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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
local tourneys should start implementing the 40/30/20/10 split at least there a good amount of people who are able to atleast get forth
exactly. theres plenty of talent in the smash scene that isn't being recognized and rewarded. Why this all-or-nothing/get better mentality has always been beyond me. In case noone noticed --people having been trying for years. Years of the community rewarding the same top players. And nothing is wrong with that - but some initiative to the halfway point of impossible is healthy


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yall should run seasons with grouped pots rather than paying out 6.50.

Like run a 6 tournament season that's point based and then payout for top 5 so you actually get something at the end, and you're encourage to show up to as many tournaments as possible cause people who show up to more and rank consistently higher get a higher payout.

It also forces competition between 2-5 and then maybe towards 1-2. HOLLA


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i dont think people would like that. players should be rewarded for their individual performance and not on account of attendance. people also prefer instant gratification and will be shakey on the idea of waiting out a season to get paid.
seasons could definitely be something we could aspire to, but right now we just payout not so top heavy.

Deleted member

i wouldnt be down for the seasonal payment. i already miss 9/10 tournaments and that would just make it worse with my work schedule


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009
I'll consult with every other TO to make sure that we're on the same page when scheduling dates. I would like to get EGL scheduled for March/early April and get back at UL for Spring Break.

I think I won't do Melee, but I'll do pools and a top 4 payout. I just need interest/hype generated.

And sorry about the lack of pizza at EGL lol.

By consulting, I meant tomorrow lol. Got school **** today.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
It's hard to split money lower into the placings because of the level of attendants we get. Personally, I feel that top four [or five if more than 25 people] should all get their money back for entering. Right now we have issues filling a 16 man bracket which makes creating that split pretty hard. Just remember, unlike Lee, everyone else shouldn't have too much of an issue money matching people. If you ever need help finding someone your level to challenge at a tournament, let me know.

160 Pot [16x10 dollars]
57% = 91.20
27% = 43.20
10% = 16.00
6% = 9.60 [And gets the change from the other winnings.]

80 Pot [16x5 dollars]
57% = 45.60
27% = 21.60
10% = 8.00
6% = 4.80 [And splits the change from the other winnings with 3rd.]

I'll do these splits IF we hit 16 people in a tournament.

I'm already doing stuff like Novice Bracket to encourage people to come to the events, which IS taking money out of the pot in the short term; however it's a long term investment for lower players that will eventually routinely enter the main brackets. It's proven to work with players such as Curlz [and his car pool], Savon, Snag, and now Adam. These are players that otherwise wouldn't have driven the NOLA for the events, or would have simply dropped Smash due to lack of an entry point into the scene. Now that I'm focusing on getting side events before the main events, we did see an increase in attendants due to the influx of players from the Novice Bracket.

The state of our scene in regards to its size is really just a matter of total mismanagement from day one when a player enters our scene. From hazing, to utter devastation in a tournament by seeding, we inadvertently did everything we could to eliminate players. This makes doing anything else [such as better splits] much harder because our player pool is small. Due to the lack of locals that attend, we rarely get OOS attendance. I'm actually planning on putting a $50 dollar bounty into a tournament soon out of my own pocket to encourage OOS to come.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Hazing only happens to some people

And continues to happen to certain people

32 composite act get at me


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
The state of our scene in regards to its size is really just a matter of total mismanagement from day one when a player enters our scene. From hazing, to utter devastation in a tournament by seeding, we inadvertently did everything we could to eliminate players. .
Hazing? Who the hell have we actually hazed? I mean besides the guy who took the cinnamon match, but he asked for it. You think a little verbal abuse is gonna bother some of these people? What other kind of hazing are you talking about? Is JNig putting broomsticks up folks' *****? We're not grabbing new people because we're not vocal and we're lazy (except for a handful of people), and we're not keeping them because we're (not me in particular) kicking their collective ***. But yeah, I agree, a few folks who want to be TOs need to go balls out and promote like a mutha.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
People whispering trashtalk in your ears while you play tourney matches is annoying yo


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
sorry curlz
i didn't care to enter brawl after i had gotten 3rd in melee - to find out curlz changed the payout to top 2. If you're going to change something as important as payout (especially in a negative direction- which should never happen) you had better make sure every individual candidate knows.

i've brought this up many a times to LA TOs: if you want better turnouts, you have to give a Reason to enter tournaments if you're name isn't Lee Martin. Can you even imagine how much more ENCOURAGED smashers would be with a pot split of 40/30/20/10? Its not just for now - but a system to keep smashers continuing to enter. Nobody enters ever expecting to win, on top us all supposed to being friends - so i dont see why we have to resort to extremes as 70/30 split even if 3rd place doesn't make more than he paid to enter. People don't actually enter expecting to win - they pay to have fun and even a few bucks for a pizza is a nice reward for a job well done.
I go to school, work, etc...so the chump change of 6.50 (i would have won) is not what i'm salty about. Its the principle and I would be equally upset if someone else was jipped out their payout too from an arbitrary rule change, and told to just 'get better' when brought up to someone getting paid to host a tournament.

also shwop

We have a decent scene in Louisiana, we just have to give people a reason to come out...

I would support that 40/30/20/10 split.

Also guys, we need to think of ways to increase hype in general. I think our locals could hit 40+ if EVERYONE was inspired to come out.

Has anyone considered reducing entry fee to five? I thought is was kind of discouraging to pay 10 knowing that I wouldn't get top 3 (but that was back then :reverse: I'm moving up)

I know Lousiananime is coming up again, and it's at a nice hotel. We should really try to make it as big as possible.

I don't really know how, but it would also be nice if we could attract some OoS players too. We need to work on broadcasting in general, although I'm not too sure on how to do it well.

Biggest discouraging factor IMO: Entering first tournament and going 0-2 with no other reason to stay.

Just throwing out ideas. And please, no more Sunday tournaments. Not only did my mom tell me no more, but I was tired as hell and had to get up for school :<


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
CI's fee is $5. Imo, spending $10 + a venue fee, I don't care if the venue fee is a couple of dollars, it's still $12 just for singles alone and then you're probably going to want to enter other events too, not to mention the fact that you aren't guaranteed to win. $5 is reasonable, 10+ is something I'd expect for something like LasT or big like that.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
I think one of our main issues is that there is a significant portion of the scene that it immobile, which makes for less attendance at even OoC tournaments, much less OoS.

That said, I think the youth are still the best targets towards getting people into the game. I'm talking about school kids. I got Savon and Adam interested in the game, and I've gone out of my way to see that other schoolmates know that there is competitve smash, and this is at a small private school with a low supply of nerdy gamer kids. I'm sure that other schools have people who would be interested in competitive smash (especially since brawl is new and it's so easy to pick up), it's just a matter of getting the word out.

However, for New Orleans, there is a concern for the smash scene growing, because our venue, Dibbz, is really small. If we increased our turnouts by 1/3rd we might not be able to fit everyone in the place, especially with the lack of chairs. With a growing scene comes the necessity of a new venue.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
It's hard for some of us to get kids into it. I know most parents don't want me hanging out with their 17 year old son. College kids gotta step it up. More smashfests. Smashfests are the way to go. I know everyone is all into the tournys, but smashfests are the way to go. Write that down. No seriously, write that **** down. There's a lot of people that play (like *****es) that need a little direction, we need to find em.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
That was more directed at people who are still in high school. But doing stuff like putting up posters advertising tournaments around schools and malls could be effective too.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I'm 16 with a spotless record and my mom had significant doubts with letting me get any rides...and she still does >_<

BR needs to be bigger. It's a one hour ride for both Laffy and NOLA. CI has a pretty good amount of space too.

We need better advertising.
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