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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
Lies, I taught him CAPTAIN FALCON! My real main!! :lick:

Lee tell them it's true :ouch:

Lee, my disciple (bow to me), I will teach you everything.
your sig...its wonderful...

Kirby tends to do very well on Japes. High ceiling + ghey nature of inhale can do a whole lot. Edgeguarding is also very easy dues to the shallow blast zones on the side. I guess I might pick it more since its CP, I always thought it was banned at gameware. Rainbow cruise is also good since he has the wall stuff in the beginning and can lock a lot of chars on the ship. Flying is also a plus though the top section is a bit iffy since it has a low ceiling and he gets KO'd from the top very easily.

The only stages I can think of as bad also have advantages as well. Lylat has the gheyest platforms ever. Kirby can't hit through them w/o jumping, yet a majority of the competition can. Its not as bad since this is the easiest stage to starspike and it has a large ceiling. FD is bad against Wolf since you can't duck his lasers.

Yeah and I'm 21, but you know that already since you always ask me to buy you beer. You also have my condolences.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Against ROB, or in general?

For against ROB with my fairly limited knowledge from our matches, I'd say Castle Siege, Battlefield, and Brinstar are good. A bad stage would be Japes.

Castle Siege stops the gyro in its second form, so it's harder for ROB to camp. Plus, walk-off edges, so no off-stages stuff. It's not the best pick, but in a long set with others banned, I'd consider it.

Brinstar stops the gyro, which is helpful with recovery. It limits where ROB can fire it from, and keeps ROB from using while he recovers. The lava forces movement, which is helpful against campy ROBs. The floor gives G&W more options from the ledge, though it does for ROB too. Then again, ROB has a better ledge game than G&W already, so I consider it a plus. I'd say it's my #1 CP against ROB.

Battlefield is just a stage I've done better on than others against your ROB. It may be platform height and placement, as well as the lack of a crappy ledge. No real reason here.

Japes is too big too kill ROB easily on, plus he can camp all day. The low floor created by the water doesn't mess with ROB if he knows how to DI.

Rainbow Cruise is typically a good stage for G&W, but I don't know how it is against ROB. They both have good air games, but I guess it gives you more chances to be below ROB, which is good.

What's your view on stages for the matchup?

I'm 21.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Well for Zelda, I still don't see how Battlefield is an advantage for her besides that you guys always pick non-neutral stages so that's pretty much the closest i will get for a normal stage. I think it promotes juggling which zelda can't do and alot of people can do against her because of the platforms. I guess because of the low ceiling but bleh. For Lucario this is a pretty neutral all around stage for him. The only thing i can think of why it'd be an advantage is because i'm pretty sure it doesn't take that much to be KO'd horizontally.

For some reason i actually like Castle Siege with Zelda. I love the angled ground on the first part. I love the statues in the 2nd part. The 3rd part is the only thing i dont like so much. And i can't exactly explain why. I dont know if it tips like Lylat, but that part in general pisses me off. With Lucario not so much. The angled ground sucks for AS. The Statues suck for AS. 3rd part is angled so once again AS sucks. Basically his projectile game is diminished on this stage as a whole.

I hate Lylat not for the tipping lip but for people with ridiculous upsmashes that take advantage fully of them. Aka, ZSS. Zelda can't take advantage of anyone on that stage except for wolf. Lucario however doesn't mind this stage so much since he can angle his recovery and the platforms set up nicely for some fair combos.

Rainbow Cruise sucks for zelda, or rather I hate that stage. She's not an overly moving character. Not that she's a camper, but that's just entirely too much moving for her and on that stage there's so much lag time using the up B to get anywhere cuz you can't really aim for the ground per se. Idk, it's just too much moving like i said lol. Lucario doesn't mind this stage so much. I still would rather not go to it, but He's not so much affected by it. He's very mobile in the air so moving around the stage constantly won't hinder him too much since if the opponent even forgets he's next to the edge a nair might take him out at low percents.

Yoshi's Island...after my matches with Cyphus I've determined I hate Yoshi's island. Light characters are too vulnerable once on that platform to being upsmashed spammed esp if you so happen to end up on the side where it's tipping.

Delfino...I hate delfino. I hate moving stages in general, but the fact that there's a wall, water, it's too easy to be gimped there someway somehow.

Disclaimer: These are MY opinions, not the opinions of the lucario/zelda boards.

Pictochat is lame in general. Too much random factor.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
Oh man, that sounds tempting. Ice cream ftw.

Also, manko, I think you missed me asking this a few pages back, but is anyone else from your crew coming with you to dibbz? (I do have it right and you're coming to dibbz and not gameware, right?)

You should get them to come - I'm gonna have a melee setup at both tournaments, so they'll have something to do when they get tired of brawl. Haven't played with anyone in your crew besides drumma briefly at GA in waaay too long.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Once we get the Nola monthlies running full swing, I'm thinking of starting Power Rankings for our state in order to give everyone something to achieve for.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Uhm, for Dedede, I think BF is good, FD definitely good if you can CG the other player, along with places with walls (Delfino, PS2). Bad stages I might say would be Brinstar, quite possibly Rainbow Cruise, and... uh... Idk, I'm trying to type this and do hwk at the same time so my attention is divided. >.> Lol.

Also, I'm 21. Sorry to hear about your Grand-Aunt, testament, you know we're here for ya...


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
There will be a panel to select the panel of secret voters that determine the panel that picks the previously aforementioned panel of voters. =p


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
prolly not a good idea to do brawl power rankings, melee was pretty heated in discussion of the order between me, john, and taylor..actually it was just us 3 argueing...but now that taylor doesn't play brawl, and john doesn't post..............el oh ****ing el (i'm drunk)

the best brawlers in the state are:
Cyphus/Ju/Sudai(alphabetical order, lol)
a ****load of people: CJ, sniper...random lafayette people, randall, eet, and even houma people are getting aewsome...

probably the correct order

btw, i'm the official best brawler in houma now. ask me why.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Power rankings would be neat, but I'm not sure how well it'd work. Still, it'd be worth a try.

Cyphus, I'd rather know why you're already drunk at 3pm, haha. Though, did Lee move to Nola? I've heard somewhere before that he wanted to do something like that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
prolly not a good idea to do brawl power rankings, melee was pretty heated in discussion of the order between me, john, and taylor..actually it was just us 3 argueing...but now that taylor doesn't play brawl, and john doesn't post..............el oh ****ing el (i'm drunk)

the best brawlers in the state are:
Cyphus/Ju/Sudai(alphabetical order, lol)
a ****load of people: CJ, sniper...random lafayette people, randall, eet, and even houma people are getting aewsome...

probably the correct order

btw, i'm the official best brawler in houma now. ask me why.
Sheesh, hit me below the belt why don't you. D: You guys don't pull your punches, do you?

Psyched bout the next gameware. Ya'll need a Wii?

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
Lies, I taught him CAPTAIN FALCON! My real main!! :lick:

Lee tell them it's true :ouch:

Lee, my disciple (bow to me), I will teach you everything.
I wish you would have taught me falcon. :D
But you were instead very determined on getting me to my last stock w/ him lol>!

Roy R has the best marth on the planet. I try to duplicate it but.. No. im not giving up on him yettt.

Fogo you should visit our thread more often. it gets interesting hahah.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
Wait, lee's in new orleans now?

Melee tonight? (though it'd have to be late, as I have a night class on thursdays)

Carpool to gameware?

Good things could come of this.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Falcon Dittos in Brawl are almost as epic as they are in Melee. But i have yet to land a reverse aerial Falocn Punch in Brawl >:O


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
Pritch: you missed my edit. I said that they probably won't be coming since they're all into Melee instead of Brawl. They'll play a little, but aren't too interested in tourneys. I'll see if some come along though. It's also pretty much just down to Rice, Drumma, and RAM that play still, and me randomly when with them.

For Brawl, it's just me and HolyChef here in Pensacola. Although last night UWF held a tournament and we found some other people with potential. A few knew of smashboards, but don't post. They were doing mortar slides and such already, so I was pleasantly surprised there. Before I moved to Jacksonville/Tampa, everyone here was a n00b a Melee. Hopefully I'll end up with a Pensacola Brawl crew eventually.


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
holy **** im drunk and so ****ing excited about this cinnamon match. i have no schoool tomorrow and ken didn't get kicked off of survivor. its a good night tonight


Deleted member

dam i really feel like an alcoholic now. a 12 pack of high life is a nightly ritual for me. >.>

JOE PLZ BRING RICE RAM AND DRUMMA. I WANT TO PLAY MELEE/ HANG WITH THEM. i guess boomstick is out the area too, because he doesnt seem like the type that would quit playing melee. it was too much fun hanging out with rice and boom at kite's house. i really hope they can make it. (we didnt even play much smash other than a few friendlies with rice lol).

i and a couple other ppl still only stickly play melee. me and kyle being the main two, lee is still rly good at melee but doesnt exclusively play it (but im sure if its on at my house friday night he will join). other than us, Tim, Sudai, and Ken are all known to play a decent game of melee even though sudai plays brawl mainly. tim has also grown increasingly pro since brawl came out for no reason. he is almost a top player these days.

please bring everyone friday joe! there will be a melee set up at gameware but if it seems crowded we can all just go back to my apt where everyone will be staying and set up 2-3 melees, then have everyone else join after the brawl tourney.

*is excited*


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Dibbz was fun. Completely changed how I play Marth as of today, which makes me happy, since instead of being ***** by Lucario, he did fantastic. Actually played Melee with Pritch, and it was pretty fun, I guess. I was a Tipper machine with Forward Smash.
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