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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Yeah, excuse me, in the world of competitive pokemon, I'm a newb. xDD

I was really just trying to make a fun team to annihilate my gf with.


Who's faster, starmie or jolteon?


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Yeah, excuse me, in the world of competitive pokemon, I'm a newb. xDD

I was really just trying to make a fun team to annihilate my gf with.


Who's faster, starmie or jolteon?
jolteon of course. He's one of the fastest pokemon in the game. He might be top 10 at least top 15. Of normal pokemon that is.

EDIT: He's number 6 including legendary pokemon. He's tied with Aerodactly, Crobat, and Mewtwo. Jolteon's badass.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
jolteon of course. He's one of the fastest pokemon in the game. He might be top 10 at least top 15. Of normal pokemon that is.

EDIT: He's number 6 including legendary pokemon. He's tied with Aerodactly, Crobat, and Mewtwo. Jolteon's badass.
So basically I could replace my Gyarados with Jolteon as a counter to starmie?


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
So basically I could replace my Gyarados with Jolteon as a counter to starmie?
well if you want to have a respectable team, take out Palkia or whatever other water type you were thinking of and put jolteon. But if you're using that team w/ or w/o palkia blissey more than takes care of starmie because starmie can't do anything against a leftovers blissey but in case you want back up for starmie which you need, jolteon is a good choice. So is a mismagius. I'm pretty sure Mismagius could one shot Starmie. They actually made Gyrados a good pokemon in this game, mainly because of DD, but he can get ice fang now and he needed that physical ice move since he's a sucky special attacker.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
adding the effect of physical special type moves and visa versa SEEMED like a good idea...
"this will make hte game more balanced!"
"Now Kingler...a once USELESS pokemon is strong with CRABHAMMER!"
now Gayrados, already overused has AquaTail, on top of its already broken dragon dance set.
Tyrantar's CRUNCH is now TWICE as good.
etc, etc...
it just made the top tier even stronger. Its ****ing ********.

Dusclops was ALREADY right under top tier (just underused)
its best moveset was PainSplit, FocusPunch, willowisp, shadowpunch (with EVs towards attack and special defense. Shadowpunch to counter substitute (which normally counters dusclops)
and NOW they made him EVOLVE. Dusknoir....sweet! Now he's get even better stats and can now deal REAL damage with that set.

Blissey has been broken since gold/silver, i wont argue that. Even Chancey has risen to high tier in the RBY metagame. so neither of us have to explain blisseys uses, i'm sure we're both aware.

CalmMind and Dragondance ruined RS. It make suicune, raikou, salamence, gayrados, tyrantiar, etc even better than they needed to be.
So Roar/Whirlwind instantly became OU (they were used even back in competitive GS), and now teams are battling for who can get the CalmMind/DragonDance out first, while both are ready to defend with roar/whirlwind. Batonpass is gay too...but its easier to get around then single poke-upgrading.

online competition via netbattle has always been far superior to actual gb tournaments. just so u know...(plus all ubers are banned, hah)

first national RB chamption: Ian's team
alakazam, exeggutor, rhydon, zapdos, snorlax,, Starmie
later... Tauros, amnesia slowbro, and chansey rose..leaving STILL a very small window for variety in SERIOUS RBY gaming.

GoldSilver got awesome and like 2 dozen pokemon became tourney viable, and there was more creativity in mindgaming oponents with unique movesets..you could get away with it, because relatively speaking, things still didn't die in TWO hits...
Blissey and Skarm were issues, followed closely behind Curselax (snorlax: curse, rest, return, eq) but it wasn't uncommon for even pros to agree to not use these. (though often times they would both) Misdreavus became useful in countering bliskarm via (mean look, perish song, protect, thunderbolt @leftovers)

then RS metagame changed everything. No longer was balance in issue. Everything because strictly offensive or defense. the game evolved into who could situationally establish a powered up pokemon and take out the others entire team.
and as i explained, DP made powerhouses even more brutal and games can end way too prematurely and often times by shere chance of first blood.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
adding the effect of physical special type moves and visa versa SEEMED like a good idea...
"this will make hte game more balanced!"
"Now Kingler...a once USELESS pokemon is strong with CRABHAMMER!"
now Gayrados, already overused has AquaTail, on top of its already broken dragon dance set.
Tyrantar's CRUNCH is now TWICE as good.
etc, etc...
it just made the top tier even stronger. Its ****ing ********.

Dusclops was ALREADY right under top tier (just underused)
its best moveset was PainSplit, FocusPunch, willowisp, shadowpunch (with EVs towards attack and special defense. Shadowpunch to counter substitute (which normally counters dusclops)
and NOW they made him EVOLVE. Dusknoir....sweet! Now he's get even better stats and can now deal REAL damage with that set.

Blissey has been broken since gold/silver, i wont argue that. Even Chancey has risen to high tier in the RBY metagame. so neither of us have to explain blisseys uses, i'm sure we're both aware.

CalmMind and Dragondance ruined RS. It make suicune, raikou, salamence, gayrados, tyrantiar, etc even better than they needed to be.
So Roar/Whirlwind instantly became OU (they were used even back in competitive GS), and now teams are battling for who can get the CalmMind/DragonDance out first, while both are ready to defend with roar/whirlwind. Batonpass is gay too...but its easier to get around then single poke-upgrading.
Ok let's be honest. Even with Crabhammer Kingler's useless. maybe i say this because i have a starmie, but Kingler is the least of my "worried about" pokemon.

Regarding gyrados, i hate him too. I wouldn't have cared if he had dragon dance if they didnt give him earthquake. That's the single lamest thing i've ever seen. That and the addition of the element weakening berries. If one thing could possibly break the game, that's up there with the best of them.

Regarding Dusknoir(who's on my team btw lol. I didnt get him because he was awesome looking, i traded over my dusclops from Ruby cuz it was taking forever to lvl him up to 100 :(), I'm sorry, he was needed. There are entirely too many threats like the pseudo legendaries for there not to be SOME kind of counter for them. I was SO sick of seeing salamence in it's first generation it sickened me. And Garchomp is the new salamence. Too bad for garchomp his *** got banned lol.

Regarding CM and DD, i'm almost inclined to side with you on this. It truly did become la game of "Hide the Sweeper" and "Hide the pokemon that hopefully counters your sweeper."
I actually don't so much mind some pokemon becoming better than they should be, but it made some pokemon viable. Example. Dragonite. My favorite pokemon. Before Dragon Dance and Outrage, he wasn't OU. so what was that1-2 generations? He instantly became a force because of the introduction of those 2 moves. And now he can have earthquake? Hell yea. I dont think it was about breaking the game as much as them trying to make pokemon viable to play with. And some just weren't before these changes.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Omg...I just looked at the Platinum Move Tutor moves. And i've lost all hope for pokemon in one single instance....Gayrados can learn Outrage now...I think I may be done with Competitive pokemon now. They've broken the game.

EDIT: ....And so can Salamence. In one ****ing game they've screwed over Dragonite. If salamence can get outrage there's no reason for dragonite to exist anymore. I'm so pissed right now.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
u beat me, before some minor edits.
i was being sarcastic about kingler. I meant that they didn't balance ****. Kingler STILL sucks, and high tier got better.
I'd argue Dragonite is a fair pokemon, Salamence wsan't....but now that outrage is phys(?) plus dragon dance, awesome..now instead of having a fair dragon and a broken dragon..we now have 2 broken dragons..so now its more fair................?

does weakness-elimination berry work on Shedinja? hahahahah I surely HOPE they knew better than that.

EDIT: on 2nd thought, nobody cares about my old teams...


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
All this talk of Pokemon makes me feel old. I played it only for a year when it first came out during the sixth grade [1998?].


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
u beat me, before some minor edits.
i was being sarcastic about kingler. I meant that they didn't balance ****. Kingler STILL sucks, and high tier got better.
I'd argue Dragonite is a fair pokemon, Salamence wsan't....but now that outrage is phys(?) plus dragon dance, awesome..now instead of having a fair dragon and a broken dragon..we now have 2 broken dragons..so now its more fair................?

does weakness-elimination berry work on Shedinja? hahahahah I surely HOPE they knew better than that.

this was one of my favorite teams in RS that i used
Its a trick sandstorm team..all the movesets have surprises to throw off other OU teams:
Tyran: DD, Rockslide, Flamethrower, Icebeam (speed up...then punish skarm/salamence/etc lol
Claydol: lscreen, reflect, rapid spin, explosion (deffinately my worst moveset..but i enjoy the occasional **** it offers for tyrantiar, etc)
registeel: counter, rest, seismic toss, toxic (all EVs on special DF as a pseudo blissey, that i'd save usually for end game to chip)

aero: substitue, rockslie, toxic, HP flying (my fav moveset, everyone expects Choiceband, this ****s up alot of ****
swampert: surf, icebeam roar, eq (ok, i lied..nothign special about this one)
skarm: spikes, counter, substitue whirlwind (skarmoy gets hit by physical a surprsing amount..especially DD'd Rockslides, focuspunches, and Reversals..50/50 chance it happens in battle, lol

as u can see..even when i play a top tier style team..i handicap myself for style points...but sometimes it pays off.
my FAV team to use is always my Mono-Ice. I've mono-iced since GS, and would so often even though RS. I 'probably' have the best IceTeam................in the world ;P
Thing is, Dragonite's ONLY edge over all the other dragons was the fact that Outrage got changed to physical AND it had the only combo of DD and Outrage, all the other dragons had only DD or only Outrage. And dragonite got the shaft of platinum. Dragonite at least had a chance going head to head with a salamence. And NO the berries dont work on Shedinja. They only halve the damage. Not negate it.

My team for RS was if i can remember correctly
Flygon(I thought ground/dragon was so tight so i had to have me one. I ran Flamethrower, EQ, Dragon Claw, and Crunch)
Blaziken(Sky Uppercut, Overheat, Aerial Ace, and Bulk Up
Metagross(my meta was kinda nubby with Iron defense, agility, MM, and Psychic)
Lanturn/Milotic/Starmie(Lanturn has saved my *** more times than i can count because of it's typing and being able to BoltBeamRay :D. Milotic with Mirror Coat + Recover was awesomesauce, and starmie is just awesomesauce all by itself
Alakazam(i ran the punch set since it was so effective, but this was when elements were special)
Cacturne/Dusclops(One of the only grass pokemon i liked and Dusclops was the tank from hell.)


NidoKing(it's so funny because i ran an elemental set NidoKing and it killed so many pokemon by sheer surprise that I loaded nido with that move, i went IB, TB, Megahorn, EQ worked wonders)

On the bright side, I'm much more intelligent since the Ruby days, with Diamond. I have so many awesome guys i raised from scratch just because theres no more of a need to lvl to 100.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
u beat me, before some minor edits.
i was being sarcastic about kingler. I meant that they didn't balance ****. Kingler STILL sucks, and high tier got better.
I'd argue Dragonite is a fair pokemon, Salamence wsan't....but now that outrage is phys(?) plus dragon dance, awesome..now instead of having a fair dragon and a broken dragon..we now have 2 broken dragons..so now its more fair................?

does weakness-elimination berry work on Shedinja? hahahahah I surely HOPE they knew better than that.

EDIT: on 2nd thought, nobody cares about my old teams...
dude you're talking to a pokemon master.



but anyway i'm tired of talking pokemon because platinum pisses me off by ruining an awesome competitive game by breaking it like that.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
i was going to share my new main on here but the last 3 pages is cluttered with pokemon talk. i thought this was Smashboards come on. i was talking a lot about what roy r taught me though;D. or that could just be a mindgame.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
i was going to share my new main on here but the last 3 pages is cluttered with pokemon talk. i thought this was Smashboards come on. i was talking a lot about what roy r taught me though;D. or that could just be a mindgame.
lol my bad. forgive me, as i literally have noone to talk about pokemon about and it's the video game i know in detail most about thus i had to take the opportunity to do so.

And fyi, i totally just youtube'd roy r and he plays as Marth, so i'm gonna assume marth's your new test subject.

Do I get a brownie now?

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
lol my bad. forgive me, as i literally have noone to talk about pokemon about and it's the video game i know in detail most about thus i had to take the opportunity to do so.

And fyi, i totally just youtube'd roy r and he plays as Marth, so i'm gonna assume marth's your new test subject.

Do I get a brownie now?
lol its okay man. no need for apologizing it was just a lot of pkmn talk hahah. marths one
of my new test subjects.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
lucario ditto mm? 2/3

lucarios dittos SO fun. its like whoever kills first wins
lol i am no where near confident enough to mm anyone at this stage in my smash career. I just wanted to see if i need to go cry in a corner if your secondaries are better than my main. I saw you play eric and i was curious as to how i'd fare against ya. MM lucario ditto at the next monthly tho, 3 weeks wasn't enough time to exactly train :(.

EDIT: I take that back. I might do it if it's like 5 dollars. I thought you were gonna go hardcore on me and want 20 dolla MM.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
lol i am no where near confident enough to mm anyone at this stage in my smash career. I just wanted to see if i need to go cry in a corner if your secondaries are better than my main. I saw you play eric and i was curious as to how i'd fare against ya. MM lucario ditto at the next monthly tho, 3 weeks wasn't enough time to exactly train :(.

EDIT: I take that back. I might do it if it's like 5 dollars. I thought you were gonna go hardcore on me and want 20 dolla MM.
haha yeah just 5 lol. i dont know why your not confident though. your lucario is Crazyyyyyy good. i wouldnt mm you if it wasnt. I'm down for neutrals as well.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
I'm with Ran on this one... I FEEL VERY OLD, THANKS GUYS. I played Pokemonz when it was still just Red, Blue, and Yellow. =(

Also I played only to have all the cutest pokemon, including every evolution of Eevee. <3


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
this is pretty random, and it has nothing to do with the pokemon discussion (sorry. havent played since the original 150.) Just curious.

How old is everyone on LA boards?

that and im not sure if i can make it friday. my grand-aunt died yesterday and me and my cousin have to be in NAtchitoches by saturday morning for the funeral. we'll see, if all goes according to plan, i should still be able to go.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
haha yeah just 5 lol. i dont know why your not confident though. your lucario is Crazyyyyyy good. i wouldnt mm you if it wasnt. I'm down for neutrals as well.
thanks for the compliment. i'll be confident if i can get further in teh tournament this time around. I saddened myself by getting knocked out so early last tourney.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
this is pretty random, and it has nothing to do with the pokemon discussion (sorry. havent played since the original 150.) Just curious.

How old is everyone on LA boards?

that and im not sure if i can make it friday. my grand-aunt died yesterday and me and my cousin have to be in NAtchitoches by saturday morning for the funeral. we'll see, if all goes according to plan, i should still be able to go.
im sorry to hear about that man. hope everything gets better for ya. but i am 18. i turn 19 this month on oct. 27

thanks for the compliment. i'll be confident if i can get further in teh tournament this time around. I saddened myself by getting knocked out so early last tourney.

its okay you proved to us how good you were in friendlies and in teams. ;]


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
its okay you proved to us how good you were in friendlies and in teams. ;]
omg lee i've been meaning to ask you. Since you played Azen's lucario and all. Who'd you have a harder time against. I heard you say you beat his lucario with ease. I was curious to see how far along i might be. Be brutal, if you can remember that is.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
omg lee i've been meaning to ask you. Since you played Azen's lucario and all. Who'd you have a harder time against. I heard you say you beat his lucario with ease. I was curious to see how far along i might be. Be brutal, if you can remember that is.
i didnt beat it with like ease. but like. it wasnt that bad though. lol. i just dont wanna start anything. your lucario and his are about even. but i think john wu's lucario is incredible. better than azen's easy. take no offense.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2008
Shreveport, LA
i didnt beat it with like ease. but like. it wasnt that bad though. lol. i just dont wanna start anything. your lucario and his are about even. but i think john wu's lucario is incredible. better than azen's easy. take no offense.
none taken. i just wanted your imput since you're the only person i know who's fought both of us. And yea i saw john wu's lucario, he's f-ing ridiculous. I wish he had more vids.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
hehe. so you never told me if you were up for that mm. i wanna do a couple mm's and ima write them down or something. lol. but i wont be using Mk. :D

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
haha sounds awesome. sudai i think that me and you should have a note taking money match. without money. 2/3 if you win i'll take detailed notes of you and if i win you do it for me =D


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
yea i'm up for it. I'll try to see if i can up my power level to SS lvl 2 aka 200 percent lucario IRL. That's my GOAL.
random quote but w/e, ppl were over while everyone was havin the pkmn talk. Yeah I don't have aim so not sure how I can help u fix shoddy. As far as balance goes this game is easily second. I was far to young for my parents to let me take competitive rby seriously, but trust me it was the most broken. G/S was the most balanced due to the special split. RSE wasn't that balanced due to choice band and no choice specs. BandCross meant you had to carry something that could take a physical hit. DPP isn't as broken as it may seem. You have to be kinda careful to let DDdos setup. Starmie, jolteon, and gengar all outspeed him after a dd and jolt is the only one that can't get a safe switch since it might be packing eq. Since chomp is uber now, its more balanced than ever. Bliss is actually overrated now. Both CCs are way to common and even maxdef get ohko'd by an unstab'd cross chop. If you find DPP to be stale, try integrating some BL pkmn into your team. BLs can get much more creative and surprise a lot more ppl. For example, my physical sceptile saved my ace many times.


Smash Cadet
Aug 16, 2008
Houma / Thibodaux, LA
I'm really hungry right now...

Testament, sorry about your aunt , i turn 20 in 9 days.

lee, bring that GC controller shell on Friday

I don't think i can play in the low tier tourney i totally forgot to practice with one (a low tier) and i can't learn one in 2 days, i blame school.

cyphus is the best pokemon player in the world


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
sudai i think that me and you should have a note taking money match. without money. 2/3 if you win i'll take detailed notes of you and if i win you do it for me =D
LMFAO. Explain to me how this would work and I might accept it? I'm pretty ****ed confident in my observance of things.

Testament, really sorry to hear that that happened. You know the entirety of the boards are here for you if you need it.

Sudai is 18.

Sudai knows all 5 of Lee's new test subjects, lulz.

Pokemon got stupid after the original 151 (aside from Piplup and Pachirisu, those *****es are awesome)

Roy_R really does main CFalc. I saw a vid of him ****** <insert someone that's kinda good> with it. Three stock both matches.

I think there was more I wanted to respond to, but my brain is mush right now so I'm not sure. Studying for Engineering Midterm + Making a ****ing huge reference thread for the ROB boards = exhausting. x.x

Oh, oh, speaking of that! Could you guys do me a huge favor and tell me what stages you think your mains do poorly on and where they do well?
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