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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Metairie, LA
Religion = Hypocrisy

Curlz just made one of himself.

What's done is done, and the Church condones Gay, which started HIV > AIDS.

He's not racist.

There is no god(s).


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Well you don't know that God creates humans to go to hell. That's ludicrous. Yes, free will does play a role, however we are also taught that if you are truly sorry for your sins, assuming you lived the worst life you can think of, then you can get accepted into heaven. I'm not promoting that you should go do w/e the hell you want knowing it's not the right thing to do just so you can turn around and say you are truly sorry, no; I'm just saying given the circumstances, Christians are taught that there is redemption.

The simplest way I could explain God to a person who would ask me to explain him is he is like a father. He's loving, but can be strict at times; he's there anytime you need him and he will give you comfort if you need it. However if I had to be more specific he would be the father of a young adult because during young adulthood you are exploring independence and becoming more independent yourself. What that relates to is not having to rely on God for everything that you need, but like the parent that let's their child go out into the world, will always be there if they are needed.

And Batto, there has always been the controversy of "God has a plan for you" but "God gave you a free will". I see that, like the bible, it is interpreted differently. Most commonly we would take it as we have the power to choose, which we do, but yet we have God controlling us. The way I take it is that God does have a plan for us, however it's like he has given us a blank, untouched canvas, and our free will and the power to choose is us painting the picture on our own. In a sense yeah God does have a plan for us, and in the end, when you finish painting the picture, you will see what God's plan is(was?). But all we really need to worry about is living our lives the way that we want to; we have free will, we might as well use it. In the end, make yourself happy and live with no regrets, and for all we know, that could truly be "God's plan" after all "God's plan" has never been set in stone. you are the master of your life.
Im trying to say that free choice is an illusion. If free choice is an illusion, then God creates people who will go to hell because they aren't strong enough to either not sin or be sorry. For you, what are the components that lead to a decision? I think they are the arrangement of a person's particular brain, life experiences, and stimulus. You?


How is saying that the Africans who die of AIDs can't afford food racist? And no, it isn't the Europeans fault. xD


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Well you don't know that God creates humans to go to hell. That's ludicrous. Yes, free will does play a role, however we are also taught that if you are truly sorry for your sins, assuming you lived the worst life you can think of, then you can get accepted into heaven. I'm not promoting that you should go do w/e the hell you want knowing it's not the right thing to do just so you can turn around and say you are truly sorry, no; I'm just saying given the circumstances, Christians are taught that there is redemption.

The simplest way I could explain God to a person who would ask me to explain him is he is like a father. He's loving, but can be strict at times; he's there anytime you need him and he will give you comfort if you need it. However if I had to be more specific he would be the father of a young adult because during young adulthood you are exploring independence and becoming more independent yourself. What that relates to is not having to rely on God for everything that you need, but like the parent that let's their child go out into the world, will always be there if they are needed.

And Batto, there has always been the controversy of "God has a plan for you" but "God gave you a free will". I see that, like the bible, it is interpreted differently. Most commonly we would take it as we have the power to choose, which we do, but yet we have God controlling us. The way I take it is that God does have a plan for us, however it's like he has given us a blank, untouched canvas, and our free will and the power to choose is us painting the picture on our own. In a sense yeah God does have a plan for us, and in the end, when you finish painting the picture, you will see what God's plan is(was?). But all we really need to worry about is living our lives the way that we want to; we have free will, we might as well use it. In the end, make yourself happy and live with no regrets, and for all we know, that could truly be "God's plan" after all "God's plan" has never been set in stone. you are the master of your life.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
What's done is done, and the Church condones Gay, which started HIV > AIDS

I'm pretty sure the Church doesn't approve of Gays, they just don't persecute them or anything. And I'm also pretty sure HIV came from Africa, and eventually spread to gay type people and etc.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Religion = Hypocrisy

Curlz just made one of himself.

What's done is done, and the Church condones Gay, which started HIV > AIDS.

He's not racist.

There is no god(s).
atheism = religion = hypocrisy

Gayness never started HIV, that's a very common misconception. HIV started as a mutation of SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus). Considering we are so genetically similar to monkeys (98% to chimps lolwut? 96% to gorillas lolwut???) it didn't take much for the virus to mutate and spread to humans through blood -> blood contact or some sick **** that I don't wanna imagine. HIV didn't necessarily come from Africa, the virus could've very well mutated in the good ole US of A.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
If you look at many of the great philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. You will see many of their beliefs fall into Christianity; that what I was talking about earlier Batto. lol thanks to those guys, I better understand the core of Christianity.

I honestly don't get why people try to put down Christianity. The core foundation is built upon respect for your fellow human being. To Love your neighbor as you love yourself. To serve others before yourself. to be humble and moral. We are also not all perfect but that we have the power to fight it (I guess you could say free will helps with that). Most of all Christianity follows alot of what we could reference to Natural Law. With certain actions come certain consequences: since the AIDS/sex topic popped up I'll use that as an example. We are told (by whomever not only the church) that it is bad to have premarital sex. Underneath it all, they aren't telling you what to do, they are telling you that to prevent these negative consequences: STD's, overpopulation (strain on resources which would eventually cause disease and famine), and any other bad things like that.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
For you, what are the components that lead to a decision? I think they are the arrangement of a person's particular brain, life experiences, and stimulus. You?


How is saying that the Africans who die of AIDs can't afford food racist? And no, it isn't the Europeans fault. xD
I can agree with that. It only makes sense. We all are different we all choose to think/believe differently. Thus based on our influences we make our decisions.

But hey you know what Batto, I'll make you a deal. When we die, if it turns out God doesn't exist and that Christianity is a lie and there is no heaven and hell I'll admit to you that you I was wrong. ;)

@Hyro- I see what ya did thar.

Chronic Alchemy

Smash Rookie
Oct 23, 2009
F*** this, I gotta new religion!
It's Dairyism!
Every 15 minutes we go pray to a gallon of Milk and we worship cows and put make-up on them!!! Doesn't that sound fun and god-like???
And bam, religon is that easy!!!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Metairie, LA
Curlz, ur a Christian and had pre-marital sex. Hypocrisy.

Lol @ Hyro, that's exactly what I was thinking.

Yes Gio, we all hypocrites.

BlazBlue time.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
also i'm smarter than all you high school kids.

its funny how all the pro religious people are the ones who want to end the argument while the non believes enjoy the stimulating conversation
Faith, just like love, trust, etc, is abstract. It's an emotion, not something seen but something felt. The idea behind all three of the aforementioned values is well-intentioned. Unfortunately, there are those who use those to carry out their own agenda, or don't understand what it's supposed to mean. If picking and choosing what things one wants to believe in from a Bible makes one a better person, or if it gives one's life meaning (not at other folk's expense), then I don't see why one should be ridiculed.
If you don't believe in religion because of inconsistencies in whatever Bible you're arguing against at the time, or because of a few radical religious folk, then you're more ridiculous than the very people that you are ridiculing.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
So, I haven't expressed any actual opinions on religion yet, just poked holes in logic, but I'm sure most of you know what my religion is. I'm follower of Icemannism.

No, really though. A person's religion does not matter at all to me. What matters to me is that people actually put in the time to think about things, preferably do some research too, and come to their own conclusion. No matter how much "proof" we have for any one school of thought, there's no way to 100% prove it, at least not in current times. So all I really ask for is for people to think and come to their own conclusions instead of being Sheeple to any school of thought.

Oh, and by the way, I'm agnostic. Not because I haven't decided, but because I've decided that there's no way we can prove any religion yet and it would be utterly ******** to rule out any possibilities.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2008
Cyphus do you find the nurses from Silent Hill 4 extremely attractive? i do lol maybe im just weird


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
so like i just kind of see humans as animals and we all just want to **** and feel safe and eat, like a cat or a dog or any other animal. so being that we were the smartest animal we set up huge systems that allowed us to eat and **** and feel safe all the time. That's why we have a housing market and massive apartment buildings and motel one's to have a safe place to rest and eat and ****. That's why we have super markets and McDonald so we can eat. Then we want to **** but certain ideology call it immoral to want to ****? but wait we're just big animals who wanna ****, why would we set up a system that told us that was bad? who would do that? good speakers who could preach to very destitute hungry poor ignorant unruly villagers in small Jewish tribes. why? to keep them in control, and for good reasons at first but then the system got exploited/perverted. That really only applies to the "Abraham" religions

oh the one and only problem that i have with religion is it makes people deny naturalism. It tells us that we're more important that other people and that gives us the right to kill fellow humans, start wars, persecute gays, blow ourselves up, and that ****ing is bad. So **** religion its and outdated system that hinders the evolution of the human race.

but i'm just a progressive thinker, always thinking way ahead of myself. Calling myself a liberal, lmao. I'm just a product of a system too. lol

and yes i'm high.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2008
^^^^ haha as soon as i saw it was a long post my first thought was "i wonder if hes high" then i read the bottom and laughed


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ricky, that post reminds me, I agree that Catholicism is just BS to control people, but that doesn't change the fact that there -might- be something after, something greater, that made all this. Doesn't mean I believe that there is, just means that I believe that it's an unknown that shall remain an unknown until I die.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
aaaaaaand pretty sure that's a new record.

I'm the best.


i would like to thank seiya for all the support. couldn't have done it without you


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ricky B... I am a Christian. And I 100% agree with you. Religion is horrible. I have faith and belief in God and Jesus. But the problem is religion. Religion is man-made. It has man in charge. And man is faulty. Religion started out as a good thing and went horribly wrong somewhere down the line, usually in the hands of power-hungry and careless people.

I was raised in a Catholic church and in a Baptist school. I began getting both sides of each religion. I never understood Catholicism and the praising of saints who were just good people. So I started to go Baptist. Then I saw the School/church I had attended for 16 years fall. Why? Because one man came into power there. He used his power to gain blind followers who allowed him to "allegedly" (I think it's illegal to say he definitely did this... blah law) stole millions of dollars out of the place. He kept saying everything was fine. He "allegedly" made a good Christian man leave his job as principal after 20 years because he knew he was a threat. And then, after I graduated, he came out and stated that the place was $3 million in debt and had to sell it. He then ran away to Baton Rouge. After the storm, he went to a church over on Florida Blvd and claimed he lost everything in the storm and got a free home from the church.

On top of that, we have many people out there who claim to be Christian or religious and then go against their beliefs with contradictory actions. I think it's wrong. But at the same time, no one is perfect, but because of our faith and in many cases "religion", it makes it to where one errant move makes it immediately to where they are judged instantly by society.

The fact is, though, people of faith in the Lord have still done very good things, whether you choose to look at them or not is up to you. I've tried to love and care on practically everyone here for two reasons. One, as I met y'all, I found y'all to be overall good people who I had a lot in common with, and that caused us to become friends. Two, I wanted y'all to know some of God's love, whether I stated that's what it was or not.

As far as my actual belief goes, you can't prove that I'm wrong but I can't prove you're wrong. I have my life experiences, my observations and research, and my faith that keeps me to my decision.

TL,DR: Relgion not always good, no. In fact, many times it is indeed bad. But what's wrong with faith? You think it's "blind", but maybe it's trying to actually spread love to our fellow man.

I could've written more but it really is pointless. No one here is changing their opinions. I just wanted you guys to know you shouldn't knock people for their faith. And know that regardless of your opinions/faith/whatever, I still love all of you. Good night all.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
long post.
Religion wasn't created to control people, some religion was used by the worst of people to control other people. Little old ladies like my grandma (may she rest in peace) that hit up Church every Sunday and go to the Rosary processions every Wednesday (note that it is not mandatory) should not be mentioned in the same breath as the folks you mentioned first. And you are completely correct in saying that we are like animals from a biological aspect, but to say we are the same is ludicrous.
Again, what people have used religion to do in some cases is terrible, there's no arguing that, but the idea of religion contradicts your second paragraph. It teaches none of those things. Any deaths, persecution, wars brought on by religion weren't started by religion itself but by people who had an agenda and used religion as a means to their end, or by those who misinterpret the idea of religion and act out accordingly. You're arguing against people, not religion.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2008
aaaaaaand pretty sure that's a new record.

I'm the best.


i would like to thank seiya for all the support. couldn't have done it without you
anytime buddy glad i could help

anytime you need support ill be there like a brazierre on a big pair of knockers even if theyre huge and i have trouble containing them....ill be there


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2009
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

bomber, what religion are you classified as? i call myself a catholic, but i doubt that i actually am. im more of a follower of bomberism, because majority of the things you say are exactly the way i think. it may even be 100%, but i dont remember everything you said and dont feel like going back to check it out. if you have no real religion, me and you should start one up buddy.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
Well since we're talking.

I think our consciousness and the idea of free wil is sort of an illusion. I dont mean to say that I think we're zombies who are compelled act based on an external force lol. We make free choices regarding our own moral actions, and we are indeed responsible for them. And how do we make these decisions each day - with our own mind, and our own will.

So all of these things making up a person are pre-determined by who we are. I am gonna do what Im gonna do, based on a ridculously complex number of internal and external factors. (genes, parenting, first girl i liked, if my best friend in second grade played soccer)

If I copied this universe, including it's version of EET, and asked myself a question, I would have the same answer in all of them, because, of course, I'm the same person. And while I could choose whatever I wanted, the point is, Im not going to. Lol. So basically choices are pre-determined, but not by a sort of external force imposing it, but rather by my will.

And just to be a *******, I'd like to ask some questions to the Christians who would be interested. lol It says in the Bible that Jesus was attracting huge crowds wherever he went. And that there were earthquakes, and that zombies popped out of their tombs in their multitudes, and that these zombies walked into the city to reveal themselves unto the crowds, an' all that **** [Matthew 27: 51-53]. Yet not a single account outside of the Bible can be found to support such a story. Wtf, mate?

Supposedly we have free will in heaven, yet never do any wrong. If this sort of free will is possible then God could have given us it in the first place. No kids tortured, no innocent people murdered, no *****, no muggings, no assaults, nothing like that need ever happen. But God didn’t give us that sort of free will. He gave us the kind where people actually do those things. And, worst of all, he knew it all in advance. And you honestly want us to believe that he loves and cares for us? Bo heee heee

Also, Could you live an eternity of happiness in heaven knowing that people were being fried and tortured in hell? And that they were suffering these torments because of nothing more than them having had a different opinion on religion whilst on earth? Seems kinda lame.

Im just asking these because, when I was 12 and thought about religion and Jesus and ****, those were the questions I asked myself. Ya know, before dropping it, and never looking back. =PP

Anyway, if youre too lazy to answer its fine, Im just bored. Next post ill draw you guys a funny picture...

ps, Im not high =(

... bout to be :D gravity bong <3

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Whoever has the replay of Hyro and I from Laffy, could you please upload it or send it to me? Greatly appreciated!

Looks like it's gonna be Friday, which I was leaning towards anyway. I'll deal with the specifics probably tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Well since we're talking.

I think our consciousness and the idea of free wil is sort of an illusion. I dont mean to say that I think we're zombies who are compelled act based on an external force lol. We make free choices regarding our own moral actions, and we are indeed responsible for them. And how do we make these decisions each day - with our own mind, and our own will.

So all of these things making up a person are pre-determined by who we are. I am gonna do what Im gonna do, based on a ridculously complex number of internal and external factors. (genes, parenting, first girl i liked, if my best friend in second grade played soccer)

If I copied this universe, including it's version of EET, and asked myself a question, I would have the same answer in all of them, because, of course, I'm the same person. And while I could choose whatever I wanted, the point is, Im not going to. Lol. So basically choices are pre-determined, but not by a sort of external force imposing it, but rather by my will.

And just to be a *******, I'd like to ask some questions to the Christians who would be interested. lol It says in the Bible that Jesus was attracting huge crowds wherever he went. And that there were earthquakes, and that zombies popped out of their tombs in their multitudes, and that these zombies walked into the city to reveal themselves unto the crowds, an' all that **** [Matthew 27: 51-53]. Yet not a single account outside of the Bible can be found to support such a story. Wtf, mate?

Supposedly we have free will in heaven, yet never do any wrong. If this sort of free will is possible then God could have given us it in the first place. No kids tortured, no innocent people murdered, no *****, no muggings, no assaults, nothing like that need ever happen. But God didn’t give us that sort of free will. He gave us the kind where people actually do those things. And, worst of all, he knew it all in advance. And you honestly want us to believe that he loves and cares for us? Bo heee heee

Also, Could you live an eternity of happiness in heaven knowing that people were being fried and tortured in hell? And that they were suffering these torments because of nothing more than them having had a different opinion on religion whilst on earth? Seems kinda lame.

Im just asking these because, when I was 12 and thought about religion and Jesus and ****, those were the questions I asked myself. Ya know, before dropping it, and never looking back. =PP

Anyway, if youre too lazy to answer its fine, Im just bored. Next post ill draw you guys a funny picture...

ps, Im not high =(

... bout to be :D gravity bong <3

^^^ That's what I mean when I say free choice is an illusion. He pretty much explained my entire position.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Supposedly we have free will in heaven, yet never do any wrong. If this sort of free will is possible then God could have given us it in the first place. No kids tortured, no innocent people murdered, no *****, no muggings, no assaults, nothing like that need ever happen. But God didn’t give us that sort of free will. He gave us the kind where people actually do those things. And, worst of all, he knew it all in advance. And you honestly want us to believe that he loves and cares for us? Bo heee heee
I'm not the biggest fan of answering questions with questions, but I feel as though this situation calls for it. If you were in a heaven, and everything you wanted was given to you, what would prompt you to steal, ****, assault, etc? And if you're the kind of ******** that does it for ****s and giggles, who says you'll go to heaven? Using your assumption that people aren't going to make a random choice, if you're a relatively decent person here then you'll be a relatively decent person there. I'm not one for the whole fire and brimstone bit, but not everyone gets a free ride to the spirit in the sky.
Oh, and you can do wrong in heaven. Read up on Mr. Lucifer. Perhaps you can have your Cloud City citizenship revoked, and be deported to option B.
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