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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Happy thanksgiving everybody.

randal- yeah that would be cool to get my ctrler back.

vaughn- My mom cooked some DANK A$$ food if you want to come over and eat :]

eric said that he wanted to as well LOLZ

but yeah.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Worst Thanksgiving Ever. But I'm glad you guys are having a good time, at least.

My Aunt turns out to be more than sick. Her heart is having a failure atm, and there needs to be fluid drained around the arteries for it to function correctly. It's Deja Vu, something that happened to my grandmother 3 years ago. Constant fluids blocking arteries, it'll happen for a while, then she'll eventually shut down. This **** is a time bomb.

So yeah. Not only is my Thanksgiving ruined, turns out my Aunt is dying, too. Great to know.

On a more cheerful note, (Boy am I trying to find one, too.) anyone got CoD4 PS3? I just got it today, and I'd be willing to play a bit with ya'll, If ya'll have it.

Edit: I probably won't be on here much for a while.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Lol, I'm your friend!!!! Anyways, we would have a group of kids over here in destrehan to hang with if you came to play smash. I dun think my gf can come though cause she's gunna be shopping all friday. :[
sounds like fun....pm me ur adress and time....

thankgiving lol....


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
not trying to start anything, but just a friendly informant for those farmiliar with the zeitgeist conspiracies. there are many anti-conspiracy sites u can find, but i liked this one, its a shorter and simpler read to understand.
its a well researched debunking of the Zeitgeist films (and others like it). The specific link provided shows 9/11 as it is, and not something planned by the bush administration, but theres aother debunkings as well for anyone's interest.

anyway, happy thanksgiving.

Deleted member

I actually don't have very much to be thankful for this year, so it's kind of a waste.
it's comments like these that piss me off more than anything. remember, i love you vaughn, but don't say **** like that. it's ********. you're family situation is atleast decent, you have all the money you need, you don't have to work so you can focus on school and do well in life, you're in good health, you have as many friends as the rest of us (and some really good ones at that!), and you're a smart dude. just because everything isn't perfect doesnt mean you don't have a **** load of stuff going for you. try to be more positive man. id say my life situation is much worse than yours and i still try to be really happy, and totally have things to be thankful for.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Ergh, I JUST got CoD4 today and I already beat the singleplayer, which in itself was an orgasmic experinece. Harry Gregson-Williams: Awesome work, as god**** usual. But yeah, my Thanksgiving day ain't getting any better.

It CoD4 cross platform?

Deleted member

melee: me, tim, kyle, ken, freddy, johnny (when he's in town), and eric if he's actually playing.

both: sudai and probably lee

brawl: all the other noobs.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
And that pritch guy plays melee. He'd even like to play this weekend, if possible. No car makes things complicated, though.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Good matches to Ricky, Roni, Cyphus, and Drunken Cyphus. Snake's Down-Smash is strong against Drunks.

Deleted member

the only person i really forgot to mention is perch lol.

avery does play but i hadnt played with him in over a year until this recent tourney. brandon only plays brawl.

and i mentioned who plays brawl: all the other noobs.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Taylor, Bomber and I play Melee too, but we aren't good enough to play competitively. It's still fun for friendlies, though.

We have no tech skill, lol

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
the only person i really forgot to mention is perch lol.

avery does play but i hadnt played with him in over a year until this recent tourney. brandon only plays brawl.

and i mentioned who plays brawl: all the other noobs.

Probably not the same Brandon.

I'm talking about Brandon as in Genuine.

This guy:

You might not have ever met him.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
Hmm, anyone in lafayette want some melee? You can come to my place or I can go to yours. I prefer you come to mine, though.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Is anyone at dibbz? ShyGuy and I are at my house and we'd like to know cause we can go there to play some Melee or Brawl. :]


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Taylor, Bomber and I play Melee too, but we aren't good enough to play competitively. It's still fun for friendlies, though.

We have no tech skill, lol
I also go for 64 as well ^^ though not competatively unless I had a month to get back into the game. after all thats where I got my roots for bombing. >=D



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Worst Thanksgiving Ever. But I'm glad you guys are having a good time, at least.

My Aunt turns out to be more than sick. Her heart is having a failure atm, and there needs to be fluid drained around the arteries for it to function correctly. It's Deja Vu, something that happened to my grandmother 3 years ago. Constant fluids blocking arteries, it'll happen for a while, then she'll eventually shut down. This **** is a time bomb.

So yeah. Not only is my Thanksgiving ruined, turns out my Aunt is dying, too. Great to know.
If it's any consolation, I had an equally bad Thanksgiving. Everything was going fine till the end of the day. When we got home, we found our cat dead in the street. She probably fell out a tree. I miss her already. I wrote her name on my new controller in memory.

It really sucks :(

Anyone going to dibbz tomorrow?


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
If it's any consolation, I had an equally bad Thanksgiving. Everything was going fine till the end of the day. When we got home, we found our cat dead in the street. She probably fell out a tree. I miss her already. I wrote her name on my new controller in memory.

It really sucks :(

Anyone going to dibbz tomorrow?
****ing named his cat after Ganon, baller *** ****.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Sucks Mura man. What time you going to dibbz tomorrow? I know Matt says he has work from 2-6. Also, to what time do you think you'll be staying?

I'd like there to be two set ups if possible <_<


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
My apologies to both Redson and Mura. Those both must really have to suck. I can't imagine how either of those must feel. Hope you guys both feel better soon.

In response to Taylor:

Things these days are a lot more dire than they seem to be for me. This year has DEFINITELY been the WORST year of my entire life. I may not look like I hurt very much, I have a good way of hiding my inner emotions because I find it pointless to share these things anymore. I can and do hurt quite a bit though for reasons that most people I feel do not understand mostly because they choose to ignore it.

From what I've seen from your life though, things are definitely not what you want right now. And I do feel for you. Hopefully there can be something I can do to help at some point. It's a good thing you're enjoying your life more than I am with mine right now, but we can get to that at another time. Maybe next year will be different.. Maybe..

In response to the Melee/Brawl discussion:

I don't play either Melee or Brawl anymore and I do not intend to pick them up again. The most I'll do for either is Spectator Mode in Brawl when I want a good laugh or background noise and Real Life Spectator Mode in Melee so it'll be easier for me to fall asleep.

Both games suck imo.

EDIT: On a side note, I'm a MUCH angrier person these days... I hereby declare myself INSANE... =[


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
A lot of sorrow in this thread lately. =( I hope that everyone makes it through their individual struggles. Just remember that misery isn't a pissing contest, it's a feeling of despair that anyone can have.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
if u have any problems quit playing smash.., ur gonna let one game designer from japan determine ur own fate ? live the way u want to....

*** smash its a frickin video game based around a communtity thats lost its self.. can anyone not see through it???

i dunno maybe its just me....but for all extinsive purposes im against competive smash,the forums and anything u people do....

yes it came to this, i blame smash for everything that is keeping me from who I really am
GOD Fcking dammit....I quit this "community" i quit this game....
u no longer have control over me... watch out world here I come...



u lose......

(batto/eric/sudai/vaughn are still cool people in my book....thats it
* also guess what ive been diagnosed with schitzophenria....ive been keeping ita secret as to not stir up anything.... my life has essentially been takin from me....contstantly taking meds home ridden.... my fckin dad messing with my life sending to the mental ward where ill forever be screwed....

if I cant have my life back then no one will...

Im am the game....u are the players....

dont expect to see my at any smash event..or post on these boards ever again

my life is now soley focused on poker....helping my self.... and getting better

I wish it didnt have to end this way... but it does

*** smash

hmmmm maybe im delusional??? i doubt it though im closer to the truth than any of u will ever will be....


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Moving along, since Lee has left the New Orleans area, and I have renewed desire to play Smash, I'm going to be doing the New Orleans monthly tournament again. The main thing to pretty much know is that the tournaments are always going to take place on a Sunday. This is due to the selfish reason of it being the only day of the week that I know for a fact that I have off. [most people are off on this day actually!]

The last tournament that we had at Dibbz was pretty great. The main focus was having 1vs1 running with pools, and it turned out well imho. [mostly due to all of the help I received from the community. <3] The next tournament is most likely going to occur sometime in December towards the end of the month. [28thish?] Aside from that, most of you probably remember the tournament due to the ban on Meta Knight. Due to the recent decision of the SBR to not ban Meta Knight, I see no reason to continue to ban MK. All it is going to do is weaken us when we go OOS. Ultimately, I see it as that the MLG is going to follow the rules that the SBR has produced, and so we might as well get ready for it.

It seems that there is always spotty attendance in regards to Teams.... It always seems so tact on, and with very little draw. For the side tournament, I'd think it'd be very enjoyable to do Draft Crews.
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