Actually, this comment is racist.
How is the belief that any rap song automatically implies a theme of "pimpin" have anything to do with race?
Fortunately for you, to call you out on which race you associate "pimpin" with would be the most racist of all, as it assumes that "pimpin" is assigned to a particular race, and then naming the race that "pimpin" is assigned to according to one's own beliefs about that particular race.
The term 'pimpin' was coined by black people, is used by black people (mostly),and is often associated with black people. Simply because I can point that out doesn't mean that it reflects how I feel about that race. By using the term "pimpin" he automatically associated rap with black people, which is racist.
In my post, instead of pointlessly pressing to find out what he meant by "pimpin" I just jumped right to the conclusion that we already know: the guy obviously associates rap with black people. You're confused because I didn't take the route of asking "Well what do you mean when you say "pimpin"? But doing that would've been a waste of time because we would've ended up right where we are now. But besides that anyway, because of his last post it's clear that he just misunderstood the songs anyway, so this entire racism thing came about from a misunderstanding anyway. I'll comment on that next.
Actually, the song mentioned the word 'pimpin' several times. The song also says that link puts his faith in his money, which you only needed to do in the original Zelda games, while the song in the background for this song is Saria's song -- one from OoT. The only time you actually needed money in that game was to buy the Kokiri shield at the beginning.
So yes, the song was pretty much terrible at being anything remotely Zelda-related.
See, the thing is, the guy did not MAKE this lyrics of this song. The arrangement of this song is an a-capella version of an existing song, put to the beat of a remixed Zelda song. THE SONG IS NOT MEANT TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ZELDA, it just so happens the the song whoever made these used happened to be one in which the rapper talks about himself. Also, to prove my point even more, there's more than one song, there's a WHOLE CD, one of them uses a song from Jay-Z, Snoop Dog, and Dr. Dre. Now why would any of those rappers want to make a song to talk about Zelda? Once again, it's simply an a-capella version of old song put to a Zelda beat, that's all. If you want to hear the other songs, just hit the forward button. You misunderstood the intent of the songs, you thought that the first song was one made to talk about the Zelda series, but now that we know that's not true lets get over it and appreciate the sheer concept.