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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Battou, next time theres a team tournament, if I'm ungrounded, you and I should totally team up and be "Team FAIL"

We would win by making our opponents laugh at our continuous FAILGONY


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2007
Mandeville, LA
Hey, guys. Is anyone else going to TO4 this weekend? It doesnt look like Sa10 is going to be able to go, and he was my teammate, so I need a new one. Id prefer someone from LA to team with.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
40/30/30 because the venue owner kicked us out before losers finals got played out, from what I understand. I was outside talking to Pierre at the time.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
we did winners finals and i 3-od infinity. right after infinity and razer did losers finals and razer won. We didnt get to do grand finals which was me and razer, but i beat razer in winners bracket. so idk we just split and i got a slightly larger portion for winning winners bracket i guess. Razer's amazing though :)


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
This is was going to be a long post. It’s unfortunate that it was going to be verbose, but after the tournament, driving, and the drama of the weekend I just have the steam in me left.

I’m Sorry.

Now, why am I saying sorry? People think that I’m egocentric and not that great of a guy. =/ In a nutshell, I believed that everyone viewed me as a friend, and not just an acquaintance. Furthermore, I thought that everyone knew me much better than they actually do, so my true personality isn’t known by a lot of people. So, I’m going to type out a view universal constants, and if you want to get to know me better, then give me a call, shoot me a PM.

1. I speak and write very matter of fact. It also doesn’t help that I often speak with a very straight face. If I say/write something that offends you, just imagine it as something in a documentary, since I don’t filter out good/bad things when I elaborate on a subject. I’ll try to be better in the future about this. I’m also very long winded, and write/talk in great detail since I don’t want what I say to be taken the wrong way. Furthermore if someone asks me a question, I answer it in full [to my ability] without thinking about the emotional impact it may have on others.

2. I will talk your ear off in a one to one conversation, but when in a large group I will hardly talk at all. I hate to be interrupted and in a group environment I don’t talk unless I feel I can finish my thought. Since I’m long winded, this is pretty much a given so I just give up after a few attempts of talking.

3. I have issues showing any emotion what so ever [especially in a group.] If I come off of flat, it’s because I’m epic fail in social situations.

4. If you’re being told that I’m saying X about you or someone else, come to me first. Most likely the story is wrong that’s being said. Since I elaborate a TON people tend to truncate what I’ve said into what they think is important, or might completely miss the point of what I said. If there’s a grey area on something that’s been said, TALK TO ME.

5. If you feel that I’m doing something that offends you, tell me. Don’t let small things build up into a cluster****. Most likely what I’m doing isn’t even a on purpose. I can’t fix it, if you don’t tell me.

6. A special note, to those that I told about the check I received on Christmas Day, it actually wasn’t a present. My father owed me the money for three years, and that money was actually set aside for my college tuition by ME. Since I didn’t have the money, I couldn’t continue college when I lost my scholarship. Once I stopped going to college, I moved out from my Dad’s house from my step mom/sister/brother who I was on massively bad terms with. I was then unable to save enough money to go to college, and since my father makes decent money, I cannot get federal aid until I’m twenty-five. Receiving that money means that my future has been reopened to me. It’s not that the check is sudden wealth, it was a bill payment wrapped as a gift. People that know me close, and for years knew this. I just forgot that I hadn’t told this story on in full to anyone in the Smash community.

7. I don’t like drama. I don’t like arguments. I don’t like fighting. I don’t like anything that takes away from a community. Furthermore, I don’t enjoy inflicting pain upon anyone, physical or emotional. If you feel that I’m doing anything that causes those things, let me know. We’ll talk in private and fix it.

8. I care about this community. I want it to be great. I want it to be wonderful. I always, always talk highly of everyone when we go to a tournament out of state. I always try to be behind you when you’re fighting a tough match, cheering you on. If I hear that you’ve lost, I try to find you if I can to let you know that you were amazing and cheer you up.

So once again, I’m sorry that things degenerated to this extent. I just wish that people would have come to me sooner so that we could have cleared it up. I’ll try to work on my short comings since I do wish to be friends with everyone.

Ps: The sad thing is, this was the short version. Moral of the story, talking solves problems.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans

This obviously pertains to somthing that I'm not involved with, since I can't think of anything off the top of my head that you should be apologizing for. For what it's worth though I've never thought of you as anything but a cool guy.

As a semi-related aside, we NO smash peoples should hang out in some non-smash-related context sometime (not that there's anything wrong with smash-related-contexts). Catch a movie, play some cards - normal 52 card deck or mtg for those who know how to play (I can make extra decks if I need to) - whatever. Chilling with people without a controller in hand is cool too.

*EDIT* Also, if I don't end up going to TO4 - which is looking unlikely at this point considering taylor and freddy have yet to speak up on the subject - I'm gonna be driving over to BR for the gameware thing. Are you (or pierre/everpower/other NO people) also planning on heading over there? If so we should carpool and save some gas. Only thing is I probably plan on crashing the night at taylor's if such an option is available and I don't know whether you'd be down for that. Let me know what's up though.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Good job tearing it up in Texas, everybody.

Nick, wanna smash this week? Thursday is best for me.

Also, as usual, I'm looking for more setups for Friday. I'd rather have too many than not enough. That means bring Wiis and TVs! Thanks!


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
So, I can't find my Brawl disc anywhere. :/

If I can't find it by Friday, I'm not gonna bring my Wii to the tournament. What's the point without a brawl disc for it, right?

As of now, I'm bringing a guy named Patrick down from LATech for the tourney on Friday. He's been playing with me like..once every other week (we always say we're gonna play more, but we never do. XD) and he wants to go to tourneys cause he knows it'll make him better. Iunno. Basically I'm gonna introduce my friend Patrick to you guys this weekend. XD

John, I want you to be there Friday. I might have to kill you if you don't come.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Sorry to hear about your disk, but it's cool that you're bringing Patrick.

I could probably borrow my little brother's disk if you can't find yours. I'm not terribly sure how much stuff we'll have, so it'd be nice if you could bring your Wii anyways. Just let me know, and I'll see if I can get his copy.

I think as of now we have, myself, Gameware, Stephen, Nick, Arcadia, H_R, Sudai, Patrick(?), and Gary for setup stuff. That comes to 6-7 full setups. Another one would great. Any takers? Thanks!


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Patrick won't be able to bring a set-up. "His" Wii is his roommate's Wii and his roommate is hypersensitive about his stuff. I'll bring my Wii if I can't find my disc and just call you on Friday and let you know if I can't get mine. I'm sure Vaughn would let me borrow his too if you don't want to bug your little brother.

Do you know what we're gonna do for a side tourney this time? Or at least what do you want to do for it?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Thursday might not be so good for me, Randall... I've got classes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 till 6 this semester again, but this Thursday they put me on the work schedule from 6-8 since no one else is available to close... I should be good on other days if you're ok for any other days besides then...

Also, David (SniperX) said he should be coming to this tournament! =3

I'm taking a class on Classical Epics this semester... Why? >_<


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
I think Vaughn wanted to run his Gauntlet thingy? If not, we haven't had teams in a long time. That's fine about Patrick's [roomate's] stuff. I haven't talked to Vaughn. Maybe he'll bring his stuff. I'm not really sure if he'll be there, though. I'm sure someone else will have stuff.

Nick, that kinda sucks. I have work Monday and Wednesday, plus late classes. I finish at 3 Tuesday/ Thursday, so they're my best options. I don't have class on Friday, but I'm probably going to do my observation then. Is tomorrow good?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Tomorrow would actually not be a terrible idea. Like I said, I get done at 6 so anytime after is fine (just as long as it's not too late, old man needs sleep =P). I'll see if David wants to come over tomorrow too since I know he said he wanted to play some this week.

I think Vaughn said he's gonna go but it will probably be the last one he goes to. I could be wrong or he could have changed his mind, so I'll just let him speak for himself. =)

Oh yeah, for my first day in Classical Epics, every time the teacher mentioned Achilles, I just thought of Pit... XP


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
That sounds good. If you get out early, just give me a call. Otherwise, would me (probably with Alex) coming over around 6:30 work? I need sleep, too, so I don't wanna be out too late anyways.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Louisiana is amazing.

Texas is running out of people for me to obliterate, but I've luckily scouted out new (and friendly) competition out this direction. Let's work something out, gentlemen...

Clash of the Titans 4? =)


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Oh, that reminds me. We need another Laser Tag tourney soon. La_Thien and his group expressed interest in coming here, as did a good portion of Texas. :o

La_Thien, best of luck beating us. :p

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
I might be able to make it to gameware this week since im not going to TO4 with Hats. In any case, I'll try and bring like an extra wii or something to help compensate in some way if there are a lack of stations. The only major problem would be getting there, and if thats the case, I probably wouldn't be able to go. I remember seeing it set for the 16th right? I'll check that out since I actually might have something to do that saturday in BR which means I'd be able to come to it.

If there are teams, I dont mind teaming up with someone if they need a partner.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Cot4 has everyone going...omg...I'm sure this will be a giant letdown for me when I ask to go! ^_^


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Wait, where are the majority of people going? CoT4 or Gameware?

AND THIS IS FRIDAY???? I thought it was Saturday...what time?
If your talking about Gameware, its on the OP or should be but to save you the trouble, it starts about 7. I'm getting there early at 6 for some practice and thats also when I think they start setting up tv's.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I'm going to see if I can switch shifts with someone at work, but it's doubtful that I'll be able to make Gameware.
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