Is it bad fast fall short hop fair? Everytime I do it, the landing lag is a lot, but if I dont fast fall theres almost no lag but i take longer to get back to ground.
How should I time my attacks? When should I NOT fast fall to avoid landing lag? How should I optimally use Fair to keep opponents out?
Different ways/situations to use sh fair...
1. Sh Fair, keep forward momentum and land behind them.
2. Sh fair without moving forward or backward, just attacking in place.
3. Sh fair moving forward and then pulling back.
4. Sh jump back, retreating fair.
The first 4 can be done with a fastfall and no endlag, but to achieve no endlag you must wait until the slash animation is almost completely finished.
Learning how long to wait before you fastfall is what separates scrub marths from good ones.
5. Short hop, hit fastfall and fair simultaneously.
6. Sh, fair, fastfall.
These are timing variations on fair. Let's say you want to do two consecutive fairs as fast as possible. You would want to do #5 followed by #1,2, or 3.
#5 is also the fastest way to do fair, dtilt - or fair, jab - or fair, anything (ect)
With #1-4, it's a good idea to be comfortable using different follow up options
(second jump,
fastfall into shield, attack, or grab,
side b or up b before landing, ect...)
You have to spend time in practice mode being creative and trying as many things you haven't tried as possible. Creativity and effective planning are key.