No thoughts on the above post, don't know enough to say anything.
Unfortunately, you can't really use Zant's personality and fighting style to justify much, because of the obvious connection between Wind Waker Ganondorf and himself. I'm not sure you can really say that the twili were formed before OoT without siting an example of a twili reference, either a fused shadow or twilight mirror, from an OoT timeline game. This is not to say such relics don't exist, but they are important to any theory that predates OoT.
However, while I concede that the Twili may very well predate OoT even in spite of a lack of evidence, Zant and Midna are both Gerudo. They both have the tall and lanky build, Zant has his Gerudo symbol, Midna has the Gerudo red eyes, and both are quite adept magicians (though possibly for other reasons). If Ganondorf was banished to the twilight realm, why not the rest of the tribe?
Did you not read what I wrote?
The Gerudo have reddish eyes, but what race is the most popular for the red eyes, and furthermore represent themselves with a
symbol that depicts a red eye? Oh, it can't be the Sheikah, OBVIOUSLY.
I can understand why you assume Zant and Midna (and subsequently, the Twili entirely) to be of Gerudo descent, but base it on their hair color (well, Midna's), not the fact that a symbol that
somewhat represents the Gerudo symbol appears on Zan't coat, when conversely, the Sheikah symbol appears on things of much more importance -- try, like I said,
TWILIGHT PALACE THRONE. Really now, does apparel have that much more of an impact than those two obviously powerful objects?
Remember, both
Veran and
Onox sport the symbol too. Now,
Veran represents the Twili very well in her human form, and while she sports the Gerudo symbol (and also an altered version of the Sheikah symbol), her
true form is an evil fairy, so Veran is actually of the Fairy species.
Onox is quite possibly another male Gerudo born 100 or so years after Ganondorf was born (approximately 30-40 years before OoT).
But why in the world are you still standing by the theory that Zant and WW Ganondorf have any relation whatsoever, or worse, that they are the same? By claiming this, you are proposing that the Dark Interlopers were banished
before Ocarina of Time, so that they would equally develop in both timelines. However, you
opposed this claim of mine in your post with:
"I'm not sure you can really say that the twili were formed before OoT without siting an example of a twili reference, either a fused shadow or twilight mirror, from an OoT timeline game. This is not to say such relics don't exist, but they are important to any theory that predates OoT."
I'll give you a great example. You know the Mirror of Twilight? Well, it's in the "Arbiter's Grounds", that are obviously the transformed Spirit Temple due to the fact that both house a statue of the Goddess of Sand, the affinity with coiled snakes, and the biggest one of all -- wait for it --
THE MIRROR OF TWILIGHT. Remember the large, round mirror in the Spirit Temple that gave Link access to the boss room? There's a good chance that it's the Mirror of Twilight. Now, this can't be proven, but I've proposed one of your "relics", and you've yet to do
anything to debunk my theories.
Oh, and the
Dark Mirror from FSA shares far too many similarities to the Mirror of Twilight, given that both sealed away a "dark tribe" from ages past, and are now located remotely in a forest (FSA) and a desert (TP) away from all civilization.
Nice chatting!