Lets review our list again.
- Lucario doesn't have seniority or popularity like the first gen pokemon have.
- Has bland elemental attacks, even though Pokemon has many exciting ones.
- People want him because he looks like Fox/Sheik.
- Sakurai has been making this game long before Pokemon P+D was released.
- The only reason people first suggested him was because of a movie.
- Even today, thousands of smash bros fans do not know who he is.
and now....
- He probably wouldn't have a good storyline and character developement for Adventure Mode.
- We can't forget my favorite reason though! He looks ridiculous! Seriously people... HE HAS A SPIKE STICKING OUT OF HIS CHEST! And that wig? Psh, terrible! What's his Final going to be? Hug of death? Smelly wig hair?
Ugh, this guy is getting worse and worse by the day.....
1- Sheer popularity and seniority, no. Current, running hype and existing fans that actually still talk about him? Check. Also, as everyone seems to repeatedly forget to reply to: you've got 3 recognizable Pokemon from the series biggest, most succesful 'fad' period in Smash already. If you want to say that non-Pokefans and previous poke-fans need a pokemon they'll recognize RIGHT off the bat to be happy: Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Pikachu. It's just freaking greedy to demand another just so people who don't even care about pokemon can giggle about yet another throwback.
2- You're dismissing the possibility that Sakurai could interpret these 'hadou' moves in new and interesting graphical fashions. Like I also keep saying: having characters that 'appear' to use different elements is nice, but it's not going to trump playability and popularity.
...What? Who said that? Who said that ANYWHERE? The closest comments made to this affect have been that his similarities (which are MINOR,) are not a big deal. And the only similarities we're talking about here are being canid-esque, being four feet tall, and walking on two legs. Fox and Lucario are about as alike as Ike and Link. Obviously, Ike and Link are already in Brawl together, so I think being
the same height and similar species isn't that big of a deal to Sakurai.
4- If you honestly think Sakurai couldn't have just asked Satoshi about who the new freaking pokemon are so he could think about putting one in the game...you're absolutely nuts. No, seriously: the two would already be working together anyway, because Sakurai talks with EVERYONE when he makes a Smash game. It's one of the skills Miyamoto said he picked him for: networking. If Satoshi and Nintendo's Japanese marketing department go, "Hey, there's this new pokemon we're going to market pretty heavily, give him his own movie, and make him special in the game, think he's Brawl material?" Sakurai wouldn't
know about this stuff?
5- I've said it in EVERY FREAKING POST SO FAR: I was well aware of him MONTHS before the movie, and I'm sure a number of people were too. He was one of the pokemon announced before the game even came out. Let ALONE the fact that he is of some importance in DP.
6- Just enough Pokemon-fans/Smash-fans to vote him to the top of our own local poll by a high margin, right? And if, god forbid, they had to learn about him from other people on these forums and not some preternatural psychic skills, most of them voted for him anyway because they liked him -after- they found out about him. Who says being able to recognize something is the same as actually liking it or enjoying it, anyway? I'm pretty sure "Oh, I don't know who that is, but he/she/it is kinda cool!" is a few steps better than, "Oh, it's X. Cool. So, who's next?"
7- And you know this how? I'm pretty sure Pikachu's storyline won't be involving Ash (I should hope not, anyway.) Why would Lucario's involve his movie, anyway? Pikachu and Lucario's would probably revolve around the same thing that all Pokemon hinge on: loyalty. Protection. Both Lucario and Pikachu would probably both be focused on protecting their new friends and saving whatever world. If anything, Lucario would actually probably be a good deal more focused and heroic about 'having something to protect,' and if you've even a smidgeon of knowledge about Japan you can't honestly say that they wouldn't eat that **** right up.
8- You don't like the way he looks. Great reason why he shouldn't be in Brawl: your opinion. I'll phone Sakurai right now!
Honestly, all 20 whatever effing pages of this thread amount to the same thing: you don't like him, so you're coming up with crap reasons why he shouldn't be in. You're so blind in this we could literally spend all day finding links of merchandising and events where Lucario shows up for the kids, links to numbers of sale, copies moved, relative exposure, and it would come back in our face with the same **** rhetoric.
And you think you're managing some kind of successful debate by saying "I don't like him and my friends don't know who he is?"