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The Muppets Mafia | Game Over! Who lived happily ever after in Muppet Land?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Can we lynch Xonar? He lynched Mcmaymays. We didn't want that. He lynched Mcmaymays. Mcmaymays wasn't scummy IMO. Can we lynch Xonar?

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
The two people at the moment I find the scummiest are SSBF and Xonar.

But as I said day 1, we might as well go through the entire day... therefore having more time to get someone to accidentally slip.

But, then again, it's the King's choice :p


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
The whole shebang, Xonar.

I know Guus decides the lynch but you're gonna have to do a lot before I myself am convinced that you're town.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Damm you guys annoy me -_-

What about you guys actually making a case on me being scummy? I pretty much explained why I lynched McMaymays and I saw NO negative comments on that so far from any of you guys.
Besides that, TPK was killed, wasn't he someone who wasn't against me (for idiotic reasons)? Why would I, as scum, kill one of the townies who is following me?
I still don't see why you guys think I'm scum for lynching someone who town doesn't agree with. Sorry that I don't have the idiotic reasonless hivemind I see in all the players here, and sorry that I don't lynch someone who I see as town. I highly recommend lynching SSBF just to prove to you guys how wrong you are, but that would be recommending lynching a townie. If you guys want to have the majority of town's votes to be the lynch you should've signed up for a normal game.

God. Morons.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
What about you guys actually making a case on me being scummy?
Nah, maybe I'll wait until the day of the ****ing deadline before I actually say why I think you're scum.

Deleted member

@Xonar: Seriously, you defended me throughout most of Day 1, now you're suggesting that I get lynched? What about soaring-raptor-blast? He hasn't really said much throughout the entire game. Given that you're responsible for lynching a townie (abide accidently or not), you have to play extra well to gain our respect back.

And before anyone here say "So should you.", I know, I know.

FoS: Xonar

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether

SSBF, do you even know what you're saying?

I'll reply with an epic rage post tomorrow, if I reply right now my keyboard will probably break in half.

Deleted member

@Xonar: Yeah I do.

Also, unless you're fixing to go to bed, there is no reason not to put out your so called epic post today. Also, try not to be in rage okay? You'll have to explain yourself in an calm manner if you expect us to become less suspicious of you.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Damm you guys annoy me -_-

What about you guys actually making a case on me being scummy? I pretty much explained why I lynched McMaymays and I saw NO negative comments on that so far from any of you guys.
Besides that, TPK was killed, wasn't he someone who wasn't against me (for idiotic reasons)? Why would I, as scum, kill one of the townies who is following me?
I still don't see why you guys think I'm scum for lynching someone who town doesn't agree with. Sorry that I don't have the idiotic reasonless hivemind I see in all the players here, and sorry that I don't lynch someone who I see as town. I highly recommend lynching SSBF just to prove to you guys how wrong you are, but that would be recommending lynching a townie. If you guys want to have the majority of town's votes to be the lynch you should've signed up for a normal game.
It make sense. TPK had no connections. He didn't contribute. He barely posted. He perfect nightkill 4 scum. BTW, I away you lynch mcmaymays. Have no time say no.

@ssbf true. He contradict himself. He post you town. Now he think you're scum. We want you lynched too. He now okay lynching you.

@guus can we lynch xonar yet? can we lynch xonar yet? I give you cookie!


Smash Rookie
Nov 12, 2009
whoa waldo was mcmaymays!?!?! I thought xonar lynched ssbf >__>

a name next to the dead muppet woulda been nice....

so yeah. xonar is obv. scum. so is ssbf. I'm fine with lynching either.

and all hail the new lovely queen. her majesty will hopefully be a more democratic ruler then evil king xonar.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
whoa waldo was mcmaymays!?!?! I thought xonar lynched ssbf >__>

a name next to the dead muppet woulda been nice....

so yeah. xonar is obv. scum. so is ssbf. I'm fine with lynching either.

and all hail the new lovely queen. her majesty will hopefully be a more democratic ruler then evil king xonar.
This post reeks more than a moldy fish on a sidewalk during a hot day.
Wocka wocka wocka


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Xonar does seem scummy but I don't really know, man. A lot of people seem questionable to me right now. At the least, I don't think Xonar is the lynch for toDay.

I'm not liking how SSBF and Swords were all "Oh NOW he thinks SSBF is scum" because that was blatantly wrong and if you read Xonar's post on the matter properly you would understand how. Swords seems kind of tunnel-y on Xonar but we're not too far into the Day yet so I dunno.

Raptor's latest post is still questionable to me. I don't even understand what he's trying to say in some of it ("a name next to the dead muppet would have been nice") and it's all just fluff.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Hey, I'm the new king, or queen if you will. I guess I am a star after all :)!

Okay, if I had to choose a lynch target right now, I would either go with Xonar or SSBF, I really don't like how they play. Xonar, how can you be so convinced that he is a townie? Are you buddying him or genuinely convinced of it (don't answer this, the answer will be obvious dur).

However, I don't really like to see this revolving too much about them.

SRB, how could you have missed that Xonar lynched Mcmaysmays, I thought something as important as that wouldn't slip past you?

ToDay will work like yesterday, everyone can just vote on people and that will heavily influence my decision at the end of toDay.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Then i Vote: Xonar.

Xonar just been unhelpful. Posting pictures doesn't defend yourself. Posting pictures doesn't defend yourself.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Here are my current thoughts on the possibilities of Xonar and SSBF:

1. Xonar and SSBF are both scum.

This would definitely seem plausible, as both have seemed scummy, SSBF since nearly day 1, and Xonar through relative inactivity throughout day 1, somewhat useless posts, and the lynching of a townie who most thought to be town anyways. However, one thing, thinking about it, that bugs me about this scenario is Xonar heavily defending SSBF as town. Sure, at an initial glance, it would look like an obvious way to try to protect your fellow scum buddy, but as we can see, it is making both of them seem more like a scum pair. Seeing how Xonar has played games before, I don't think he'd be dumb enough to, as scum, try to save his scumbuddy by trying to convince everyone that he is town. Either he made a very obvious mistake... or... well... something isn't right.

2. Xonar is scum, SSBF is town

I'm actually starting to consider this... as, well, Xonar has been completely useless, lynched a semi-confirmed townie, and... well, has just been scummy. SSBF, though making multiple scummy posts, has been tunneled on by everyone (me included), and... well, cracked under the pressure, making him an obvious choice for us to lynch as scum. What makes me think that SSBF is town, however, is, ironically enough, Xonar trying to convince everyone that SSBF is town. Assuming Xonar is scum and SSBF is town (i.e. this scenario #2), it would be a safe move on Xonar's part to try to convince people that SSBF is town, since as he (SSBF) is one of the biggest targets of getting lynched, if he shows up town, it would make Xonar's tell correct, thus giving him more town points. It would be a smart play for scum to do (assuming SSBF gets lynched before Xonar), as it would almost guarantee that Xonar looks townie. As mentioned in my first scenario, Xonar has played games before... so I'm pretty sure he would be smart enough to try to pull this off.

3. Xonar is town, SSBF... doesn't matter... he's either.

If Xonar is town... then so far this game, he's been absolutely useless. He's made multiple mistakes that hindered town by alot... including lynching a semi-confirmed townie. So... that said, it's hard to believe that he's town. Though that said, it's always possible... but I doubt it.

So in summary, I'm very sure that Xonar is scum, but as for SSBF, as stated in my post (particularly #2), I'm not sure what to think of him. Either way, I'm fine with a Xonar lynch, and will give SSBF more thought later. So all that said:

Vote: Xonar

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Sorry guys, had crash yesterday and friend over today. I'm tired, I'm angry upon opening this thread, and I shouldn't consider posting here right now. Will try to get something done tomorrow.

Deleted member

@Xonar: How about doing it now? You promised an big post two days ago and you still haven't delievered it.

So far in Day 2, you have been useless.


Smash Rookie
Nov 12, 2009
sorry for inactivity. my laptop broke. all better now though :bee:
Raptor's latest post is still questionable to me. I don't even understand what he's trying to say in some of it ("a name next to the dead muppet would have been nice") and it's all just fluff.
the flavor just said "waldo" was lynched... idfk that was mcmaymays. I was heartbroken when I seen ssbf still posting (no offense).

@blue yoshi: you said mcmaymays was semi confirmed. how so? I was pretty sure they were town but they weren't semi confirmed.

@xonar: all your posts scream lazy ***/ scum. plus your selfish choice of the lynch wasn't very pro-town. I don't like you


@blue yoshi again: I dont like how you say mcmaymays was confirmed town. you keep saying these things that only scum would know and i'm starting to suspect they might be actual slips...

my top suspects in order:

other SRB

im sure if we eventually lynch those three we will win.


Smash Rookie
Nov 12, 2009
@swords: my next biggest suspect is you. you're trying to take away from the case against SSBF by calling it "tunneling". I see it as either trying to save your scum buddy, or buddying a townie that might be lynched. calling the case 'tunneling' when SSBF has been pushing suspicion on everyone and their grandma and can't even come up with an explanation for his actions, just ain't right in my book.

I don't forget to easy ;)

still would prefer xonar/ssbf lynch before you.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
By semi-confirmed... (wrong wording I guess lol), I meant that there were alot more scummy people... and in my opinion, he was one of the most town looking people. Sorry, bad wording... but you get the point :p

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
You realize someone ASKED me what games I played with Blue Yoshi and I was responding to it, right?

And no, I don't agree that it's "normal" for those setups to be in this game. Just buddying SSBF to me.
You never played on MafiaScum then. They always use those set-ups as they're considered balanced. I bet Gheb wanted a balanced game.

Believe it or not, I (Mayling) have never seen the muppets and didn't even know I was breadcrumbing ANYTHING at that point. Like, I couldn't post a couple times because I couldn't think of insults. The PR I had was really difficult for me at first. I didn't like it. I was not breadcrumbing, it was a complete coincidence.
No, you WERE breadcrumbing. You wrote Walnut with a CAPITAL. and it's WALNUT. walnut... waldorf? Blatant lie.

Too bad you didn't WAIT for a response to this, or you would have known.
Nice AtE man.

hydra johns
Not my ****ing problem. If 1 does something you're both responsible.

Would like to know why the posts were considered fluff. Would like to know how the case against SSBf was parroting, when I was the first one to make an actual case against him. (He admits this himself when he goes to counter argue it.)

Your posts are fluff because:
You provide no information
You take NO stance
You do nothing
And your 'case' was just what everyone else said compiled into 1 post. Good parrot case. Oh, and a nice AtE to close it off, why do you do that if you're already dead? It's annoying.

DUH YOU WERE THE WORSE KING IN THE WORLD. And there was nothing we could do about it because you OMGus everyone who said you were lousy.
I'm OH SO SORRY you think I was a bad king.

Xonar, you were post restricting fishing the entire of half of day one. And you KNEW there were consequences. Why in the world would you do that, since you said yourself it was OBVIOUS who we were and why we had to do what we were doing (insulting people) other than the fact you are scum or DUMB. you even tell Gheb to "prod" us when McFox finally gives a hint when he said Clownbot was the smartest of you all.
I thought it was obvious to a player like you/mcfox combined with masonry to discover that it was merely reaction fishing. It was oh so obvious as soon as I asked for a prod, I mean seriously, if gheb thinks you crossed the line with your restriction he would've prodded you guys. /sigh

It's not just about king dissing. I had reason to think you were a bad king, and I laid it out for EVERYONE to see and know why I thought you were a bad king. Also, I didn't just want the king spot. I wanted to kkill you or SSBF and I told everyone that so they'd know. Because after all, most of town wanted SSBF gone, but you blatantly ignored them to lynch your biggest nemesis.
Your so called reason is that I OMGus everyone who thinks I did bad which is a blatant lie. Shut the **** up, you're ****ing annoying and this post is getting on my nerves. I don't give a **** about most of town, I get to decide a lynch and I will follow my best read.

Btw, it wasn't parroting because we were the ones to first mention wanting SSBF gone.
'Somebody will be born'

WRONG. WRONG. this is SO wrong, and all it takes is a reread to see that it is. Why in the world would you even say this BLATANT lie when it's wrong?
This annoys me to no end! RIGHT BACK AT YOU, you're lying man, no proof at all, I'm just gonna sit here and say it's a lie.

1) I made a post about Blue Yoshi/SSBF
2) I let it be known who I thought was scum all throughout the day
3) Yeah, being king would be nice, but I also said this:

There is no vaccine for stupidity. If I die toDay, we should get a list of people willing to kill Xonar/SSBF so they can be king.

It wasn't just about us being king, as it is about you NOT being king.
1. Useless squabble and parotting
2. Cool story bro
3. So you admit that you were fishing for the role of king. That helps my case, thanks.

tell me how any one else has been more useful than us, especially with all these post restrictions abound in this game. I feel REAL sorry for swords.

and again, how can you say we've done nothing, when I attacked THE KING all of today. THE KING?! the person who can, on a whim, destroy me with his thumb. I only did it because I truly think you're scum. Why else would I attack the person who controls the lynching in this game? But of course, you wait until the last moment to launch a "big case on me" that I couldn't even refute, and lynched me. Yet all day you're like "let's not tell scum what they're doing wrong." Are you serious? that was horrible play...
EVERYONE (except guus and the SRBs) have contributed to discussion, mainly SSBF, which is also why I think he's town. Why would Town start out with the discussion so quickly? A scum would surely want to exploit the void phase called RVS, would they not? But, everyone except you three (and, admittedly, me) have done nothing.

You haven't ATTACKED me. You have just screamed 'LOL I WANT TO BE KING' all day, and to do that you had to get me gone asap. **** off, idiot.
On the last sentence, I'll get back to that... later.

Wow, you're so positive that SSBF is town when the majority of us think he's scum, and you don't even say why other than "he's active." Really?

you just wanted the person who was your biggest suspect gone.
Yeah, of course I wanted my biggest suspect gone, that's why that person is my suspect :/

may said:
Btw. This post. Does it really sound like a townie talking?

I've been owned by everyone? I bombed this game? Everyone can laugh at me? cus he's scum and we discovered it asap.
Okay, this one I have to agree with (urg), it doesn't look really townie to me.

THAT'S THE WHOLE SHE-BANG, CLOWN. Now, to get to your comments and explain myself afterwards on unclear stuffs.

This is gonna be fun, swords first as he had the first day comment:
Swords said:
Can we lynch Xonar? He lynched Mcmaymays. We didn't want that. He lynched Mcmaymays. Mcmaymays wasn't scummy IMO. Can we lynch Xonar?

The two people at the moment I find the scummiest are SSBF and Xonar.

But as I said day 1, we might as well go through the entire day... therefore having more time to get someone to accidentally slip.

But, then again, it's the King's choice
Nice reasons bro.

clown said:
The whole shebang, Xonar.

I know Guus decides the lynch but you're gonna have to do a lot before I myself am convinced that you're town.
Nice reasons bro.

SSBF said:
@Xonar: Seriously, you defended me throughout most of Day 1, now you're suggesting that I get lynched? What about soaring-raptor-blast? He hasn't really said much throughout the entire game. Given that you're responsible for lynching a townie (abide accidently or not), you have to play extra well to gain our respect back.

And before anyone here say "So should you.", I know, I know.

FoS: Xonar
First question:
I said THISSSSSSS 'but that would be recommending lynching a townie.' So it's just pushing false suspicion
SRB should be lynched.

I know I'm responsible for lynching a Townie, sucks man, but most D1's have a townie lynch. Would I have been criticised for a 'bad' scum radar if I lynched SSBF? No, but in that case I would've 'just lynched a townie'.
Seriously, just think about this from a scum perspective. The scum's objective? Gain the same amount of numbers as town. How do you do this? Kill townies. If I was scum, I would've probably just lynched SSBF to get rid of a townie and be 1 step closer to winning. Why would I lynch McMaymays and get ALL attention on me if it breaks down to the same point? At this point, you can argue that I wanted to get rid of someone who was suspicious of me, but a scum is really careful and thinks everything through, wouldn't you think that I, as an experienced mafia player, would've anticipated all this bad attention? I basicly traded McMay's bad attention for ALL OF TOWN'S bad attention. Such a flawed tactic for scum. Btw, I've been scum in at least 50% of my games, so I do have alotta experience as scum :/
^major argument there.

swords said:
It make sense. TPK had no connections. He didn't contribute. He barely posted. He perfect nightkill 4 scum. BTW, I away you lynch mcmaymays. Have no time say no.

@ssbf true. He contradict himself. He post you town. Now he think you're scum. We want you lynched too. He now okay lynching you.

@guus can we lynch xonar yet? can we lynch xonar yet? I give you cookie!
You have a point on TPK, guess that one won't work for me x.x

The contradiction is null, void, nonexisting. That's all.

clown said:
What the ****, guys.

Xonar still thinks SSBF is town.
+town points for mr clownbot

whoa waldo was mcmaymays!?!?! I thought xonar lynched ssbf >__>

a name next to the dead muppet woulda been nice....

so yeah. xonar is obv. scum. so is ssbf. I'm fine with lynching either.

and all hail the new lovely queen. her majesty will hopefully be a more democratic ruler then evil king xonar.
So, anyone besides Clownbot saw this and got a chill down his neck due to bad vibes? I know I did. This is a HARD parrot. Really, really, really hard. And then diminishing it to a SOFT stance by saying he's fine with either.

guus said:
Xonar, how can you be so convinced that he is a townie? Are you buddying him or genuinely convinced of it (don't answer this, the answer will be obvious dur).
Guus, I am genuinely convinced he is. Although, with his D2 play it just looks like he's buddying the king by finding me suspicious, so I'm neutral leaning to town on him right now. I would not like him to be lynched, but it's not as bad as yesterday.

Blue yoshi's post is just idiotic lol.

raptorz said:
the flavor just said "waldo" was lynched... idfk that was mcmaymays. I was heartbroken when I seen ssbf still posting (no offense).

@blue yoshi: you said mcmaymays was semi confirmed. how so? I was pretty sure they were town but they weren't semi confirmed.

@xonar: all your posts scream lazy ***/ scum. plus your selfish choice of the lynch wasn't very pro-town. I don't like you


@blue yoshi again: I dont like how you say mcmaymays was confirmed town. you keep saying these things that only scum would know and i'm starting to suspect they might be actual slips...

my top suspects in order:

other SRB

im sure if we eventually lynch those three we will win.
Like last post, this strikes me wrong.

So, that's that. Now, to clear up some suspicion:
-You were inactive D1!!!!!!!
Guilty as charged. Let me explain.
I was the king, I was gonna get someone lynched. Now, for this argument I assume that a townie acts like a townie without any guidance, and I bet everyone can agree on this one. So, I was the one who was going to decide the lynch, that mean that MY reads are most important aren't they? That would mean that scum is easily swayed by my vision on the game. If I think a townie would do A instead of B, scum would pretty instantly do A instead of B, right? That's why I never posted my suspicions or any cases, I rather just use my 'list' of scumtells and NOT call anyone out on it UNTIL IT IS NEEDED. I bet everyone can follow this train of thought, let me give examples:
Example A​
I think that saying the word 'pinkies' is scummy
Swords says 'I LOVE PINKIES'
I call swords out on it saying 'FoS: Swords, Saying pinkies is scummy!'

In this case, nobody will say pinkies anymore as it is scummy and might get them lynched. (this is the proper play btw, you should try your best to not get lynched). The problem here is obvious, I have no ammo any more. If pinkies is scummy, a scum would say it, a townie wouldn't, we just confirmed that. Additionally, if I make a case against Swords, it's less strong as it has 1 less argument, as recalling is less powerful.

Example B​
I think that saying the word 'pinkies' is scummy
Swords says 'I LOVE PINK'
I write it down for when it's needed (in this case, at the lynch) and use it to reinforce my case. Additionally, people who are scum will keep saying it without knowing I think it's scummy, thus allowing more scumtells!
Swords says 'I LOVE PINKIES'
I write it down for when it's needed...
'I agree, pinkies are cute' says SSBF afterwards

Right now, I got 2 scumtells. That's profit, right? This is the reason why I was inactive D1, it was to save up for scumtells and use them when it counted.

Also, on scumtells, McMaymays defense never justified the fishing for king and overall doing nothing, and I knew that is impossible as it was already done, thus I lynched himher immediatly.

-You lynched someone who was town!!!
Get at my scum radar, my reasons are clear, and I haven't seen anyone dissect my reasons yet, besides the pathetic attempt my the lynched one himself.

-You didn't lynch the one who town agreed with!!!!
This one just annoys me.
Why would I lynch the one who town agrees with if I think he's town? Seriously, that's just an idiotic thing to begin with. It's not a scum tell in any way possible... at all. I can see how you guys think SSBF is scummy, yeah, that's true for sure, but I honestly think you're looking at it from a different perspective as me, that's why.

I'll just quote an earlier part of my post to finish this argument:
me said:
Seriously, just think about this from a scum perspective. The scum's objective? Gain the same amount of numbers as town. How do you do this? Kill townies. If I was scum, I would've probably just lynched SSBF to get rid of a townie and be 1 step closer to winning. Why would I lynch McMaymays and get ALL attention on me if it breaks down to the same point? At this point, you can argue that I wanted to get rid of someone who was suspicious of me, but a scum is really careful and thinks everything through, wouldn't you think that I, as an experienced mafia player, would've anticipated all this bad attention? I basicly traded McMay's bad attention for ALL OF TOWN'S bad attention. Such a flawed tactic for scum. Btw, I've been scum in at least 50% of my games, so I do have alotta experience as scum :/

To finish, I promise more frequent posts today, I just wanted this cleared and I honestly haven't had ANY time at all this week (life been wrecking me) and last big post cost me 6 hours to put up. My reasons to be inactive/silent has vanished, thus I can post normally. I will bring forth suspicions and state right now that I don't want to be king tomorrow as I will be pointing fingers today enough to have scum be able to play a pretty evasive game making reads for me harder. With that, without going ahead too much, I advise people to vote for Clownbot. I honestly have a pretty tranquil town feel from him right now, I feel really comfortable with his posts.

Guus, my top 3 lynch candidates right now would be Raptor because of his vibes, Swords because of his (lack of) use and I'm still not to sure about Blue_Yoshi, but I'm neutral with him.
So, Vote: SRB (any of the two, really)

I hope you enjoyed reading this wall of text, as I certainly did NOT enjoy writing it.
I advise Guus to play similar to me yesterday so that scum won't get an idea of what's going on in his mind (seriously, this guy posted nothing yesterday)

If you have any other argument of why I would be scum, bring it.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
You would have gained more town points in my books for this long post if all your resposes to the posts were actually useful... but instead you disregarded everyone's accusations on you and responded to them with Cool Story Bro (or some variation/sentence basically meaning the same thing, with the odd exception or two).

Another thing that really bugs me about this post is how you finally answer all of McMaymays's posts well after they were lynched, when they can't respond to the post (most with a Cool Story Bro response or similar, or reasons why you still think they are scum).

One other thing that bugged me about this post is that when you responded to everyone's posts in a way that makes them seem scummy... most reasons seeming to be pointless.

One question I have for you Xonar, which you should be able to answer, is why do you think SSBF is town? Obviously you're almost convinced he is... so, why is that?

At the current moment, I'm still fine with a Xonar lynch.

If you said saying Pinkies is scummy, I would be the first person to say Pinkies (actually, I'd say it every post lol). Actually, that said, just for the lols:

I like Pinkies :)

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I said 'Nice reasons bro' because you guys GAVE NO REASONS.
Gooooooooooood, I though the idiocricy would be over by now.

The second paragraph just makes me facepalm soooooooo haaaaard

The third you would have to point out

Why I think SSBF is town? He's been stimulating discussion from the start, he has been active and I haven't seen a single scumslip from him, he stayed consistent under hard pressure even though he's nooby. That's why.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
@Blue Yoshi: That is an good idea, but seriously, why did you vote for yourself? That does not make any sense whatsoever and all it'll do is cause susipicion on you. Especially not do it when there is no evidence yet. In case you haven't understand yet, you're not suppose to vote for yourself. It goes in the vote counts. Until you vote yourself off..

Vote: Blue Yoshi

Stop fooling around and start playing. Right now, you're looking like the dumbest player.

Can I get an bandwagon to convince him to unvote himself?

However, we are not here to vote off lazy townies, we are trying to scum hunt.
Xonar think this isn't scummy?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
The thing is that he contradicts himself in the same post, making me think it's nooby more than scummy.
Compare the bolded to the sentence below it.

Yo Moma So Old
she left her purse on Noah's Ark.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Alright, I think I agree with Xonar. I shouldn't post too much, as I don't want to have scum know what to watch out for. I'll just let it influence my lynch.

My top 3 for today is Xonar, SSBF and Blue Yoshi.

I still remember finding Blue Yoshi suspicious yesterday and it hasn't really changed much. You were looking for people without a post restriction, saying you were mafia fishing, though it was obviously not related, since mafia could just have a post restriction as well (REMEMBER THE ROLES ARE DRAWN OUT OF A HAT).

I'm glad Kermit didn't get lynched or killed.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Guus, were you satisfied with my defense? Yes or no, plz.

Yo mama's so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone!


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Bravo, Xonar.

That post looks to have taken genuine effort and it doesn't take a genius to tell it. I might reread later to see who else I got bad vibes from because I definitely don't think you're the lynch for toDay at this point.

Deleted member

That's an fantastic post from Xonar there. You're way down on my scum list.

Deleted member

Xonar has gone down on my scum list, but I will keep my vote on him just in case he acts scummy again. Still find him scummy despite his excellent massive post.

However, we need to look at soaring-raptor-blast more. Now he isn't the worst player of the bunch, but I have noticed him being fairly scummy lately. I'll explain:

1. He's basically voting for people just because other people did so. Now he has made some good points, but for the most part, he's just been following the bandwagons, not really providing much to say, which is especially prevailent in earlier posts.

2. Wanting attention. There was one post where he said that he wanted attention. Seriously, trying to get attention is not always a good thing and especially dangerous in Mafia game, where it usually means people think you could be scum. Better to make good posts and be ignored then ask for attention and then not impress people around you.

3. He's been almost useless in Day 2. He was doing okay in Day 1, but not really too good, so I considered him neutral. However, he's gone downhill on Day 2 because none of his post really say anything that contributes to the discussion much. I'd also like to add that he was skimming at the very beginning of Day 2 when he thought Xonar lynched me, when he actually lynched McMaymays.

I may decide to vote soaring-raptor-blast for lynch later, but not right now. But it is very well a possibility.

These are my three candidates for lynch:

1st: Xonar
2nd: soaring-raptor-blast
3rd: Blue Yoshi

Xonar: Even thought Xonar's big post was indeed epic, all it did was bring down his scumminess, not give him an town read from me. Not to mention he did do an obvious form of betrayal after defending me through Day 1, at the very beginning of Day 2, he decided that I should be lynched. Lynching him would still be fine with me.

soaring-raptor-blast: Reasons above. We need to look into him a lot more then we already had.

Blue Yoshi: So far, he's doing good in Day 2, but I did not like his performance in Day 1, where I considered him most scummy. He's mostly neutral, but given that he was my top suspect on Day 1, he does lean towards the scummy side.

@soaring-raptor-blast: I want you to successfully challenge my three reasons for me saying you could be scum.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I'll say this for the millionth time:

Just because someone has a posting restriction doesn't mean they have a power ranking. they may be just a simple vanilla townie...

and SSBF, the two things I can see that you may use to consider me scummy are my self-vote at the start, and my attempt at finding out who does not have a posting restriction. The self-vote... well, I do it every game, so that should not be a scumtell in any way. However, there was a mis-understanding with the Posting Restriction part of the day, which I can see why you could use that against me, but... well, the self-vote is not a scumtell at all. Actually, off-topic, but on-topic, I really want to give myself an infraction for anything just for the fun of it (or even a warning), but I can't :(

My pinky hurts from typing...

Deleted member

@Blue Yoshi: I don't want to argue with you anymore. We've wasted enough time doing that. I still don't like you saying "Just because someone has an posting restriction doesn't mean they have power roles", but I'm not feeling like getting into an big arguement. Day 1 was enough.

Now I want soaring-raptor-blast to actually respond to these three reasons why I consider him scummy.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Xonar has gone down on my scum list, but I will keep my vote on him just in case he acts scummy again. Still find him scummy despite his excellent massive post.
What the hell is this, I don't even-
"I'll keep my vote on him just in case he acts scummy again". Any reason why you would not take it off and vote later, if you do find him scummy. This just seems like you're going with what seems/seemed to be the play of the day.
However, we need to look at soaring-raptor-blast more. Now he isn't the worst player of the bunch, but I have noticed him being fairly scummy lately. I'll explain:

1. He's basically voting for people just because other people did so. Now he has made some good points, but for the most part, he's just been following the bandwagons, not really providing much to say, which is especially prevailent in earlier posts.
Eh, so far, there's been one real bandwagon (you) and Xonar. Now you didn't join in on Xonar bandwagon, but FoS'd him. To me it's about equal to a vote, except that you don't want to commit to it, or you have a vote on someone you find more suspicious (you didn't have a vote before, you do the math)

2. Wanting attention. There was one post where he said that he wanted attention. Seriously, trying to get attention is not always a good thing and especially dangerous in Mafia game, where it usually means people think you could be scum. Better to make good posts and be ignored then ask for attention and then not impress people around you.
Scum generally doesn't like attention being drawn to them.
3. He's been almost useless in Day 2. He was doing okay in Day 1, but not really too good, so I considered him neutral. However, he's gone downhill on Day 2 because none of his post really say anything that contributes to the discussion much. I'd also like to add that he was skimming at the very beginning of Day 2 when he thought Xonar lynched me, when he actually lynched McMaymays.
Fair enough, I agree with this. SRB made one attempt-post at joining the discussion and voted on the bandwagon, then repeated his/her(?) argument on Blue Yoshi twice in that post.
I may decide to vote soaring-raptor-blast for lynch later, but not right now. But it is very well a possibility.

These are my three candidates for lynch:

1st: Xonar
2nd: soaring-raptor-blast
3rd: Blue Yoshi

Xonar: Even thought Xonar's big post was indeed epic, all it did was bring down his scumminess, not give him an town read from me. Not to mention he did do an obvious form of betrayal after defending me through Day 1, at the very beginning of Day 2, he decided that I should be lynched. Lynching him would still be fine with me.

soaring-raptor-blast: Reasons above. We need to look into him a lot more then we already had.

Blue Yoshi: So far, he's doing good in Day 2, but I did not like his performance in Day 1, where I considered him most scummy. He's mostly neutral, but given that he was my top suspect on Day 1, he does lean towards the scummy side.

@soaring-raptor-blast: I want you to successfully challenge my three reasons for me saying you could be scum.
Fair reasons, but why would you not want to commit to a vote, which you can unvote later anyhow?
Also, requesting a votecount if you will :)

-Your beautiful quing, Guus.
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