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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
We're going to GameWare. Some guys from Mandeville are going to CoT4.

As for when GW6 is...From the first page:
Gameware Monthly 6 - Friday, January 16th

Gameware on College Drive (NOT the mall)
3151 College Dr., Ste. A-1 (Across the street from Great Wall)

At 6:00 pm show up and register - around 7:00pm we'll start.
The full ruleset is on the first page as well.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
We're going to GameWare. Some guys from Mandeville are going to CoT4.

As for when GW6 is...From the first page:

The full ruleset is on the first page as well.
CoT4 is on February 7 though, why are people choosing between one or the other?


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
GameWare usually last until 2ish in the morning. That's if you stay for teams or whatever the side event is. Driving to CoT4 would take forever and if we left Saturday, we probably wouldn't make it in time.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
GameWare usually last until 2ish in the morning. That's if you stay for teams or whatever the side event is. Driving to CoT4 would take forever and if we left Saturday, we probably wouldn't make it in time.
Lolwut...Gameware is on January 16th. Cot4 is on February 7th. That's 22 days...right?

And I was thinkin we'd all planepool. ;D


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Oh, I thought someone said it was on the 17th. XD

I don't think we're trying to decide between GW6 and CoT4, but Mandeville is going to something this weekend that's not GW6. XD

Can you give me a link for CoT4? I'm too lazy to go find it.

Edit: Hyro, I just realized TLink is staring down a COOKIE in your sig? XD <3<3<3


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Guess who's home is open that night? =3 Lol.

I've got nothing doing Saturday, so yall should crash and then we should just do random ****e Saturday. It would be fun. =D

Randall, you know it's fine, I dunno why you keep asking if something is ok once I've already said it's fine. XP


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
I could've gone if it was on saturday...

*sigh* I'm really starting to feel like I need to get a job so I can get a car. I probably won't do it, but I'm tired of never being able to go to tournies because I can't get transportation.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Hah, I dunno. I guess I like making sure?

I don't know when I'll next do the next LasT. All that I really can do is talk to the management and see what dates open up. There is a decent chance I'll be able to get something closer to the end of the semester. Is WHOBO in March or April? It's April 10-12.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
The tournament is on Friday Esca.

Ps: Work decided they wanted to have a meeting at 7am on Friday, so since it's mandatory, no one is going to switch the early shift with me for my late shift. I won't get out of work till 7:30, so I won't make it for the tournament.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
So, we should really start looking at attending WHOBO. It's a con + tournament so there'll be a lot to do even if you don't make it too far in the tourney. It's in Houston from April 10th to 12th.

$15 entry fee ($13 if you pre-reg)

There's tons of other tourneys too. Even Pokemon Battle Revolution tournies. No Melee, sadly, but there will be Naruto EX 3 (imported)


That has a list of everything that will be played and basic rules for everything.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Your thinking of TO4 not CoT4 sudai, which is on the 16th xD. I wont be going to that, but Hats will be. Not even sure if I can make the gameware tourney which I wouldn't mind since I need some hardcore brawl practice (CPU's make my lobsters act up, lol). I also wouldn't mind going to that tourney in april for teams or 1 v 1. Just have to look at my income from now until then and factor out if I'll be capable of funding for housing and such. Lol, crew battles would be fun as **** if there were other crews coming.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
I got the idea to try Swiss pools this week, and I was writing this thing to explain why it might work. Then, I realized that it's really limited, unless I can come up with something that deals with 9-11 person pools effectively. I'm going to think about it some more.

Sudai (or anyone else who might know something about Swiss), would you have any ideas? It seemed like it might be faster than a regular round robin and still maintain enough accuracy to decently seed a bracket. That plus me wanting to use Swiss makes me want to see it work somehow.

I'd like to do WHOBO. Actually, I'm considering HOBO 14 in February. Anyone else interested? I'll probably have a seat or two in my car.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Yeah.. I'd still like to do the Gauntlet, but only if others wanna do it. If most people would prefer teams, then it's better that we let them do it. Keep in mind though, mine is a free tourney. Either way, this will be the last one I go to, or I won't go to it at all. I'm pretty sure the out of town guys will wanna stay here anyway or at least hang out or something. I don't know what Taylor and Freddy are doing in regards to TO4. Freddy really wants to go though, but I think it's more up to Taylor for that. I'll let him know soon, Pritch.

And with that said, I really do think it's time for me to retire completely from smashboards altogether for real. There's really no point to me being here anymore. I've lost quite some respect for quite some people during the past year as I'm also sure most people have lost all respect for me. It's cool, though.. People have all of their different opinion that they just don't want to let go of. I just wish it didn't consume us, but that's the way it is. I want to move back to the life that I slowly lost over the past few years before I really knew that competition in video games existed and before I knew about how awful human nature can actually be if used incorrectly. It's not to say that I don't like anyone, because I like quite a few people. It's just that I just don't see me really hanging out all that often with the people that I once knew anymore. I still consider myself to have friends, but definitely not very many I consider to be really close to anymore because we've moved in completely different paths from each other.

I want to find my own answer to life, instead of trying to live with others in theirs. So many things are left unsolved and nothing really seems to be getting any better. So it's really just better if I get a good start for myself by leaving this place. I don't have any regrets for this at all. An even 700 posts is good enough for me. There are a few more things that I wanna address though.

I was only annoyed when you talked about competition, Ran. Other than that, I think you're a nice guy. I don't know you all that well, but you have tried to keep me company during smash events when I just watch.

Towards the end of my smash career, the people I had the most respect for were Sudai and Nick. They never made fun of me for my decisions and thoughts and never really pressured me to do things that I didn't want to do. We never argued and were always considerate of each others' feelings. They made me feel like I had a place here where in other communities I felt like I didn't.

ShyGuy, I hope you really feel better soon, dude. I really dude. If there's anyone that really needs a good life, it's you.

And uh.. yeah.. I think that's about it. I wish everyone well in their future endeavors. I'm sure I'll see you guys around though in random trips to Dibbz or trips to hang out or something.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
This will probly be my last post on these forums.....

Ive come to terms with parting ways from the smash community and the games in general... it was the most difficult period of my life.... one from which im not truly recovered nor may I ever be....

I have high hopes for my future and that I can succed in this world....

I find it amusing how a video game can create such an impact on peoples lives....people actually travelling and competing in a video game.....

I remeber the first time playing super mario brothers and how much fun it was.... never did i think of video games turning into what it is... I feel like i grew up in a world where people could escape life and get lost in their own fantasy worlds through video games.... something which our parents never had the opprotunity to do...

My obligation is to make a living playing poker.....its simalar in smash in that you travel to compete for money... the difference is poker is a game that that has been played for generations and its a true test of skill .... my granmother taught me how to play... she died a few years ago she was stricken down with lou gherigs disease.... With her death that link between my outer family was broken..... I got caught up in a game that was controlling my life.... Im now breaking that control over me and re-entering the world anew....

perhaps one day in the future I will return to play video games.... but the way thing are heading in this world its likely video games will return to me.....

i have deep grasp on this world and how other humans work in America.... America is the land of the free.... the most succesfull nation in the history of the world..... yet when I was institutionalized ive come too see the flaws.... but I have nothing in my power to change it nor will i try....

Im about to leave this old shell of a person and jump into a new life.... a life where the luck is on my side.... where the evil or foolish come up short and where I call the shots...

ull see me again one day America.... cuz now im putting u to the test... *cue metaknights revenge*

lol..... **** im friggin crazy

good bye swf........... if ssb4 comes i wont need your assistance because if I choose to play any videogame it will be of my own choosing....

i doubt anyone would care about me updating the thread with my winnings....but theres no need to gloat so ill leave it up to ur imaginations...

what does a "crazy" person do with alot of money??????


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Yeah.. I'd still like to do the Gauntlet, but only if others wanna do it. If most people would prefer teams, then it's better that we let them do it. Keep in mind though, mine is a free tourney. Either way, this will be the last one I go to, or I won't go to it at all. I'm pretty sure the out of town guys will wanna stay here anyway or at least hang out or something. I don't know what Taylor and Freddy are doing in regards to TO4. Freddy really wants to go though, but I think it's more up to Taylor for that. I'll let him know soon, Pritch.

And with that said, I really do think it's time for me to retire completely from smashboards altogether for real. There's really no point to me being here anymore. I've lost quite some respect for quite some people during the past year as I'm also sure most people have lost all respect for me. It's cool, though.. People have all of their different opinion that they just don't want to let go of. I just wish it didn't consume us, but that's the way it is. I want to move back to the life that I slowly lost over the past few years before I really knew that competition in video games existed and before I knew about how awful human nature can actually be if used incorrectly. It's not to say that I don't like anyone, because I like quite a few people. It's just that I just don't see me really hanging out all that often with the people that I once knew anymore. I still consider myself to have friends, but definitely not very many I consider to be really close to anymore because we've moved in completely different paths from each other.

I want to find my own answer to life, instead of trying to live with others in theirs. So many things are left unsolved and nothing really seems to be getting any better. So it's really just better if I get a good start for myself by leaving this place. I don't have any regrets for this at all. An even 700 posts is good enough for me. There are a few more things that I wanna address though.

I was only annoyed when you talked about competition, Ran. Other than that, I think you're a nice guy. I don't know you all that well, but you have tried to keep me company during smash events when I just watch.

Towards the end of my smash career, the people I had the most respect for were Sudai and Nick. They never made fun of me for my decisions and thoughts and never really pressured me to do things that I didn't want to do. We never argued and were always considerate of each others' feelings. They made me feel like I had a place here where in other communities I felt like I didn't.

ShyGuy, I hope you really feel better soon, dude. I really dude. If there's anyone that really needs a good life, it's you.

And uh.. yeah.. I think that's about it. I wish everyone well in their future endeavors. I'm sure I'll see you guys around though in random trips to Dibbz or trips to hang out or something.
Oh Vaughn, you. In the end, you always know whats best for yourself; none of this can decide it for you. Despite the things I may have said in the past about me wanting you to stay or something, I know that everything you do is of your choice, and every choice you make will make you in the end.

That being said, now that the kindness is out of the way, I am dissapointed that you're leaving for good, now. I've been rather upset with the fact that you've been so depressed over this for so long, but I never let my aggrivation get to me because I always knew that there's more than meets the eye with you guys' lives. I've always wanted to have that Zelda VS Sheik match, but with this, I'm just going to have to move on in the end.

You're right about this game consuming us; look at what we of smashboards have become. A group of individuals who waste their lives away bickering about a game that won't matter in their lives in the long run. But at the end of the day, the only question you should be asking yourself is this;

Did I have fun?

Did you have fun while you played this game? Did you have fun with us? Did you have fun meeting us, playing with us, getting better at the game? If you said yes to any of these, remember that your time here wasn't a waste. Not. At. All.

So if you had fun, then get your *** out of here with no regrets at all. Go find your own **** reason to live, instead of leeching off of ours. We could use less free-loaders around here.

But if you didn't, always remember that you're welcome here. And you always will be.

This will probly be my last post on these forums.....

Ive come to terms with parting ways from the smash community and the games in general... it was the most difficult period of my life.... one from which im not truly recovered nor may I ever be....

I have high hopes for my future and that I can succed in this world....

I find it amusing how a video game can create such an impact on peoples lives....people actually travelling and competing in a video game.....

I remeber the first time playing super mario brothers and how much fun it was.... never did i think of video games turning into what it is... I feel like i grew up in a world where people could escape life and get lost in their own fantasy worlds through video games.... something which our parents never had the opprotunity to do...

My obligation is to make a living playing poker.....its simalar in smash in that you travel to compete for money... the difference is poker is a game that that has been played for generations and its a true test of skill .... my granmother taught me how to play... she died a few years ago she was stricken down with lou gherigs disease.... With her death that link between my outer family was broken..... I got caught up in a game that was controlling my life.... Im now breaking that control over me and re-entering the world anew....

perhaps one day in the future I will return to play video games.... but the way thing are heading in this world its likely video games will return to me.....

i have deep grasp on this world and how other humans work in America.... America is the land of the free.... the most succesfull nation in the history of the world..... yet when I was institutionalized ive come too see the flaws.... but I have nothing in my power to change it nor will i try....

Im about to leave this old shell of a person and jump into a new life.... a life where the luck is on my side.... where the evil or foolish come up short and where I call the shots...

ull see me again one day America.... cuz now im putting u to the test... *cue metaknights revenge*

lol..... **** im friggin crazy

good bye swf........... if ssb4 comes i wont need your assistance because if I choose to play any videogame it will be of my own choosing....

i doubt anyone would care about me updating the thread with my winnings....but theres no need to gloat so ill leave it up to ur imaginations...

what does a "crazy" person do with alot of money??????
Shyguy, I wish you so much luck (And lots of skill, too. :D) in your poker career. Poker is a risky business; you either win big or lose big. Thats how gambling works. But for some reason, I have no doubt in my mind at all that I'll be seeing you in the world poker tournaments someday. And believe me, I watch a lot of those. My dad and I have sat around the TV watching Poker for hours. It's too fun. So again, I wish you the best of luck.

You were actually one of my favorite people on here, if you're reading this. You're one of the few people on the LA boards that ever actually online'd me, and despite the fact that Wifi sucks and all of those other johns that people give, you are one of the reasons I've improved so much in this game.

That being said, I find it sad that you choose to leave, but I also support your decision to do so. You're right about a videogame being able to affect people's lives to a degree. I've found myself unable to talk about anything except Brawl at school when I'm with Bomber and RJ (The dreaded captain Falcon of stupid). This game has made me meet so many new people, and at the same time, I've had a blast playing it. I hope that the time you shared with us was enjoyable for you, too.

I don't think you're crazy, Shyguy. I think that you have the potential to go very far with your life, as do we all in this thread. Good luck to you again, and I say it again, good luck. And Thank you for the time you've spent with us. You've made me laugh a lot, and in my darker days, you've brightened the hours up a bit.

I'm going to miss you, mate. The same goes for you that applied for Vaughn. You're always welcome back.

And I'd actually like to stay updated on your winnings!

So there it is; Worst In State's farewell to two of the best people on this board. I don't think my moogle-rific input matters, kupo. You two probably didn't read any of this. I hope you did though, so that you'll know that you will be missed. At least by me, kupo.

It's going to be really quiet around here, kupo.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
*sigh* Vaughn, if you keep living this overly idealized view of how life should be, you're just gonna end up suicidal. I hope you do find some friends as in-denial as you are, there can't be that many, because most people in the world are people who suck and people who realize that the rest of the world sucks and don't bother trying to fix it. I'll tell you the truth: I have no sympathy for you. If you think that you can get along in life being unsatisfied with how immoral the world is, then go ahead, it's clear the no one can convince you otherwise. If you think that there are people as idealistic as you are, then good luck too ya, and godspeed in finding them. The way I see it, you're going to go in with your idealistic views, doing nothing but giving lectures to people who aren't listening. If you can keep up your wall of hope, you'll be fine, but if you ever realize that you can't change people by telling them they're wrong, you're in trouble. You don't think you can find friends here? The gaming community is the best group of people I've ever met. You think that you've seen the worst kind of people in the world, you wanna truly see human nature at it's worst? Come see my world, where there's people who can't even spell "morality", nonetheless understand it's significance. The gaming community is great, and you aren't gonna get much better friends than this, unless you start getting high or become a monk or something.

ShyG, I wish you well, you're a nice guy. If you've got the fortitude to make such a life altering decision, I won't doubt you. I guess there comes a time when people have to drop gaming for whatever reasons, and I guess this is yours. I can understand how leaving SWF is the only way to really reform your life. You've done what's necessary to help yourself succeed, there's nothing wrong with that.

And if any of you two come back I'll hit you over the head with a baseball bat.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Lol yea, sudai. TO4 woudl have been my first OOS lol so im pretty noobish when it comes to that (infact pretty noobish when it comes to tournies since I sit at home fighting CPU's like crazy).


I believe the first time I met you was at Mechacon. You didn't say much at first, but when we started talking while were playing on that brawl station, I so a pretty cool, calm, and collective person that's for sure. In fact, made me want to keep playing brawl competitive since I was giving up hope (already gave up on my chance with melee). Despite it was for only maybe a day or so, I enjoyed your company, and your Zelda (lol). Trust me, someone like you has more of a chance at succeeding then any other normal person, just because of some of the kindness you showed me. I thank you for even being only a slight influence in my life, and that as a fellow brother, I wish you good luck and a prosperous future.


Man, despite that post, "You crazy as hell"! lol, just messing with you. Besides, crazy people like us understand each other right? To say the least, I probably dont know you, and more than likely, you sure as hell dont know me lol, but in the end, I can relate to not only you but mocha's final partings as well. Poker? Maaaaaan that sounds like fun to me for a living! I enjoyed it for the one time I really played it, and was obsessed for awhile. Although, same with you, poker is fun yet risky, but it looks like you've got the spark to travel with the big dogs, and im sure it's going to be more of an enjoyment for you as well. Unfortunately for me, I think my life is leading to some job in video games lol, so I wont be to far from the scene when I leave (when ever the hell that is lol).

Though we lose what seems to be to very important people in the louisiana smash community, Im sure they'll be just fine. Best of luck to both of you guys!


Mudkieps still beat everything xP. And Im looking forward to another DK ditto Mura... you shall be PWNED!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2007
Mandeville, LA
You know, one of the things I dont understand are these huge resignation speeches. I really just dont get it.

Anyway, so I am to understand that im the only LA person going to TO4 this weekend?

And Sa10, you need to answer your **** phone.


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
O-kay, I have me and my friend Brandon for sure going, and Esca if his parents let him.

And as a side event, instead of teams, I think we should do a Pivot race. :) :) :)

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
just as HARD as I get on a sunday morning. lol, jk. Dont forget, sa10 is another crazy guy on here.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Had lots of fun Pritch. Must do again sometime.

And I'm in no position other than the fact that I've seen a lot but . . .

@ Vaughn:

Do what you need to do. There's no point being surrounded by things that only make you seem miserable, but don't forget that friends that stick it with you for this long are hard to come by and measuring friendship with respect isn't the best thing to do. You can't expect everyone to be perfect, and it's those imperfections that make people human. It's what we like about each other in the end.

@ Shyguy:

I remember when you first came to LA, and now I guess I'm seeing your departure. It's been real wicked from what I've read of you man. Glad to see you're sticking with Poker and hope you get along with it. I'd be jinxing you by saying good luck so instead, just have fun is my advice.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
You cats are too **** moody. One minute, everyone's talking and laughing, the next minute everyone's acting like someone died. If I wanted to see a bunch of folks on their period I woulda just stayed at my gf's apartment. Vaughn, you aren't quitting. You've been saying that since about 6 months after I started, and here it is 09, and guess who's still here. Hell, I quit before you did. And you'll say "those times were different, this time it's real," but just give it about a month and you'll be back on here complaining about how no one has fun anymore and some chars are OP and you'll lecture us about a simpler time in smash. SG, good luck in your poker career, but I have a feeling you'll be back as well. ****, you guys are depressing. And who are all these new ****ers? I guess trying to jump back in now is too late.
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