema. La arrogancia es lo que esta haciendo que el circulo siga girando, y lo que hace todo el mito. La misma arrogancia.

Can you name one besides K-12? You've accused a big group of people based on only K-12's behaviour.

No, puesto que fui baneado de sus foros por ser un "noob" (solo por decir que el wavedash puede que desapareciera...), sino podria poner mas de 10 o 15 personas seguro. Incluso discuten entre ellos mismos de lo elitistas que son.

There is no arrogance. It's cold hard fact. And we don't even mention it unless it's called for, like when someone says "I can beat all competitive players if they don't wavedash!" or something.

Si, bueno. Es un hecho. Pero es pronunciado muchas veces con un tono arrogante (como haces en el primer post) llevando al mito del elitismo. Es una cosa que sale sola y sin que muchos se den cuenta (tambien me ha pasado una vez hablando con uno sobre smash).

It's just that Casual players seem to think it to be an insult if someone says "I will beat you". Competitive players know that there'll always be someone better and have learned that, yes, there are people who will beat them.

No es el insulto en si. Es el tono y la arrogancia. Es distinto que te diga alguien amable que te va a ganar y te lo diga proque entiende de lo que habla y eso, y ademas te ayuda; que si alguien te dice simplemente te voy a ganar con un tono arrogante como si fuera alguien superior a ti,

Pero si me entiendes mal y sabes que no soy un elitista, porqué también me acusa de ser un elitista?

Por eso he editado. Malentendi tu arrogancia, no tu post. Me di cuenta en el post del "grupo idiota" cuando dijeorn que tu primer post habia sido arrogante, y entonces me di cuenta que me hizo pensar que fue elitist. Confundi arrogancia con elitismo.
If someone can translate it i would be pleased. Thanks ^^


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
You said that you and others simply misunderstand my arrogance (<-- and this is teh lulz in itself, arrogance? More like sarcasm och condescending attitude) as elitism, yet in that very same post, you later also accuse me of being an elitist.

One Mod banned you and you therefore declare the entire Spanish competitive community for being elitist? Did you say that it's good that Wavedashing is out? Maybe they'd had too many trolls say that and instilled a no-tolerance policy against such obvious trolling?

If you know of 10-15 Spanish elitists, you should be able to name more than 1.

I always speak with a sarcastic tone. And sometimes condescending if I feel it's called for (if the post I'm quoting is really stupid). It's not elitism. It's condescending sarcasm.

I've never said "I'm better than you!" to anyone here on the boards. Why you think that is beyond me.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
Poor honey, surrounded by idiots. Lol at yoshi fan or whoever it was who called you an elitist, stop *****ing at my bf and talking trash that isn't true. Just accept this as a fact elitists are people who just show no respect thinking they're better and sometimes shoving it in other's face so calling my bf that = screw you


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Wow I can't believe this thread is still here. People are still twisting the meaning of the word "Elitist" and throwing it at anyone they don't like. I guess these kinds of threads never really get anywhere.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
You said that you and others simply misunderstand my arrogance (<-- and this is teh lulz in itself, arrogance? More like sarcasm och condescending attitude) as elitism, yet in that very same post, you later also accuse me of being an elitist.

Well, someone others also interpreted it at arrogance, even in the "stupid people" post (a great post indeed). I'm not accusing, i'm saying i'm MISUNDERSTANDING that arrogancy. All the circle goes, like i said, because of the arrogance, and the ego, the fact, the arrogance, the ego, the fact and goes on.

One Mod banned you and you therefore declare the entire Spanish competitive community for being elitist? Did you say that it's good that Wavedashing is out? Maybe they'd had too many trolls say that and instilled a no-tolerance policy against such obvious trolling?

No, his forum is nearly secret and i had to hide my identity because they only accepto "pure competitive people". Then after a few days someone posted something that maybe in brawl would be new advanced techs. All people flamed the topic creator and then I sayed: There is a little posibility that they quit advance techs, like wavedashing. Then, they ban me and put in the reason: this forum isn't for noobs. This is the truth. (That was months before the wavedashing out thing)

If you know of 10-15 Spanish elitists, you should be able to name more than 1.

Iced of tundra
Han dahean

The 4 famous. A lot of people know them and are the best. There was also a Yoshi pro player (who was a idiot, and i don't remember his name, i only remember when he called me stupid because i don't know the town where he lived...) and a Ice climbers pro player (also i don't remember his nick). I don't remember anyone more.

I always speak with a sarcastic tone. And sometimes condescending if I feel it's called for (if the post I'm quoting is really stupid). It's not elitism. It's condescending sarcasm.

Yeah, but that is misunderstood in a LOT of times, causing elitism. Maybe you aren't arrogant, but all the myth goes because of the misunderstanding. That's what i want to say.

I've never said "I'm better than you!" to anyone here on the boards. Why you think that is beyond me.

No, you haven't, but you go crazy every time you see a casual topic post. Yeah, they aren't useful, but is another opinion doesn't it?
10 charmanders

Wow I can't believe this thread is still here. People are still twisting the meaning of the word "Elitist" and throwing it at anyone they don't like. I guess these kinds of threads never really get anywhere.
The twist is really a misunderstanding.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
I did meet many of the spanish guys (plus I actually beat everyone cept for overtriforce, I think I didn't play dahean) but none of them seemed elitists to me. >_> But I didn't talk with them, I just played... and from the looks of it, strawhat dahean and overtriforce haven't been jerks or doucebags or elitists to anyone else in ESA2 tournament either (where rest of europe met those spanish players). So it's prolly just K-12. >_>

Yea and I checked the definition from finnish wikipedia and I nailed it on my earlier post. <_< It said "people that have talent or are in better position than others etc. who look down on other people they deem worse than they are cause they lack said qualities etc." Something along the lines.

So... since the better players don't actually look down on other players and only the scrubs and doucebags do... they cannot be considered elitists cause they aren't even good players, LOL. I wouldn't consider someone who acts like an idiot and belittles others on boards a good player anyway. And scrubs by their very definition aren't good, cause they limit themselves on purpose cause they deem everything even remotely good "cheap" and then whine about "cheap" tactics.

So is the myth possible, plausible or busted?

Definitely Busted


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Wow I can't believe this thread is still here. People are still twisting the meaning of the word "Elitist" and throwing it at anyone they don't like. I guess these kinds of threads never really get anywhere.
It's pretty much an endless cycle... everyone of these posts end up like this.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
I did meet many of the spanish guys (plus I actually beat everyone cept for overtriforce, I think I didn't play dahean) but none of them seemed elitists to me. >_> But I didn't talk with them, I just played... and from the looks of it, strawhat dahean and overtriforce haven't been jerks or doucebags or elitists to anyone else in ESA2 tournament either (where rest of europe met those spanish players). So it's prolly just K-12. >_>

Yea and I checked the definition from finnish wikipedia and I nailed it on my earlier post. <_< It said "people that have talent or are in better position than others etc. who look down on other people they deem worse than they are cause they lack said qualities etc." Something along the lines.

So... since the better players don't actually look down on other players and only the scrubs and doucebags do... they cannot be considered elitists cause they aren't even good players, LOL. I wouldn't consider someone who acts like an idiot and belittles others on boards a good player anyway. And scrubs by their very definition aren't good, cause they limit themselves on purpose cause they deem everything even remotely good "cheap" and then whine about "cheap" tactics.

So is the myth possible, plausible or busted?

Definitely Busted
No, they aren't elitist with the american people. becuase for them, you are like gods of the competitiom. They are only elitist with spanish people. The forum was something like Smash bros sp, but i can't find it in google. If someone wants to search it, there is the name

"people that have talent or are in better position than others etc. who look down on other people they deem worse than they are cause they lack said qualities etc."

Can be misunderstood in (MISunderstood, not twisted. That's what the casuals think when they read your posts)

"people that have talent or are in better position (competitive) than others etc. who look down on other people they deem worse than they are cause they lack said qualities (casual) etc."

Is a misunderstood because of all the generalityes that christ said it earlier, and this makes (again) the famous circle.

This thread has to be closed now, we aren't getting anywere from this point. Only we know for sure that misunderstanding, arrogance/sarcasm and coldhard facts are the problem. Let's solve that (except the facts)

It's pretty much an endless cycle... everyone of these posts end up like this.
Yeah, a Vicious circle (o Circulo vicioso en esañol), a cycle that repeats endlessly.

Can someone report this post please? (I don't know how to.)


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Well, someone others also interpreted it at arrogance, even in the "stupid people" post (a great post indeed). I'm not accusing, i'm saying i'm MISUNDERSTANDING that arrogancy. All the circle goes, like i said, because of the arrogance, and the ego, the fact, the arrogance, the ego, the fact and goes on.
I don't remember posting a "Stupid people"-post. You must mean MookieRah. None of this changes the fact that you accused me of being an elitist efter after admitting to people viewing me as an elitist through misunderstandings.

No, his forum is nearly secret and i had to hide my identity because they only accepto "pure competitive people". Then after a few days someone posted something that maybe in brawl would be new advanced techs. All people flamed the topic creator and then I sayed: There is a little posibility that they quit advance techs, like wavedashing. Then, they ban me and put in the reason: this forum isn't for noobs. This is the truth. (That was months before the wavedashing out thing)
They ban you for not being "Competitive enough"? Who are these people, anyway? I can't see Over or Dahean being two of them. It's probably just a bunch of idiots who think they're good.

Iced of tundra
Han dahean
What have Dahean and Over done?

The 4 famous. A lot of people know them and are the best. There was also a Yoshi pro player (who was a idiot, and i don't remember his name, i only remember when he called me stupid because i don't know the town where he lived...) and a Ice climbers pro player (also i don't remember his nick). I don't remember anyone more.
Being the best =/= Elitist.

The topic at hand is not who's elite, it's about who's an elitist.

No, you haven't, but you go crazy every time you see a casual topic post. Yeah, they aren't useful, but is another opinion doesn't it?
No I don't. If I see something I disagree with, I'll reply to it.

If it was written in a stupid/condescending/insulting/inflammatory way, I might use a sarcastic/condescending tone back. And it does not matter if it's a Casual or a Competitive player.

It's not that their opinion differs from me. It's that I feel their opinion is wrong ("Wavedashing is out! Woohoo! The elites can't hide behind it anymore! I can beat them now!".


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
No, they aren't elitist with the american people. becuase for them, you are like gods of the competitiom. They are only elitist with spanish people. The forum was something like Smash bros sp, but i can't find it in google. If someone wants to search it, there is the name
Samochan is Finnish, I'm Swedish and ESA2 was held in France.

And unless that forum bans anyone who's not competitive enough, I don't really see what it's got to do with this conversation.

Can be misunderstood in (MISunderstood, not twisted. That's what the casuals think when they read your posts)
That's what stupid people think they can see in our posts. Stupid people who at once assume that if someone's criticizing them or their opinion, they must be elitists.

Is a misunderstood because of all the generalityes that christ said it earlier, and this makes (again) the famous circle.
More stupidity (not you, the "cycle").


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
You can only misunderstand their posts if you choose to, it's not really hard to understand what they're saying but some people just choose to ignore the actual meaning and then attack someone like Mookie and claim them elitist. Yet they have no proof in that Mookie or Yuna or anyone else good player has ever belittled someone else.

And Yuna, it was ESA2, not ERA2 lol. ^^


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2007
The Sinnoh Underground
That's what stupid people think they can see in our posts. Stupid people who at once assume that if someone's criticizing them or their opinion, they must be elitists.

More stupidity (not you, the "cycle").
Is it just me, or does misunderstanding someone's intentions or what they're saying around Yuna constitute "stupidity?"

The entire cast of Three's Company must qualify as the dumbest people in history.
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