For the love of God people. Read your role PMs. If it's anything like ours, it will tell you that you DREW YOUR ROLE OUT OF A HAT. Therefor, the characters are NOT connected with the roles AT ALL. By this logic, the characters (and posting restriction, should anybody have one) are there for FLAVOR ONLY. I already know who at LEAST half of you are in this game, but since we drew our roles out of a hat, it gives absolutely NO indication as to anyone's alignments. My best guess would be that Gheb made the characters and any possible restrictions, so that people who knew the Muppets could get a little enjoyment out of this game (like I have been), but then RANDOMIZED the actual roles so if someone were familiar with the Muppets (again, like me), they I still wouldn't be able to guess someone's role just based on their character.
If any posting restrictions exist, they are there for ENTERTAINMENT ONLY. Apparently MY entertainment, since I seem to be the only one actually familiar with the subject matter.
SSBF should clearly go toDay. And I know I already used the following joke, but it bears repeating.
And I thought being able to read would be a requirement of this game! HAHAHAHAHAHA!