Yeah. It is so difficult to get to Dark Link with the three lives you are given. By the time I got to him, I didn't screw around. I went right into the corner and stabbed the hell out of his knees.Zelda 2 can be got as a GBA game, or with the collector's disk. It's super hard though, but very memorable. It puts the Water Temple in OoT to shame.
Speaking of the Water Temple, I actually had little trouble with it. I guess I just got lucky (I didn't use a guide or anything), because when I looked back I saw that if I hadn't stumbled upon this one key hidden away I would have had a difficult time having to run all the way back to get it. I actually beat the boss without getting hit too often (no times that I can remember, but maybe once or twice). However, Dark Link drove me insane. Everything I did he'd just do better. And then a friend suggested the hammer. "How's that going to work? He does everything faster than me, and that hammer is so slow!" Well, I tried it and it worked. After that the temple was fairly easy.
Dark Link in AoL though....hehe. Just sit in the corner and duck if you're trying to simply beat the game. If you manage to get to him with enough life and feel up to the challenge, feel free to not do that, but you may get extremely frustrated.
The boss right before that, Thunderbird, is a total joke though once you know the secret.