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The MAGFest Results Thread, (Smash 64, Melee, Brawl)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2006
Blacksburg, VA
Korn's in college... :p

(Not related to that ^)You're calling him immature...? GTFO new***. :laugh:



Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
well i do live like 500 miles away from you, and i doubt you would make an appearance where i live so i guess that makes us even.

how old are you anyway? probobly not old enough to have a kid... Certainly don't act very mature.

btw, how am i a scrub? So got 9th in an unpaid tourney, i'm sure you would do worse than 9th if you didn't counter pick high tier every round, and you would certainly get destroyed if you used any character in sonic's tier. and how do u know anything about me? oh yeah, u don't... again we are even. Oh wait, no we aren't because your a f4ggit and im not.

yo seriously i could destroy you with c falcon in brawl and pichu in melee


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
btw, how am i a scrub? So got 9th in an unpaid tourney, i'm sure you would do worse than 9th if you didn't counter pick high tier every round, and you would certainly get destroyed if you used any character in sonic's tier. and how do u know anything about me? oh yeah, u don't... again we are even. Oh wait, no we aren't because your a f4ggit and im not.
That's dumb. Of course he would do worse if he played as a character he didn't normally play as. So you played sonic? You would have done worse if you picked, say, marth, or dedede. Why? Because you don't practice with them. Not to mention, when you're trying to win, there's no such thing as 'cheapness'. Johns like "if you you hadn't..." are johns. Did he win? Yes? That's like if I played you and used jiggs, lost and then switched to d3 and won twice. oh noes, i switched to high tier to win. You could have switched too. If you truly are more skilled at the game than him, if he loses the first one, then wins the second by switching, you should be able to counter pick him in the third match and win with a high tier. In the end, he placed first in everything. You didn't. Congrats.

Btw, you lost the internet argument. You know why? The person who gets angry is the loser, and the person who's happy and doesn't care is the winner. You're pissed off, and Korn is happy about it. You're only going to get more ticked off if you keep arguing.

yo seriously i could destroy you with c falcon in brawl and pichu in melee
pichu ditto $1 mm

or better yet, 26 charcter ditto, $1 each.


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
That's dumb. Of course he would do worse if he played as a character he didn't normally play as. So you played sonic? You would have done worse if you picked, say, marth, or dedede. Why? Because you don't practice with them. Not to mention, when you're trying to win, there's no such thing as 'cheapness'. Johns like "if you you hadn't..." are johns. Did he win? Yes? That's like if I played you and used jiggs, lost and then switched to d3 and won twice. oh noes, i switched to high tier to win. You could have switched too. If you truly are more skilled at the game than him, if he loses the first one, then wins the second by switching, you should be able to counter pick him in the third match and win with a high tier. In the end, he placed first in everything. You didn't. Congrats.
lol then R4ZE would say " yeah man i get 9th in non paid tourney, and i just played for fun also i don't use high tier"

..sigh that kid johns a lot, but he travel all the way from Florida to non-paid tourney and got 9th!!! that's hilarious. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
don't put words in my mouth.

I never claimed to be good at brawl and i wouldnt say any of the bs you just posted korn.

None of you have ever played me except korn, which was once, in a casual, which i did not john after being defeated. I don't ****ing john, but fact is sonic usually places lower than mk in tourneys. I'm not saying anything about either of our skill levels, im just saying that sonic is a harder character to place highly with and i don't think korn is justified in bagging on my tournament ranking, because he has no idea what playing sonic in a tournament is like.

who told you i went to magfest to play brawl? i went to see metroid metal live and hangout with some friends of mine in the vg music community. Brawl is a fun game and all, but it is pretty broken and causes a lot of drama because morons are cocky about it when they win.

and i didn't say **** man, but the fact remains korn, ur being a total ******* for almost no reason, and your baggin on my skill FOR NO REASON

4v1 bandwagon anyone? your right korn, no 1 is meat riding you at all! xD

and btw, im just as upset as korn is, just becuzz he puts :D :D :D :D all over his post doesent mean he is happy. it just means he orgasms whenever he writes a coherent sentence that attempts to put other people below him in the social ladder in a society full of idiots that think they are better than everyone based on their tournament rankings in a broken fighting game that they spend way too much time and money on, which is why they don't have jobs or rides, and they have to challenge everyone to money matches because that is the only way they can get a few bucks.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
nope, i don't understand the face of a homo

more false accusations. you win in the world of mindless spam.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2006
Blacksburg, VA
Dear R4ZE,

You keep saying that you've never claimed to be any good, yet you still defend yourself when it comes to people telling you that you're bad at Brawl? Your strong language is a pretty good indicator that you're trying to express strong feelings. It's obvious that you're upset. It's not obvious that Korn is. Supercilious arguments won't help. You lose this flame war. No johns.

Also, I've definitely played against your Sonic. You had an annoyed look on your face after I beat you with my Snake. I recall you saying something about tiers and brokenness.

Who said Brawl is the only game they play? Who said they spend all of their time and money on it? People have lives. No one's saying that you don't. I don't understand why you're pulling out that insult when you haven't been hit by it first. No, them saying that you came to MAGFest and lost isn't the same thing.

[sarcasm]It's completely obvious that everyone in the Smash community has to play money matches for their livelyhood. They don't do anything but play Smash, right?[/sarcasm]

You say that we're meatriding, but we're really not. We're only collectively agreeing that you're making a fool of yourself.

And yes, I am annoyed than an ignorant and annoying person like you has intruded into one of my experiences. No one's putting me on trial for raging.

Get out of here and go back to All is Brawl or the Smash World Brawl Section. Casual***s you can only think to rage when you read anything from Melee players. To say it in an overused way: you don't even know what you're talking about.

You're either the most epic troll to ever be conceived, or you're the cancer that is killing everything, not just internet. I'll pay for the chemotherapy. Just have it done so that we can go back to discussing how much fun we had at MAGFest instead of having to deal with your mindless blather.



Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
Ouch. I'm sorry r4ze, I don't have anything against you, and actually I didn't say anything to you personally until you told me I had made the douchiest post of all time. I'm sorry that I'm not exactly defending you.

What made me jump on you with the tier post was not the fact that you were arguing with Korn, though Korn is my friend. I actually think Korn is being a ****.


However, you said he only won by counterpicking high tiers. I can understand saying that you like sonic more. That's fine, boss plays low tier characters also. However he doesn't complain about people using high tier characters, and furthermore, he places highly in paid tournaments. If you lose to someone playing an upper tier character, you need to not complain that they won because of it. You chose to play sonic, knowing fully well that other people have the right to play upper tiers. If you get 9th, you don't say "Yeah, but I was using Sonic, so it was harder". No one cares. You placed what you placed in a non paid tourney.

It's like a halo game I played a while ago. One of the guys chose to use a magnum the whole game over a BR, and his team lost 50 to 30. I asked him after the game why he handicapped himself. He said because we sucked so much and would've gotten ***** if he used a BR. End result? He got *****. Because he handicapped himself. No one gives a **** that he handicapped himself, instead he just looked like he sucked.

Anyways, I jumped in because you called him a ***got, going out of your way to uncensor it, and that really ticked me off. Because people calling other people ***gots, homos, etc, which seems to be your trademark insult, is what I hear from boring *******s on xboxlive and the internet who can't actually talk trash, and in lieu of a better insult, start spewing these as well as profanities about screwing the other guys mom. It's unoriginal, and just makes you sound dumb.

R4ZE said:
and btw, im just as upset as korn is, just becuzz he puts :D :D :D :D all over his post doesent mean he is happy. it just means he orgasms whenever he writes a coherent sentence that attempts to put other people below him in the social ladder in a society full of idiots that think they are better than everyone based on their tournament rankings in a broken fighting game that they spend way too much time and money on, which is why they don't have jobs or rides, and they have to challenge everyone to money matches because that is the only way they can get a few bucks
He doesn't care. I know this because I talk to him. and korn is never upset when it comes to smash.
that's interesting, we don't have jobs or rides because we play smash. So you're saying all the high school students and college students should have cars, even the ones who are not old enough to drive, and all of them should have a job in addition to school work. Even assuming all of us were out of college or whatever, there's no way anyone could pay for even meals, let alone a place to live with only smash money, considering most people LOSE money on smash. Even m2k could not live entirely on smash. But I guess every smasher can beat every other smasher, and we all live with our parents. Except you. You are the unique special person who doesn't waste his life and money on video games. Despite the fact that you traveled 500 miles to..listen to video game music. This strikes me as ironic.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
korn all you have done throughout the entirety of this thread is make an enemy with sum1 u berely know, and continuously call me a scrub, a john, and a bad sonic. Prove one of those true please.

@bandwagon- if korn can spam me with nonsense and bad names, then i can do the same to him.

for the record, the only time i ever mentioned anything about tiers on the board, was in response to when korn said that i placed badly in the unpaid tournament. The statement i made was used to challange korn to place top-ten in an all-tier tournament with a low tier character.


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
for the record.. lol that day i **** you with marth one match.. and after that your face looks mad so then i left.. because i got bored
even i keep playing you the results would be the same over and over again, it's boring for me

i wish i could brawl with you again dude, so i could use "low tier" like you always keep johning+mentions. then i could **** you with my "non-high/cheap tier" characters.. :laugh:
so then you could shut up about im playing mk ( yeah i told you million times, i play like 10 characters.... l o l jeez)

You are the unique special person who doesn't waste his life and money on video games. Despite the fact that you traveled 500 miles to..listen to video game music. This strikes me as ironic.
this quote still hilarious :laugh:


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
korn i played you one match in my entire life, and you were mk. I didn't say anything. and didn't give you a look. i got up and let other people play.


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
korn i played you one match in my entire life, and you were mk. I didn't say anything. and didn't give you a look. i got up and let other people play.
now you starting to lies, way to go scrub.... :laugh:

i was marth when i play you, im not playing mk vs sonic.. wtf lol

lol there is no such thing as tiers.......... you use who you use and u better be prepared.....anyone can use anyone and still be amazing...so wtf...
R4ZE, this quote is for you.. im done talking with a liar. D:

i hope you get better in smash, and wash your face before you messing with me next time lol jack azz


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Don't do that to yourself dude just play BRAWL and melee
I try, it's just very hard for me to accept that everyone's moving on to Brawl and forgetting Melee. Do you know how hard it is to find people willing to play Melee at smashfests or tournies these days? It's almost impossible because everyone's too busy playing Brawl in MD/VA. I should just move to Connecticut because everyone there is cool and plays Melee.

I'm also getting tired of this community cause of all the **** talking and backstabbing going on because of this godawful game. I've had it with ***s who main Metaknight and Luigi ***** to me about Diddy Kong requiring no skill. The hypocrisy is astounding. I've already quit competitive Brawl and will no longer be going to all Brawl tournaments, but now I'm seriously considering smash altogether because the state of my region just saddens me. I'm probably only going to play Melee friendlies with Mike because we still have tons of fun with this game, and maybe occasionally play some Brawl friendlies with some friends. I'll also show up to Melee tournies that are easy for me to get to. Other than that, you guys probably won't be seeing me too often.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
When is the last time you made a post that wasn't either super whiny or dedicated to meatriding Melee and crying about it being an inactive game? >_>;


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
When is the last time you weren't the most annoying poster on SWF >_>
Who cares? I'm really not, and you didn't answer my question.

If you have friendships in this community, you're obviously not going to quit, and quitting would be dumb.

Excessive Brawl hate is so silly. Without tripping, the game is pretty good and fun.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I was actually quoting Chillin, since I remember he said those exact words to you lol

I do have lots of friendships in the community, but a lot of the people I know become very different when they lose in this game and very unpleasant to be around. I'm sick of the johns, of the bull****, of the stupid rivalries this game starts.

I agree that Brawl is fun, it's just ridiculously stupid as a competitive game. I'm in agony more than I have fun when I'm in tournament because most of the people camp in this game to a point where I want to ALMOST camp them back. But I don't because I'm a decent person with morals (plus Diddy can't really camp lol).


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2004
I try, it's just very hard for me to accept that everyone's moving on to Brawl and forgetting Melee. Do you know how hard it is to find people willing to play Melee at smashfests or tournies these days? It's almost impossible because everyone's too busy playing Brawl in MD/VA. I should just move to Connecticut because everyone there is cool and plays Melee.
like I said, come to UMD often, you're in silver spring, and we've got a bunch of people who play melee (me, voodoo, aero, tin, rebel, chivalruse, and wife and slikvik+wife like to come over since they live 5 minutes away). Not to mention I think we're going to start doing small smashfests, in which case we can use an apartment. We would do both.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
lol thumbs pick up the sticks and play the game....the only reason your spazzing out is beacuase you simply dont have patience......besides...there is a way to deal with camping...if u out camp the camper he will have no choice but to retaliate and fight...unless he is an idiot and decides to keep camping then he will automatically lose.....its people like... YO...knacker...jcaesar...candy....forte......yea you dont notice but they ALL camp...its really funny cause you are getting nothing out of it but the same placings you've been getting....so wtf...lol
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