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The Lucas General Discussion

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
you heard correctly (was there) I played his Peach.....not good to go against the best Lucas with Lucas since he knows all his moves.....

Gah I did horrible in that tourny cuz I got put into the A tier pool for some reason. (No johns though I lost fair and square)

Meta Knight, Sonic, D3, Snake, Kirby (Chu best in the nation), Diddy, and me Lucas. The only one I did really bad against was Kirby. And I only won 1 match and it was against Meta Knight. Though I didn't get creamed. I got them down to 1 stock or 2 stock high health......I am gonna train with Olimonster to go with Lucas. Anyone Mid/Low tier I think I can win with Lucas but I need someone in the high tier to do better. (btw almost beat the Snake....yayz and Sonic was close too)

Pink was sweeping up in the tourny before I left. (or I think he was)


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2010
gj anyway jbandit

D3 is a good secondary for lucas along with most high tiers

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I tried D3 for a bit....we don't work well together. Olimar has been my secondary for a long time. I stopped using him for who knows why. I am doing well training with Olimonster :p I already learned how to cg alot of different ways.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
PF, spam isn't very good.

LOL dajayman, at least put something else in your post.

Chuee, if you don't like a public thread being public, go make something private.


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
I am a Pokemon MASTER! I been playing Heart Gold and Soul Silver. I'm also finally almost done with Final Fantasy 8 (I'll be so glad to be done with that PoS!)

I threw a Smashfest at my house this past Friday, in honour of my birthday, **** was so cash.

I spelled "honor" the British way, did you notice?

Lucas can beat MK, MK just has to approach. I think I should apply for the "pokemon researcher" title. Except for the fact that I won't share my strategies, should I discover anything awesome.

This post makes no sense and lack all coherency.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Lucas can beat MK, MK just has to approach. I think I should apply for the "pokemon researcher" title. Except for the fact that I won't share my strategies, should I discover anything awesome.
MK is beatable by Lucas. In my last tournament I almost won a set against a pretty good one. Though I only won a game, the matches were close like 1 life, high health.....it's kindof hard to get the final kill move with Lucas especially when trying to play defensive when you are at like 140%+

though maybe it's just me ;>_>

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Lucas AT guide/Basics/Pep talk?

Um guys I think these Lucas threads are missing something alot, if not all, the other threads have. ;>_>

We don't really have an in depth Lucas guide/ Advanced Techniques thread. I mean we got that one but it's kindof dead and is like over 1 year old.

If been noticing when I lurk on the other characters guides i see they have these long, detailed, and have pictures of moves in the thread. This helps me alot understanding the characters. All the threads have cool AT guides and how to play guides that actually really help. I read the Olimar thread yesterday and my game is already doing alot better. Diddy I now get how the bananas work and his major game. Fox and how decent of a character he is for Mid tiers. Wouldn't be cool if we had a guide like this as well?. Plus it would be kindof fun to make since it would be a compilement of what Lucas is.....right now he is rated 2nd to last in the tournament standings tier list....the only one he is beating is Jigglypuff. (though i think that list is a BBR fail and tier lists really have no standing on how a certain character is.)

An in depth guide would kindof help people see what Lucas can do...besides im kindof getting tired of getting trolled after saying i've mained Lucas for 2 years because they don't know anything about the character.

This is just a little thought that's been in my mind for a while. Plus isn't it getting just a little annoying to be describe as one of the weakest characters when 1 he's the MK of low tiers and 2 he can go toe-to-toe with alot of the mid tiers, cream most of the Low tiers, and have a fighting chance against some top tiers. People need to rep Lucas alot more though this is just imo.

A detailed guide on how to play Lucas would help our case alot by showing his arsenal off and maybe get some new people to play with Lucas. I remember when I first started off playing Lucas and he was tricky as ****. And we all know it takes time and determination to get good enough to have a fighting chance against those Top Tiers with him.

Basically in a nutshell is I think a new AT/Basics guide is in need in the Lucas threads....sorry for the randomness but I thought Lucas needs a little pep talk/thingy.

/discuss or not

I don't feel bad about posting this cuz i think it needed to be said plus eh if it is not a good idea it can just be brushed under the table and never to be thought or spoken of again.

Edit: maybe I shouldv'e made a thread to start this on but i didn't want to make a pointless thread that could clog the Lucas threads.

Edit2: Also I would be willing to type the entire guide out/collect tons of data because it is a very daunty long complex task

also look at these threads to get a sample of what I mean by their guides compared to ours:

:diddy: AT guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=236290

:olimar: AT guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=224450

:peach: AT guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=167424

we need guides like these for people to take us seriously an these are just my fav 3 that have helped me learned those three characters SOOO much more.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2010
I like Jbandit's idea of a guide sort of thing.

I don't have the time to make a full one myself, but I'll gladly give some help to whoever can.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
i def know i can make one -is trying to be a writer/english teacher when he gets older-

Lol i am def a hyper Lucas xD

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I checked out that thread it's good but it's not like the others. It's not appealing to the eye...hasn't been updated in forever and doesn't have a Basics/AT part it just has the moves. The framework/move explanation is astounding and that's great plus. I just think it needs a heavy update is all...

by hyper I meant like hyper active using Lucas alot...misunderstood that. That's PF for sure for skill -needs to learn terms more- sorry Dajayman

;>_> I was only saying what I noticed on the other threads compared to ours....we have possible one of the worst guides. Im not saying I can make one better I am just saying if a time comes where a new one can be made i can help or try to


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
if you wanna give it a shot, I don't mind. Just know that it'll have to be solid and sound, and that means that it's gonna need to be informative at high level play. Tyr plays solidly. I have no clue how good you are. That's all, and don't take this to mean that I think you're bad, I just don't know you that well yet.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
oh I know Levitas and I completely understand and agree

I do not wanna to do it myself ;>_> I can write the material down and do some research though when it comes to statistics my head starts to hurt. Basically I wanted to help make a new thread not completely do it myself (I would die). There is barely any time for having some free time myself with my college class work and personal life. Maybe a team of people who plays Lucas really well cuz this thread is going to be for everyone who plays Lucas so it is a really big responsibility and I am still new to this site.

However I am a Lucas veteran and have been playing him for 2 years straight(sounds like a broken record). I know how to play him competitively but probably not as well as others here. I have gotten pretty good results in tournaments (except my last one xD) and I plan to get alot better. And trying to find new techniques every time I play him.

If a guide was made of all the Lucas's thoughts and how to play him it would be magnificent because everyone would play a part into the making of it. Like a group thread project. Everyone plays Lucas differently and with all the different playstyles combined and shown in that guide with all the best techniques it could show people how much better our character is. A basics would help those who are trying to learn him because he is tricky. Our thread has his moves but nothing to clarify what to use in each situation really. Though it is solid....kindof.

I could lead or just help a team of people who would be willing to help work/research/ and just have fun making a cool guide for the Lucas mains. Remember this is only for fun ^-^ plus helping everyone learn how to play a lot better with Lucas and how to play him in Tournaments. (with what he can do in tournaments ;>_>)

Anyone up for helping or maybe co-leading a team to create a guide? If so I might make a thread to organize a team for helping with the guide and then we can all work together to make possible the BEST thread on the SWF. It is completely plausible and with all the great Lucas minds we have how could we fail and something so fun and cool?

Btw if you haven't noticed yet with these novels of posts..........I like to write..........alot


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
you couldn'tve at least held the notes? D:

so many empty gaps inbetween
I know exactly what you're talking about and it pisses me off too. It actually isn't really like that. On the actual arrangment the notes are held, but when I convert it to mp3 it changes slightly, and then when I upload it on youtube it gets even more off. :(

Some parts are still dead on though.

I made tallman an apple pie and chocolate chip cookies. Tommorow is his late birthday party with me. :) I even got him a card.


Jun 7, 2009
Hey SNO can you find me the Pit's "Frame" Data funny thing for me. I need to show it to my friend.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
I hope the card is funny and witty. I hate serious cards. :p
it had inside jokes and mother3 stuff in it. lol i put in fassad and pigmask haha

speaking of mother3...

our save file got ****ed up and we were pretty far in the game, just at the part when lucas and co. start tripping out. I was really disappointed because I heard the ending was very touching and stuff. So what i did was read a plot summary on wikipedia then watched the ending on youtube.


very sad ending but it was amazing. Blew final fantasy X's ending away (i consider that a sad but amazing ending) like the battle between the masked man (im not saying his name in case other people didnt beat it yet) and the dialouge between "you know who" (again not spoiling) was deep. It really impressed me. Also it makes me even more outraged @ Nintendo that they never released this masterpiece outside Japan.


amazing game is amazing.


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
FFX's ending still makes no sense to me.

Tidus is a dream and fades away?! WTF?! I can handle Auron and Seymour coming back from the dead, but Tidus simply being a dreamboy (literally) is just REALLY weird. Really sucks for Yuna, poor babe has the spend an entire bad sequel trying to find him.

Btw I think Tidus and Rikku should've hooked up, Rikku is a babe. But Rikku pales in comparison to Lulu, the hottest FF chick made.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Wichita, Ks
it had inside jokes and mother3 stuff in it. lol i put in fassad and pigmask haha

speaking of mother3...

our save file got ****ed up and we were pretty far in the game, just at the part when lucas and co. start tripping out. I was really disappointed because I heard the ending was very touching and stuff. So what i did was read a plot summary on wikipedia then watched the ending on youtube.


very sad ending but it was amazing. Blew final fantasy X's ending away (i consider that a sad but amazing ending) like the battle between the masked man (im not saying his name in case other people didnt beat it yet) and the dialouge between "you know who" (again not spoiling) was deep. It really impressed me. Also it makes me even more outraged @ Nintendo that they never released this masterpiece outside Japan.


amazing game is amazing.
Eh I don't know about that one. Mother 3 was a good game and all, but to say it was better than FFX is kinda silly.

I found mother 3 to be somewhat cheesey (no future pun intended). They ask you what your favorite thing is and me being the crazy cracka i am, I write cheese, and then all of a sudden i learn an attack called pk cheese (i guess i throw globs of molten hot nacho cheese on them).

Back to the game - it was a good game for what it was, but cant really compare a decent gameboy game to an amazing ps2 game


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2008
I personally felt that FFX was pretty bad. I frikkin hated tidus, quite easily my least favorite FF character, and a character as bad as tidus? yeah, that can sink a game for me.

mother 3's main drawing aspect is that you generally end up making a connection with lucas, kumatora, and even the absurd magypsy characters.

I honestly felt the only redeeming characters in all of FFX was auron and jecht, so ******.

I got to play mother 3 on my PSP, and felt the beat system was pretty good. you could either do the combo and go for the huge payload, or you can stop the beat combo and try to heal, just that part of the fight had me hooked.


my view on FFX, just played up for comedy sake.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
Eh I don't know about that one. Mother 3 was a good game and all, but to say it was better than FFX is kinda silly.
I didn't lol. I said Mother3's ending was better/more profound.

Blew final fantasy X's ending away (i consider that a sad but amazing ending)
FFX is amazing, but Mother3's ending had a bigger impact on me. Not the overall game.

FFX's ending still makes no sense to me.

Tidus is a dream and fades away?! WTF?! I can handle Auron and Seymour coming back from the dead, but Tidus simply being a dreamboy (literally) is just REALLY weird. Really sucks for Yuna, poor babe has the spend an entire bad sequel trying to find him.
Yuna lost Tidus..
. that sequal was so god awful i convinced myself it never happened.

Btw I think Tidus and Rikku should've hooked up, Rikku is a babe. But Rikku pales in comparison to Lulu, the hottest FF chick made.[/spoiler]
hahaha yeah i always thought tidus and rikku would be a cute couple, plus they're both kinda ditzy or childish.

Hey SNO can you find me the Pit's "Frame" Data funny thing for me. I need to show it to my friend.

you mean this, lol?



Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
I always hear FFX-2 having bad reviews. What exactly makes it so bad? I don't need to waste my precious money trying out a game that's supposedly s***.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
I always hear FFX-2 having bad reviews. What exactly makes it so bad? I don't need to waste my precious money trying out a game that's supposedly s***.
music isnt composed by the same guy and its all like j-pop ****. Nothing memorable.

They ruined Yuna's character from a modest, respectable summoner to a skanky, rude gunner. (Yuna was my favorite character in ffx btw)

the graphics are actually worse than ffx's

you only control 3 people and they're all women. It's pretty boring.

The storyline is pure fanservice- looking for Tidus
when it was clearly established he was a dream and faded away from Spira in the original


but tl;dr please do not waste your good money for it. I received it as a gift (after telling him I did NOT want it) and i still felt like i had hours of my life wasted by playing through some of it lol


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Sounds dumb.

Yeah, it still sucks that Tidus was only a dream. And why aren't Lulu and Wakka in FFX-2? I think Lulu would be better fanservice than Yuna and Rikku. Imagine her in a leather bikini. XD


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
Lulu and Wakka got married between the events of X and X-2, and Lulu is either pregnant or had a child between games. lol

Mother 3 is amazing, and it stands as one of my top favorite games of all time.
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