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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2005
anyways ran says alot meanigless stuff...

LOL....I win even further.... thank god that duesh shyguy was finnaly banned...


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
That's nice Shyguy. If you want to be done with Smash boards, then leave it. There's no reason to drag it out on multiple accounts and with countless threads being posted in attempts to be banned.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
good mood thread starting NOW:

next month, Dec 14-24th, i'll be in FL to be with my gf. This'll be my 3rd trip there. I got my round trip ticket for only 160 bucks.
My diddy kong is pretty **** good now.
got my brother's webcam, which is way better than my old one.
i got work 9-4 today, but i dont feel too tired for it surprisingly from 6 hours of sleep.
shyguy is my hero.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2005
lol...im no hero...just someone who took the wrong path in life

I apologize if my comments offended anyone....i realize the problem is me and i take full resposibility for it...


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Pritch: If by any chance you see this, there's a lot of people at dibbz right now playing Melee. Fun times. Is your car still broken?


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2005
wow. lol. alot has happend here sence the last time i posted.
AnYwAy: anyone wanna play some friendlies with me online?
I would lol.....to bad ive quit smash..... its a shame i had alot of fun playing ur snake....and u seem like a cool guy...


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Moving along, since Lee has left the New Orleans area, and I have renewed desire to play Smash, I'm going to be doing the New Orleans monthly tournament again. The main thing to pretty much know is that the tournaments are always going to take place on a Sunday. This is due to the selfish reason of it being the only day of the week that I know for a fact that I have off. [most people are off on this day actually!]

The last tournament that we had at Dibbz was pretty great. The main focus was having 1vs1 running with pools, and it turned out well imho. [mostly due to all of the help I received from the community. <3] The next tournament is most likely going to occur sometime in December towards the end of the month. [28thish?] Aside from that, most of you probably remember the tournament due to the ban on Meta Knight. Due to the recent decision of the SBR to not ban Meta Knight, I see no reason to continue to ban MK. All it is going to do is weaken us when we go OOS. Ultimately, I see it as that the MLG is going to follow the rules that the SBR has produced, and so we might as well get ready for it.

It seems that there is always spotty attendance in regards to Teams.... It always seems so tact on, and with very little draw. For the side tournament, I'd think it'd be very enjoyable to do Draft Crews.
Any thoughts? :|


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
There really aren't enough Melee players to go around to facilitate a side tournament. Most Brawl players don't play Melee, or weren't particularly good at it. Even those that were good at it [Lee] have dropped the game more or less completely.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Actually there are quite a few Melee players. Baton Rouge is pretty much Melee town if you ask me. Here's a list of the players of the relative smash games in BR :

Melee : Taylor, Tim, Freddy, Kyle, Ken, Eric, Dylan

Brawl : Nick

Both : Sudai, Randall

Neither : Vaughn, Gary, David

If all people listed above were to make an appearance at the tourney, there's 9 people right there. Other places in LA have named players as well. There's FFox, Patrick, Nick, and Blaise over in Lafayette. There's Lee, Chad, Pierre, Mura, Pritch, Sars, Matt, and Batto in N.O. Maybe Ricky, Ray and Jon Wu might as well. Samus hats and Captain Sa10 in Mandeville also play Melee from the recent posts. I also believe Vegta in Shreveport plays it too. Total that makes at least 27 possible candidates right here in LA. Don't forget about possible OoS people as well because Mankosuki came for the last monthly and expressed interest in coming to another one.

And maybe some other random people as well. Either way if you could get at least half of these people to play, then you could actually do it. Maybe some Brawl players might wanna try it too.

Random fact for no reason : Both Stephen and Neal from Gameware prefer Melee over Brawl.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
What I meant to say is that if it was a Brawl tournament, there's really no point to having a side Melee tournament, since it wouldn't be a 'side' tournament, but a tournament on own. Most of the people that still play Melee don't play Brawl or wouldn't participate int he Brawl tournament. The goal for the tournament would be to increase the player base of Brawl, ya know?


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Also, I don't feel that Dibbz would be a large enough venue to house two concurrent full tournaments.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
I'm pretty sure you could possibly get more Brawl people interested in Melee. There seems to be a lot more Melee going around these days.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vaughn, you make it sound like I's a bad person for being Brawl only. XP I play Melee whenever I'm over there, I'm just not like you guys, that's all. Lol. Oh and I was playing Animal Crossing for the wii today and I saw a balloon with a present. It made me smile and I thought of Vaughn. =) Then I was pissed cuz I realized I didn't have a slingshot. T_________________________T

So the internet's been on and off all day so no vid-uploading yet. I'm hoping to work on that tomorrow night when I'm finishing stuff up for my group's design project. I've already done the brake portion (my heavy area of research) and now I just gotta get slides for our presentation together (lol 20 minutes tops) and finish up the steering portion with another guy. Sorry for the long-time it's taking (esp to you Take, you so eager it makes me smile =D).

Also, I'm picking up Sonic for no reason. I've always loved the Sonic series ever since I was in like Kindergarten, so I figured it's time for it. I think I've got some of the fun stuff about him down now, but we'll see.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Ahhh so Redson is from BR. I wasn't sure at first cuz Eric kept telling me you're from somewhere else, so sorry, dude. I don't feel like going back to the list though. Is Bomber from BR too? =[

Nah, Nick. I'm was just saying you really only play Brawl, really. Though you do play friendlies when you come over. That's why I mentioned later that some Brawl people might be interested in a Melee side tourney cuz you said you'd be interested in learning. In retrospect, I was really making fun of the people who don't play either because there really wasn't any reason for me to put them in there anyway. Props for the balloon.

Pretty much in a nutshell, it really pissed me off that Brawl basically died so quickly here in BR. Pretty much all because it was a different game at that. Henceforth, I'm done with both games mostly because I don't enjoy Melee and basically what Brawl is becoming.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vaughn, you can still play Brawl the way YOU want to. Brawl doesn't have to change, it's the people that make it change. It's your choise how you want to play a game, not other people's. If you want to play with bob-ombs on, on random zany stages and pick Captain Falcon, no one is going to stop you.

The problem is is that people will critisize you for it, because your way of playing is, "Wrong". I love the smash series, but I honestly can tell you, I hate loathe and detest it's community.

I miss Sudai. D:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
True that, but I'm pretty sure Brawl already changed.

I live in an apartment now where all I see is Melee downstairs on the big TV where everyone's best characters are all the same ones with the exception of me and Eric, but even then Eric admits he has to pick those characters a lot of the time. The only stages on are the neutrals and even then some of those are even removed from the random, more so Fountain of Dreams and I've even seen Dreamland taken off sometimes for no reason. Every time I suggest some different stages, at least one person thinks of me as crazy and whenever I suggest a few items be turned on sometimes, EVERYONE looks at me like I'm crazy.

Simply put.. It's boring, so now I just watch them play while I fall asleep on the couch from it.

Everyone here decided that Brawl wasn't technical/fast enough for them and it's for noobs, so now I don't have anyone to play with besides people outside of the apartment and that kinda just kills the mood for me because I would like to be able to do something with my roomates. So basically all of my work put into Brawl to try to have fun were basically put in the garbage can due to increasing competitiveness/camping/everything issues combined with increasing boredom because everyone slowly quit.

Ehh.. It doesn't matter anyway.. I've already determined that it's not worth the trouble..

I think we all miss Sudai.. =[


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Hey man, I'm always available for online matches. I play Shiek/Ike/Fox, and stage picks are something I've never generally minded too much. Items have bothered me as of late, but I play with them in friendly matches.

Brawl may not be technical, and people in LA might not like it as much as Melee, but the fact is that there will always be people willing to play it. How many people showed up at LasT and participated in the Brawl segment of it? Sure, they may have mainly been there for the Melee segment, but they still played Brawl. Why would they play if they didn't find it fun? (Aside from the money guys...)

Don't give up on a videogame just because of people. Just find some people you can play with, lol.

So...PSN's anyone? Faxely, add me if you guys want.

Deleted member

vaughn, it seems you misinterpreted my response to you being so depressed. i know you're upset and unhappy, i wasn't questioning that; only trying to make you realize that you shouldnt be so depressed. i also dont have any real reason to be so sad, therefore im not. you say it's been your 'worst year' but thats only in comparison to all your other years, not a child who grew up in poverty in a 3rd world country. seriously, you should get a new outlook on things.

Pretty much in a nutshell, it really pissed me off that Brawl basically died so quickly here in BR. Pretty much all because it was a different game at that. Henceforth, I'm done with both games mostly because I don't enjoy Melee and basically what Brawl is becoming.
brawl did die because it was a different game. this is absolutely correct, though you say it like it is bad reasoning; as though we should play a game just because it has 'smash brothers' in the title. the reason i like melee are all the reasons i don't like brawl. it lacks everything. i understand that other people like it, but it's just not my type of game and a lot of people in baton rouge and other places agree with me.

I live in an apartment now where all I see is Melee downstairs on the big TV where everyone's best characters are all the same ones with the exception of me and Eric, but even then Eric admits he has to pick those characters a lot of the time. The only stages on are the neutrals and even then some of those are even removed from the random, more so Fountain of Dreams and I've even seen Dreamland taken off sometimes for no reason. Every time I suggest some different stages, at least one person thinks of me as crazy and whenever I suggest a few items be turned on sometimes, EVERYONE looks at me like I'm crazy.

Simply put.. It's boring, so now I just watch them play while I fall asleep on the couch from it.
no one's forcing you to watch us play vaughn. ever thought that we have FUN on the fair stages with our best characters? just because YOU don't like to compete doesnt mean everyone else shouldnt. i also play many other chars and from time to time i turn on all the counter pick stages to random, but this doesnt effect the fact that you have no right to ***** about something just because YOU don't enjoy what someone else is doing. you have your OWN room. you can go do what ever you want by yourself, invite friends over, or leave the apt. you just seem to complain so much about so many things when you have no right to be upset about them. i cant even go to my own house anymore because the kitchen sticks so bad i cant sleep in my own bed. if nothing else just be glad you can sleep peacefully in your room.

ugh, gross me out.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Well, I'm back. Caught up on the past 115-120 post of this thread.

Good **** guys. (Sarcasm or not, you guys decide)

It's both sarcasm and not sarcasm at the same time. Deal with it.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Duuuuude, I got like 3 hours of vids from dibbz yesterday. This is going to take forever to sort out.

Edit: Since whenever I record I get tons of matches, I've decided that it's better to make an account for vs. matches only. I made 2 youtube accounts where I'll be uploading all the matches I record. If anyone else wants to use them, the usernames are SSBMLA (for Melee) and SSBBLA (for Brawl) the password for both is "butthole".
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