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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Nope, we're not even going to get started on this ****. But you're an idiot.

@bomber that's not even true, the ban kept daniel from coming and kept lee martin from entering. I certainly wouldn't have come if it wasn't the only tournament that fit into my schedule for the summer.
Actually, not paying for Brawl kept Lee out of the tournament. He actually held us up for 30 minutes trying to get us to add him to the bracket. So don't tell me MK ban had an affect on Lee's attendance. Plus I'm not worried about a small handful of people who didn't come because MK was banned.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
@Everyone, no don't worry guys I want to avoid this more EVEN more than yall. Wont even start.

@redson, who are you and why does your opinion matter

@bomber, who are you even trying to appease with the ban? How many people will ACTUALLY not show up because MK is legal. Empirically it's never stopped people from attending, and it's already proven that the ban has driven away some of our regulars.

Also, don't devalue LA's regulars, like you have been doing, they are the backbone of tournament attendance and deserve to be held in a higher regard than the random people you are trying to attract to your tournies.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
But on the real though, the only thing that really matters is that there are plenty of options for people that don't want to attend metaknight legal tournies and vice versa.

I'm only concerned that since BRM and NOM are gone that only MK banned tournaments will be left.

But as I understand from talking to erick that the next smashcon is going to be legal? Atleast that's what I gathered.

:metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight::metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight::metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight: :metaknight:


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
@Everyone, no don't worry guys I want to avoid this more EVEN more than yall. Wont even start.

@redson, who are you and why does your opinion matter

@bomber, who are you even trying to appease with the ban? How many people will ACTUALLY not show up because MK is legal. Empirically it's never stopped people from attending, and it's already proven that the ban has driven away some of our regulars.

Also, don't devalue LA's regulars, like you have been doing, they are the backbone of tournament attendance and deserve to be held in a higher regard than the random people you are trying to attract to your tournies.
How about this Okuser. Instead of taking our altercation here, you PM me about it. That way, no one has to witness the nonsense what otherwise occur here.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
How about this Okuser. Instead of taking our altercation here, you PM me about it. That way, no one has to witness the nonsense what otherwise occur here.
That's ok, I've said what I was thinking and now I'm done talking about it. I understand that people are going to hold onto their opinions and that's perfectly OK, because there is plenty of evidence to support a ban, and vice versa.

Bottomline: the only thing that matters is that there is tournament diversity so people get to choose which tournies they want to attend based on rulesets. Which is why I'll probably be announcing my tournament series soon.

also, it's amazing how civil things stay without the regular circle jerk crew stirring the pot.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2011
Baton Rouge
Black 2 and White 2? Srs?

also, what tier does everyone use? Or does everyone have a team for multiple?

edit2: We should get an LA skype message going, for discussions just like this.

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Hey guys, I plan to register for WHOBO sometime tomorrow, so I need to know which would be less expensive: Buying a Megabus ticket, or getting a carpool together. If you are interested in coming with me, PLEASE PM ME ASAP!!!!!!


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
So uh, I wasn't trying to emphasize the MK ban thing. I wanted to know more about your plans for a regional circuit because I had envisioned something similar, and wanted to also push for an ATL south national sometime next summer. Maybe I'm just an idealist, but I'd like to see increased cooperation between our states. It's not necessary to cooperate on local events when we aren't drawing in the same players, but regional and national events are something else entirely. I think AL has it's own resources to bring to the table if an inter-state project is in the works. We don't have to be the ones to start it, but the ASL definitely wants something like this to happen.

I personally hate ruleset disputes. I think they are poison to our community.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
I'm not against the MK, I'm not really for it either. I honestly don't care about MK, but if we do intend to have MK legal tournaments, I think we should use the Japanese Ruleset. After watching SKTAR and the results, it seems like that ruleset brings back some hype and diversity into competitive Brawl.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
I feel like japanese stagelist favors the ultra high tiers like olimar, icies and diddy way too much.

Plus counterpicking is fun. mo stages = mo fun


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
SKTAR only used 6 stages or w/e?

Yes they did, and it had mostly positive reactions

I feel like japanese stagelist favors the ultra high tiers like olimar, icies and diddy way too much.

Plus counterpicking is fun. mo stages = mo fun
Not necessarily, it just limits the stages to be more neutral and less gayness during matches, which is probably why the Japanese banned the other stages. Counterpicking is fun when you can just pick a gay stage to **** someone over, but this limits you to just fight of skill on a neutral stage. It's not like we have any notable Olimars or Icies in LA anyway.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Yes they did, and it had mostly positive reactions
Source and can you speak for the players who didn't go?

Not necessarily, it just limits the stages to be more neutral and less gayness during matches, which is probably why the Japanese banned the other stages. Counterpicking is fun when you can just pick a gay stage to **** someone over, but this limits you to just fight of skill on a neutral stage. It's not like we have any notable Olimars or Icies in LA anyway.
Define gayness. Diddy vs. half the cast on FD is more gayness than Diddy vs. half the cast on Frigate.

Seriously though, you and Mar both need to check your definitions:

Tell me, do you know either the time or the visual cue for when the boat ends? Do you know how many rotations that RCruise runs through in eight minutes? Do you know what happens when you grab someone and the platform you are on disappears?

Do you know the timer on Brinstar lava flows? Do you know how much of Brinstar is actually random? Do you know when the floor over the Brinstar pods is solid and when it is not? Do you know when the Brinstar membrane reforms or how much it takes to break it?

Now, tell me. Do you know how to glide toss? How to ZCatch and how to ZDrop. Do you know the frame that Diddy's Fair comes out on or how to cancel peanut popgun?

Skill is simply the ability to take knowledge and apply it. How in the world it take more skill to beat G&W on FD/Smashville with Diddy than it takes to beat Diddy on RCruise/Brinstar?
You can try and shove your opinionated garbage if that's your style, but take this bull**** and stick it up your ***.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
imo, the only thing a ruleset should do is remove excessive randomness and allow for things to finish in a reasonable time

The rest is just people trying to get rid of **** they don't like.

I think it would be more valid to ban Peach or GnW from the game than it would be to ban MK or go down to 6 stages

Obviously my opinion is better than any of yours so that's all I'm posting on the topic.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
imo, the only thing a ruleset should do is remove excessive randomness and allow for things to finish in a reasonable time

The rest is just people trying to get rid of **** they don't like.

I think it would be more valid to ban Peach or GnW from the game than it would be to ban MK or go down to 6 stages

Obviously my opinion is better than any of yours so that's all I'm posting on the topic.
Your opinion is kick *** yo



Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
I'm not coming from dictionary.com for my definitions, I'm sure you just as well as everyone else understand where I'm getting at. Aside from Pokemon Stadium, those are the most neutral stages. Neutral as in they don't have different phases, the stage is just there and it stays there, you don't have to worry about boats, you don't have to worry about lava or disappearing platforms, it's just you vs your opponent instead of vs your opponent and the stage. The positive aspects of the Japanese ruleset and the results of SKTAR show some diversity and a rise in characters other than MK.

I honestly don't give a **** about the MK ban/legal. I'm just sharing my opinion, I'm not shoving it down anyone's throats, I'm only saying what I think about the situation. One side is talking about banning MK, which I don't mind and then the other side is talking about making him legal and I just gave my 2 cents on something we could experiment with if we make him legal.

I know the gayness of fighting Diddy on FD...I main him and I've fought other Diddys, I'm not denying that, but Diddy isn't being banned, he's not suspect and even if he was I'm not going to complain, I have other characters to fall back on. I'm not going to let that stop me from going to tourneys and having fun.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Where did I mention MK? Where did I mention banning Diddy?

What you're getting at is that you discredit other players for learning to use a tool that improves their character simply because it looks different. You're very much playing against the stage on FD because it takes platforms away from the opponent and it contains no stage elements that force an opponent to move. Diddy, again using him as my example, can literally sit there with a banana and his pop gun and there is **** all that G&W can do about it without the Diddy player making a mistake. There are no opportunities where Diddy must leave the ground or move at all where you may make your play. The lack of platforms cuts off an entire avenue of approach. Diddy simply has to sit there and not take a bait that he knows is coming. How is skill a greater determinant of the outcome in that situation as opposed to one such as RCruise where Diddy still has access to the tools that make him win the match-up, but is in an environment where they are more difficult to abuse? In either case, assuming that both players play equally well on both stages, it takes more "skill" for Diddy to win on RCruise and more "skill" for G&W to win on FD. By wanting to ban one and not the other because you want to "limit the gayness" and make it "just fight of skill" you are proposing a double standard that soft buffs certain characters. Why should the stagelist benefit Falco, Diddy, ICs, and Olimar instead of benefiting G&W, Wario, Kirby, and Jigglypuff?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
The whole point of this topic was MK (whether you mentioned him or not)...which is why I brought up experimenting with JP ruleset. But like I said, I don't give a **** so why bother, I'm much too lazy to continue this.

Why should the stagelist benefit those characters instead of these characters?
Cuz **** em, that's why :troll:

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Why should a stage list favor any particular grouping of characters? Shouldn't the goal be to make it as balanced as possible for all of the characters?

Honest question. This was always the one facet of the proban bunch that I could never grasp.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
This game will never be balanced...neither will the stagelist.
The unbalancedness of the characters will only emphasize this.
As for where I sit on the MK ban, Idgaf

The main reason for the ban at this point in time is to try to encourage more players to step into the community through Smash Con and Smash Con sponsored tourneys. Having to constantly see MKs may discourage players for whatever reason.

The only one I ever really see complain about the MK ban is Okuser literally and majority of the things he says doesn't justify his selfishness for wanting him legal. If he can't sit through a few MK banned tourneys just for the sake of building the community, then it's really a damn shame.

You talk about wanting a better community and wanting growth but you're not willing to sacrifice for it.
@Ryker I know where you're coming from, but I'm just tired of the MK ban/legal topic constantly coming up from the same person.
Like I said, my opinion only suggested experimenting with a ruleset, it wasn't forcing anything upon anyone. They don't HAVE to do it.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2005
Opelousas, LA
Shoutouts to Vaughn's mario kart tourney getting more people than most melee and brawl tourneys these days. Btw I'm feeling well enough to travel again so I'm coming back to the competitive scene, it feels like its been forever. Gunner I need to get my tv from your apartment someday, I'm so sorry for leaving it there for so long.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
My biggest beef with the Japanese ruleset is that there are only three neutrals. Characters who thrive on long, flat stages can force you to start on either FD or Smashville, then with no Dave's Stupid Rule, they can take you back to one of those later in the set. At Player-1's tournament where he had the SKTAR ruleset, I twice had sets against Diddy Kong players that went exactly like this:

I strike FD, they strike BF, we go to Smashville.
I lose on Smashville, I counterpick to BF.
I win and ban FD. They counterpick to Smashville.
I lose the set.

Smashville and FD are good stages, but no stage is perfect. Diddy Kong, for instance, is polarizing on both. I would not have had to play 2/3 of my matches against him on Smashville if there were more neutrals or if there was DSR.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I think the best total stage list is Unity 2.1 minus Brinstar, RC, but I personally wouldn't mind seeing PS2 and Delfino being banned too.

The biggest enemy to liberal stagelists is the "we don't like it" mentality imo.

I don't really mind the japanese ruleset or SKTAR ruleset, but I think DSR and being able to ban a starter are necessary.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
Well Cam, it's like I said, because we're are only experimenting, we can add DSR if we want. It is a test right? So why not try that variation in the rules.

I probably think of it differently because when I play my tourney sets I always tell my opponents I don't give a **** what stage we play on, I don't even ban any stages, you can ask anyone. An example of a set with me:
Opp: What stage do you strike?
Me: I don't care what stage we start on
If I win:
Opp: What stage do you ban?
Me: Nothing, I don't care about that ****
You get the picture.
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