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The Muppets Mafia | Game Over! Who lived happily ever after in Muppet Land?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Nah swords is like lowest of low tier on my list. I agree with SSBF on suspicions, actually. Probably McMays with Guus and SRB as close seconds.

Yo momma is rated E for everyone.


Mar 8, 2010
*stabbed through the heart*
If Xonar does decide to completely disregard the town and kill someone that the majority of people are not suspicious of, I encourage you all not to vote for him tomorrow. Personally, I think the pig would've made a better king! HAHAHAHA!

Deleted member

Given that SwordRbroken, McMaymays, Guus, and soaring-raptor-blast are Xonar's four lynch candidates, I can see this as an good list, but I really don't think SwordRbroken should be in it.

Right now, the one I would want the most is McMaymays, but I'll look into all four more, especially Guus and soaring-raptor-blast.
why mcmaymays? and why those two especially?

Deleted member

why mcmaymays? and why those two especially?
The reason why I supported a McMaymays lynch is because I read the Xonar Vs. McMaymays and Guus arguments and some of McMaymays's argument consisted of him wanting Xonar to die and that he could be president.

Another reason is that if McMaymays becomes president, I have a feeling that he'll lynch me and/or Xonar as soon as possible with minimal scum hunting, which I really hope he doesn't do to anyone if he becomes king.

Also, the reason why I said I would especially look into Guus and soaring-raptor blast is because I have done absolutely no investigation on them and it's time that I do.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Okay, so McMaymays wants Xonar to go. Thing is, Xonar wants McMaymays to go AND he hasn't explained why which I don't particularly understand. I don't see why you can go one way with it and not the other.

Deleted member

@Clownbot: Xonar did say he'll explain tommorrow why McMaymays is one of his lynch candidates. I trust him on this. But yeah, I think I said enough for Day 1.

Because I'm going to be V/LA until Sunday, which by then, Day 1 would end. More information on DGames Social Thread.


Smash Rookie
Nov 12, 2009
rogue king!

VOTE: mutany

i'm calling ssbf/xonar scumteam. our king seems to want to lynch the people that dont have complete faith in him instead of using actual logic or reasoning. funny huh? seems to really not want draw attention from towns strongest suspect and lynch a random person that may target him the next day. thats funny too aint it.

somebody dont like bussing i guess. how sweet

Deleted member

The reason why I supported a McMaymays lynch is because I read the Xonar Vs. McMaymays and Guus arguments and some of McMaymays's argument consisted of him wanting Xonar to die and that he could be president.

I'm sure he was either joking or kind of raged there.

Another reason is that if McMaymays becomes president, I have a feeling that he'll lynch me and/or Xonar as soon as possible with minimal scum hunting, which I really hope he doesn't do to anyone if he becomes king.

That would be scum suicide, seriously, why would ANYONE be stupid enough to do such a quicklynch. If McMaymays is scum and Xonar isn't they could just nightkill him and call WIFOM on everyone making the connection. Are these the only (good) reasons you have?

Also, the reason why I said I would especially look into Guus and soaring-raptor blast is because I have done absolutely no investigation on them and it's time that I do.

If you have done none you can't call suspect on them, that's just stupid.
Hail USA


Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
srb, ironically enough, that's the pair I considered to likely be the scum pair since around page 4, and really, both have confirmed my beliefs more and more every time they post.

I didn't want to post who I thought was scummy, since... well, one of the two had the power to instantly kill me (i.e. Xonar) if he chose so. And the other... well, everyone considered him to be extremely scummy (once, about a week ago, he was the confirmed lynch. Now, we have 4 different people up for being lynched, and none have been given a good reason by Xonar).

When I have time, I'll re-read and see if it makes sense having these two as the scum pair for this game... when I have the time... which will probably end up being after this day's over...

Deleted member

Why didn't you make it public? I know Xonar isn't stupid enough to insta kill you if you call him as part of the scum team.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Well, there was nothing to gain. Everyone found SSBF suspiscious, and it's impossible for Xonar to die today... so leaving it as just SSBF at the time seemed good enough, then once Xonar's no longer king tomorrow (assuming he's not king tomorrow), I'd mention that I think Xonar is the other scum.

But now that others seem to think the same, might as well come clean with my thoughts as well lol :p


Mar 8, 2010
*stabbed through the heart*
Our king is evil! Our king is evil! Help us... whatever will we do?!

Our king is evil (or stupid. Or, hell, he's both!) Innocent blood will be spilled today. :(
A post in which McMaymays explains why the King is Evil

And suddenly....

May can go today imo.

Yo mama's so fat people jog around her for exercise!
Vote: Xonar and Fos: Blue Yoshi

mcmaymays for president!!! :D

still for ssbf lynch. BY seems alright but a bit fishy with the weird posting restriction hunt thing.
Anyways, on the lynch I've pretty much decided. Gonna be between SRB, Swords, May and Guus. Anyone know if swords is V/LA?
So the explanation for who Xonar wants to die is pretty clear.

SRB, who wants SSBF dead and thinkgs Xonar is a bad king.

McMaymays because I've been vocal about wanting him dead.

And Guus who also expressed his suspicions on Xonar.

Nice play on OMGusing the world, there, Xonar.

Given that SwordRbroken, McMaymays, Guus, and soaring-raptor-blast are Xonar's four lynch candidates, I can see this as an good list, but I really don't think SwordRbroken should be in it.

Right now, the one I would want the most is McMaymays, but I'll look into all four more, especially Guus and soaring-raptor-blast.
SSBF SO scum! This is just an example of where he's buddying the King... really, suddenly he thinks ALL of the lynch candidates are good? You were only mentioning me as a possible lynch candidate earlier, plus Blue Yoshi. But I guess as long as it's not you, you're good. Not that your scum buddy would actually kill you.

The reason why I supported a McMaymays lynch is because I read the Xonar Vs. McMaymays and Guus arguments and some of McMaymays's argument consisted of him wanting Xonar to die and that he could be president..
There's no way you read the argument between us, because if you did, you'd clearly see Xonar is evil. I explained why Xonar was evil, quoting how he was totally fishing for post restrictions and his response is "May can die."

and when asked why, he said "Oh, let's tell scum what they're doing wrong."

Really? ...Really?

rogue king!

VOTE: mutany

i'm calling ssbf/xonar scumteam. our king seems to want to lynch the people that dont have complete faith in him instead of using actual logic or reasoning. funny huh? seems to really not want draw attention from towns strongest suspect and lynch a random person that may target him the next day. thats funny too aint it.

somebody dont like bussing i guess. how sweet

ssbf/xonar team.

There is no vaccine for stupidity. If I die toDay, we should get a list of people willing to kill Xonar/SSBF so they can be king.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Xonar seem good choice. He been bad king. He want McMayMays dead. He have no good reason. I still waiting Xonar post. Asked why those people scum. He no answer. He might be good lynch tomorrow. That depends who he shoots. If shoot Mcmaymays/guus/Raptor, shoot him. I still waiting Xonar post.

BTW, stop calling raptor SRB. Dunno which person you mean. Call me swords. Call soaring-raptor-blast raptor. So we avoid confusion.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Any of you dumbwits want a bet?

I'll lynch SSBF, because you guys really want to, but I'm ~80% sure he's town. If he flips town, I was right, and you guys re-elect me. If he flips scum, you guys were right, and I'll get lynched by the king tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Pretty much.

...Is there anything else you want to say or is the Day pretty much over?

Deleted member

While I sort of agree with McMaymays, this just doesn't look like xonar at all. I have played multiple games with him and usually (both as mafia and town) he seems to make much more serious posts.
Guus can tell the same thing.

maybe xonar doesn't feel like playing or is coasting because he is king.

Xonar explain stuff here.

SRB, I'm gonna keep on calling SRB SRB until you and SRB understand that with SRB I mean SRB and not SRB.

Hail USA

Deleted member

meh got ninja'd big time here. that was supposed to be right after SRBs post.
If that's settled then just lynch SSBF already, this doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

I also hereby nominate myself to be elected President of the United States of America king for tomorrow.
Sort of the contender of McMayMays who also seems to be favorited by some people.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
No I'm just ****ing frustrated with you IDIOTS having your head up your *** thinking SSBF is Scum when there's other people in need of more lynching

Like I said, I'll make a big post. Will start on it now.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Boo, I'm heading to work, then smashing with a friend... I won't be able to take part in conversations until Sunday :(

But yeah, Xonar/SSBF are looking more and more like a scum team... Xonar making weird posts and trying to vote possibly-scummy-but-not-as-scummy-as-someone-else people. SSBF being scummy for agreeing with everything Xonar says, and... well... we all know what happened earlier this game.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Boo, I'm heading to work, then smashing with a friend... I won't be able to take part in conversations until Sunday :(

But yeah, Xonar/SSBF are looking more and more like a scum team... Xonar making weird posts and trying to vote possibly-scummy-but-not-as-scummy-as-someone-else people. SSBF being scummy for agreeing with everything Xonar says, and... well... we all know what happened earlier this game.
Wow man, yeah, having weird posts is really a scumtell, good going there.
On the lynching possibly scummy people? Just wait for my post. SWF is just stable again so I can continue on it.

Yo mama so tall she tripped in Michigan and hit her head in Florida.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
...SSBF -_-

McMaymays, post by post:
First post that isn't pure post restriction or stupidity: said:
The part of the head that made that post has never played with Blue Yoshi, but I read a game where he did that. It was Batmafia and typically it's something scum can take advantage of (and did). I don't know why he does it, but to me it's just poor play.

Oh. Btw, he was town that game.

So there's two possibilities:

1) He think it's a funny meme to self-vote and lol about it.

2) He's scum and trying to keep his play-style even. He can say, "but, look, here I voted myself and flipped town, so it's just something I do." Either way, I don't like that he did it. Either way, it's bad for town, imo.

However, I think SuperSuckButtFace (Super Smash bros Fan) needs to be looked at more.

How come you were so confident that was the set-up? I could not be reading again, but I saw nothing that indicated this. Unless if you were mafia and were more privy to the roles that were in the game, you would not be aware of this information.
Ohwow, so much information. I don't even know where to start... OH WAIT I DO. Blue_Yoshi ALWAYS self-votes. Thanks for posting nothing on the subject and then parotting the town on looking into SSBF WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING.
Oh you did something? You asked him about the set-up. Well, it's quite normal for the mentioned set-ups to be in a 9man game. It is a good way to start discussion, as you've seen from the first part of D1.

McMay said:

You have the memory of a Walnut. (Walnuts don't even have memories!)

Frown flipped townie in Newbie 5. So why are you trying to bandwagon Blue Yoshi for doing the same thing a townie did?

Breadcrumbing this early is something I've only seen done by scum, so they can resort to it later on to reinforce their nameclaim. Why did you even do it? It added nothing and was extremely obvious. The only thing I would see as a reason for you to do it is to clear you for your extremely poor play.
Besides, the second statement is just idiotic, nothing else on that.

McMay said:
How about Guus? This was a beautiful game until they spoiled it with a pig! HAHAHAHA!
Quick redirection to Guus with no explanation.

Blabla fluff posts

Post with a case against SSBF made of parotting blabla

Calling us on that the roles have no relationship with anything. Game related stuff.

more fluff posts...

You seem so knowledgeable about this "post restriction" to fish for it on multiple occasions. Especially now that you're calling out that we broke it. You know so much about this post restriction, even saying that we are "post restricted" not to talk about it... why would you fish for it so much?!
You're summing up my knowledge about it, then asking why I fish for it. Yeah, totally makes sense bro/sis.

Here's where it gets funny though:
Mcmaymay starts calling me a bad king and stuff, and then presents HERSELF as alternative. This is obviously a way to gain kingship. But which faction in the game would love being the king most? Scum. That's right, scum. This started when you said that wanting you gone was an OMGUS (which was not true, you just haven't done ANYTHING) and then proceeded to discredit all my work as a king. I took serious note as this as you REALLY want to be king a whole darn lot. Yes, this is extremely scummy.

Fluff fluff fluff and king dissing and wanting the spot even more

For the love of God people. Read your role PMs. If it's anything like ours, it will tell you that you DREW YOUR ROLE OUT OF A HAT. Therefor, the characters are NOT connected with the roles AT ALL. By this logic, the characters (and posting restriction, should anybody have one) are there for FLAVOR ONLY. I already know who at LEAST half of you are in this game, but since we drew our roles out of a hat, it gives absolutely NO indication as to anyone's alignments. My best guess would be that Gheb made the characters and any possible restrictions, so that people who knew the Muppets could get a little enjoyment out of this game (like I have been), but then RANDOMIZED the actual roles so if someone were familiar with the Muppets (again, like me), they I still wouldn't be able to guess someone's role just based on their character.

If any posting restrictions exist, they are there for ENTERTAINMENT ONLY. Apparently MY entertainment, since I seem to be the only one actually familiar with the subject matter.

SSBF should clearly go toDay. And I know I already used the following joke, but it bears repeating.

And I thought being able to read would be a requirement of this game! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Game mechanics **** and parotting on SSBF

Even more fluff and mechanic talk AND DISREGARDING THE KING TO GAIN THE SPOT etcetc

This post...

So the explanation for who Xonar wants to die is pretty clear.

SRB, who wants SSBF dead and thinkgs Xonar is a bad king.

McMaymays because I've been vocal about wanting him dead.

And Guus who also expressed his suspicions on Xonar.

Nice play on OMGusing the world, there, Xonar.
The funny thing here is, that they all started to be suspicious of me etc AFTER I put them in my lynch pool. Who is OMGUSing now?

... but, as much as I hate it, they do have a point on SSBF buddying me. *sigh*

Fluff and disregarding the king

McMaymays has done nothing.
McMaymays has been wanting to get the spot of king.
McMaymays has been active lurking.

See why I didn't tell you why I was suspicious of you? Because I wanted to see if you would continue being useless without someone asking you to be. Often, scum just does nothing until called out for it. Hiding, doing just enough to participate so that a scumslip is less possible.

Sorry, SWF is instable again so I can't continue by doing some post by posts

Has less posts than McMays, so you can pretty much say that he done nothing, but at least he didn't fish for the role as King and neither did he active lurk. It's just unlike Guus to be so unactive, though. That's why he's on my lynchlist.

Did nothing but parrot.

Overall, the stunning conclusion is that I'm going to Lynch: McMaymays

Also, a note to all you guys who are like 'OMG XONAR DOESN'T LYNCH THE ONE WHO THE TOWN WANTS LYNCHED D;;;; I CALL SCUM'
Fu:getprophet:ck you. A scum king would just lynch SSBF to get a townie lynched and nightkill afterwards. A scum king can easily gain the favor of the people by killing whoever they want killing, so that no townie objects and he's never really in the spotlights.

Stupid SWF crashing. Really ****ed up my posting, this was due a few hours ago : (

Deleted member

may, wrong acc and what's the point of the gif, seriously?

Guus, flip of who?

interesting read Xonar.

Hail USA.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
SSBF is trying. If he's really scum, he'll slip up soon. His buddying does put him on the scummy side of the spectrum, atm. Just because I thought my view on SSBF was unclear.
SRB and guus should step it up tomorrow.

yo momma is so fat, she has her own gravitational field


Mar 8, 2010
*stabbed through the heart*
I'm assuming he means our flip, since we got lynched. Still skimming?

Of COURSE we aren't Kermit. God, am I really the only person in this entire game who is familiar with the Muppets at all? Since no one else knows, and since roles are randomized between characters, I see no harm in the following list.

Guus - Ms. Piggy
Paprika - Sam Eagle
Xonar - Statler (a terrible impersonation of him anyway)
Swords - Animal
Us - Waldorf

We're town. Who would've thought we'd have to die to finally get out of this game! HAHAHAHA!


Mar 8, 2010
*stabbed through the heart*
And before anyone gets pissy, any possible posting restrictions you guys have make it PAINFULLY obvious who you all are if you have even a passing familiarity with the material.

Deleted member

I had xonar listed as fozzie.
but didn't we already decide that those characters aren't related to our actual roles?

Hail USA


Mar 8, 2010
*stabbed through the heart*
Wow, fail. Xonar, you launched an attack on us and then lynched us without even waiting for us to respond. How much scummier can you get? You REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. can't get scummier.

Ohwow, so much information. I don't even know where to start... OH WAIT I DO. Blue_Yoshi ALWAYS self-votes. Thanks for posting nothing on the subject and then parotting the town on looking into SSBF WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING.
Oh you did something? You asked him about the set-up. Well, it's quite normal for the mentioned set-ups to be in a 9man game. It is a good way to start discussion, as you've seen from the first part of D1.
You realize someone ASKED me what games I played with Blue Yoshi and I was responding to it, right?

And no, I don't agree that it's "normal" for those setups to be in this game. Just buddying SSBF to me.

Breadcrumbing this early is something I've only seen done by scum, so they can resort to it later on to reinforce their nameclaim. Why did you even do it? It added nothing and was extremely obvious. The only thing I would see as a reason for you to do it is to clear you for your extremely poor play.
Besides, the second statement is just idiotic, nothing else on that.
Believe it or not, I (Mayling) have never seen the muppets and didn't even know I was breadcrumbing ANYTHING at that point. Like, I couldn't post a couple times because I couldn't think of insults. The PR I had was really difficult for me at first. I didn't like it. I was not breadcrumbing, it was a complete coincidence.

Too bad you didn't WAIT for a response to this, or you would have known.

Quick redirection to Guus with no explanation.
hydra johns

Blabla fluff posts

Post with a case against SSBF made of parotting blabla

Calling us on that the roles have no relationship with anything. Game related stuff.

more fluff posts...
Would like to know why the posts were considered fluff. Would like to know how the case against SSBf was parroting, when I was the first one to make an actual case against him. (He admits this himself when he goes to counter argue it.)


Here's where it gets funny though:
Mcmaymay starts calling me a bad king and stuff, and then presents HERSELF as alternative. This is obviously a way to gain kingship. But which faction in the game would love being the king most? Scum. That's right, scum. This started when you said that wanting you gone was an OMGUS (which was not true, you just haven't done ANYTHING) and then proceeded to discredit all my work as a king. I took serious note as this as you REALLY want to be king a whole darn lot. Yes, this is extremely scummy.
DUH YOU WERE THE WORSE KING IN THE WORLD. And there was nothing we could do about it because you OMGus everyone who said you were lousy.

Xonar, you were post restricting fishing the entire of half of day one. And you KNEW there were consequences. Why in the world would you do that, since you said yourself it was OBVIOUS who we were and why we had to do what we were doing (insulting people) other than the fact you are scum or DUMB. you even tell Gheb to "prod" us when McFox finally gives a hint when he said Clownbot was the smartest of you all.

Fluff fluff fluff and king dissing and wanting the spot even more
It's not just about king dissing. I had reason to think you were a bad king, and I laid it out for EVERYONE to see and know why I thought you were a bad king. Also, I didn't just want the king spot. I wanted to kkill you or SSBF and I told everyone that so they'd know. Because after all, most of town wanted SSBF gone, but you blatantly ignored them to lynch your biggest nemesis.

Game mechanics **** and parotting on SSBF
Btw, it wasn't parroting because we were the ones to first mention wanting SSBF gone.

Even more fluff and mechanic talk AND DISREGARDING THE KING TO GAIN THE SPOT etcetc

The funny thing here is, that they all started to be suspicious of me etc AFTER I put them in my lynch pool. Who is OMGUSing now?
WRONG. WRONG. this is SO wrong, and all it takes is a reread to see that it is. Why in the world would you even say this BLATANT lie when it's wrong?

McMaymays has done nothing.
McMaymays has been wanting to get the spot of king.
McMaymays has been active lurking.
1) I made a post about Blue Yoshi/SSBF
2) I let it be known who I thought was scum all throughout the day
3) Yeah, being king would be nice, but I also said this:

There is no vaccine for stupidity. If I die toDay, we should get a list of people willing to kill Xonar/SSBF so they can be king.
It wasn't just about us being king, as it is about you NOT being king.

See why I didn't tell you why I was suspicious of you? Because I wanted to see if you would continue being useless without someone asking you to be. Often, scum just does nothing until called out for it. Hiding, doing just enough to participate so that a scumslip is less possible.
tell me how any one else has been more useful than us, especially with all these post restrictions abound in this game. I feel REAL sorry for swords.

and again, how can you say we've done nothing, when I attacked THE KING all of today. THE KING?! the person who can, on a whim, destroy me with his thumb. I only did it because I truly think you're scum. Why else would I attack the person who controls the lynching in this game? But of course, you wait until the last moment to launch a "big case on me" that I couldn't even refute, and lynched me. Yet all day you're like "let's not tell scum what they're doing wrong." Are you serious? that was horrible play...

Also, a note to all you guys who are like 'OMG XONAR DOESN'T LYNCH THE ONE WHO THE TOWN WANTS LYNCHED D;;;; I CALL SCUM'
Fu:getprophet:ck you. A scum king would just lynch SSBF to get a townie lynched and nightkill afterwards. A scum king can easily gain the favor of the people by killing whoever they want killing, so that no townie objects and he's never really in the spotlights.
Wow, you're so positive that SSBF is town when the majority of us think he's scum, and you don't even say why other than "he's active." Really?

you just wanted the person who was your biggest suspect gone.

(shaken)I have officially been owned by everyone.

I have no idea who is suspect.

I have officially bombed at this game.

Everyone may now laugh at me.
Btw. This post. Does it really sound like a townie talking?

I've been owned by everyone? I bombed this game? Everyone can laugh at me? cus he's scum and we discovered it asap.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

Waldorf the Vanilla Townie has been lynched.

Night 1 begins. You have 48 hours to submit your night actions and your votes for the next king.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

"Hey kids, it's me again - Scooter and I got some bad news for you. It's basically that the mafia is still active in town and you guys are actually supposed to take care of them. Instead you just go ahead and lynch an old man - why would you think he could ever kill anybody?!? Not only did you kill the wrong guy yesterday but you also got another one of you killed...:

The Paprika Killer (Sam the Eagle), Vanilla Townie has been killed in the night.

Yup, that's right you guys just got some innocent old geezer and a righteous, patriotic eagle killed. Why would you think they could be the bad guys? You should get your act together by now and start to get rid of the mafia before you lynch harmless villagers, understood? Since you did so horrible last time around I think now's a good time to announce a new king:

Guus has been elected as the new King!

I really hope you're going to do better than your preceedor because ... you know ... we're kind of about to run into trouble very soon so you best lynch mafia today or else they might take over our little, peaceful village and you don't want that to happen, right? So step your game up and get these scumbags. You have time until Thursday the 22nd may to make your decision.

Good luck!"

D2 begins
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